/// <summary>
        /// When activated, blasts everyone in LOS within n tiles
        /// with a high-probability disease infection attempt
        /// </summary>
        private void OnActivate(EntityUid uid, DiseaseArtifactComponent component, ArtifactActivatedEvent args)
            if (component.SpawnDisease == null)

            var xform        = Transform(uid);
            var carrierQuery = GetEntityQuery <DiseaseCarrierComponent>();

            foreach (var entity in _lookup.GetEntitiesInRange(xform.Coordinates, component.Range))
                if (!carrierQuery.TryGetComponent(entity, out var carrier))

                if (!_interactionSystem.InRangeUnobstructed(uid, entity, component.Range))

                _disease.TryInfect(carrier, component.SpawnDisease, forced: true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes sure this artifact is assigned a disease
        /// </summary>
        private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, DiseaseArtifactComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
            if (component.SpawnDisease == string.Empty && component.ArtifactDiseases.Count != 0)
                var diseaseName = _random.Pick(component.ArtifactDiseases);

                component.SpawnDisease = diseaseName;

            if (_prototypeManager.TryIndex(component.SpawnDisease, out DiseasePrototype? disease) && disease != null)
                component.ResolveDisease = disease;
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes sure this artifact is assigned a disease
        /// </summary>
        private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, DiseaseArtifactComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
            if (component.SpawnDisease != null || ArtifactDiseases.Count == 0)
            var diseaseName = _random.Pick(ArtifactDiseases);

            if (!_prototypeManager.TryIndex <DiseasePrototype>(diseaseName, out var disease))
                Logger.ErrorS("disease", $"Invalid disease {diseaseName} selected from random diseases.");

            component.SpawnDisease = disease;
        /// <summary>
        /// When activated, blasts everyone in LOS within 3 tiles
        /// with a high-probability disease infection attempt
        /// </summary>
        private void OnActivate(EntityUid uid, DiseaseArtifactComponent component, ArtifactActivatedEvent args)
            var xform = Transform(uid);

            foreach (var entity in _lookup.GetEntitiesInRange(xform.MapID, xform.WorldPosition, 3f))
                if (!_interactionSystem.InRangeUnobstructed(uid, entity, 3f))

                if (TryComp <DiseaseCarrierComponent>(entity, out var carrier))
                    EntitySystem.Get <DiseaseSystem>().TryInfect(carrier, component.ResolveDisease);