public FormPropertiesBox(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db, Box box) { this.db = db; = box; InitializeComponent(); this.textBoxTitle.Text =; this.textBoxDescription.Text =; foreach (Object o in db.BoxTypes) { this.comboBoxBoxType.Items.Add(o); } for (int i = 0; i < this.comboBoxBoxType.Items.Count; i++) { if (((BoxType)this.comboBoxBoxType.Items[i]).Id == box.Type.Id) { this.comboBoxBoxType.SelectedIndex = i; } } this.imagePanelFront.ImgFact = db.FrontImages; this.imagePanelBack.ImgFact = db.BackImages; this.imagePanelInlay.ImgFact = db.InlayImages; this.imagePanelBack.ShowImage(box.BackCover); this.imagePanelFront.ShowImage(box.FrontCover); this.imagePanelInlay.ShowImage(box.InlayCover); var lst = this.db.BoxTypes; this.comboBox1.DataSource = lst; this.Text = box.Name + " - Properties"; }
public FormPopertiesCategory(DisksDB.DataBase.Category cat) : base() { = cat; InitializeComponent(); SetData(); }
public TreeNodeImagesFolder(string name, DisksDB.DataBase.ImageFactory imgFact) : base(name, imgFact, false, false, "Images Folder", -1, DateTime.Now, false, false, false, false, true) { this.ImageIndex = TreeImages.Folder; this.SelectedImageIndex = TreeImages.FolderOpen; this.imgFact = imgFact; this.imgFact.ChildItemAdded += new EventHandlerItemAdded(ChildItemAdded); this.imgFact.ChildItemRemoved += new EventHandlerItemRemoved(ChildItemRemoved); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="d">this disk object</param> public TreeNodeDisk(DataBase.Disk d, DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db) : base(d.Name, d, true, true, "CD/DVD Disk", -1, DateTime.Now, true, false, false, false, false) { this.disk = d; this.db = db; this.ImageIndex = TreeImages.CD; this.SelectedImageIndex = TreeImages.CDOpen; this.disk.NameChanged += new EventHandler(NameChanged); }
public TreeViewImages(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db, FormImagePreview prv) { this.DataBase = db; this.prv = prv; LoadTree(); this.ContextMenu.Popup += new EventHandler(ContextMenuPopup); this.AllowDrop = true; this.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(TreeViewImages_DragDrop); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs CD Box tree item /// </summary> /// <param name="db">database</param> /// <param name="box">database object of cdbox</param> public TreeNodeBox(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db, DataBase.Box box, TreeViewCatalog trv) : base(box.Name, box, true, true, "CD/DVD Box", -1, DateTime.Now, true, true, false, false, false) { = trv; this.db = db; = box; this.ImageIndex = TreeImages.CDBox; this.SelectedImageIndex = TreeImages.CDBoxOpen; += new EventHandlerItemAdded(ChildItemAdded); += new EventHandlerItemRemoved(ChildItemRemoved); += new EventHandler(NameChanged); += new EventHandler(ChildsChanged); }
public FormOptions(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db) { this.db = db; InitializeComponent(); this.imageList.Images.Add(MyResources.GetBitmap("database.png")); this.imageList.Images.Add(FileIcons.GetSystemIcon(141, true)); this.imageList.Images.Add(FileIcons.GetSystemIcon(200, true)); this.listView1.Items[0].ImageIndex = 0; this.listView1.Items[1].ImageIndex = 1; this.listView1.Items[2].ImageIndex = 2; this.comboBox1.DataSource = new DisksDB.DataBase.DBLayersScanner().LoadModules(); this.checkBoxAllowSync.Checked = SyncServer.Instance.IsRunning; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs TreeNode object from database Category object /// </summary> /// <param name="db">database object</param> /// <param name="cat">category object</param> /// <param name="trv">tree view</param> public TreeNodeCategory(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db, DataBase.Category cat, TreeViewCatalog trv) : base(cat.Name, cat, true, true, "Category", -1, DateTime.Now, true, false, true, true, false) { Debug.Assert(null != trv); = trv; this.db = db; = cat; this.ImageIndex = TreeImages.Category; this.SelectedImageIndex = TreeImages.CategoryOpen; += new EventHandler(NameChanged); += new EventHandlerItemAdded(ChildItemAdded); += new EventHandlerItemRemoved(ChildItemRemoved); += new EventHandler(ChildsChanged); }
public FormFirstRun(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db) { this.db = db; InitializeComponent(); try { this.Icon = new Icon(MyResources.GetStream("App.ico")); this.pictureBox1.Image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(MyResources.GetStream("wellcomeImage.png")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } }
public void ShowItem(DisksDB.DataBase.Image image) { SetItem(image); try { this.pictureBoxImage.Image = image.Picture; this.pictureBoxImage.Size = image.Picture.Size; } catch (Exception) { } this.tabControl1.SelectedTab = this.tabPageImage; }
