Beispiel #1
        public void Drawing_ValidatingDistortionInput_CatchNullIndicesInput()
            var messenger          = Substitute.For <IFrameworkMessenger>();
            var renderStageManager = Substitute.For <IRenderStageManager>();
            var renderStageVisitor = Substitute.For <IRenderStageVisitor>();
            var fontManager        = Substitute.For <IFontManager>();
            var gpuSurfaceManager  = Substitute.For <IGpuSurfaceManager>();

            IDrawing drawing = new Drawing(messenger,

            var stage = Substitute.For <IDistortionStage>();

            var request = new DistortionDrawRequest
                Colour          = Colour.White,
                CoordinateSpace = CoordinateSpace.Screen,
                FillType        = FillType.Coloured,
                Indices         = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 },
                Texture0        = new TextureReference(1UL),
                Texture1        = new TextureReference(2UL),
                TextureWrap0    = TextureCoordinateMode.Mirror,
                TextureWrap1    = TextureCoordinateMode.Mirror,
                Vertices        = new Vertex2D[] { new Vertex2D(), new Vertex2D(), new Vertex2D() }

            request.Indices = null;

            Assert.Throws <Yak2DException>(() => { drawing.DrawDistortion(stage, ref request, false); });
Beispiel #2
        public void DrawDistortion(ulong stage,
                                   CoordinateSpace target,
                                   FillType type,
                                   Vertex2D[] vertices,
                                   int[] indices,
                                   Colour colour,
                                   ulong texture0,
                                   ulong texture1,
                                   TextureCoordinateMode texWrap0,
                                   TextureCoordinateMode texWrap1,
                                   float intensity,
                                   bool validate = false)
            var request = new DistortionDrawRequest
                CoordinateSpace = target,
                FillType        = type,
                Vertices        = vertices,
                Indices         = indices,
                Colour          = new Colour(colour.R * intensity,
                                             colour.G * intensity,
                                             colour.B * intensity,
                                             colour.A * intensity),
                Texture0     = WrapTextureId(texture0),
                Texture1     = WrapTextureId(texture1),
                TextureWrap0 = texWrap0,
                TextureWrap1 = texWrap1

            DrawDistortion(stage, ref request, validate);
Beispiel #3
        public void DrawDistortion(IDistortionStage stage, ref DistortionDrawRequest request, bool validate = false)
            if (stage == null)
                throw new Yak2DException("Distortion Draw request failed. Null Draw Stage");

            DrawDistortion(stage.Id, ref request, validate);
Beispiel #4
        public void Drawing_CreatePersistentDistortQueue_CatchInvalidStage()
            var messenger          = Substitute.For <IFrameworkMessenger>();
            var renderStageManager = Substitute.For <IRenderStageManager>();
            var renderStageVisitor = Substitute.For <IRenderStageVisitor>();
            var fontManager        = Substitute.For <IFontManager>();
            var gpuSurfaceManager  = Substitute.For <IGpuSurfaceManager>();

            IDrawing drawing = new Drawing(messenger,

            var stage = Substitute.For <IDistortionStage>();

            var requests = new DistortionDrawRequest[]
                new DistortionDrawRequest
                    Colour          = Colour.White,
                    CoordinateSpace = CoordinateSpace.Screen,
                    FillType        = FillType.Coloured,
                    Indices         = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 },
                    Texture0        = new TextureReference(1UL),
                    Texture1        = new TextureReference(2UL),
                    TextureWrap0    = TextureCoordinateMode.Mirror,
                    TextureWrap1    = TextureCoordinateMode.Mirror,
                    Vertices        = new Vertex2D[] { new Vertex2D(), new Vertex2D(), new Vertex2D() }

            renderStageManager.RetrieveStageModel(Arg.Any <ulong>()).ReturnsNull();

            Assert.Throws <Yak2DException>(() => { drawing.CreatePersistentDistortQueue(stage, requests, false); });
Beispiel #5
        public void DrawDistortion(ulong stage, ref DistortionDrawRequest request, bool validate = false)
            //Deeper validation, if requested, is done at queue level.
            //Light / null check validation is always performed at this level.
            //Note -> No validation steps ensure non-null/zero texture references have matching keys in texture collections

            if (request.FillType == FillType.Textured && (request.Texture0 == null || request.Texture0?.Id == 0UL))
                throw new Yak2DException("DistortionDraw request failed. Invalid Texture0 input");
            else if (request.FillType == FillType.DualTextured)
                if (request.Texture0 == null || request.Texture0?.Id == 0UL || request.Texture1 == null || request.Texture1?.Id == 0UL)
                    throw new Yak2DException("DistortionDraw request failed. Invalid Texture input for dual texturing (textures either null or Ids are zero)");

                if (request.Texture0.Id == request.Texture1.Id)
                    throw new Yak2DException("DistortionDraw request failed. The same Texture cannot be used for both Textures during Dual Texturing");

            if (request.Vertices == null)
                throw new Yak2DException("DistortionDraw request failed. Null Vertex data");

            if (request.Indices == null)
                throw new Yak2DException("DistortionDraw request failed. Null Index data");

            if (request.Texture0 == null)
                request.Texture0 = new TextureReference(0UL);

            if (request.Texture1 == null)
                request.Texture1 = new TextureReference(0UL);

            if (_cachedDistortionDrawStageKey != stage || _renderStageVisitor.CachedDistortionEffectStageModel == null)
                _cachedDistortionDrawStageKey = stage;
                var model = _renderStageManager.RetrieveStageModel(_cachedDistortionDrawStageKey);
                if (model == null)
                    throw new Yak2DException("DistortionDraw request failed. Requested DistortionDrawStage does not exist");

            var t0    = request.Texture0.Id;
            var t1    = request.Texture1.Id;
            var depth = 0.0f;
            var layer = 0;

            _renderStageVisitor.CachedDistortionEffectStageModel?.DrawToDynamicQueue(ref request.CoordinateSpace,
                                                                                     ref request.FillType,
                                                                                     ref request.Colour,
                                                                                     ref request.Vertices,
                                                                                     ref request.Indices,
                                                                                     ref t0,
                                                                                     ref t1,
                                                                                     ref request.TextureWrap0,
                                                                                     ref request.TextureWrap1,
                                                                                     ref depth,
                                                                                     ref layer);
Beispiel #6
 public void DrawDistortion(ulong stage, DistortionDrawRequest request, bool validate = false)
     DrawDistortion(stage, ref request, validate);