Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get search info for each dnn module containing 2sxc data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <SearchDocument> GetModifiedSearchDocuments(IInstanceInfo instance, DateTime beginDate)
            var searchDocuments = new List <SearchDocument>();
            var dnnModule       = (instance as EnvironmentInstance <ModuleInfo>)?.Original;

            // always log with method, to ensure errors are cought
            Log.Add($"start search for mod#{dnnModule?.ModuleID}");

            History.Add("dnn-search", Log);

            if (dnnModule == null)

            var isContentModule = dnnModule.DesktopModule.ModuleName == "2sxc";

            // New Context because PortalSettings.Current is null
            var zoneId = new DnnEnvironment(Log).ZoneMapper.GetZoneId(dnnModule.OwnerPortalID);

            var appId = !isContentModule
                ? new DnnMapAppToInstance(Log).GetAppIdFromInstance(instance, zoneId)
                : new ZoneRuntime(zoneId, Log).DefaultAppId;

            if (!appId.HasValue)

            // As PortalSettings.Current is null, instanciate with modules' portal id
            var portalSettings = new PortalSettings(dnnModule.OwnerPortalID);

            // Ensure cache builds up with correct primary language
            var cache = Eav.Factory.Resolve <ICache>();

            ((BaseCache)cache).ZoneId = zoneId;
            ((BaseCache)cache).AppId  = appId.Value;

            // must find tenant through module, as the PortalSettings.Current is null in search mode
            var tenant = new DnnTenant(portalSettings);
            var mcb    = new ModuleContentBlock(instance, Log, tenant);
            var sexy   = mcb.SxcInstance;

            var language = dnnModule.CultureCode;

            var contentGroup = sexy.App.ContentGroupManager.GetInstanceContentGroup(dnnModule.ModuleID, dnnModule.TabID);

            var template = contentGroup.Template;

            // This list will hold all EAV entities to be indexed
            var dataSource = sexy.Data;

            if (template == null)

            var engine = EngineFactory.CreateEngine(template);

            engine.Init(template, sexy.App, new DnnInstanceInfo(dnnModule), dataSource, InstancePurposes.IndexingForSearch, sexy, Log);

            // see if data customization inside the cshtml works
            catch (Exception e) // Catch errors here, because of references to Request etc.
                Exceptions.LogException(new SearchIndexException(dnnModule, e));

            var searchInfoDictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <ISearchInfo> >();

            // Get DNN SearchDocuments from 2Sexy SearchInfos
            foreach (var stream in dataSource.Out.Where(p => p.Key != AppConstants.Presentation && p.Key != AppConstants.ListPresentation))
                var entities       = stream.Value.List;
                var searchInfoList = searchInfoDictionary[stream.Key] = new List <ISearchInfo>();

                searchInfoList.AddRange(entities.Select(entity =>
                    var searchInfo = new SearchInfo
                        Entity          = entity,
                        Url             = "",
                        Description     = "",
                        Body            = GetJoinedAttributes(entity, language),
                        Title           = entity.Title?[language]?.ToString() ?? "(no title)",
                        ModifiedTimeUtc = (entity.Modified == DateTime.MinValue ? DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(DateTime.Now.Hour) : entity.Modified).ToUniversalTime(),
                        UniqueKey       = "2sxc-" + dnnModule.ModuleID + "-" + (entity.EntityGuid != new Guid() ? entity.EntityGuid.ToString() : (stream.Key + "-" + entity.EntityId)),
                        IsActive        = true,
                        TabId           = dnnModule.TabID,
                        PortalId        = dnnModule.PortalID

                    // Take the newest value (from ContentGroupItem and Entity)
                    if (entity is IHasEditingData typed)
                        var contentGroupItemModifiedUtc = typed.ContentGroupItemModified.ToUniversalTime();
                        searchInfo.ModifiedTimeUtc      = searchInfo.ModifiedTimeUtc > contentGroupItemModifiedUtc
                            ? searchInfo.ModifiedTimeUtc
                            : contentGroupItemModifiedUtc;


            // check if the cshtml has search customizations
                engine.CustomizeSearch(searchInfoDictionary, new DnnInstanceInfo(dnnModule), beginDate);
            catch (Exception e)
                Exceptions.LogException(new SearchIndexException(dnnModule, e));

            // reduce load by only keeping recently modified ites
            foreach (var searchInfoList in searchInfoDictionary)
                // Filter by Date - take only SearchDocuments that changed since beginDate
                var searchDocumentsToAdd = searchInfoList.Value.Where(p => p.ModifiedTimeUtc >= beginDate.ToUniversalTime()).Select(p => (SearchDocument)p);


Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get search info for each dnn module containing 2sxc data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <SearchDocument> GetModifiedSearchDocuments(IContainer container, DateTime beginDate)
            var searchDocuments = new List <SearchDocument>();
            var dnnModule       = (container as Container <ModuleInfo>)?.UnwrappedContents;

            // always log with method, to ensure errors are caught
            Log.Add($"start search for mod#{dnnModule?.ModuleID}");

            // turn off logging into history by default - the template code can reactivate this if desired
            Log.Preserve = false;

            if (dnnModule == null)

            var isContentModule = dnnModule.DesktopModule.ModuleName == "2sxc";