public FormCopyDataBase(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase dataBase) { this.dataBase = dataBase; InitializeComponent(); try { this.Icon = new Icon(MyResources.GetStream("database.ico")); this.pictureBox1.Image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(MyResources.GetStream("wellcomeImage.png")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } }
// form submit protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validateFields() && DisksDB.AddDisk(txtTitle.Text, Int32.Parse(txtLength.Text), txtGenre.Text)) { // add disk to db and show modal lblModalTitle.Text = "Successfully Added Disk"; lblModalBody.Text = txtTitle.Text + " has been successfully added to the database. Please select an option."; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "myModal", "$('#myModal').modal();", true); upModal.Update(); } else { // show error message txtErrorMessage.Text = "One or more fields might not have been filled."; } }
public FormNewCDBox(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db) { InitializeComponent(); FillTypes(db); this.frontPage.FillImages(db.FrontImages); this.backPage.FillImages(db.BackImages); this.inlayPage.FillImages(db.InlayImages); try { this.Icon = new System.Drawing.Icon(MyResources.GetStream("App.ico")); this.pictureBox1.Image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(MyResources.GetStream("wellcomeImage.png")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } }
public FormPropertiesDisk(DisksDB.DataBase.Disk disk, DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db) { InitializeComponent(); this.disk = disk; this.textBoxTitle.Text = disk.Name; this.textBoxDescription.Text = ""; this.textBoxDescription.Enabled = false; this.imagePanel1.ImgFact = db.DiskImages; foreach (DiskType o in db.DiskTypes) { this.comboBox1.Items.Add(o); if (o.Id == disk.Type.Id) { this.comboBox1.SelectedItem = o; } } this.imagePanel1.ShowImage(disk.Image); this.Text = disk.Name + " - Properties"; }
public FormNewDisk(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db, DataBase.Box box) { = box; InitializeComponent(); FillDrives(); this.comboBoxDiskType.DataSource = db.DiskTypes; this.controlNewCover1.FillImages(db.DiskImages); this.textBoxName.Text = box.Name; this.diskType = (DiskType)db.DiskTypes[0]; try { this.Icon = new System.Drawing.Icon(MyResources.GetStream("dvdbox.ico")); this.pictureBox1.Image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(MyResources.GetStream("wellcomeImage.png")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); } }
public void ShowItem(DisksDB.DataBase.File file) { SetItem(file); this.labelFolderName.Text = file.Name; this.labelFolderDate.Text = file.Date.ToString(); this.tabControl1.SelectedTab = this.tabPageFolder; }
private void SetItem(DisksDB.DataBase.BaseObject item) { if (this.activeItem != item) { if (null != this.activeItem) { this.activeItem.NameChanged -= new EventHandler(ItemNameChanged); } this.activeItem = item; item.NameChanged += new EventHandler(ItemNameChanged); } }
public void ShowItem(DisksDB.DataBase.BaseObject baseObject) { if (null == baseObject) { return; } if (baseObject is Disk) { this.ShowItem((Disk)baseObject); } else if (baseObject is Box) { this.ShowItem((Box)baseObject); } else if (baseObject is File) { this.ShowItem((File)baseObject); } else if (baseObject is Category) { this.ShowItem((Category)baseObject); } else if (baseObject is DisksDB.DataBase.Image) { this.ShowItem((DisksDB.DataBase.Image)baseObject); } }
public void ShowItem(DisksDB.DataBase.Box box) { SetItem(box); if (null != box.FrontCover.Picture) { this.pictureBox2.Image = box.FrontCover.Picture; } if (null != box.BackCover.Picture) { this.pictureBox3.Image = box.BackCover.Picture; } if (null != box.InlayCover.Picture) { this.pictureBox4.Image = box.InlayCover.Picture; } this.label3.Text = box.Name; this.label4.Text = box.Description; this.tabControl1.SelectedTab = this.tabPageBox; }
public void ShowItem(DisksDB.DataBase.Disk disk) { SetItem(disk); if (null != disk.Image.Picture) { this.pictureBox1.Image = disk.Image.Picture; } this.label1.Text = disk.Name; this.label2.Text = ""; this.tabControl1.SelectedTab = this.tabPageDisk; }
public void ShowItem(DisksDB.DataBase.Category category) { SetItem(category); this.labelCategoryName.Text = category.Name; this.labelCategoryDescription.Text = category.Description; this.tabControl1.SelectedTab = this.tabPageCategory; }
private void FillTypes(DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase db) { if (null == db) { return; } var lst = db.BoxTypes; this.comboBoxTyp.DataSource = lst; }
public FormSearch(FormMain mainApp, DisksDB.DataBase.DataBase dataBase) { InitializeComponent(); FillComboBoxesItems(); this.mainApp = mainApp; this.dataBase = dataBase; this.comboBoxMoreThan.SelectedIndex = 2; this.comboBoxLessThan.SelectedIndex = 2; this.comboBoxEquals.SelectedIndex = 2; }
public void SaveConfig(DisksDB.Config.Config cfg) { cfg.SetValue(this.Name + ".DataBaseFile", this.cfg.DataBaseFile); }
public void LoadConfig(DisksDB.Config.Config cfg) { this.cfg.DataBaseFile = cfg.GetValue(this.Name + ".DataBaseFile"); }