Beispiel #1
        private void blurSlider_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (!isConnectted)

            UInt64 cmdIndex = 0;
            Slider obj      = (Slider)sender;

            if (obj.Name == "sld")
                JOGCommonParams jdParam;
                jdParam.velocityRatio     = (float)sld.Value;
                jdParam.accelerationRatio = 100;
                DobotDll.SetJOGCommonParams(ref jdParam, false, ref cmdIndex);
            else if (obj.Name == "sld1" || obj.Name == "sldAcc") // playback
                PTPCommonParams pbdParam;
                pbdParam.velocityRatio     = (float)sld1.Value;
                pbdParam.accelerationRatio = (float)sldAcc.Value;
                DobotDll.SetPTPCommonParams(ref pbdParam, false, ref cmdIndex);
Beispiel #2
 private void placeCard(int x, int y, UInt64 cmdIndex)
     moveDobot(x, y, 50, cmdIndex);
     moveDobot(x, y, -70, cmdIndex);
     DobotDll.SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(true, false, true, ref cmdIndex);
     moveDobot(x, y, 50, cmdIndex);
Beispiel #3
        private void AlarmTest()
            int ret;

            byte[] alarmsState = new byte[32];
            UInt32 len         = 32;

            ret = DobotDll.GetAlarmsState(alarmsState, ref len, alarmsState.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < alarmsState.Length; i++)
                byte alarm = alarmsState[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    if ((alarm & 0x01 << j) > 0)
                        int alarmIndex = i * 8 + j;
                        switch (alarmIndex)
                        case 0x00:
                        {         // reset
                            //Get Alarm status: reset

                        /* other status*/
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// StartDobot
        /// </summary>
        private void StartDobot()
            StringBuilder fwType  = new StringBuilder(60);
            StringBuilder version = new StringBuilder(60);
            int           ret     = DobotDll.ConnectDobot("", 115200, fwType, version);

            // start connect
            if (ret != (int)DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NoError)
                Console.WriteLine("Connect error", Utils.MsgInfoType.Error);
            Console.WriteLine("Connect success", Utils.MsgInfoType.Info);

            _isConnectted = true;

            // Must set when sensor is not exist
            //DobotDll.ResetPose(true, 45, 45);

            // Get name
            string deviceName = "Dobot Magician";


            StringBuilder deviceSN = new StringBuilder(64);

            DobotDll.GetDeviceName(deviceSN, 64);

        private void PosTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!isConnectted)

            Pose pose = new Pose();

            DobotDll.GetPose(ref pose);

            tbJoint1Angle.Text = pose.jointAngle[0].ToString();
            tbJoint2Angle.Text = pose.jointAngle[1].ToString();
            tbJoint3Angle.Text = pose.jointAngle[2].ToString();
            tbJoint4Angle.Text = pose.jointAngle[3].ToString();

            if (sync.IsChecked == true)
                isGrab.IsChecked = pose.isGrab == 1;
                X.Text           = pose.x.ToString();
                Y.Text           = pose.y.ToString();
                Z.Text           = pose.z.ToString();
                rHead.Text       = pose.rHead.ToString();
                pauseTime.Text   = "0";
                isGripper.Text   = pose.gripper.ToString();
Beispiel #6
        private void PosTimer_Tick(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            if (!isConnectted)

            DobotDll.GetPose(ref pose);

            this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate()
                tbJoint1Angle.Text = pose.jointAngle[0].ToString();
                tbJoint2Angle.Text = pose.jointAngle[1].ToString();
                tbJoint3Angle.Text = pose.jointAngle[2].ToString();
                tbJoint4Angle.Text = pose.jointAngle[3].ToString();

                if (sync.IsChecked == true)
                    X.Text         = pose.x.ToString();
                    Y.Text         = pose.y.ToString();
                    Z.Text         = pose.z.ToString();
                    rHead.Text     = pose.rHead.ToString();
                    pauseTime.Text = "0";
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// ホーミング
        /// </summary>
        public void Homing()
            HOMECmd homeCmd  = new HOMECmd();
            ulong   cmdIndex = 0;

