Beispiel #1
    private void InitializeComponent()

        searchBox           = this.FindControl <TextBox>("SearchBox");
        resultsList         = this.FindControl <ListBox>("ResultsList");
        adapter             = new SelectingItemsControlSelectionAdapter(resultsList);
        adapter.Commit     += ResultCommit;
        searchBox.GotFocus += (_, _) =>
            if (searchBoxMoveToEnd)
                searchBox.SelectionEnd = searchBox.SelectionStart = searchBox.Text.Length;
        searchBox.KeyDown += SearchBox_KeyDown;

        this.GetObservable(IsVisibleProperty).SubscribeAction(@is =>
            if (@is)
                DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
                }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
 protected override void OnAttachedToVisualTree(VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs e)
     DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
         this.FindControl <TheEnginePanel>("TheEnginePanel").Focus();
     }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
Beispiel #3
 private void HistoryChanged(object?sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add && e.NewItems?[0] is IControl control)
         DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(control.BringIntoView, TimeSpan.Zero);
Beispiel #4
        public AppUI()
            var blurb1 = App.TextBlock;

            blurb1.Text          = "Open an audio file to attempt to identify it.";
            blurb1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

            rootPan.Spacing = 10;

            var resultGd = App.DataGrid;

            resultGd.Items = new List <Recording>()

            var openF = App.HorizontalFieldWithButton;

            openF.holder.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            openF.label.Text       = "Audio file:";
            openF.field.IsReadOnly = true;
            openF.field.Width      = 600;
            openF.button.Content   = "Open File...";
            openF.button.Click    += async(z, zz) => {
                var afPath = await OpenFile(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(afPath))
                    var tempB = blurb1.Text;
                    openF.field.Text = afPath;
                    var aResp = new List <LookupResponse>();
                    try {
                        ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = true;
                        blurb1.Text = "Identifying audio...";
                        aResp       = await lib.ProcessAudioFile(new Uri(afPath));

                        ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = false;
                        blurb1.Text = tempB;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = false;
                        blurb1.Text = tempB;

                    if (aResp.Any())
                        resultGd.Items = aResp.SelectMany(zzz => { return(zzz.Results.SelectMany(zzzz => { return zzzz.Recordings; })); }).ToList();
                        blurb1.Text = "No matches found.";
                        DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() => {
                            blurb1.Text = tempB;
                        }, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5, 0));
            rootPan.Children.AddRange(new List <IControl> {
                blurb1, openF.holder, resultGd
Beispiel #5
 private void ExecuteShowBusyIndicator(object x)
     IsBusy = !IsBusy;
     if (IsBusy)
         DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
             IsBusy = false;
         }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
 private void InitializeComponent()
     DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
         GridView gridView = this.FindControl <GridView>("GridView");
         if (gridView != null && gridView.SelectedItem != null)
     }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
Beispiel #7
 public override void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
     containerProvider.Resolve <IEventAggregator>().GetEvent <AllModulesLoaded>()
     .Subscribe(() =>
         DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
             containerProvider.Resolve <IAnniversarySummaryService>().TryOpenDefaultSummary();
         }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
     }, true);
 protected override void OnAttachedToVisualTree(VisualTreeAttachmentEventArgs e)
     TablesListBox    = this.FindControl <ListBox>("TablesListBox");
     SelectionAdapter = new SelectingItemsControlSelectionAdapter(TablesListBox);
     DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
         var searchTextBox = this.FindControl <TextBox>("SearchTextBox");
     }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
        public OptionsTabView()

            var flip = this.FindControl <Button>("Flip");

            flip.Command = ReactiveCommand.Create(() =>
                var window = (Window)VisualRoot;

                DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() => { window.Classes.Remove("DoAFlip"); }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
Beispiel #10
        void DisposeRenderTarget()
            using (var l = _lock.TryLock())
                if (l == null)
                    // We are still trying to render on the render thread, try again a bit later
                    DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(DisposeRenderTarget, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50),

