/// <summary>
        /// 这是查询的方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dgv"></param>
        /// <param name="where"></param>
        public void SourceSearch(DataGridView dgv, string lb, string where)
            List <BillIndex> bi = new List <BillIndex>();

            switch (lb)
            case "目的港":
                bi = new AimService().GetReocrdBySearch(where);

            case "来源":
                bi = new SourceService().GetReocrdBySearch(where);

            case "流向":
                bi = new DirectionService().GetReocrdBySearch(where);

            case "发往地":
                bi = new SendPlaceService().GetReocrdBySearch(where);
            foreach (BillIndex item in bi)
                int index = dgv.Rows.Add();
                dgv.Rows[index].Cells["dgvShipListID"].Value   = item.ID;
                dgv.Rows[index].Cells["dgvShipListName"].Value = item.Title;
                dgv.Rows[index].Cells["dgvShipListDate"].Value = item.Reg_Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var directionService = new DirectionService(new DrivingMode());

Beispiel #3
        private static RouteInfo GetRoute(Map map, InputOption inputOption)
            ISearchAlgorithm algorithm = new DijkstraSearch();
            var directionService       = new DirectionService(algorithm, inputOption);

Beispiel #4
        public static DistanceMatrixResponse DistanceMatrix(DistanceMatrixRequest request)
            if (request.WaypointsDestination.Count < 10)
                DistanceMatrixResponse response = new DistanceMatrixService().GetResponse(request);
                List <DistanceMatrixResponse> tempList = new List <DistanceMatrixResponse>();

                DirectionService  ds = new DirectionService();
                DirectionRequest  dr;
                DirectionResponse dre;

                DistanceMatrixRequest  _request;
                DistanceMatrixResponse _response;

                for (int i = 0; i < request.WaypointsDestination.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < request.WaypointsDestination.Count; j++)
                        //_request = new DistanceMatrixRequest()
                        //    WaypointsOrigin = new List<Location>() { request.WaypointsOrigin[i], request.WaypointsOrigin[j] },
                        //    WaypointsDestination = new List<Location> { request.WaypointsDestination[i], request.WaypointsDestination[j] },
                        //    Mode = TravelMode.driving,
                        //    Units = Units.metric

                        //_response = new DistanceMatrixService().GetResponse(_request);

                        dr = new DirectionRequest()
                            Origin      = new Location("Kraków"),
                            Destination = new Location("Limanowa")

                        //DirectionRequest directionsRequest = new DirectionRequest()
                        //    Origin = "Surrey, UK",
                        //    Destination = "London, UK",

                        //DirectionResponse directionsResponse = GoogleMapsApi.GoogleMaps.Directions.Query(directionsRequest);

                        dre = ds.GetResponse(dr);

                //var temp = ds.GetResponse(DirectionRequest request);
            //DistanceMatrixRequest request;

Beispiel #5
 // If locationToCompare is "ahead" or equal rank of locationBase, return true, else false
 // "Ahead" being defined as closer to relative end of board while being in same file
 public bool IsAhead(Vector2 locationBase, Vector2 locationToCompare, PlayerColor playerColor)
     return(locationBase == locationToCompare ||
            (locationBase.x == locationToCompare.x &&
             (DirectionService.CalcDirection(playerColor) == Direction.UP
             ? locationBase.y <= locationToCompare.y : locationBase.y >= locationToCompare.y)));
Beispiel #6
        public void CreatePiece(
            PlayerColor playerOwner,
            PieceType front,
            PieceType back,
            PieceSide side,
            int fileNum,
            int rankNum)
            var piece                   = prefabsDictionary.Instantiate("Piece");
            var pieceImpl               = piece.GetComponent <PieceImpl>();
            var pieceLocationMoveImpl   = piece.GetComponent <PieceLocationMoveImpl>();
            var pieceHighlightOwnerImpl = piece.GetComponent <PieceHighlightOwnerImpl>();

            entityFactory.BuildEntity <PieceED>(piece.GetInstanceID(), piece.GetComponents <IImplementor>());

            pieceImpl.Front     = front;
            pieceImpl.Back      = back;
            pieceImpl.PieceType = side == PieceSide.FRONT ? front : back;
            pieceImpl.Direction = DirectionService.CalcDirection(playerOwner);
            pieceHighlightOwnerImpl.PlayerColor = playerOwner;

