public void TestReinforcedSelectedMatchingSegmentInBurstingColumn()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = getDefaultParameters(null, KEY.PERMANENCE_DECREMENT, 0.08);


            int[]  previousActiveColumns = { 0 };
            int[]  activeColumns         = { 1 };
            Cell[] previousActiveCells   = { cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(3) };
            Cell[] burstingCells         = { cn.GetCell(4), cn.GetCell(5) };

            DistalDendrite activeSegment = cn.CreateDistalSegment(burstingCells[0]);
            Synapse        as1           = cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[0], 0.3);
            Synapse        as2           = cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[0], 0.3);
            Synapse        as3           = cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[0], 0.3);
            Synapse        is1           = cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(81), 0.3);

            DistalDendrite otherMatchingSegment = cn.CreateDistalSegment(burstingCells[1]);

            cn.CreateSynapse(otherMatchingSegment, previousActiveCells[0], 0.3);
            cn.CreateSynapse(otherMatchingSegment, previousActiveCells[1], 0.3);
            cn.CreateSynapse(otherMatchingSegment, cn.GetCell(81), 0.3);

            tm.Compute(previousActiveColumns, true);
            tm.Compute(activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, as1.Permanence, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, as2.Permanence, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.4, as3.Permanence, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.22, is1.Permanence, 0.001);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestObjectGroup()
            Column c0 = new Column(9, 0);
            Column c1 = new Column(9, 1);

            // Illustrates the Cell's actual index = colIndex * cellsPerColumn + indexOfCellWithinCol
            Assert.AreEqual(7, c0.GetCell(7).GetIndex());
            Assert.AreEqual(12, c1.GetCell(3).GetIndex());
            Assert.AreEqual(16, c1.GetCell(7).GetIndex());

            DistalDendrite dd0 = new DistalDendrite(c0.GetCell(7), 0, 0, 0);
            DistalDendrite dd1 = new DistalDendrite(c1.GetCell(3 /* Col 1's Cells start at 9 */), 1, 0, 1);
            DistalDendrite dd2 = new DistalDendrite(c1.GetCell(7 /* Col 1's Cells start at 9 */), 2, 0, 2);

            List <DistalDendrite> l = new List <DistalDendrite> {
                dd0, dd1, dd2

            List <Tuple <DistalDendrite, Column> > expected = new List <Tuple <DistalDendrite, Column> >
                new Tuple <DistalDendrite, Column>(dd0, c0),
                new Tuple <DistalDendrite, Column>(dd1, c1),
                new Tuple <DistalDendrite, Column>(dd2, c1)

            GroupBy <DistalDendrite, Column> grouper = GroupBy <DistalDendrite, Column> .Of(l, d => d.GetParentCell().GetColumn());

            int i = 0;

            foreach (Tuple <DistalDendrite, Column> p in grouper)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i++], p);
Beispiel #3
        public void TestColumnSerialize()

            //Pool pool = new Pool(10, 10);

            Cell cell = new Cell();

            DistalDendrite dist = new DistalDendrite(cell, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 10);

            dist.Synapses.Add(new Synapse(cell, null, 0, 0.5));
            Synapse syn = new Synapse(cell, dist, 0, 0);

            var dict = UnitTestHelpers.GetMemory();

            Column col = new Column(10, 0, 0.01, 10);

            col.ProximalDendrite          = new ProximalDendrite(0, 0.01, 10);
            col.ProximalDendrite.Synapses = new List <Synapse>();

            dict.ColumnDictionary.Add(0, col);

            var serCol = AkkaSb.Net.ActorReference.SerializeMsg(col);

            Assert.IsTrue(dict.ColumnDictionary[0].ProximalDendrite.Synapses[0].Segment != null);
Beispiel #4
        public void testDestroyWeakSynapseOnActiveReinforce()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters(null, Parameters.KEY.INITIAL_PERMANENCE, 0.2);

            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.MAX_NEW_SYNAPSE_COUNT, 4);
            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.PREDICTED_SEGMENT_DECREMENT, 0.02);

            int[]  previousActiveColumns = { 0 };
            Cell[] previousActiveCells   = { cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(3) };
            int[]  activeColumns         = { 2 };
            Cell   expectedActiveCell    = cn.GetCell(5);

            DistalDendrite activeSegment = cn.CreateSegment(expectedActiveCell);

            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[0], 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[1], 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[2], 0.5);
            // Weak Synapse
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[3], 0.009);

            tm.Compute(cn, previousActiveColumns, true);
            tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, cn.GetNumSynapses(activeSegment));
Beispiel #5
        public void testZeroActiveColumns()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters();


            int[] previousActiveColumns = { 0 };
            Cell  cell4 = cn.GetCell(4);

            DistalDendrite activeSegment = cn.CreateSegment(cell4);

            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(0), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(1), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(2), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(3), 0.5);

            ComputeCycle cc = tm.Compute(cn, previousActiveColumns, true);

