public ActionResult Sign(string SPHostURL, string SPListItemId, string SPListId, string SPSource, string SPListURLDir, string SPItemUrl, string Method)
            // Prepare the document
            var spContext = SharePointContextProvider.Current.GetSharePointContext(HttpContext);
            var document  = GetDocumentForSigningFromSPList(spContext, SPListId, SPListItemId);

            // Prepare the request to the Signicat document service
            var request = GetRequest(document, Method, SPListId, SPSource, SPListURLDir);

            // Send the request to Signicat
            createrequestresponse response;

            using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                response = client.createRequest(request);

            // And then forward the end user to the signature process URL
            String signHereUrl =

        internal taskstatusinfo[] getStatus(string requestId)
                using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                    var request = new getstatusrequest
                        password  = "******",
                        service   = "prosesspilotene",
                        requestid = new string[]

                    var taskStatusInfo = client.getStatus(request);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        public ActionResult Return(string rid, string SPListId, string documentName, string SPSource, string SPListURLDir)
            // Get the tokens
            string spAppToken = Request.Cookies["SPAppToken"].Value;
            string spHostURL = Request.Cookies["SPHostURL"].Value;

            using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                var getStatusResponse = client.getStatus(new getstatusrequest
                    password = PASSWORD,
                    service = SERVICE,
                    requestid = new string[] { rid }

                // If there's no signature result available, we assume it's been cancelled
                // and just send the user back to the document list he/she came from
                if (getStatusResponse.First().documentstatus == null)
                    return Redirect(SPSource);

                // Otherwise, we get the URI to the SDO (signed document object)
                string resultUri = getStatusResponse.First().documentstatus.First().resulturi;

                // Let's just use an old school HTTP WebClient with Basic authentication
                // to download the signed document from Signicat Session Data Storage
                byte[] sdo;
                string contentType;
                using (var webClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
                    webClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(SERVICE, PASSWORD);
                    sdo = webClient.DownloadData(resultUri);
                    contentType = webClient.ResponseHeaders["Content-Type"];

                // Now, let's upload it to the same document list as the original
                SharePointContextToken contextToken = TokenHelper.ReadAndValidateContextToken(spAppToken, Request.Url.Authority);
                string accessToken = TokenHelper.GetAccessToken(contextToken, new Uri(spHostURL).Authority).AccessToken;
                using (var clientContext = TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithAccessToken(spHostURL.ToString(), accessToken))
                    if (clientContext != null)
                        List list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(Guid.Parse(SPListId));
                        var fileCreationInformation = new FileCreationInformation
                            Content = sdo,
                            Overwrite = true,
                            Url = spHostURL + SPListURLDir + "/" + documentName + " - SIGNED" + GetFileExtensionForContentType(contentType)
                        var uploadFile = list.RootFolder.Files.Add(fileCreationInformation);
            return Redirect(SPSource);
        public ActionResult Return(string rid, string SPListId, string documentName, string SPSource, string SPListURLDir)
            // Get the tokens
            string spAppToken = Request.Cookies["SPAppToken"].Value;
            string spHostURL  = Request.Cookies["SPHostURL"].Value;

            using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                var getStatusResponse = client.getStatus(new getstatusrequest
                    password  = PASSWORD,
                    service   = SERVICE,
                    requestid = new string[] { rid }

                // If there's no signature result available, we assume it's been cancelled
                // and just send the user back to the document list he/she came from
                if (getStatusResponse.First().documentstatus == null)

                // Otherwise, we get the URI to the SDO (signed document object)
                string resultUri = getStatusResponse.First().documentstatus.First().resulturi;

                // Let's just use an old school HTTP WebClient with Basic authentication
                // to download the signed document from Signicat Session Data Storage
                byte[] sdo;
                string contentType;
                using (var webClient = new System.Net.WebClient())
                    webClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(SERVICE, PASSWORD);
                    sdo         = webClient.DownloadData(resultUri);
                    contentType = webClient.ResponseHeaders["Content-Type"];

                // Now, let's upload it to the same document list as the original
                SharePointContextToken contextToken = TokenHelper.ReadAndValidateContextToken(spAppToken, Request.Url.Authority);
                string accessToken = TokenHelper.GetAccessToken(contextToken, new Uri(spHostURL).Authority).AccessToken;
                using (var clientContext = TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithAccessToken(spHostURL.ToString(), accessToken))
                    if (clientContext != null)
                        List list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(Guid.Parse(SPListId));
                        var  fileCreationInformation = new FileCreationInformation
                            Content   = sdo,
                            Overwrite = true,
                            Url       = spHostURL + SPListURLDir + "/" + documentName + " - SIGNED" + GetFileExtensionForContentType(contentType)
                        var uploadFile = list.RootFolder.Files.Add(fileCreationInformation);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal taskstatusinfo[] GetStatus(string requestId)
            using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                var request = new getstatusrequest
                    password  = "******",
                    service   = "prosesspilotene",
                    requestid = new string[]

                var taskStatusInfo = client.getStatus(request);
Beispiel #6
        internal void AddSmsNotification(createrequestresponse response, createrequestrequest request, SigningInfo signingInfo, int i, string url, string phonenr)
            using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                var smsnotify = new notification
                    notificationid = "send_sms_" + i,
                    type           = notificationtype.SMS,
                    recipient      = phonenr,
                    message        = signingInfo.SMSText + " " + url

                var notifySmsReq = new addnotificationrequest
                    service      = "prosesspilotene",
                    notification = smsnotify,
                    password     = "******",
                    requestid    = response.requestid[0],
                    taskid       = request.request[0].task[i].id