            Vector2 location = CommonService.CalcTransformPosition(fileNum, rankNum);

            piece.transform.position                = new Vector3(location.x, location.y, 1);
            pieceLocationMoveImpl.Location          = new Vector2(fileNum, rankNum);
            pieceHighlightOwnerImpl.PlayChangeColor = true;
        public MapRoute GetRoute(PointLatLng start, PointLatLng end, bool avoidHighways, bool walkingMode, int zoom)
            MapRoute route = null;
            var      from  = new LatLng(start.Lat, start.Lng);
            var      to    = new LatLng(end.Lat, end.Lng);

            var direcrtionsRequest = new DirectionRequest()
                Origin      = from,
                Destination = to,
                Sensor      = false,
                Mode        = walkingMode ? TravelMode.walking : TravelMode.driving

            var directionService   = new DirectionService();
            var directionsResponse = directionService.GetResponse(direcrtionsRequest);

            if (directionsResponse.Status == ServiceResponseStatus.Ok)
                if (directionsResponse.Routes.Any())
                    var directionsRoute = directionsResponse.Routes[0];
                    // TODO
                    var pathPoints = AssembleHQPolyline(directionsRoute);

                    var pnts = (from p in pathPoints
                                select new PointLatLng(p.Latitude, p.Longitude)).ToList();

                    route = new MapRoute(pnts,

        public void PrepareRouteInfo_ShouldReturn_RoutePlan_For_FourStations_In_DiamondShape()
            _harborStation.NearestToStart = _bishanStation;
            _bishanStation.NearestToStart = _sengkangStation;
            _kovanStation.NearestToStart  = _sengkangStation;


            _algorithm.Setup(a => a.FillShortestPath(It.IsAny <List <Station> >(), It.IsAny <InputOption>()))
            .Returns(new List <Station>

            var direction = new DirectionService(_algorithm.Object, new InputOption
                Start = _sengkangStation.StationName,
                End   = _harborStation.StationName
            var routeInfo = direction.PrepareRouteInfoFrom(new Map());

        public async Task <ICollection <AddressAM> > GetNearestAddresses(AddressKind kind, Coordinate originCoordinate, double distance = 500, int maxResultCount = 5)
            var coordinateBounds = await DirectionService.GetCoordinateBounds(originCoordinate, distance);

            var domainAddresses = await DomainAddressService.GetByCoordinateBounds(

            var nearestDomainAddresses = new List <Address>();

            if (domainAddresses.Any())
                var nearestCoordinates = await DirectionService.GetNearestCoordinates(originCoordinate, domainAddresses.Select(a => a.ToCoordinate()), maxResultCount);

                foreach (var coordinate in nearestCoordinates)
                    var domainAddress = domainAddresses.First(a => a.Latitude.Equals(coordinate.Latitude) && a.Longitude.Equals(coordinate.Longitude));

Beispiel #10
        public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
            var d = 2f;

            if (_isBeingKnockedback)
                if (LinearVelocity.Length() <= d)
                    _isBeingKnockedback = false;

            if (!isChasing())

                var toTarget = GlobalPosition.DirectionTo(_chasing.GlobalPosition);
                LinearVelocity = toTarget.Normalized() * 100;
            catch (ObjectDisposedException e)
                _chasing = null;
Beispiel #11
        public void GetRoute_NightTime_Involving_DT_In_Middle()
            var rawRecords = new List <RawStationData>
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE1", StationName = "SengKang", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE2", StationName = "Kovan", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE3", StationName = "Serangoon", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE4", StationName = "BoonKeng", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "DT1", StationName = "Lorang", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "DT2", StationName = "Serangoon", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "DT3", StationName = "Bishan", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "EW1", StationName = "Bugis", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "EW2", StationName = "Bishan", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "EW3", StationName = "Katib", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "EW4", StationName = "Lavender", OpeningDate = string.Empty

            var map = new Map(rawRecords).LinkStations();

            var start = new Station("Lavender");
            var end   = new Station("SengKang");