            Assert.IsFalse(cc.ActiveCells().Count == 0);
            Assert.IsFalse(cc.WinnerCells().Count == 0);
            Assert.IsFalse(cc.PredictiveCells().Count == 0);

            int[]        zeroColumns = new int[0];
            ComputeCycle cc2         = tm.Compute(cn, zeroColumns, true);

            Assert.IsTrue(cc2.ActiveCells().Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(cc2.WinnerCells().Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(cc2.PredictiveCells().Count == 0);
Beispiel #6
        public void testNoChangeToNonSelectedMatchingSegmentsInBurstingColumn()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters(null, Parameters.KEY.PERMANENCE_DECREMENT, 0.08);


            int[]  previousActiveColumns = { 0 };
            int[]  activeColumns         = { 1 };
            Cell[] previousActiveCells   = { cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(3) };
            Cell[] burstingCells         = { cn.GetCell(4), cn.GetCell(5) };

            DistalDendrite selectedMatchingSegment = cn.CreateSegment(burstingCells[0]);

            cn.CreateSynapse(selectedMatchingSegment, previousActiveCells[0], 0.3);
            cn.CreateSynapse(selectedMatchingSegment, previousActiveCells[1], 0.3);
            cn.CreateSynapse(selectedMatchingSegment, previousActiveCells[2], 0.3);
            cn.CreateSynapse(selectedMatchingSegment, cn.GetCell(81), 0.3);

            DistalDendrite otherMatchingSegment = cn.CreateSegment(burstingCells[1]);
            Synapse        as1 = cn.CreateSynapse(otherMatchingSegment, previousActiveCells[0], 0.3);
            Synapse        as2 = cn.CreateSynapse(otherMatchingSegment, previousActiveCells[1], 0.3);
            Synapse        is1 = cn.CreateSynapse(otherMatchingSegment, cn.GetCell(81), 0.3);

            tm.Compute(cn, previousActiveColumns, true);
            tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.3, as1.GetPermanence(), 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.3, as2.GetPermanence(), 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.3, is1.GetPermanence(), 0.01);
Beispiel #7
         * Creates nDesiredNewSynapes synapses on the segment passed in if
         * possible, choosing random cells from the previous winner cells that are
         * not already on the segment.
         * <p>
         * <b>Notes:</b> The process of writing the last value into the index in the array
         * that was most recently changed is to ensure the same results that we get
         * in the c++ implementation using iter_swap with vectors.
         * </p>
         * @param conn                      Connections instance for the tm
         * @param prevWinnerCells           Winner cells in `t-1`
         * @param segment                   Segment to grow synapses on.
         * @param initialPermanence         Initial permanence of a new synapse.
         * @param nDesiredNewSynapses       Desired number of synapses to grow
         * @param random                    Tm object used to generate random
         *                                  numbers
        public void GrowSynapses(Connections conn, HashSet <Cell> prevWinnerCells, DistalDendrite segment,
                                 double initialPermanence, int nDesiredNewSynapses, IRandom random)
            List <Cell> candidates = new List <Cell>(prevWinnerCells);


            foreach (Synapse synapse in conn.GetSynapses(segment))
                Cell presynapticCell = synapse.GetPresynapticCell();
                int  index           = candidates.IndexOf(presynapticCell);
                if (index != -1)

            int candidatesLength = candidates.Count;
            int nActual          = nDesiredNewSynapses < candidatesLength ? nDesiredNewSynapses : candidatesLength;

            for (int i = 0; i < nActual; i++)
                int rand = random.NextInt(candidates.Count);
                conn.CreateSynapse(segment, candidates[rand], initialPermanence);
Beispiel #8
        public void testPredictedActiveCellsAreAlwaysWinners()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters();


            int[]       previousActiveColumns = { 0 };
            int[]       activeColumns         = { 1 };
            Cell[]      previousActiveCells   = { cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(3) };
            List <Cell> expectedWinnerCells   = new List <Cell>(cn.GetCellSet(new int[] { 4, 6 }));

            DistalDendrite activeSegment1 = cn.CreateSegment(expectedWinnerCells[0]);

            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment1, previousActiveCells[0], 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment1, previousActiveCells[1], 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment1, previousActiveCells[2], 0.5);

            DistalDendrite activeSegment2 = cn.CreateSegment(expectedWinnerCells[1]);

            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment2, previousActiveCells[0], 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment2, previousActiveCells[1], 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment2, previousActiveCells[2], 0.5);

            ComputeCycle cc = tm.Compute(cn, previousActiveColumns, false); // learn=false

            cc = tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, false);                      // learn=false

            Assert.IsTrue(cc.winnerCells.SetEquals(new HashSet <Cell>(expectedWinnerCells)));
Beispiel #9
        public void TestActivateCorrectlyPredictiveCells()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters();


            int[]          previousActiveColumns = { 0 };
            int[]          activeColumns         = { 1 };
            Cell           cell4 = cn.GetCell(4);
            HashSet <Cell> expectedActiveCells = new HashSet <Cell> {
            };                                                               //Stream.of(cell4).collect(Collectors.toSet());

