Beispiel #1
 public static DockerComposeCommonFlags SetOrClear(this DockerComposeCommonFlags current, DockerComposeCommonFlags value, bool add)
     if (add)
         return(current | value);
         return(current & ~value);
Beispiel #2
 public static IEnumerable <string> OptionsToString(this DockerComposeCommonFlags value, OptionPreference preferLongNames = OptionPreference.Short)
     // generator : SingleTaskEnumsGenerator
     // --verbose: Show more output
     if ((value & DockerComposeCommonFlags.Verbose) != 0)
         yield return("--verbose");
     // --no-ansi: Do not print ANSI control characters
     if ((value & DockerComposeCommonFlags.NoAnsi) != 0)
         yield return("--no-ansi");
     // -v, --version: Print version and exit
     if ((value & DockerComposeCommonFlags.Version) != 0)
         yield return(preferLongNames == OptionPreference.Long ? "--version" : "-v");
     // --tls: Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
     if ((value & DockerComposeCommonFlags.Tls) != 0)
         yield return("--tls");
     // --tlsverify: Use TLS and verify the remote
     if ((value & DockerComposeCommonFlags.Tlsverify) != 0)
         yield return("--tlsverify");
     // --skip-hostname-check: Don't check the daemon's hostname against the name specified in the client certificate
     if ((value & DockerComposeCommonFlags.SkipHostnameCheck) != 0)
         yield return("--skip-hostname-check");
     // --compatibility: If set, Compose will attempt to convert deploy keys in v3 files to their non-Swarm equivalent
     if ((value & DockerComposeCommonFlags.Compatibility) != 0)
         yield return("--compatibility");