            ISearchAlgorithm algorithm = new DijkstraSearch();
            var directionService       = new DirectionService(algorithm, new InputOption
                Start     = start.StationName,
                End       = end.StationName,
                StartTime = new DateTime(2021, 3, 5, 23, 40, 00)
            var routeInfo = directionService.PrepareRouteInfoFrom(map);

            Assert.IsTrue(routeInfo.JourneyTitle.Contains("\"Not\" possible"), $"Was : {routeInfo.JourneyTitle}");
Beispiel #12
        public void GetResultForDirections_ex1()
            // expectations
            var expectedStatus      = ServiceResponseStatus.Ok;
            var expectedRoutesCount = 1;

            var expectedEndAddress  = "Montreal, QC, Canada";
            var expectedEndLocation = new LatLng(45.508570, -73.553770);

            var expectedStartAddress  = "Toronto, ON, Canada";
            var expectedStartLocation = new LatLng(43.653310, -79.382770);

            var expectedBounds = new Viewport(
                northEast: new LatLng(45.51048, -73.55332),
                southWest: new LatLng(43.65331, -79.38373)

            var expectedDistance = new ValueText()
                Text = "542 km", Value = "542382"
            var expectedDuration = new ValueText()
                Text = "5 hours 27 mins", Value = "19608"

            var expectedSteps = 13;

            var expectedSummary = "ON-401 E";

            // test
            var request = new DirectionRequest();

            request.Origin      = "Toronto";
            request.Destination = "Montreal";
            request.Sensor      = false;

            var response = new DirectionService().GetResponse(request);

            // asserts
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedStatus, response.Status, "Status");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRoutesCount, response.Routes.Length, "ResultCount");

            var currentLeg = response.Routes[0].Legs[0];

            Assert.That(expectedStartAddress, Is.EqualTo(currentLeg.StartAddress), "Leg.StartAddress");
            Assert.That(expectedStartLocation, Is.EqualTo(currentLeg.StartLocation).Using(LatLngComparer.Within(0.000001f)), "Leg.StartLocation");

            Assert.That(expectedEndAddress, Is.EqualTo(currentLeg.EndAddress), "Leg.EndAddress");
            Assert.That(expectedEndLocation, Is.EqualTo(currentLeg.EndLocation).Using(LatLngComparer.Within(0.000001f)), "Leg.EndLocation");

            Assert.That(expectedDistance, Is.EqualTo(currentLeg.Distance).Using(new ValueTextComparer(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));
            Assert.That(expectedDuration, Is.EqualTo(currentLeg.Duration).Using(new ValueTextComparer(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));

            Assert.That(expectedSteps, Is.EqualTo(currentLeg.Steps.Count()), "Leg.Steps");

            Assert.That(expectedSummary, Is.EqualTo(response.Routes[0].Summary), "Route.Summary");
        public RouteContext(DirectionService directionService)
            this.directionService = directionService;
            RegisteredRoutes      = new Dictionary <string, Model.Route>();
            MultiPoint locations = new MultiPoint(new[] { new Point(8.681495, 49.41461), new Point(8.686507, 49.41943), new Point(8.687872, 49.420318) });

            DefaultRoute = directionService.GetRoute(locations);
            RegisteredRoutes.Add("", DefaultRoute);
Beispiel #14
        private void AddDirectionService()
            var directionHelper = ServiceProvider.GetService <DirectionHelper>();
            var player          = GameObject;

            var service = new DirectionService(player.transform, directionHelper);

        public async Task <RouteAM> GetRoute(AddressAM rootAddress, WaypointsAM waypoints)
            var rootCoordinate      = rootAddress.ToCoordinate();
            var waypointsCoordinate = waypoints.Points.Select(p => p.ToCoordinate());
            var externalRoute       = await DirectionService.GetRoute(rootCoordinate, rootCoordinate, waypointsCoordinate);

            var result = await FromExternalRoute(rootAddress, rootAddress, waypoints, externalRoute);