            DistalDendrite activeSegment = cn.CreateSegment(cell4);

            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(0), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(1), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(2), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(3), 0.5);

            ComputeCycle cc = tm.Compute(cn, previousActiveColumns, true);

            ComputeCycle cc2 = tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);

Beispiel #10
        public void SerializeConnectionsTest()
            int[]     inputDims  = { 3, 4, 5 };
            int[]     columnDims = { 35, 43, 52 };
            HtmConfig cfg        = new HtmConfig(inputDims, columnDims);

            Connections connections = new Connections(cfg);

            Cell cells = new Cell(12, 14, 16, 18, new CellActivity());

            var distSeg1 = new DistalDendrite(cells, 1, 2, 2, 1.0, 100);

            var distSeg2 = new DistalDendrite(cells, 44, 24, 34, 1.0, 100);


            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"ser_{nameof(SerializeConnectionsTest)}.txt"))
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader($"ser_{nameof(SerializeConnectionsTest)}.txt"))
                Connections connections1 = Connections.Deserialize(sr);
Beispiel #11
        public void testDestroySegmentsWithTooFewSynapsesToBeMatching()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters(null, Parameters.KEY.INITIAL_PERMANENCE, .2);

            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.MAX_NEW_SYNAPSE_COUNT, 4);
            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.PREDICTED_SEGMENT_DECREMENT, 0.02);

            int[]  prevActiveColumns  = { 0 };
            Cell[] prevActiveCells    = { cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(3) };
            int[]  activeColumns      = { 2 };
            Cell   expectedActiveCell = cn.GetCell(5);

            DistalDendrite matchingSegment = cn.CreateSegment(cn.GetCell(5));

            cn.CreateSynapse(matchingSegment, prevActiveCells[0], .015);
            cn.CreateSynapse(matchingSegment, prevActiveCells[1], .015);
            cn.CreateSynapse(matchingSegment, prevActiveCells[2], .015);
            cn.CreateSynapse(matchingSegment, prevActiveCells[3], .015);

            tm.Compute(cn, prevActiveColumns, true);
            tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, cn.GetNumSegments(expectedActiveCell));
Beispiel #12
        public void SerializeDistalDendriteList()
            HtmSerializer2        htm     = new HtmSerializer2();
            Cell                  cell    = new Cell(1, 1, 1, 1, new CellActivity());
            List <DistalDendrite> distals = new List <DistalDendrite>();

            distals.Add(new DistalDendrite(cell, 1, 2, 2, 1.0, 100));
            distals.Add(new DistalDendrite(cell, 44, 24, 34, 1.0, 100));
            List <DistalDendrite> distals2 = new List <DistalDendrite>();

            distals2.Add(new DistalDendrite(cell, 1, 2, 2, 1.0, 100));
            distals2.Add(new DistalDendrite(cell, 44, 24, 34, 1.0, 100));
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"ser_{nameof(SerializeDistalDendriteList)}"))
                htm.SerializeBegin("UnitTest", sw);
                htm.SerializeValue(distals, sw);
                htm.SerializeEnd("UnitTest", sw);
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader($"ser_{nameof(SerializeDistalDendriteList)}"))
                List <DistalDendrite> distals1 = new List <DistalDendrite>();
                while (sr.Peek() > 0)
                    string str = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (str == htm.ReadBegin(nameof(DistalDendrite)))
Beispiel #13
        public void testReinforcedCorrectlyActiveSegments()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters(null, Parameters.KEY.INITIAL_PERMANENCE, 0.2);

            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.MAX_NEW_SYNAPSE_COUNT, 4);
            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.PERMANENCE_DECREMENT, 0.08);
            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.PREDICTED_SEGMENT_DECREMENT, 0.02);

            int[]  previousActiveColumns = { 0 };
            int[]  activeColumns         = { 1 };
            Cell[] previousActiveCells   = { cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(3) };
            Cell   activeCell            = cn.GetCell(5);

            DistalDendrite activeSegment = cn.CreateSegment(activeCell);
            Synapse        as1           = cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[0], 0.5);
            Synapse        as2           = cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[1], 0.5);
            Synapse        as3           = cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, previousActiveCells[2], 0.5);
            Synapse        is1           = cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(81), 0.5);

            tm.Compute(cn, previousActiveColumns, true);
            tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.6, as1.GetPermanence(), 0.1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.6, as2.GetPermanence(), 0.1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.6, as3.GetPermanence(), 0.1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.42, is1.GetPermanence(), 0.001);
Beispiel #14
        public void testRecycleLeastRecentlyActiveSegmentToMakeRoomForNewSegment()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = getDefaultParameters(null, KEY.CELLS_PER_COLUMN, 1);

