Beispiel #1
        public bool Import(string submission, string user, string project)
            var  projectFilename = string.Format(@"{0}_{1}", submission, project);
            bool success         = XmlUserData.Import(projectFilename, user, "OgdTool");

            if (!success)

            // Copy output folder
            var userNameDest = Users.GetCurrentUserName();

            user = Users.LongUserToShort(user);

            var sourcePath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\Output Files\OgdTool\{1}\{2}\{3}",
                                           iPortalApp.AppServerName, user, submission, project);
            var destPath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\Output Files\OgdTool\{1}\{2}\{3}",
                                         iPortalApp.AppServerName, userNameDest, submission, project);

            if (Directory.Exists(sourcePath))
                DirectoryTools.DirectoryCopy(sourcePath, destPath, true, true);

            // Copy ouptut package if it exists
            FileInfo pkgFile = new FileInfo(sourcePath + ".zip");

            if (pkgFile.Exists)
                pkgFile.CopyTo(destPath + ".zip", true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the project to the target user and set it as shared by the source user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project"></param>
        /// <param name="sourceUserName"></param>
        /// <param name="targetUserName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool copyProject(Project project, string sourceUserName, string targetUserName)
            string sourceProjectName = project.ProjectName;
            string submissionId      = project.SubmissionId;

            // Create share revision
            var revision = new ProjectRevision
                RevisionId = project.RevisionHistory.Last().RevisionId + 1,
                Name       = sourceProjectName,
                Date       = DateTime.Now,
                Owner      = sourceUserName,
                Action     = ActionTypes.Share


            // Fix name collisions
            var    targetProjectName = sourceProjectName;
            string xmlFilename       = String.Format("{0}_{1}", submissionId, sourceProjectName ?? "");

            if (XmlUserData.Exists(xmlFilename, "PkView", targetUserName))
                // Add a project rename entry by the destination user
                var renameRevision = new ProjectRevision
                    RevisionId = project.RevisionHistory.Last().RevisionId + 1,
                    Date       = DateTime.Now,
                    Owner      = targetUserName,
                    Action     = ActionTypes.Rename

                // Add an incremental numeric suffix while a collision is found
                int i = 1;
                    renameRevision.Name = string.Format("{0} ({1})", sourceProjectName, i++);
                    xmlFilename         = String.Format("{0}_{1}", submissionId, renameRevision.Name ?? "");
                } while (XmlUserData.Exists(xmlFilename, "PkView", targetUserName));
                targetProjectName   = renameRevision.Name;
                project.ProjectName = targetProjectName;

                // also change the project name of individual studies
                project.Studies.ForEach(s => { s.ProfileName = targetProjectName; });

            // Save the project for the target user
            this.CreateOrUpdate(project, targetUserName);

            // Output paths
            var sourcePath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\Output Files\PkView\{1}\{2}\{3}",
                                           iPortalApp.AppServerName, sourceUserName, sourceProjectName, submissionId);
            var targetPath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\Output Files\PkView\{1}\{2}\{3}",
                                           iPortalApp.AppServerName, targetUserName, targetProjectName, submissionId);

            // Copy each study
            foreach (var study in project.Studies)
                var sourceStudyPath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, study.SupplementNumber, study.StudyCode);
                var targetStudyPath = Path.Combine(targetPath, study.SupplementNumber, study.StudyCode);

                if (Directory.Exists(sourceStudyPath))
                    DirectoryTools.DirectoryCopy(sourceStudyPath, targetStudyPath, true, true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Share a project with the target user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="submissionId">Parent submission for the project</param>
        /// <param name="projectName">Project name</param>
        /// <param name="sourceUserName">user the project belongs to</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Share(string submissionId, string projectName, string targetUserName, List <string> selectedStudies = null)
            // source username
            var sourceUserName = Users.GetCurrentUserName();

            // Find the source project
            var sourceProject = this.Find(submissionId, projectName, sourceUserName);

            if (sourceProject == null)

            // Leave only selected studies in the source project
            if (selectedStudies != null && selectedStudies.Count != sourceProject.Studies.Count)
                var sourceStudies = from study in sourceProject.Studies
                                    join studyId in selectedStudies
                                    on study.StudyCode equals studyId
                                    select study;

                sourceProject.Studies = sourceStudies.ToList();

