private static void PutSeatList(Document doc, List <SeatInfo> seatInfos)
            Doc.AutoTransaction(() =>
                foreach (var seatInfo in seatInfos)
                    var offset       = seatInfo.Location - (RefSeat.Location as LocationPoint)?.Point;
                    var cloneSeatIds = ElementTransformUtils.CopyElement(Doc, RefSeat.Id, offset).ToList();

                    if (cloneSeatIds.Count == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Copys the seat, but gets not a seat.");

                    var seat = Doc.GetElement(cloneSeatIds[0]);

                    // Sets the seat some parameters.
                    seat.SetSeatParameters(FillPattern, doc, seatInfo);

                    // Sets the seat fill color.
                    seat.SetColorFill(FillPattern, doc, seatInfo.FillColor);

                    if (!seatInfo.IsRotation)

                    var location = seatInfo.Location;
                    var startPt  = new XYZ(location.X, location.Y + seatInfo.Length / 2, 0);
                    var endPt    = new XYZ(location.X, location.Y + seatInfo.Length / 2, 1);
                    var line     = Line.CreateBound(startPt, endPt);

                    // No use mirror, mirror element is very slow.
                    ElementTransformUtils.RotateElement(Doc, seat.Id, line, Math.PI);