            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.INITIAL_PERMANENCE, 0.5);
            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.PERMANENCE_INCREMENT, 0.02);
            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.PERMANENCE_DECREMENT, 0.02);
            p.Set(KEY.MAX_SEGMENTS_PER_CELL, 2);

            int[] prevActiveColumns1 = { 0, 1, 2 };
            int[] prevActiveColumns2 = { 3, 4, 5 };
            int[] prevActiveColumns3 = { 6, 7, 8 };
            int[] activeColumns      = { 9 };
            Cell  cell9 = cn.getCell(9);

            tm.Compute(prevActiveColumns1, true);
            tm.Compute(activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, cn.getSegments(cell9).Count);
            DistalDendrite oldestSegment = cn.getSegments(cell9)[0];

            tm.Compute(prevActiveColumns2, true);
            tm.Compute(activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, cn.getSegments(cell9).Count);

            //Set<Cell> oldPresynaptic = cn.getSynapses(oldestSegment)
            //    .stream()
            //    .map(s->s.getPresynapticCell())
            //    .collect(Collectors.toSet());

            var oldPresynaptic = cn.getSynapses(oldestSegment).Select(s => s.getPresynapticCell()).ToList();

            tm.Compute(prevActiveColumns3, true);
            tm.Compute(activeColumns, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, cn.getSegments(cell9).Count);

            // Verify none of the segments are connected to the cells the old
            // segment was connected to.

            foreach (DistalDendrite segment in cn.getSegments(cell9))
                //Set<Cell> newPresynaptic = cn.getSynapses(segment)
                //    .stream()
                //    .map(s->s.getPresynapticCell())
                //    .collect(Collectors.toSet());
                var newPresynaptic = cn.getSynapses(segment).Select(s => s.getPresynapticCell()).ToList();

                Assert.IsTrue(areDisjoined <Cell>(oldPresynaptic, newPresynaptic));
         * Activates all of the cells in an unpredicted active column,
         * chooses a winner cell, and, if learning is turned on, either adapts or
         * creates a segment. growSynapses is invoked on this segment.
         * </p><p>
         * <b>Pseudocode:</b>
         * </p><p>
         * <pre>
         *  mark all cells as active
         *  if there are any matching distal dendrite segments
         *      find the most active matching segment
         *      mark its cell as a winner cell
         *      (learning)
         *      grow and reinforce synapses to previous winner cells
         *  else
         *      find the cell with the least segments, mark it as a winner cell
         *      (learning)
         *      (optimization) if there are previous winner cells
         *          add a segment to this winner cell
         *          grow synapses to previous winner cells
         * </pre>
         * </p>
         * @param conn                      Connections instance for the TM
         * @param column                    Bursting {@link Column}
         * @param matchingSegments          List of matching {@link DistalDendrite}s
         * @param prevActiveCells           Active cells in `t-1`
         * @param prevWinnerCells           Winner cells in `t-1`
         * @param permanenceIncrement       Amount by which permanences of synapses
         *                                  are decremented during learning
         * @param permanenceDecrement       Amount by which permanences of synapses
         *                                  are incremented during learning
         * @param random                    Random number generator
         * @param learn                     Whether or not learning is enabled
         * @return  Tuple containing:
         *                  cells       list of the processed column's cells
         *                  bestCell    the best cell
        public BurstingResult BurstColumn(Connections conn, Column column, List <DistalDendrite> matchingSegments,
                                          ICollection <Cell> prevActiveCells, ICollection <Cell> prevWinnerCells, double permanenceIncrement, double permanenceDecrement,
                                          Random random, bool learn)
            IList <Cell> cells         = column.Cells;
            Cell         leastUsedCell = null;

            // Matching segments result from number of potential synapses. These are segments with number of potential
            // synapses permanence higher than some minimum threshold value.
            // Potential synapses are synapses from presynaptc cells connected to the active cell.
            // In other words, presynaptic cells define a statistical prediction that active cell will become the active in the next cycle.
            // Bursting will create new segments if there are no matching segments until some matching segments appear.
            // Once that happen, segment adoption will start.
            // If some matching segments exist, bursting will grab the segment with most potential synapses and adapt it.
            if (matchingSegments != null && matchingSegments.Count > 0)
                DistalDendrite maxPotentialSeg = getSegmentwithHighesPotential(conn, matchingSegments);

                for (int i = 0; i < matchingSegments.Count; i++)

                leastUsedCell = maxPotentialSeg.GetParentCell();

                if (learn)
                    adaptSegment(conn, maxPotentialSeg, prevActiveCells, permanenceIncrement, permanenceDecrement);

                    int nGrowDesired = conn.getMaxNewSynapseCount() - conn.getLastActivity().PotentialSynapses[maxPotentialSeg.getIndex()];

                    if (nGrowDesired > 0)
                        growSynapses(conn, prevWinnerCells, maxPotentialSeg, conn.getInitialPermanence(),
                                     nGrowDesired, random);
                leastUsedCell = this.GetLeastUsedCell(conn, cells, random);
                if (learn)
                    int nGrowExact = Math.Min(conn.getMaxNewSynapseCount(), prevWinnerCells.Count);
                    if (nGrowExact > 0)
                        DistalDendrite bestSegment = conn.CreateDistalSegment(leastUsedCell);
                        growSynapses(conn, prevWinnerCells, bestSegment, conn.getInitialPermanence(),
                                     nGrowExact, random);

            return(new BurstingResult(cells, leastUsedCell));
Beispiel #16
        public void SerializeArrayCell()
            HtmSerializer2 htm = new HtmSerializer2();