            DobotDll.SetHOMECmd(ref homeCmd, false, ref cmdIndex);
Beispiel #8
        private UInt64 arc(float x, float y, float z, float r, float x1, float y1, float z1, float r1)
            UInt64 cmdIndex = 0;

            ARCCmd arcCmd;

            arcCmd.cirPoint_x = x;
            arcCmd.cirPoint_y = y;
            arcCmd.cirPoint_z = z;
            arcCmd.cirPoint_r = r;

            arcCmd.toPoint_x = x1;
            arcCmd.toPoint_y = y1;
            arcCmd.toPoint_z = z1;
            arcCmd.toPoint_r = r1;
            while (true)
                int ret = DobotDll.SetARCCmd(ref arcCmd, true, ref cmdIndex);
                if (ret == 0)

Beispiel #9
 //Überprüft alle 100ms die aktuelle Position, wenn ein Roboter verbunden ist
 private void PosTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!isConnectted)
     DobotDll.GetPose(ref pose);
Beispiel #10
 private void pickNewCard(UInt64 cmdIndex, WAITCmd wait)
     moveDobot(220, 140, 50, cmdIndex);
     moveDobot(220, 140, -55, cmdIndex);
     DobotDll.SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(true, true, true, ref cmdIndex);
     moveDobot(220, 140, 50, cmdIndex);
     DobotDll.SetWAITCmd(ref wait, true, ref cmdIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// StartDobot
        /// </summary>
        private void StartDobot()
            int ret;

            // start connect
            if ((ret = DobotDll.ConnectDobot()) >= (int)DobotResult.DobotResult_Error_Min)
                Msg("Connect error ,code:" + ret.ToString(), MsgInfoType.Error);

            isConnectted = true;
            // reset and start

            // Must set when sensor is not exist
            InitialPose initialPose;

            initialPose.joint2Angle = 45;
            initialPose.joint3Angle = 45;
            DobotDll.SetInitialPose(ref initialPose);

            JogStaticParams jsParam;

            jsParam.jointMaxVelocity      = 15;
            jsParam.jointMaxAcceleration  = 50;
            jsParam.servoMaxVelocity      = 30;
            jsParam.servoMaxAcceleration  = 10;
            jsParam.linearMaxVelocity     = 40;
            jsParam.linearMaxAcceleration = 40;
            DobotDll.SetJogStaticParams(ref jsParam);

            JogDynamicParams jdParam;

            jdParam.velocityRatio = 30;
            DobotDll.SetJogDynamicParams(ref jdParam);

            PlaybackStaticParams pbsParam;

            pbsParam.jointMaxVelocity      = 200;
            pbsParam.jointMaxAcceleration  = 200;
            pbsParam.servoMaxVelocity      = 200;
            pbsParam.servoMaxAcceleration  = 200;
            pbsParam.linearMaxVelocity     = 800;
            pbsParam.linearMaxAcceleration = 1000;
            pbsParam.pauseTime             = 100;
            pbsParam.jumpHeight            = 20;
            DobotDll.SetPlaybackStaticParams(ref pbsParam);

            PlaybackDynamicParams pbdParam;

            pbdParam.velocityRatio     = 30;
            pbdParam.accelerationRatio = 30;
            DobotDll.SetPlaybackDynamicParams(ref pbdParam);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// StartDobot
        /// </summary>
        private void StartDobot()
            int ret = DobotDll.ConnectDobot("", 115200);

            // start connect
            if (ret != (int)DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NoError)
                Console.WriteLine("Connect error", MsgInfoType.Error);
            Console.WriteLine("Connect success", MsgInfoType.Info);

            isConnectted = true;

            // Must set when sensor is not exist
            DobotDll.ResetPose(true, 45, 45);

