Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="XOp"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="D"></param>
        /// <param name="LsTrk"></param>
        public static void AddInterfaceContinuityEq_withEvaporation(XSpatialOperatorMk2 XOp, XNSFE_OperatorConfiguration config, int D, LevelSetTracker LsTrk)
            // check input
            if (XOp.IsCommited)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Spatial Operator is already comitted. Adding of new components is not allowed");

            string CodName = EquationNames.ContinuityEquation;

            if (!XOp.CodomainVar.Contains(CodName))
                throw new ArgumentException("CoDomain variable \"" + CodName + "\" is not defined in Spatial Operator");

            ThermalParameters    thermParams = config.getThermParams;
            DoNotTouchParameters dntParams   = config.getDntParams;

            // set components
            var comps = XOp.EquationComponents[CodName];

            var divEvap = new DivergenceAtLevelSet_withEvaporation(D, LsTrk, dntParams.ContiSign, dntParams.RescaleConti, thermParams, config.getPhysParams.Sigma);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="XOp"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="D"></param>
        /// <param name="LsTrk"></param>
        public static void AddInterfaceContinuityEq_withEvaporation(XSpatialOperatorMk2 XOp, XNSFE_OperatorConfiguration config, int D, LevelSetTracker LsTrk)
            // check input
            if (XOp.IsCommited)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Spatial Operator is already comitted. Adding of new components is not allowed");

            string CodName = EquationNames.ContinuityEquation;

            if (!XOp.CodomainVar.Contains(CodName))
                throw new ArgumentException("CoDomain variable \"" + CodName + "\" is not defined in Spatial Operator");

            PhysicalParameters   physParams  = config.getPhysParams;
            ThermalParameters    thermParams = config.getThermParams;
            DoNotTouchParameters dntParams   = config.getDntParams;

            // set species arguments
            double rhoA  = physParams.rho_A;
            double rhoB  = physParams.rho_B;
            double sigma = physParams.Sigma;

            // compute further arguments
            double hVapA = thermParams.hVap_A;
            double hVapB = thermParams.hVap_B;

            double Tsat = thermParams.T_sat;

            double f     = config.thermParams.fc;
            double R     = config.thermParams.Rc;
            double R_int = 0.0;

            if (config.thermParams.hVap_A > 0 && config.thermParams.hVap_B < 0)
                R_int = ((2.0 - f) / (2 * f)) * Tsat * Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI * R * Tsat) / (rhoB * hVapA.Pow2());
                //T_intMin = Tsat * (1 + (pc / (rhoA * hVapA.Pow2())));
            else if (config.thermParams.hVap_A < 0 && config.thermParams.hVap_B > 0)
                R_int = ((2.0 - f) / (2 * f)) * Tsat * Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI * R * Tsat) / (rhoA * hVapB.Pow2());
                //T_intMin = Tsat * (1 + (pc / (rhoB * hVapB.Pow2())));
            //double prescrbM = config.prescribedMassflux;

            // set components
            var comps = XOp.EquationComponents[CodName];

            var divEvap = new DivergenceAtLevelSet_withEvaporation(D, LsTrk, rhoA, rhoB, dntParams.ContiSign, dntParams.RescaleConti, thermParams, R_int, sigma);