            Cell[] cells = new Cell[2];
            Cell[] cells1;
            cells[0] = new Cell(12, 14, 16, 18, new CellActivity());

            var distSeg1 = new DistalDendrite(cells[0], 1, 2, 2, 1.0, 100);


            var distSeg2 = new DistalDendrite(cells[0], 44, 24, 34, 1.0, 100);


            Cell preSynapticcell = new Cell(11, 14, 16, 18, new CellActivity());

            var synapse1 = new Synapse(cells[0], distSeg1.SegmentIndex, 23, 1.0);


            var synapse2 = new Synapse(cells[0], distSeg2.SegmentIndex, 27, 1.0);


            cells[1] = new Cell(2, 4, 1, 8, new CellActivity());

            var distSeg3 = new DistalDendrite(cells[1], 3, 4, 7, 1.0, 100);


            var distSeg4 = new DistalDendrite(cells[1], 4, 34, 94, 1.0, 100);


            Cell preSynapticcell1 = new Cell(1, 1, 6, 8, new CellActivity());

            var synapse3 = new Synapse(cells[1], distSeg3.SegmentIndex, 23, 1.0);


            var synapse4 = new Synapse(cells[1], distSeg4.SegmentIndex, 27, 1.0);

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"ser_{nameof(SerializeArrayCell)}.txt"))
                htm.SerializeValue(cells, sw);
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader($"ser_{nameof(SerializeArrayCell)}.txt"))
                //cells1 = htm.DeserializeCellArray(data,sr);
Beispiel #17
        public void CompareDentriteList()
            Cell c1 = new Cell(1, 1, 10, 1, NeoCortexEntities.NeuroVisualizer.CellActivity.ActiveCell);
            Cell c2 = new Cell(1, 1, 10, 1, NeoCortexEntities.NeuroVisualizer.CellActivity.ActiveCell);
            Cell c3 = new Cell(2, 1, 10, 1, NeoCortexEntities.NeuroVisualizer.CellActivity.ActiveCell);

            DistalDendrite d1 = new DistalDendrite(c1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 10);
            DistalDendrite d2 = new DistalDendrite(c1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 10);
            DistalDendrite d3 = new DistalDendrite(c1, 2, 1, 1, 0.5, 10);
            DistalDendrite d4 = new DistalDendrite(c2, 2, 2, 1, 0.5, 10);

            List <DistalDendrite> list1 = new List <DistalDendrite>()
                d1, d2, d2
            List <DistalDendrite> list2 = new List <DistalDendrite>()
                d1, d2, d3

            // Not same by reference
            Assert.IsFalse(d1 == d2);

            // d1 and d2 are same by value.

            // d1 and d3 are NOT same by value.

            // d3 and d4 are NOT same by value.

            // Lists are same by value.

            // All same by references.
            list2 = new List <DistalDendrite>()
                d1, d1, d1

            // Lists are strill same by value.

            list2 = new List <DistalDendrite>()
                d1, d2, d3


        public void TestRecycleWeakestSynapseToMakeRoomForNewSynapse()
            throw new AssertInconclusiveException("Not fixed.");

            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = getDefaultParameters(null, KEY.CELLS_PER_COLUMN, 30);

            p.Set(KEY.COLUMN_DIMENSIONS, new int[] { 100 });
            //p.Set(KEY.COLUMN_DIMENSIONS, new int[] { 5 });
            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.MIN_THRESHOLD, 1);
            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.PERMANENCE_INCREMENT, 0.02);
            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.PERMANENCE_DECREMENT, 0.02);
            p.Set(KEY.MAX_SYNAPSES_PER_SEGMENT, 3);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, cn.HtmConfig.MaxSynapsesPerSegment);

            int[]        prevActiveColumns = { 0, 1, 2 };
            IList <Cell> prevWinnerCells   = cn.GetCellSet(new int[] { 0, 1, 2 });

            int[] activeColumns = { 4 };

            DistalDendrite matchingSegment = cn.CreateDistalSegment(cn.GetCell(4));

            cn.CreateSynapse(matchingSegment, cn.GetCell(81), 0.6);
            // Weakest Synapse
            cn.CreateSynapse(matchingSegment, cn.GetCell(0), 0.11);

            ComputeCycle cc = tm.Compute(prevActiveColumns, true) as ComputeCycle;

            tm.Compute(activeColumns, true);

            //DD List<Synapse> synapses = cn.GetSynapses(matchingSegment);
            List <Synapse> synapses = matchingSegment.Synapses;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, synapses.Count);
            //Set<Cell> presynapticCells =>s.getPresynapticCell()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
            List <Cell> presynapticCells = new List <Cell>();

            //DD foreach (var syn in cn.GetSynapses(matchingSegment))
            foreach (var syn in matchingSegment.Synapses)