            UInt64         cmdIndex = 0;
            JOGJointParams jsParam;

            jsParam.velocity     = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            jsParam.acceleration = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            DobotDll.SetJOGJointParams(ref jsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            JOGCommonParams jdParam;

            jdParam.velocityRatio     = 100;
            jdParam.accelerationRatio = 100;
            DobotDll.SetJOGCommonParams(ref jdParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPJointParams pbsParam;

            pbsParam.velocity     = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            pbsParam.acceleration = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            DobotDll.SetPTPJointParams(ref pbsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPCoordinateParams cpbsParam;

            cpbsParam.xyzVelocity     = 100;
            cpbsParam.xyzAcceleration = 100;
            cpbsParam.rVelocity       = 100;
            cpbsParam.rAcceleration   = 100;
            DobotDll.SetPTPCoordinateParams(ref cpbsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPJumpParams pjp;

            pjp.jumpHeight = 20;
            pjp.zLimit     = 100;
            DobotDll.SetPTPJumpParams(ref pjp, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPCommonParams pbdParam;

            pbdParam.velocityRatio     = 30;
            pbdParam.accelerationRatio = 30;
            DobotDll.SetPTPCommonParams(ref pbdParam, false, ref cmdIndex);
Beispiel #13
        private void StartPeriodic()
            //Startet Comand-Timer, wird alle 100ms aufgerungen

            cmdTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(state => DobotDll.PeriodicTask(), null, 0, 100);

            //Startet Positions-Timer, wird alle 100ms aufgerufen
            posTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(state => Positionsbestimmung(), null, 0, 100);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 作業を開始します
        /// </summary>
        public void WorkStart(double target_x, double target_y, SettingsObj obj)
            // 作業をクリア
            // コマンド開始
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, "作業開始");

            // 現在位置を取得
            var pose = GetCurrentPose();

            OnWorkEvent(this, $"現在位置を取得:");
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, $"X:{pose.x}, Y:{pose.y}, Z:{pose.z}, R:{pose.rHead}");

            // 対象の上部まで移動(Z座標は適当)
            var cmdIndex = ptp((byte)2, (float)target_x, (float)target_y, (float)0.0, pose.rHead);

            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, "対象の上部まで移動:");
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, $"X:{(float)target_x}, Y:{(float)target_y}, Z:{(float)0.0}, R:{pose.rHead}");

            // 対象物のZ座標計算
            var object_z = obj.PedestalZ + obj.ObjectHeight;

            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, "対象物のZ座標:");
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, $"Z:{object_z}");

            // 対象の位置まで下がる
            cmdIndex = ptp((byte)2, (float)target_x, (float)target_y, (float)object_z, pose.rHead);
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, "対象物までアームを降ろす:");
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, $"X:{(float)target_x}, Y:{(float)target_y}, Z:{(float)object_z}, R:{pose.rHead}");
            // 下がったらサクションカップONしてつかむ
            DobotDll.SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(true, true, true, ref cmdIndex);
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, "サクションカップでつかむ");

            // いったん上に持ち上げる
            cmdIndex = ptp((byte)2, (float)target_x, (float)target_y, (float)0.0, pose.rHead);
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, $"持ち上げる:");
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, $"X:{(float)target_x}, Y:{(float)target_y}, Z:{(float)0.0}, R:{pose.rHead}");

            // 持っていく場所に移動
            cmdIndex = ptp((byte)2, (float)obj.PlacePoseXCoordinate, (float)obj.PlacePoseYCoordinate, (float)obj.PlacePoseZCoordinate, pose.rHead);
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, $"持っていく場所に移動:");
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, $"X:{(float)obj.PlacePoseXCoordinate}, Y:{(float)obj.PlacePoseYCoordinate}, Z:{(float)obj.PlacePoseZCoordinate}, R:{pose.rHead}");

            // 下がったらサクションカップOFFして放す
            DobotDll.SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(false, false, false, ref cmdIndex);
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, "サクションカップOFFして放す");