                RenderTarget = null;
    public void Spawn(Visual parent, Rect position, BaseDatabaseCellViewModel cellModel)
        this.cellModel = cellModel;
        var flagsComboBox = new CompletionComboBox();

        flagsComboBox.Items                 = cellModel.Items;
        flagsComboBox.SelectedItem          = cellModel.OptionValue;
        flagsComboBox.HideButton            = true;
        flagsComboBox.IsLightDismissEnabled = false; // we are handling it ourselves, without doing .Handled = true so that as soon as user press outside of popup, the click is treated as actual click
        flagsComboBox.Closed               += CompletionComboBoxOnClosed;

        if (!AttachAsAdorner(parent, position, flagsComboBox))

        DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
            flagsComboBox.IsDropDownOpen = true;
        }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
    public void Spawn(Visual parent, Rect position, IParameterValue <long> parameter)
        this.parameter = parameter;
        var flagsComboBox = new FlagComboBox();

        flagsComboBox.Flags                 = parameter.Parameter.Items;
        flagsComboBox.SelectedValue         = parameter.Value;
        flagsComboBox.HideButton            = true;
        flagsComboBox.IsLightDismissEnabled = false; // we are handling it ourselves, without doing .Handled = true so that as soon as user press outside of popup, the click is treated as actual click
        flagsComboBox.Closed               += CompletionComboBoxOnClosed;

        if (!AttachAsAdorner(parent, position, flagsComboBox))

        DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
            flagsComboBox.IsDropDownOpen = true;
        }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
    public void Spawn(Visual parent, Rect position, string text, bool selectAll, Action <string> onApply)
        currentOnApply = onApply;
        var textBox = new TextBox()

        textBox.MinWidth  = 0;
        textBox.MinHeight = 0;
        textBox.Padding   = new Thickness(5, 0, 0, 0);
        textBox.Text      = text;
        textBox.KeyBindings.Add(new KeyBinding()
            Gesture = new KeyGesture(Key.Enter),
            Command = new DelegateCommand(() => Despawn(true))
        textBox.KeyBindings.Add(new KeyBinding()
            Gesture = new KeyGesture(Key.Escape),
            Command = new DelegateCommand(() => Despawn(false))
        textBox.LostFocus += ElementLostFocus;

        if (!AttachAsAdorner(parent, position, textBox))

        DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(textBox.Focus, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));
        if (selectAll)
            textBox.SelectionStart = textBox.SelectionEnd = textBox.Text.Length;
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a new item container is materialized, to set its selected state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event args.</param>
        private void ContainerMaterialized(object sender, ItemContainerEventArgs e)
            var selectedItem = SelectedItem;

            if (selectedItem != null)
                foreach (var container in e.Containers)
                    if (container.Item == selectedItem)
                        ((TreeViewItem)container.ContainerControl).IsSelected = true;

                        if (AutoScrollToSelectedItem)

Beispiel #15
        private void ClipboardOnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.PropertyName == nameof(Clipboard.CurrentIndex))
                if (Clipboard.CurrentIndex < 0 || Clipboard.SuppressRestore)

                AddLogVerbose($"Clipboard change: {Clipboard.CurrentIndex}");

                if (Clipboard.ReallocatedLayerCount)
                    DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() =>
                    }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));

 public static void Invoke(Action action, DispatcherPriority dispatcherPriority = DispatcherPriority.Background)
     DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() => { action(); }, new TimeSpan(0), dispatcherPriority);
Beispiel #17
        public AppUI()
            var lb1 = new ListBox();

            lb1.Width       = lb1.Height = 300;
            rootPan.Spacing = 6;

            var blurb1 = App.TextBlock;

            blurb1.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
            blurb1.Text          = "Connect to an FTP server.";

            var partcPanel = App.HorizontalStackPanel;

            partcPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            var hostBlurb = App.TextBlock;

            hostBlurb.Text = "Host:";
            var hostField = App.TextBox;

            hostField.Width = 130;

            var portBlurb = App.TextBlock;

            portBlurb.Text = "Port:";
            var portField = App.TextBox;

            portField.Width = 50;
            portField.Text  = "21";

            var userBlurb = App.TextBlock;

            userBlurb.Text = "Username:"******"Password:"******"Connect";
            var disconnectBt = App.Button;