            // Locate matching projects by submission
            var targetProjectNames = this.List(submissionId, targetUserName);
            var targetProjects     = targetProjectNames
                                     .Select(name => this.Find(submissionId, name, targetUserName)).ToList();

            // Filter the list leaving only entries with matching creation date and shared by the source user
            var sourceCreation         = sourceProject.RevisionHistory.Single(h => h.RevisionId == 1);
            var targetProjectsWithDate = Enumerable.Empty <object>()
                                         .Select(o => new { p = new Project(), d = new DateTime() }).ToList();

            foreach (var tp in targetProjects)
                // Ensure revision history is sorted
                tp.RevisionHistory.OrderBy(h => h.RevisionId);

                // If creation entry does not match, remove it from the list
                if (tp.RevisionHistory.First().Equals(sourceCreation))
                    // Find the last share or import entry in the history
                    var lastShareOrImport = tp.RevisionHistory
                                            .Last(h => h.Action == ActionTypes.Share || h.Action == ActionTypes.Import);

                    // If it is a share by the source user, add the project to the list of target projects with the share date
                    if (lastShareOrImport.Action == ActionTypes.Share && lastShareOrImport.Owner == sourceUserName)
                        targetProjectsWithDate.Add(new { p = tp, d = lastShareOrImport.Date });
            targetProjectsWithDate.OrderByDescending(tpd => tpd.d);

            // If no previously shared projects were found, just copy the project to the target user
            if (targetProjectsWithDate.Count == 0)
                return(copyProject(sourceProject, sourceUserName, targetUserName));

            // Find the most recently shared project with compatible settings
            Project targetProject = null;
            List <Tuple <StudySettings, StudySettings> > matchedStudies = null;

            foreach (var tpd in targetProjectsWithDate)
                // Match the studies being shared from the source project to the studies in the target project
                matchedStudies = (from sourceStudy in sourceProject.Studies
                                  join targetStudy in tpd.p.Studies
                                  on sourceStudy.StudyCode equals targetStudy.StudyCode into matched
                                  from match in matched.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                  select new Tuple <StudySettings, StudySettings> (sourceStudy, match)).ToList();

                // Check for study compatibility
                bool compatible = true;
                foreach (var match in matchedStudies)
                    // If study has results in the target, check for settings compatibility
                    if (match.Item2 != null && match.Item2.Pharmacokinetics != null)
                        // If revision id of the two studies is identical no additional check is needed
                        if (match.Item1.RevisionId != match.Item2.RevisionId)
                            compatible = match.Item1.IsCompatible(match.Item2);
                            if (!compatible)

                // if the project is compatible stop looking
                if (compatible)
                    targetProject = tpd.p;

            // if no compatible project was found, just create a new copy of the project
            if (targetProject == null)
                return(copyProject(sourceProject, sourceUserName, targetUserName));

            // Create shared revision in the target project
            var shareRevisionId = targetProject.RevisionHistory.Max(h => h.RevisionId) + 1;
            var revision        = new ProjectRevision
                RevisionId = shareRevisionId,
                Name       = projectName,
                Date       = DateTime.Now,
                Owner      = sourceUserName,
                Action     = ActionTypes.Share


            var sourcePath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\Output Files\PkView\{1}\{2}\{3}",
                                           iPortalApp.AppServerName, sourceUserName, projectName, submissionId);
            var targetPath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\Output Files\PkView\{1}\{2}\{3}",
                                           iPortalApp.AppServerName, targetUserName, targetProject.ProjectName, submissionId);

            // Copy each study to the target
            foreach (var match in matchedStudies)
                // if matching study exist but has no results
                bool removed = false;
                if (match.Item2 != null && match.Item2.Pharmacokinetics == null)
                    // If revisionId is identical ignore this entry otherwise delete the entry for re-copy
                    if (match.Item1.RevisionId == match.Item2.RevisionId)
                        removed = true;

                // If target study does not exist or was removed
                if (match.Item2 == null || removed)
                    match.Item1.ProfileName = targetProject.ProjectName;
                    match.Item1.RevisionId  = shareRevisionId;

                    // if results exist, copy output files
                    if (match.Item1.Pharmacokinetics != null)
                        var supplementNumber = match.Item1.SupplementNumber;
                        var studyCode        = match.Item1.StudyCode;
                        var sourceStudyPath  = Path.Combine(sourcePath, supplementNumber, studyCode);
                        var targetStudyPath  = Path.Combine(targetPath, supplementNumber, studyCode);

