protected override void RunCommand() { try { if (((dlg == null) || !dlg.HasShow()) && !Tool.Instance().IsChaoBaoQi()) { DockForm form = base.ShowForm <YgfpthFromCard>(); if (form != null) { dlg = form as YgfpthFromCard; dlg.set_TabText("已购发票退回金税设备"); dlg.Text = "已购发票退回金税设备"; dlg.FormAction(); } } } catch (BaseException exception) { this.loger.Error(exception.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception); } catch (Exception exception2) { this.loger.Error(exception2.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception2); } }
protected override void RunCommand() { FaPiaoZuoFei_WeiKai kai = new FaPiaoZuoFei_WeiKai(); try { DockForm form = base.ShowForm <FaPiaoZuoFei_WeiKai>(); if (form != null) { form.Close(); kai.FaPiaoType = BusinessObject.FPLX.JDCFP; if (kai.SetValue()) { kai.ShowDialog(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { this.loger.Error(exception.Message); } finally { if (kai != null) { kai.Close(); kai.Dispose(); kai = null; } } }
protected override void RunCommand() { try { if (!Tool.Instance().IsChaoBaoQi()) { DockForm form = base.ShowForm <XfjfpfpForm>(); if (form != null) { form.set_TabText("选择要分配的发票卷"); (form as XfjfpfpForm).FormAction(); } } } catch (BaseException exception) { this.loger.Error(exception.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception); } catch (Exception exception2) { this.loger.Error(exception2.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception2); } }
protected override void RunCommand() { try { GC.Collect(); if ((fpzf == null) || !fpzf.HasShow()) { FaPiaoZuoFei_YiKai.CardClock = TaxCardFactory.CreateTaxCard().GetCardClock(); Dictionary <string, object> condition = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string data = FaPiaoZuoFei_YiKai.CardClock.ToString("yyyyMM"); condition.Add("Date", Tool.ObjectToInt(data)); if (this.xxfpChaXunBll.SelectYiKaiZuoFeiFpCount(condition) == 0) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("FPCX-000021"); } else { DockForm form = base.ShowForm <FaPiaoZuoFei_YiKai>(); if (form != null) { fpzf = form as FaPiaoZuoFei_YiKai; fpzf.Visible = false; fpzf.TabText = "选择发票号码作废"; fpzf.Text = "选择发票号码作废"; fpzf.Edit(Aisino.Fwkp.Fpkj.Form.FPCX.FaPiaoChaXun.EditFPCX.ZuoFei); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { this.loger.Error(exception.Message); } }
protected override void RunCommand() { try { if (((dlg == null) || !dlg.HasShow()) && !Tool.Instance().IsChaoBaoQi()) { DockForm form = base.ShowForm <FpKuChunChaXunForm>(); if (form != null) { form.set_TabText("金税设备库存发票查询"); form.Text = "金税设备库存发票查询"; dlg = form as FpKuChunChaXunForm; dlg.FormAction(); } } } catch (BaseException exception) { this.loger.Error(exception.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception); } catch (Exception exception2) { this.loger.Error(exception2.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception2); } }
private IDockContent GetContentFromPersistString(string persistString) { for (int i = 0; i < this.frmDockList.Count; i++) { if (frmDockList[i].frmDock.Name == persistString) { DockForm df = (DockForm)frmDockList[i]; df.isShow = true; frmDockList[i] = df; return(frmDockList[i].frmDock); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 设定放射科科室管理左边导航条 /// </summary> private void BuildStructPacsDeptManage() { frmDockForm tsl = new frmDockForm(); tsl.DockHandler.GetPersistStringCallback = null; tsl.DockHandler.PersistString = "科室管理"; tsl.Name = "科室管理"; tsl.Tag = "frmDeptManage"; tsl.Text = "科室管理"; tsl.p = this.p_Sub; DockForm df = new DockForm(); df.frmDock = tsl; df.isShow = false; this.frmDockList.Add(df); }
/// <summary> /// 动态夹杂着子系统模块,超声科 /// </summary> private void BuildStruct()//动态加载子系统模块 { if (GetConfig.SystemType.ToUpper() == "REGISTER") { BuildStructPacs(); } else { BSystemFun BSysFun = new BSystemFun(); MSystemFun MsysFun = new MSystemFun(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SIS_Model.MUser muser = (SIS_Model.MUser)iUser; switch (muser.DOCTOR_ROLE) { case "1": dt = BSysFun.GetList(" MODEL_CLASS='1' AND UP_MODEL_ID=0 AND MODEL_NAME ='检查登记' ORDER BY SORT_FLAG "); break; case "2": dt = BSysFun.GetList(" MODEL_CLASS='1' AND UP_MODEL_ID=0 ORDER BY SORT_FLAG "); break; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { frmDockForm tsl = new frmDockForm(); tsl.DockHandler.GetPersistStringCallback = null; tsl.DockHandler.PersistString = dt.Rows[i]["MODEL_ID"].ToString(); tsl.Name = dt.Rows[i]["MODEL_ID"].ToString();//将目录ID设置为名称 tsl.Tag = "SIS.comm.ToolboxPanel"; tsl.Text = dt.Rows[i]["MODEL_NAME"].ToString(); if (dt.Rows[i]["IMAGE_ADDRESS"].ToString() != "") { tsl.Icon = new Icon(Application.StartupPath + "\\images\\" + dt.Rows[i]["IMAGE_ADDRESS"].ToString()); } tsl.p = this.p_Sub; DockForm df = new DockForm(); df.frmDock = tsl; df.isShow = false; this.frmDockList.Add(df); } } } }