            disconnectBt.Content   = "Disconnect";
            disconnectBt.IsEnabled = false;

            partcPanel.Children.AddRange(new List <IControl> {
                hostBlurb, hostField, portBlurb, portField, userBlurb, userField, passBlurb, passField, connectBt, disconnectBt

            var upDirLocal = App.Button;

            upDirLocal.Content = "Up";
            upDirLocal.Width   = 50;
            var ph1 = App.TextBlock;
            var ph2 = App.TextBlock;
            var ph3 = App.TextBlock;

            ph1.Text  = ph2.Text = ph3.Text = " ";
            ph1.Width = ph2.Width = 240;
            var ulBt = App.Button;

            ulBt.Content = "Upload >";

            var upDirRemote = App.Button;

            upDirRemote.Content = "Up";
            upDirRemote.Width   = 50;
            var dlBt = App.Button;

            dlBt.Content = "< Download";

            upDirLocal.IsEnabled  = false;
            ulBt.IsEnabled        = false;
            upDirRemote.IsEnabled = false;
            dlBt.IsEnabled        = false;

            var partcPanel2 = App.HorizontalStackPanel;

            partcPanel2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            partcPanel2.Children.AddRange(new List <IControl> {
                upDirLocal, ph1, ulBt, dlBt, ph2, upDirRemote
            var border1 = new Border()
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(1), BorderBrush = Brushes.LightSlateGray, Width = 900

            border1.Child = partcPanel2;

            var localLb  = App.DataGrid;
            var remoteLb = App.DataGrid;

            localLb.Width  = remoteLb.Width = 430;
            localLb.Height = remoteLb.Height = 350;
            localLb.CanUserReorderColumns = remoteLb.CanUserReorderColumns = true;
            localLb.CanUserResizeColumns  = remoteLb.CanUserResizeColumns = true;

            void ShowErrorMessage(string message)
                string oriBlurb = blurb1.Text;

                blurb1.Text = message;
                DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(() => {
                    blurb1.Text = oriBlurb;
                }, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5, 0));

            upDirRemote.Click += async(z, zz) => {
                List <string> curDirSegs = (await client.GetWorkingDirectoryAsync()).Split('/').ToList();
                if (curDirSegs.Count() >= 0)
                    if (curDirSegs.Count() > 0)
                        await client.SetWorkingDirectoryAsync("/" + string.Join("/", curDirSegs.Take(curDirSegs.Count - 1)));
                        await client.SetWorkingDirectoryAsync("/");
                    remoteLb.Items = (await lib.ListDirAsync(client)).Select(zzz => new { zzz.Type, zzz.Name, zzz.Size, zzz.Created, zzz.Modified, zzz.FullName });

            upDirLocal.Click += (z, zz) => {
                var curDirSegs = new Uri(currentLocalDir);
                if (curDirSegs.Segments.Count() > 1)
                    string   newLocDir        = Directory.GetParent(curDirSegs.LocalPath).FullName;
                    string[] newDirFilesnames = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(newLocDir);
                    localLb.Items   = newDirFilesnames.Select(zzz => new FileInfo(zzz)).Select(zzz => new { zzz.Attributes, zzz.Name, Size = !zzz.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory) ? zzz.Length : 0, zzz.CreationTime, zzz.LastWriteTime, zzz.FullName });
                    currentLocalDir = newLocDir;

            remoteLb.CellPointerPressed += async(z, zz) => {
                var selectedItem = remoteLb.Items.Cast <dynamic>().ElementAt(zz.Row.GetIndex());
                if (selectedItem.Type.Equals(FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory))
                    await client.SetWorkingDirectoryAsync(selectedItem.FullName);

                    remoteLb.Items = (await lib.ListDirAsync(client)).Select(zzz => new { zzz.Type, zzz.Name, zzz.Size, zzz.Created, zzz.Modified, zzz.FullName });

            localLb.CellPointerPressed += async(z, zz) => {
                var selectedItem = localLb.Items.Cast <dynamic>().ElementAt(zz.Row.GetIndex());
                if (selectedItem.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
                    string[] newDirFilesnames = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(selectedItem.FullName);

