public void ShouldContain(string name)
            var methodInfos = DomainExtensions.Methods(typeof(child));

            methodInfos.Any(m => m.Name == name).Should().Be(true);
        public void ShouldNotContain(string name, Type type)
            var methodInfos = DomainExtensions.Methods(type);

            methodInfos.Any(m => m.Name == name).Should().Be(false);
Beispiel #3
        public override IEnumerable <PendingSwap> Update()
            // wait another 10s to execute eth interop
                lock (String.Intern("PendingSetCurrentHeight_" + EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform))
                    var result = new List <PendingSwap>();

                    // initial start, we have to verify all processed swaps
                    if (initialStart)
                        Logger.Debug($"Read all ethereum blocks now.");
                        var allInteropBlocks = OracleReader.ReadAllBlocks(EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform, EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform);

                        Logger.Debug($"Found {allInteropBlocks.Count} blocks");

                        foreach (var block in allInteropBlocks)
                            ProcessBlock(block, ref result);

                        initialStart = false;

                        // return after the initial start to be able to process all swaps that happend in the mean time.

                    var currentHeight       = ethAPI.GetBlockHeight();
                    var _interopBlockHeight = BigInteger.Parse(OracleReader.GetCurrentHeight(EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform, EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform));
                    Logger.Debug($"Swaps: Current Eth chain height: {currentHeight}, interop: {_interopBlockHeight}, delta: {currentHeight - _interopBlockHeight}");

                    var blocksProcessedInOneBatch = 0;
                    while (blocksProcessedInOneBatch < 50)
                        if (_resyncBlockIds.Any())
                            for (var i = 0; i < _resyncBlockIds.Count; i++)
                                var blockId = _resyncBlockIds.ElementAt(i);
                                if (blockId > _interopBlockHeight)
                                    this.Logger.Warning($"EthInterop:Update() resync block {blockId} higher than current interop height, can't resync.");

                                    this.Logger.Debug($"EthInterop:Update() resync block {blockId} now.");
                                    var block = GetInteropBlock(blockId);
                                    ProcessBlock(block, ref result);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    this.Logger.Error($"EthInterop:Update() resync block {blockId} failed: " + e);


                        var blockDifference = currentHeight - _interopBlockHeight;
                        if (blockDifference < confirmations)
                            // no need to query the node yet

                        //TODO quick sync not done yet, requieres a change to the oracle impl to fetch multiple blocks
                        //var nextHeight = (blockDifference > 50) ? 50 : blockDifference; //TODO

                        //var transfers = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<InteropTransfer>>>();

                        //if (nextHeight > 1)
                        //    var blockCrawler = new EthBlockCrawler(logger, contracts.ToArray(), 0/*confirmations*/, ethAPI); //TODO settings confirmations

                        //    blockCrawler.Fetch(currentHeight, nextHeight);
                        //    transfers = blockCrawler.ExtractInteropTransfers(logger, LocalAddress);
                        //    foreach (var entry in transfers)
                        //    {
                        //        foreach (var txInteropTransfer in entry.Value)
                        //        {
                        //            foreach (var interopTransfer in txInteropTransfer.Value)
                        //            {
                        //                result.Add(new PendingSwap(
                        //                    this.PlatformName
                        //                    ,Hash.Parse(entry.Key)
                        //                    ,interopTransfer.sourceAddress
                        //                    ,interopTransfer.interopAddress)
                        //                );
                        //            }
                        //        }
                        //    }

                        //    _interopBlockHeight = nextHeight;
                        //    oracleReader.SetCurrentHeight(EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform, EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform, _interopBlockHeight.ToString());

                        /* Future improvement, implement oracle call to fetch multiple blocks */
                        var url = DomainExtensions.GetOracleBlockURL(
                            EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform, EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform, PBigInteger.FromUnsignedArray(_interopBlockHeight.ToByteArray(), true));

                        var interopBlock = OracleReader.Read <InteropBlock>(DateTime.Now, url);

                        ProcessBlock(interopBlock, ref result);


                    OracleReader.SetCurrentHeight(EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform, EthereumWallet.EthereumPlatform, _interopBlockHeight.ToString());

                    var total = result.Count();
                    if (total > 0)
                        Logger.Message($"found {total} ethereum swaps");
                        Logger.Debug($"did not find any ethereum swaps");
            catch (Exception e)
                var logMessage = "EthereumInterop.Update() exception caught:\n" + e.Message;
                var inner      = e.InnerException;
                while (inner != null)
                    logMessage += "\n---> " + inner.Message + "\n\n" + inner.StackTrace;
                    inner       = inner.InnerException;
                logMessage += "\n\n" + e.StackTrace;


                return(new List <PendingSwap>());