            Assert.IsFalse(presynapticCells.Count(c => c.Index == 0) > 0);

            //Assert.IsFalse(>cell.getIndex()).anyMatch(i->i == 0));
Beispiel #19
        public void testRecycleLeastRecentlyActiveSegmentToMakeRoomForNewSegment()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters(null, Parameters.KEY.CELLS_PER_COLUMN, 1);

            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.INITIAL_PERMANENCE, 0.5);
            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.PERMANENCE_INCREMENT, 0.02);
            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.PERMANENCE_DECREMENT, 0.02);
            p.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.MAX_SEGMENTS_PER_CELL, 2);

            int[] prevActiveColumns1 = { 0, 1, 2 };
            int[] prevActiveColumns2 = { 3, 4, 5 };
            int[] prevActiveColumns3 = { 6, 7, 8 };
            int[] activeColumns      = { 9 };
            Cell  cell9 = cn.GetCell(9);

            tm.Compute(cn, prevActiveColumns1, true);
            tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, cn.GetSegments(cell9).Count);
            DistalDendrite oldestSegment = cn.GetSegments(cell9)[0];

            tm.Compute(cn, prevActiveColumns2, true);
            tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, cn.GetSegments(cell9).Count);

            HashSet <Cell> oldPresynaptic = new HashSet <Cell>(cn.GetSynapses(oldestSegment)
                                                               .Select(s => s.GetPresynapticCell()));

            tm.Compute(cn, prevActiveColumns3, true);
            tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, cn.GetSegments(cell9).Count);

            // Verify none of the segments are connected to the cells the old
            // segment was connected to.

            foreach (DistalDendrite segment in cn.GetSegments(cell9))
                HashSet <Cell> newPresynaptic = new HashSet <Cell>(cn.GetSynapses(segment)
                                                                   .Select(s => s.GetPresynapticCell()));

                //Assert.IsTrue(Collections.disjoint(oldPresynaptic, newPresynaptic));
         * Updates synapses on segment.
         * Strengthens active synapses; weakens inactive synapses.
         * @param conn                      {@link Connections} instance for the tm
         * @param segment                   {@link DistalDendrite} to adapt
         * @param prevActiveCells           Active {@link Cell}s in `t-1`
         * @param permanenceIncrement       Amount to increment active synapses
         * @param permanenceDecrement       Amount to decrement inactive synapses
        public void adaptSegment(Connections conn, DistalDendrite segment, ICollection <Cell> prevActiveCells,
                                 double permanenceIncrement, double permanenceDecrement)
            // Destroying a synapse modifies the set that we're iterating through.
            List <Synapse> synapsesToDestroy = new List <Synapse>();

            foreach (Synapse synapse in conn.getSynapses(segment))
                double permanence = synapse.getPermanence();

                // If synapse's presynaptic cell was active in the previous cycle then streng it.
                if (prevActiveCells.Contains(synapse.getPresynapticCell()))
                    permanence += permanenceIncrement;
                    permanence -= permanenceDecrement;

                // Keep permanence within min/max bounds
                permanence = permanence <0 ? 0 : permanence> 1.0 ? 1.0 : permanence;

                // Use this to examine issues caused by subtle floating point differences
                // be careful to set the scale (1 below) to the max significant digits right of the decimal point
                // between the permanenceIncrement and initialPermanence
                // permanence = new BigDecimal(permanence).setScale(1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue();

                if (permanence < EPSILON)
                    synapse.setPermanence(conn.getSynPermConnected(), permanence);

            foreach (Synapse s in synapsesToDestroy)
                conn.destroySynapse(s, segment);

            if (conn.GetNumSynapses(segment) == 0)
Beispiel #21
        public void CompareDentrites()
            Cell c1 = new Cell(1, 1, 10, 1, NeoCortexEntities.NeuroVisualizer.CellActivity.ActiveCell);
            Cell c2 = new Cell(1, 1, 10, 1, NeoCortexEntities.NeuroVisualizer.CellActivity.ActiveCell);
            Cell c3 = new Cell(2, 1, 10, 1, NeoCortexEntities.NeuroVisualizer.CellActivity.ActiveCell);

            DistalDendrite d1 = new DistalDendrite(c1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 10);
            DistalDendrite d2 = new DistalDendrite(c1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5, 10);
            DistalDendrite d3 = new DistalDendrite(c1, 2, 1, 1, 0.5, 10);


        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the segment with maximal potential. Segment's potential is measured by number of potential synapses.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn"></param>
        /// <param name="matchingSegments"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DistalDendrite getSegmentwithHighesPotential(Connections conn, List <DistalDendrite> matchingSegments)
            // int[] numActPotential = conn.getLastActivity().numActivePotential;