                        // Copy output files
                        if (Directory.Exists(sourceStudyPath))
                            DirectoryTools.DirectoryCopy(sourceStudyPath, targetStudyPath, true, true);
                else // If the study does exist and has results, copy the missing reports from the source
                    // if the study doesnt have reports, there is nothing else to do for this study
                    if (match.Item1.Reports == null || match.Item1.Reports.Count == 0)

                    // if the target study does not have reports copy everything over
                    if (match.Item2.Reports == null || match.Item2.Reports.Count == 0)
                        match.Item2.Reports = match.Item1.Reports;

                    // Copy each report
                    var potentialMatches = match.Item2.Reports.ToDictionary(r => r.Name);
                    foreach (var sharedReport in match.Item1.Reports)
                        // while a report is found but the settings are different, look at the next incremental name
                        String reportBaseName = sharedReport.Name; int i = 1;
                        while (potentialMatches.ContainsKey(sharedReport.Name) &&
                            // assign a report name with an incremental suffix
                            sharedReport.Name = string.Format("{0} ({1})", reportBaseName, i++);

                        // if no report was found with the current name and identical settings, copy the source report
                        if (!potentialMatches.ContainsKey(sharedReport.Name))

                            var supplementNumber = match.Item1.SupplementNumber;
                            var studyCode        = match.Item1.StudyCode;
                            var sourceReportPath = Path.Combine(sourcePath, supplementNumber, studyCode, reportBaseName);
                            var targetReportPath = Path.Combine(targetPath, supplementNumber, studyCode, sharedReport.Name);

                            // Copy report files
                            if (Directory.Exists(sourceReportPath))
                                DirectoryTools.DirectoryCopy(sourceReportPath, targetReportPath, true, true);

            // Save the project for the target user
            this.CreateOrUpdate(targetProject, targetUserName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Import a project from the source user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="submissionId">Parent submission for the project</param>
        /// <param name="projectName">Project name</param>
        /// <param name="sourceUserName">user the project belongs to</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Import(string submissionId, string projectName, string sourceUserName)
            // Find the source project
            var project = this.Find(submissionId, projectName, sourceUserName);

            if (project == null)

            // destination username
            var targetUserName = Users.GetCurrentUserName();

            // Create share revision
            var revision = new ProjectRevision
                RevisionId = project.RevisionHistory.Last().RevisionId + 1,
                Name       = projectName,
                Date       = DateTime.Now,
                Owner      = sourceUserName,
                Action     = ActionTypes.Import


            // Fix name collisions
            var    targetProjectName = projectName;
            string xmlFilename       = String.Format("{0}_{1}", submissionId, projectName ?? "");

            if (XmlUserData.Exists(xmlFilename, "PkView", targetUserName))
                // Add a project rename entry by the destination user
                var renameRevision = new ProjectRevision
                    RevisionId = project.RevisionHistory.Last().RevisionId + 1,
                    Date       = DateTime.Now,
                    Owner      = targetUserName,
                    Action     = ActionTypes.Rename

                // Add an incremental numeric suffix while a collision is found
                int i = 1;
                    renameRevision.Name = string.Format("{0} ({1})", projectName, i++);
                    xmlFilename         = String.Format("{0}_{1}", submissionId, renameRevision.Name ?? "");
                } while (XmlUserData.Exists(xmlFilename, "PkView", targetUserName));
                targetProjectName   = renameRevision.Name;
                project.ProjectName = targetProjectName;

                // also change the project name of individual studies
                project.Studies.ForEach(s => { s.ProfileName = targetProjectName; });

            // Save the project for the target user
            this.CreateOrUpdate(project, targetUserName);

            // Copy output folder
            var sourcePath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\Output Files\PkView\{1}\{2}\{3}",
                                           iPortalApp.AppServerName, sourceUserName, projectName, submissionId);
            var destPath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\Output Files\PkView\{1}\{2}\{3}",
                                         iPortalApp.AppServerName, targetUserName, targetProjectName, submissionId);

            if (Directory.Exists(sourcePath))
                DirectoryTools.DirectoryCopy(sourcePath, destPath, true, true);

            // Copy ouptut package if it exists
            FileInfo pkgFile = new FileInfo(sourcePath + ".zip");

            if (pkgFile.Exists)
                pkgFile.CopyTo(destPath + ".zip", true);