                    await client.GetWorkingDirectoryAsync();

                    localLb.Items   = newDirFilesnames.Select(zzz => new FileInfo(zzz)).Select(zzz => new { zzz.Attributes, zzz.Name, Size = !zzz.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory) ? zzz.Length : 0, zzz.CreationTime, zzz.LastWriteTime, zzz.FullName });
                    currentLocalDir = selectedItem.FullName;

            ph3.Width = 20;

            var partcPanel3 = App.HorizontalStackPanel;

            partcPanel3.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            partcPanel3.Children.AddRange(new List <IControl> {
                localLb, ph3, remoteLb
            var border2 = new Border()
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(1), BorderBrush = Brushes.LightSlateGray, Width = 900

            border2.Child = partcPanel3;

            rootPan.Children.AddRange(new List <IControl> {
                blurb1, partcPanel, border1, border2

            dlBt.Click += async(z, zz) => {
                try {
                    foreach (var item in remoteLb.SelectedItems)
                        ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = true;
                        await lib.DownloadFileAsync(client, new Uri(currentLocalDir), ((dynamic)item).Name);

                        ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = false;
                        localLb.Items = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Select(zzz => new FileInfo(zzz)).Select(zzz => new { zzz.Attributes, zzz.Name, Size = !zzz.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory) ? zzz.Length : 0, zzz.CreationTime, zzz.LastWriteTime, zzz.FullName }).ToList();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = false;

            ulBt.Click += async(z, zz) => {
                try {
                    foreach (var item in localLb.SelectedItems)
                        ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = true;
                        await lib.UploadFileAsync(client, new Uri(((dynamic)item).FullName));

                        ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = false;
                        remoteLb.Items = (await lib.ListDirAsync(client)).Select(zzz => new { zzz.Type, zzz.Name, zzz.Size, zzz.Created, zzz.Modified, zzz.FullName });
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = false;

            connectBt.Click += async(z, zz) => {
                try {
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostField.Text))
                        throw new ArgumentNullException();
                    ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = true;

                    client = await lib.ConnectToFtpAsync(hostField.Text, int.Parse(portField.Text), userField.Text, passField[TextBox.TextProperty].ToString());

                    remoteLb.Items = (await lib.ListDirAsync(client)).Select(zzz => new { zzz.Type, zzz.Name, zzz.Size, zzz.Created, zzz.Modified, zzz.FullName });
                    localLb.Items  = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Select(zzz => new FileInfo(zzz)).Select(zzz => new { zzz.Attributes, zzz.Name, Size = !zzz.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory) ? zzz.Length : 0, zzz.CreationTime, zzz.LastWriteTime, zzz.FullName }).ToList();

                    currentLocalDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

                    connectBt.IsEnabled    = false;
                    disconnectBt.IsEnabled = true;
                    hostField.IsEnabled    = false;
                    portField.IsEnabled    = false;
                    userField.IsEnabled    = false;
                    passField.IsEnabled    = false;
                    upDirLocal.IsEnabled   = true;
                    ulBt.IsEnabled         = true;
                    upDirRemote.IsEnabled  = true;
                    dlBt.IsEnabled         = true;

                    ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = false;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    ((App)Application.Current).LoadingBar.IsIndeterminate = false;

                    if (e is ArgumentNullException || e is ArgumentException || e is FormatException)
                        ShowErrorMessage("Empty or invalid connection parameter(s).");

            disconnectBt.Click += (z, zz) => {

                connectBt.IsEnabled    = true;
                disconnectBt.IsEnabled = false;
                hostField.IsEnabled    = true;
                portField.IsEnabled    = true;
                userField.IsEnabled    = true;
                passField.IsEnabled    = true;
                upDirLocal.IsEnabled   = false;
                ulBt.IsEnabled         = false;
                upDirRemote.IsEnabled  = false;
                dlBt.IsEnabled         = false;
                localLb.Items          = null;
                remoteLb.Items         = null;
 public void Delay(Action action, TimeSpan delay)
     DispatcherTimer.RunOnce(action, delay);