            // New Context because PortalSettings.Current is null
            var zoneId = new DnnEnvironment(Log).ZoneMapper.GetZoneId(dnnModule.OwnerPortalID);

            var appId = !isContentModule
                ? new DnnMapAppToInstance(Log).GetAppIdFromInstance(container, zoneId)
                : new ZoneRuntime(zoneId, Log).DefaultAppId;

            if (!appId.HasValue)

            // As PortalSettings.Current is null, instantiate with modules' portal id
            var portalSettings = new PortalSettings(dnnModule.OwnerPortalID);

            // Ensure cache builds up with correct primary language
            var cache = State.Cache;

            cache.Load(new AppIdentity(zoneId, appId.Value), portalSettings.DefaultLanguage.ToLower());

            // must find tenant through module, as the PortalSettings.Current is null in search mode
            var tenant   = new DnnTenant(portalSettings);
            var mcb      = new BlockFromModule(container, Log, tenant);
            var cmsBlock = mcb.BlockBuilder;

            var language = dnnModule.CultureCode;

            var view = cmsBlock.View;

            if (view == null)

            // This list will hold all EAV entities to be indexed
            var dataSource = cmsBlock.Block.Data;

            // 2020-03-12 Try to attach DNN Lookup Providers so query-params like [DateTime:Now] or [Portal:PortalId] will work
            if (dataSource?.Configuration?.LookUps != null)
                Log.Add("Will try to attach dnn providers to DataSource LookUps");
                    //var provider = dataSource.Configuration.LookUps;
                    var dnnLookUps = GetDnnEngine.GenerateDnnBasedLookupEngine(portalSettings, dnnModule.ModuleID, Log);
                    //    .Sources;
                    //Log.Add($"Environment provided {dnnLookUps.Count} sources");
                    //foreach (var prov in dnnLookUps)
                    //    if (!provider.Sources.ContainsKey(prov.Key))
                    //        provider.Sources.Add(prov.Key, prov.Value);
                    //    else
                    //        Log.Add($"Couldn't add source '{prov.Key}', as it already existed");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Add("Ran into an issue with an error: " + e.Message);

            var engine = EngineFactory.CreateEngine(view);

            engine.Init(cmsBlock, Purpose.IndexingForSearch, Log);

            // see if data customization inside the cshtml works
            catch (Exception e) // Catch errors here, because of references to Request etc.
                Exceptions.LogException(new SearchIndexException(dnnModule, e));

            var searchInfoDictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <ISearchItem> >();

            // Get DNN SearchDocuments from 2Sexy SearchInfos
            foreach (var stream in dataSource.Out.Where(p => p.Key != ViewParts.Presentation && p.Key != ViewParts.ListPresentation))
                var entities       = stream.Value.List;
                var searchInfoList = searchInfoDictionary[stream.Key] = new List <ISearchItem>();

                searchInfoList.AddRange(entities.Select(entity =>
                    var searchInfo = new SearchItem
                        Entity          = entity,
                        Url             = "",
                        Description     = "",
                        Body            = GetJoinedAttributes(entity, language),
                        Title           = entity.Title?[language]?.ToString() ?? "(no title)",
                        ModifiedTimeUtc = (entity.Modified == DateTime.MinValue
                            ? DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(DateTime.Now.Hour)
                            : entity.Modified).ToUniversalTime(),
                        UniqueKey = "2sxc-" + dnnModule.ModuleID + "-" + (entity.EntityGuid != new Guid() ? entity.EntityGuid.ToString() : (stream.Key + "-" + entity.EntityId)),
                        IsActive  = true,
                        TabId     = dnnModule.TabID,
                        PortalId  = dnnModule.PortalID

                    // CodeChange #2020-03-20#ContentGroupItemModified - Delete if no side-effects till June 2020
                    // 2020-03-20 2dm: unclear why this happens - the itm.Modified (above)
                    // is identical with the typed.ContentGroupItemModified
                    // because of this I'll turn the code off for now
                    // I also marked 3 other code bits with the code
                    // Take the newest value (from ContentGroupItem and Entity)
                    //if (entity is IHasEditingData typed)
                    //    var contentGroupItemModifiedUtc = typed.ContentGroupItemModified.ToUniversalTime();
                    //    searchInfo.ModifiedTimeUtc = searchInfo.ModifiedTimeUtc > contentGroupItemModifiedUtc
                    //        ? searchInfo.ModifiedTimeUtc
                    //        : contentGroupItemModifiedUtc;


            // check if the cshtml has search customizations
                engine.CustomizeSearch(searchInfoDictionary, new DnnContainer(dnnModule), beginDate);
            catch (Exception e)
                Exceptions.LogException(new SearchIndexException(dnnModule, e));

            // add it to insights / history. It will only be preserved, if the inner code ran a Log.Preserve = true;
            History.Add("dnn-search", Log);

            // reduce load by only keeping recently modified ites
            foreach (var searchInfoList in searchInfoDictionary)
                // Filter by Date - take only SearchDocuments that changed since beginDate
                var searchDocumentsToAdd = searchInfoList.Value.Where(p => p.ModifiedTimeUtc >= beginDate.ToUniversalTime()).Select(p => (SearchDocument)p);