            // 上がって終わり
            cmdIndex = ptp((byte)2, (float)obj.PlacePoseXCoordinate, (float)obj.PlacePoseYCoordinate, (float)0.0, pose.rHead);
            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, "アームを上にあげる");

            // コマンド終了

            OnWorkEvent?.Invoke(this, "作業終了");
Beispiel #15
        private void btndobotbewegung_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //speichern der Position, die zum  Anfahr-Zeitpunkt aktuelle ist
            float xAkt = pose.x;
            float yAkt = pose.y;
            float zAkt = pose.z;

            foreach (Linie l in Arbeitskopie)
                // anzahl der koordinaten innerhalb einer linie erfassen und aktuelle_position-count setzen
                int liniencount = l.Count;
                int akt_pos     = 0;

                //abarbeiten aller linien und der beinhaltenden koordinaten
                foreach (Koordinate k in l)
                    //ist die Koordinate ein Anfangspunkt einer linie, soll "gesprungen" werden (motionstyle = 0);
                    if (akt_pos == 0)
                        //angeben der koordinaten ( x,y,z,) die sich aus dem ausgangspunkt und der tatsächlichen koordinate zusammensetzt, z = const
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.motionStyle = 0; //springt zum anfangspunkt
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.x           = xAkt + k.X;
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.y           = yAkt + k.Y;
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.z           = zAkt;
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.pauseTime   = 0;

                        //übergeben des comand-obj (pdbCmd) an der Playbackbuffer, wird beim aufrufen des comand-timers erst wirklich ausgelöst
                        DobotDll.SetPlaybackBufferCmd(ref pdbCmd);
                        //0.5s warten, bis der roboter die bewegung ausgeführt hat, erst dann mit der schleifenabarbeitung fortsetzen


                    //Ist die Koordinate kein Anfangspunkt soll normal und liniar verfahren werden (motionstyle = 2)
                        //angeben der koordinaten ( x,y,z,) die sich aus dem ausgangspunkt und der tatsächlichen koordinate zusammensetzt, z = const
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.motionStyle = 2;
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.x           = xAkt + k.X;
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.y           = yAkt + k.Y;
                        pdbCmd.playbackPoint.z           = zAkt;

                        //übergeben des comand-obj (pdbCmd) an der Playbackbuffer, wird beim aufrufen des comand-timers erst wirklich ausgelöst
                        DobotDll.SetPlaybackBufferCmd(ref pdbCmd);
                        //0.5s warten, bis der roboter die bewegung ausgeführt hat, erst dann mit der schleifenabarbeitung fortsetzen

            //schließen der Form nach Abarbeiten aller Linien
Beispiel #16
        private void moveDobot(int x, int y, int z, UInt64 cmdIndex)
            PTPCmd ptpCmd;

            ptpCmd.ptpMode = (byte)PTPMode.PTPMOVLXYZMode;
            ptpCmd.x       = x;
            ptpCmd.y       = y;
            ptpCmd.z       = z;
            ptpCmd.rHead   = 0;
            DobotDll.SetPTPCmd(ref ptpCmd, true, ref cmdIndex);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// タイマーで定期的に現在位置を取得します
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void PosTimer_Tick(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            if (!_isConnectted)

            DobotDll.GetPose(ref _pose);

            // コンソール出力
Beispiel #18
        private void EIOTest()
            UInt64 cmdIndex = 0;

            IOMultiplexing iom;

            iom.address   = 2;                             //io index
            iom.multiplex = (byte)IOFunction.IOFunctionDO; // ioType
            DobotDll.SetIOMultiplexing(ref iom, false, ref cmdIndex);

            IODO iod;

            iod.address = 2;
            iod.level   = 1; // set io index 2 to open
            DobotDll.SetIODO(ref iod, false, ref cmdIndex);
Beispiel #19
        private void StartDobot()
            StringBuilder fwType  = new StringBuilder(60);
            StringBuilder version = new StringBuilder(60);
            int           ret     = DobotDll.ConnectDobot("", 115200, fwType, version);