            DistalDendrite maxSeg = matchingSegments[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < matchingSegments.Count - 1; i++)
                if (conn.getLastActivity().PotentialSynapses[matchingSegments[i + 1].getIndex()] > conn.getLastActivity().PotentialSynapses[matchingSegments[i].getIndex()])
                    maxSeg = matchingSegments[i + 1];
Beispiel #23
         * Activates all of the cells in an unpredicted active column,
         * chooses a winner cell, and, if learning is turned on, either adapts or
         * creates a segment. growSynapses is invoked on this segment.
         * </p><p>
         * <b>Pseudocode:</b>
         * </p><p>
         * <pre>
         *  mark all cells as active
         *  if there are any matching distal dendrite segments
         *      find the most active matching segment
         *      mark its cell as a winner cell
         *      (learning)
         *      grow and reinforce synapses to previous winner cells
         *  else
         *      find the cell with the least segments, mark it as a winner cell
         *      (learning)
         *      (optimization) if there are previous winner cells
         *          add a segment to this winner cell
         *          grow synapses to previous winner cells
         * </pre>
         * </p>
         * @param conn                      Connections instance for the TM
         * @param column                    Bursting {@link Column}
         * @param matchingSegments          List of matching {@link DistalDendrite}s
         * @param prevActiveCells           Active cells in `t-1`
         * @param prevWinnerCells           Winner cells in `t-1`
         * @param permanenceIncrement       Amount by which permanences of synapses
         *                                  are decremented during learning
         * @param permanenceDecrement       Amount by which permanences of synapses
         *                                  are incremented during learning
         * @param random                    Random number generator
         * @param learn                     Whether or not learning is enabled
         * @return  Tuple containing:
         *                  cells       list of the processed column's cells
         *                  bestCell    the best cell
        public Tuple BurstColumn(Connections conn, Column column, List <DistalDendrite> matchingSegments,
                                 HashSet <Cell> prevActiveCells, HashSet <Cell> prevWinnerCells, double permanenceIncrement, double permanenceDecrement,
                                 IRandom random, bool learn)
            IList <Cell> cells    = column.GetCells();
            Cell         bestCell = null;

            if (matchingSegments.Any())
                int[] numPoten = conn.GetLastActivity().numActivePotential;
                Comparison <DistalDendrite> cmp = (dd1, dd2) => numPoten[dd1.GetIndex()] - numPoten[dd2.GetIndex()];

                var sortedSegments = new List <DistalDendrite>(matchingSegments);

                DistalDendrite bestSegment = sortedSegments.Last();
                bestCell = bestSegment.GetParentCell();

                if (learn)
                    AdaptSegment(conn, bestSegment, prevActiveCells, permanenceIncrement, permanenceDecrement);

                    int nGrowDesired = conn.GetMaxNewSynapseCount() - numPoten[bestSegment.GetIndex()];

                    if (nGrowDesired > 0)
                        GrowSynapses(conn, prevWinnerCells, bestSegment, conn.GetInitialPermanence(),
                                     nGrowDesired, random);
                bestCell = LeastUsedCell(conn, cells, random);
                if (learn)
                    int nGrowExact = Math.Min(conn.GetMaxNewSynapseCount(), prevWinnerCells.Count);
                    if (nGrowExact > 0)
                        DistalDendrite bestSegment = conn.CreateSegment(bestCell);
                        GrowSynapses(conn, prevWinnerCells, bestSegment, conn.GetInitialPermanence(),
                                     nGrowExact, random);

            return(new Tuple(cells, bestCell));
Beispiel #24
        public void testAdaptSegmentToMin()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = Parameters.GetAllDefaultParameters();


            DistalDendrite dd = cn.CreateSegment(cn.GetCell(0));
            Synapse        s1 = cn.CreateSynapse(dd, cn.GetCell(23), 0.1);

            cn.CreateSynapse(dd, cn.GetCell(1), 0.3);

            tm.AdaptSegment(cn, dd, cn.GetCellSet(), cn.GetPermanenceIncrement(), cn.GetPermanenceDecrement());
Beispiel #25
        public void SerializePoolTest(int size, int numInputs)
            Pool pool = new Pool(size, numInputs);

            //pool.m_SynapseConnections = new List<int>();

            Cell cell = new Cell(12, 14, 16, 18, new CellActivity());

            var distSeg1 = new DistalDendrite(cell, 1, 2, 2, 1.0, 100);


            var distSeg2 = new DistalDendrite(cell, 44, 24, 34, 1.0, 100);


            Cell preSynapticcell = new Cell(11, 14, 16, 28, new CellActivity());

            var synapse1 = new Synapse(cell, distSeg1.SegmentIndex, 23, 1.0);


            var synapse2 = new Synapse(cell, distSeg2.SegmentIndex, 27, 1.0);


            pool.m_SynapsesBySourceIndex = new Dictionary <int, Synapse>();
            pool.m_SynapsesBySourceIndex.Add(3, synapse1);
            pool.m_SynapsesBySourceIndex.Add(67, synapse2);

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"ser_{nameof(SerializePoolTest)}.txt"))

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader($"ser_{nameof(SerializePoolTest)}.txt"))
                Pool pool1 = Pool.Deserialize(sr);

        public void TestActiveSegmentGrowSynapsesAccordingToPotentialOverlap()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = getDefaultParameters(null, KEY.CELLS_PER_COLUMN, 1);