protected override void RunCommand() { try { string driverVersion = Tool.Instance().GetDriverVersion(); string softVersion = Tool.Instance().GetSoftVersion(); string str3 = driverVersion.Substring(7, 2) + driverVersion.Substring(10, 6); if (softVersion.Equals("FWKP_V2.0_Svr_Client")) { if (str3.CompareTo("A0160120") < 0) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-441208", new string[] { "主机网上分票" }); return; } } else if (str3.CompareTo("L1160120") < 0) { MessageManager.ShowMsgBox("INP-441208", new string[] { "主机网上分票" }); return; } if (!Tool.Instance().IsChaoBaoQi()) { new AllocateController().Run(); DockForm form = base.ShowForm <AllocateVolume>(); if (form != null) { form.set_TabText("选择要分配的发票卷"); (form as AllocateVolume).FormAction(); } } } catch (BaseException exception) { this.loger.Error(exception.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception); } catch (Exception exception2) { this.loger.Error(exception2.Message); ExceptionHandler.HandleError(exception2); } }
/// <summary> /// 质控管理系统左边导航条 /// </summary> private void BuildStructPacsQualityControl() { frmDockForm tsl = new frmDockForm(); tsl.DockHandler.GetPersistStringCallback = null; tsl.DockHandler.PersistString = "科室资料"; tsl.Name = "科室资料"; tsl.Tag = "QualityControl_PACS_Information"; tsl.Text = "科室资料"; tsl.p = this.p_Sub; DockForm df = new DockForm(); df.frmDock = tsl; df.isShow = false; this.frmDockList.Add(df); frmDockForm ts2 = new frmDockForm(); ts2.DockHandler.GetPersistStringCallback = null; ts2.DockHandler.PersistString = "质控统计"; ts2.Name = "质控统计"; ts2.Tag = "QualityControl_PACS_Total"; ts2.Text = "质控统计"; ts2.p = this.p_Sub; df = new DockForm(); df.frmDock = ts2; df.isShow = false; this.frmDockList.Add(df); frmDockForm ts3 = new frmDockForm(); ts3.DockHandler.GetPersistStringCallback = null; ts3.DockHandler.PersistString = "质控管理文档"; ts3.Name = "质控管理文档"; ts3.Tag = "QualityControl_PACS_Office"; ts3.Text = "质控管理文档"; ts3.p = this.p_Sub; df = new DockForm(); df.frmDock = ts3; df.isShow = false; this.frmDockList.Add(df); }
protected override void RunCommand() { FaPiaoZuoFei_WeiKai kai = new FaPiaoZuoFei_WeiKai(); TaxCardFactory.CreateTaxCard(); try { object[] objArray = null; object[] objArray2 = new object[] { "c" }; objArray = ServiceFactory.InvokePubService("Aisino.Fwkp.SELECTJSFP", objArray2); if ((objArray != null) && Tool.ObjectToBool(objArray[0])) { DockForm form = base.ShowForm <FaPiaoZuoFei_WeiKai>(); if (form != null) { form.Close(); kai.FaPiaoType = BusinessObject.FPLX.PTFP; if (kai.SetValue()) { kai.ShowDialog(); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { this.loger.Error(exception.Message); } finally { if (kai != null) { kai.Close(); kai.Dispose(); kai = null; } } }
protected DockForm ShowForm<T>() { string str = PropertyUtil.GetValue("MAIN_FORMSTYLE"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { if (!(str.ToUpper() == "OLD")) { if (!(str.ToUpper() == "NEW")) { goto Label_01F7; } TabControlEx ex = (TabControlEx) this.object_0; IEnumerator enumerator = ex.TabPages.GetEnumerator(); { TabPage current; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { current = (TabPage) enumerator.Current; if ((current is TabPageEx) && (((TabPageEx) current).FormType == typeof(T).FullName)) { goto Label_0192; } } System.Type type2 = typeof(T); DockForm form5 = (DockForm) Activator.CreateInstance(type2); form5.Show(ex); return form5; Label_0192: ((TabControlEx) this.object_0).SelectedTab = current; return (((TabPageEx) current).FormInstance as DockForm); } } System.Type type = typeof(T); DockForm form = (DockForm) Activator.CreateInstance(type); Form form2 = this.object_0 as Form; if (form2 != null) { Form[] formArray = form2.MdiChildren; if (formArray != null) { foreach (Form form3 in formArray) { if (form3 is DockForm) { form3.Close(); } } } } Form[] mdiChildren = form2.MdiChildren; bool flag = true; if (mdiChildren != null) { foreach (Form form4 in mdiChildren) { if (form4 is DockForm) { flag = false; break; } } } if (flag) { form.MdiParent = form2; form.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; form.MinimizeBox = false; form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; if (form2 is DockForm) { ((DockForm) form2).vmethod_0(" 关闭 "); } form.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(this.method_0); form.Show(); return form; } } Label_01F7: return null; }