            // start connect
            if (ret != (int)DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NoError)
                Msg("Connect error", MsgInfoType.Error);
                MessageBox.Show("Connect Error!");
            Msg("Connect success", MsgInfoType.Info);
            MessageBox.Show("Connect Success!");

            isConnectted = true;

            // Must set when sensor is not exist
            //DobotDll.ResetPose(true, 45, 45);

            // Get name
            string deviceName = "Dobot Magician";


            StringBuilder deviceSN = new StringBuilder(64);

            DobotDll.GetDeviceName(deviceSN, 64);


            //  SetParam();



            //  AlarmTest();
            EndTypeParams e = new EndTypeParams();

            DobotDll.GetEndEffectorParams(ref e);
            MessageBox.Show(e.xBias.ToString() + " " + e.yBias.ToString() + " " + e.zBias.ToString());
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// 初期パラメータ設定
        /// </summary>
        private void SetParam()
            UInt64         cmdIndex = 0;
            JOGJointParams jsParam;

            jsParam.velocity     = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            jsParam.acceleration = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            DobotDll.SetJOGJointParams(ref jsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            JOGCommonParams jdParam;

            jdParam.velocityRatio     = 100;
            jdParam.accelerationRatio = 100;
            DobotDll.SetJOGCommonParams(ref jdParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPJointParams pbsParam;

            pbsParam.velocity     = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            pbsParam.acceleration = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            DobotDll.SetPTPJointParams(ref pbsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPCoordinateParams cpbsParam;

            cpbsParam.xyzVelocity     = 100;
            cpbsParam.xyzAcceleration = 100;
            cpbsParam.rVelocity       = 100;
            cpbsParam.rAcceleration   = 100;
            DobotDll.SetPTPCoordinateParams(ref cpbsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPJumpParams pjp;

            pjp.jumpHeight = 20;
            pjp.zLimit     = 100;
            DobotDll.SetPTPJumpParams(ref pjp, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPCommonParams pbdParam;

            pbdParam.velocityRatio     = 30;
            pbdParam.accelerationRatio = 30;
            DobotDll.SetPTPCommonParams(ref pbdParam, false, ref cmdIndex);
Beispiel #21
        private UInt64 ptp(byte style, float x, float y, float z, float r)
            PTPCmd pdbCmd;
            UInt64 cmdIndex = 0;

            pdbCmd.ptpMode = style;
            pdbCmd.x       = x;
            pdbCmd.y       = y;
            pdbCmd.z       = z;
            pdbCmd.rHead   = r;
            while (true)
                int ret = DobotDll.SetPTPCmd(ref pdbCmd, true, ref cmdIndex);
                if (ret == 0)

Beispiel #22
        private UInt64 cp(byte mod, float x, float y, float z, float velocity)
            CPCmd  pdbCmd;
            UInt64 cmdIndex = 0;

            pdbCmd.cpMode   = mod;
            pdbCmd.x        = x;
            pdbCmd.y        = y;
            pdbCmd.z        = z;
            pdbCmd.velocity = velocity;
            while (true)
                int ret = DobotDll.SetCPCmd(ref pdbCmd, true, ref cmdIndex);
                if (ret == 0)

        // event handle
        private void ProcessEvt(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!isConnectted)