            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.MIN_THRESHOLD, 1);
            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.ACTIVATION_THRESHOLD, 2);
            p = getDefaultParameters(p, KEY.MAX_NEW_SYNAPSE_COUNT, 4);

            // Use 1 cell per column so that we have easy control over the winner cells.
            int[]       previousActiveColumns = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            List <Cell> prevWinnerCells       = new List <Cell>(new Cell[] { cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(3), cn.GetCell(4) });

            int[] activeColumns = { 5 };

            DistalDendrite activeSegment = cn.CreateDistalSegment(cn.GetCell(5));

            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(0), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(1), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(2), 0.2);

            ComputeCycle cc = tm.Compute(previousActiveColumns, true) as ComputeCycle;

            cc = tm.Compute(activeColumns, true) as ComputeCycle;

            List <Cell> presynapticCells = new List <Cell>();

            foreach (var syn in activeSegment.GetAllSynapses(cn))

            //= cn.getSynapses(activeSegment).stream()

                presynapticCells.Count == 4 && (
                    (presynapticCells.Contains(cn.GetCell(0)) && presynapticCells.Contains(cn.GetCell(1)) && presynapticCells.Contains(cn.GetCell(2)) && presynapticCells.Contains(cn.GetCell(3))) ||
                    (presynapticCells.Contains(cn.GetCell(0)) && presynapticCells.Contains(cn.GetCell(1)) && presynapticCells.Contains(cn.GetCell(2)) && presynapticCells.Contains(cn.GetCell(4)))));
Beispiel #27
        public void SerializeSegmentTest()
            Cell cell = new Cell(12, 14, 16, 18, new CellActivity());

            Segment seg = new DistalDendrite(cell, 1, 2, 2, 1.0, 100);

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"ser_{nameof(SerializeSegmentTest)}.txt"))
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader($"ser_{nameof(SerializeSegmentTest)}.txt"))
                //Segment segment1 = Segment.Deserialize(sr);

                // Assert.IsTrue(segment1.Equals(seg));
Beispiel #28
        public void SerializeDistalDendrite()
            Cell           cell   = new Cell(1, 1, 1, 1, new CellActivity());
            DistalDendrite distal = new DistalDendrite(cell, 1, 2, 2, 1.0, 100);

            //distal.Synapses.Add(new Synapse(cell, 1, 23, 1.0));
            //distal.Synapses.Add(new Synapse(cell, 3, 27, 1.0));
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"ser_{nameof(SerializeDistalDendrite)}.txt"))
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader($"ser_{nameof(SerializeDistalDendrite)}.txt"))
                DistalDendrite distal1 = DistalDendrite.Deserialize(sr);

        public void TestAdaptSegmentToMin()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = Parameters.getAllDefaultParameters();


            DistalDendrite dd = cn.CreateDistalSegment(cn.GetCell(0));
            Synapse        s1 = cn.CreateSynapse(dd, cn.GetCell(23), 0.1);

            cn.CreateSynapse(dd, cn.GetCell(1), 0.3);

            TemporalMemory.AdaptSegment(cn, dd, cn.GetCellSet(new int[] { }), cn.HtmConfig.PermanenceIncrement, cn.HtmConfig.PermanenceDecrement);
            //DD Assert.IsFalse(cn.GetSynapses(dd).Contains(s1));
Beispiel #30
        public void testActiveSegmentGrowSynapsesAccordingToPotentialOverlap()
            TemporalMemory tm = new TemporalMemory();
            Connections    cn = new Connections();
            Parameters     p  = GetDefaultParameters(null, Parameters.KEY.CELLS_PER_COLUMN, 1);

            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.MIN_THRESHOLD, 1);
            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.ACTIVATION_THRESHOLD, 2);
            p = GetDefaultParameters(p, Parameters.KEY.MAX_NEW_SYNAPSE_COUNT, 4);

            // Use 1 cell per column so that we have easy control over the winner cells.
            int[]          previousActiveColumns = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            HashSet <Cell> prevWinnerCells       = new HashSet <Cell>(Arrays.AsList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
                                                                      .Select(i => cn.GetCell(i))

            int[] activeColumns = { 5 };

            DistalDendrite activeSegment = cn.CreateSegment(cn.GetCell(5));

            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(0), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(1), 0.5);
            cn.CreateSynapse(activeSegment, cn.GetCell(2), 0.2);

            ComputeCycle cc = tm.Compute(cn, previousActiveColumns, true);

            cc = tm.Compute(cn, activeColumns, true);

            HashSet <Cell> presynapticCells = new HashSet <Cell>(cn.GetSynapses(activeSegment)
                                                                 .Select(s => s.GetPresynapticCell())

                presynapticCells.Count == 4 && (
                    !presynapticCells.Except(new List <Cell> {
                cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(3)
            }).Any() ||
                    !presynapticCells.Except(new List <Cell> {
                cn.GetCell(0), cn.GetCell(1), cn.GetCell(2), cn.GetCell(4)