Beispiel #7
        public string CreateSignRequest(sdsdocument uploadedDocument, string customerorg, string language, int method)
            var lang = "en";

            if (language == "1044")
                lang = "nb";

            var signmethodText = new SignatureHandler().GetMethod(method);
            var signInfo       = new SigningInfo();

            signInfo.signingMetodText = signmethodText;
            signInfo.isInk            = true;

            var  authMethod = new SignatureHandler().GetAuthSignatures(signInfo);
            var  signatures = new SignatureHandler().GetSignatures(signInfo);
            bool bundle     = signInfo.signingMetodText == "nbid";

            var request = new createrequestrequest
                password = "******",
                service  = "prosesspilotene",
                request  = new request[]
                    new request
                        clientreference = "cliref1",
                        language        = lang,
                        profile         = "default",
                        document        = new document[]
                            new sdsdocument
                                id          =,
                                refsdsid    = uploadedDocument.refsdsid,
                                description = uploadedDocument.description
                        subject = new subject[]
                            new subject
                                id     = "subj_1",
                                mobile = "99999999"
                                         //nationalid = "1909740939"
                        task = new task[]
                            new task
                                id              = "task_1",
                                subjectref      = "subj_1",
                                bundle          = true,
                                bundleSpecified = bundle,
                                documentaction  = new documentaction[]
                                    new documentaction
                                        type        = documentactiontype.sign,
                                        documentref =
                                authenticationbasedsignature = authMethod,
                                signature = signatures

            for (int i = 0; i < request.request[0].task.Length; i++)
                var callbackOnTaskCompleteUrl = "" + Convert.ToString(language);
                var callbackNotificationUrl   = "" + customerorg;
                request.request[0].task[i].ontaskcomplete = callbackOnTaskCompleteUrl;

                request.request[0].task[i].notification = new[]
                    new notification
                        notificationid = "req_callback_" + i,
                        type           = notificationtype.URL,
                        recipient      = callbackNotificationUrl,
                        message        = "callbackurl",
                        schedule       = new []
                            new schedule
                                stateis = taskstatus.completed

            createrequestresponse response;

            using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                response = client.createRequest(request);
                               response.requestid[0], request.request[0].task[0].id));
        public async Task <List <string> > Post()
            var signHereUrlList = new List <string>();

            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.AllKeys.Any())
                var postedFiles = new List <HttpPostedFile>();
                // Get the uploaded image from the Files collection
                for (int i = 0; i < HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count; i++)
                    postedFiles.Add(HttpContext.Current.Request.Files["file" + i]);

                // Get the uploaded recipients
                var recipients             = new List <ContactInfo>();
                var postedRecipientEmails  = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["RecipientEmails"];
                var postedRecipientMobiles = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["RecipientMobiles"];
                //var postedRecipientSSN = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["RecipientSSN"];

                if (postedRecipientEmails != null)
                    var recipientEmailList  = postedRecipientEmails.Split(',');
                    var recipientMobileList = postedRecipientMobiles.Split(',');
                    //var recipientSSNList = postedRecipientSSN.Split(',');

                    for (int i = 0; i < recipientEmailList.Length; i++)
                        if (recipientEmailList[i] == "null")

                        var contactInfo = new ContactInfo();
                = recipientEmailList[i];
               = recipientMobileList[i];
                        //contactInfo.ssn = recipientSSNList[i];

                var signingInfo = Helpers.GetSignInfo(HttpContext.Current.Request);

                if (postedFiles.Count > 0)
                    var           signHandler       = new SignRequestHandler();
                    sdsdocument[] uploadedDocuments = await signHandler.UploadDocument(postedFiles);

                    if (uploadedDocuments == null)

                    signingInfo.signingMetodText = new SignatureHandler().GetMethod(signingInfo.signMethod);
                    //signingInfo.isInk = new SignatureHandler().CheckIfInk(signingInfo.signMethod);

                    createrequestrequest request = signHandler.GetCreateRequest(uploadedDocuments, recipients,

                    new SignatureHandler().AddAuthMethod(signingInfo, request);

                        createrequestresponse response;
                        using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                            response = client.createRequest(request);

                        for (int i = 0; i < request.request[0].task.Length; i++)
                            var url = String.Format(
                                response.requestid[0], request.request[0].task[i].id);

                            var phonenr = request.request[0].task[i];
                            if (signingInfo.SendSMS && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phonenr))
                                new NotificationHandler().AddSmsNotification(response, request, signingInfo, i, url, phonenr);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception(ex.Message);

        public ActionResult Sign(string SPHostURL, string SPListItemId, string SPListId, string SPSource, string SPListURLDir, string SPItemUrl, string Method)
            // Prepare the document
            var spContext = SharePointContextProvider.Current.GetSharePointContext(HttpContext);
            var document = GetDocumentForSigningFromSPList(spContext, SPListId, SPListItemId);

            // Prepare the request to the Signicat document service
            var request = GetRequest(document, Method, SPListId, SPSource, SPListURLDir);

            // Send the request to Signicat
            createrequestresponse response;
            using (var client = new DocumentEndPointClient())
                response = client.createRequest(request);

            // And then forward the end user to the signature process URL
            String signHereUrl =
            return Redirect(signHereUrl);