            Button obj = (Button)sender;
            String con = obj.Content.ToString();

            switch (con)
            case "SendPlaybackCmd":
                PlaybackBufferCmd pdbCmd;
                float             x, y, z, r, gripper, pTime;

                if (!float.TryParse(X.Text, out x) || !float.TryParse(Y.Text, out y) || !float.TryParse(Z.Text, out z) || !float.TryParse(rHead.Text, out r) ||
                    !float.TryParse(isGripper.Text, out gripper) || !float.TryParse(pauseTime.Text, out pTime))
                    Msg("Please input float formate", MsgInfoType.Error);
                Msg("", MsgInfoType.Info);

                pdbCmd.playbackPoint.isGrab      = isGrab.IsChecked == true ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;
                pdbCmd.playbackPoint.motionStyle = (byte)modeStyle.SelectedIndex;
                pdbCmd.playbackPoint.x           = x;
                pdbCmd.playbackPoint.y           = y;
                pdbCmd.playbackPoint.z           = z;
                pdbCmd.playbackPoint.rHead       = r;
                pdbCmd.playbackPoint.gripper     = gripper;
                pdbCmd.playbackPoint.pauseTime   = pTime;
                DobotDll.SetPlaybackBufferCmd(ref pdbCmd);
            } break;

        private void CheckBox_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!isConnectted)

            CheckBox obj = (CheckBox)sender;
            String   con = obj.Content.ToString();

            if (con == "Grab") // cancel grab
                currentCmd.isJoint = isJoint;
                currentCmd.cmd     = JogCmd.JogRelease;
                DobotDll.SetJogInstantCmd(ref currentCmd);
            else if (con == "Laser") // release laser
                currentCmd.isJoint = isJoint;
                currentCmd.cmd     = JogCmd.JogLaserOff;
                DobotDll.SetJogInstantCmd(ref currentCmd);
        private void CheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!isConnectted)

            CheckBox obj = (CheckBox)sender;
            String   con = obj.Content.ToString();

            if (con == "Grab") // grab
                currentCmd.isJoint = isJoint;
                currentCmd.cmd     = JogCmd.JogGrab;
                DobotDll.SetJogInstantCmd(ref currentCmd);
            else if (con == "Laser") // Shutting
                currentCmd.isJoint = isJoint;
                currentCmd.cmd     = JogCmd.JogLaserOn;
                DobotDll.SetJogInstantCmd(ref currentCmd);
        private void blurSlider_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (!isConnectted)

            Slider obj = (Slider)sender;

            if (obj.Name == "sld")
                JogDynamicParams jdParam;
                jdParam.velocityRatio = (float)sld.Value;
                DobotDll.SetJogDynamicParams(ref jdParam);
            else if (obj.Name == "sld1" || obj.Name == "sldAcc") // playback
                PlaybackDynamicParams pbdParam;
                pbdParam.velocityRatio     = (float)obj.Value;
                pbdParam.accelerationRatio = (float)obj.Value;
                DobotDll.SetPlaybackDynamicParams(ref pbdParam);
Beispiel #27
        private void GetPose()
            if (!isConnectted)

            DobotDll.GetPose(ref pose);

            this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate()
                //if (sync.IsChecked == true)
                Xtext.Text = pose.x.ToString();
                Ytext.Text = pose.y.ToString();
                Ztext.Text = pose.z.ToString();

                J1text.Text = pose.jointAngle[0].ToString();
                J2text.Text = pose.jointAngle[1].ToString();
                J3text.Text = pose.jointAngle[2].ToString();

                sdXtext.Text = (pose.x - sd_origin.X).ToString();
                sdYtext.Text = (pose.y - sd_origin.Y).ToString();
                sdZtext.Text = (pose.z - sd_origin.Z).ToString();

                //rHead.Text = pose.rHead.ToString();
                //  pauseTime.Text = "0";
                var matrix = new Matrix3D();

                matrix.Rotate(new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), pose.jointAngle[0]));
                matrix.Translate(new Vector3D((pose.y - sd_origin.Y), (pose.z - sd_origin.Z), (pose.x - sd_origin.X)));
                MeshGeometryModel3D model = ModelGroup.Children[1] as MeshGeometryModel3D;

                model.Transform = new MatrixTransform3D(matrix);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Point To Point Move
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="style"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private UInt64 ptp(byte style, float x, float y, float z, float r)
            PTPCmd pdbCmd;
            UInt64 cmdIndex = 0;

            pdbCmd.ptpMode = style;
            pdbCmd.x       = x;
            pdbCmd.y       = y;
            pdbCmd.z       = z;
            pdbCmd.rHead   = r;
            while (true)
                int ret = DobotDll.SetPTPCmd(ref pdbCmd, true, ref cmdIndex);
                if (ret == 0)

            while (true)
                UInt64 retIndex = 0;
                int    ind      = DobotDll.GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ref retIndex);
                if (ind == 0 && cmdIndex <= retIndex)

            float   waitTime = 500;
            WAITCmd waitcmd;

            waitcmd.timeout = (uint)waitTime;
            DobotDll.SetWAITCmd(ref waitcmd, false, ref cmdIndex);

Beispiel #29
        private void CheckBox_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!isConnectted)

            CheckBox obj      = (CheckBox)sender;
            String   con      = obj.Content.ToString();
            UInt64   cmdIndex = 0;

            if (con == "Grab") // cancel grab
                DobotDll.SetEndEffectorGripper(true, false, false, ref cmdIndex);
            else if (con == "Laser") // release laser
                DobotDll.SetEndEffectorLaser(false, false, false, ref cmdIndex);
            else if (con == "SuctionCup")
                DobotDll.SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(false, false, false, ref cmdIndex);
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// StartDobot
        /// </summary>
        private void StartDobot()
            int ret = DobotDll.ConnectDobot("", 115200);

            // start connect
            if (ret != (int)DobotConnect.DobotConnect_NoError)
                Msg("Connect error", MsgInfoType.Error);
            Msg("Connect success", MsgInfoType.Info);

            isConnectted = true;

            // Must set when sensor is not exist
            DobotDll.ResetPose(true, 45, 45);

            // Get name
            string deviceName = "Dobot Magician";


            StringBuilder deviceSN = new StringBuilder(64);

            DobotDll.GetDeviceName(deviceSN, 64);

            UInt64         cmdIndex = 0;
            JOGJointParams jsParam;

            jsParam.velocity     = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            jsParam.acceleration = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            DobotDll.SetJOGJointParams(ref jsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            JOGCommonParams jdParam;

            jdParam.velocityRatio     = 100;
            jdParam.accelerationRatio = 100;
            DobotDll.SetJOGCommonParams(ref jdParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPJointParams pbsParam;

            pbsParam.velocity     = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            pbsParam.acceleration = new float[] { 200, 200, 200, 200 };
            DobotDll.SetPTPJointParams(ref pbsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPCoordinateParams cpbsParam;

            cpbsParam.xyzVelocity     = 100;
            cpbsParam.xyzAcceleration = 100;
            cpbsParam.rVelocity       = 100;
            cpbsParam.rAcceleration   = 100;
            DobotDll.SetPTPCoordinateParams(ref cpbsParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPJumpParams pjp;

            pjp.jumpHeight = 20;
            pjp.zLimit     = 100;
            DobotDll.SetPTPJumpParams(ref pjp, false, ref cmdIndex);

            PTPCommonParams pbdParam;

            pbdParam.velocityRatio     = 30;
            pbdParam.accelerationRatio = 30;
            DobotDll.SetPTPCommonParams(ref pbdParam, false, ref cmdIndex);

            IOMultiplexing iom;

            iom.address   = 2;                             //io index
            iom.multiplex = (byte)IOFunction.IOFunctionDO; // ioType
            DobotDll.SetIOMultiplexing(ref iom, false, ref cmdIndex);

            IODO iod;

            iod.address = 2;
            iod.level   = 1; // set io index 2 to open
            DobotDll.SetIODO(ref iod, false, ref cmdIndex);

            // arc
            //ptp((byte)1, 67.99f, 216.4f, -27.99f, 0);
            //arc(154.92f, 182.41f, -62.89f, 0f, 216.07f, 85.54f, -8.34f, 0f);