Beispiel #16
        public void SetPiecePlayerOwner(PieceEV pieceEV, PlayerColor playerOwner, IEntitiesDB entitiesDB)
            Direction newDirection = DirectionService.CalcDirection(playerOwner);

                (ref PieceEV pieceToChange) =>
                pieceToChange.PlayerOwner.PlayerColor = playerOwner;
                pieceToChange.Piece.Direction         = newDirection;
Beispiel #17
        public void PartialMatchTest()
            // invalid address results in partial match
            var request = new DirectionRequest
                Origin      = new Location("410 Beeeeeechwood Rd, NJ 07450"),
                Destination = new Location("204 Powell Ave, CA 94523")
            var response = new DirectionService().GetResponse(request);

            Assert.True(response.Waypoints.Any(wp => wp.PartialMatch));
 public CustomersController(ApplicationDbContext context,
                            DirectionService directions,
                            IRepositoryWrapper repo,
                            FlightService flightService,
                            ITSAWaitTimesService tsaWaitTimesService)
     _tsaWaitTimesService = tsaWaitTimesService;
     _directions          = directions;
     _tsaWaitTimesService = tsaWaitTimesService;
     _context             = context;
     _repo          = repo;
     _flightService = flightService;
        public void PrepareRouteInfo_ShouldReturn_SingleStation_In_Plan_For_SameStations_As_StartAndEnd()
            _kovanStation.NearestToStart = _sengkangStation;

            var direction = new DirectionService(_algorithm.Object, new InputOption
                Start = _sengkangStation.StationName,
                End   = _sengkangStation.StationName
            var routeInfo = direction.PrepareRouteInfoFrom(new Map());

Beispiel #20
        static async Task <DirectionResponse> GetDirectionsOrThrow(string apiKey, DirectionRequest request)
            // NOTE not the same as this class
            DirectionService  service  = new DirectionService(new GoogleSigned(apiKey));
            DirectionResponse response = await service.GetResponseAsync(request);

            if (response.Status != ServiceResponseStatus.Ok)
                throw new ApplicationException("Google Maps API access failed: " +
                                               $"({response.Status}) - message: {response.ErrorMessage}");

Beispiel #21
        public static void Behavioral_StateDemo2()
            //This was with the problem approach:
            //var directionService = new DirectionService();

            // using the state pattern:
            var service = new DirectionService(new Walking());

        public void Empty_address()
            // expectations
            var expectedStatus = ServiceResponseStatus.ZeroResults;

            // test
            var request = new DirectionRequest();

            request.Sensor = false;
            request.Origin = "";
            var response = new DirectionService().GetResponse(request);

            // asserts
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedStatus, response.Status);
Beispiel #23
        public Task <DirectionResponse> GetDuration(Coordinate origins, Coordinate destination, TravelMode travelMode)
            var request = new DirectionRequest()
                Origin = new Location(origins.ToString()), Destination = new Location(destination.ToString()), Mode = travelMode, Language = "ru-RU", Sensor = false, ApiKey = "AIzaSyBn_9_tGXpdsLRM0P5utPbIZH8CT3q42Ow"

            var directionService = new DirectionService();

            var responceTask = GetResponceResult <DirectionResponse>(directionService.GetRequestUriWithBaseUri(request).ToString());


Beispiel #24
        public void GetRoute_WithOutTimeFactor()
            var rawRecords = new List <RawStationData>
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE1", StationName = "SengKang", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE2", StationName = "Kovan", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE3", StationName = "Serangoon", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE4", StationName = "BoonKeng", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "CC1", StationName = "Lorang", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "CC2", StationName = "Serangoon", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "CC3", StationName = "Bishan", OpeningDate = string.Empty

            var map = new Map(rawRecords).LinkStations();

            var start = new Station("SengKang");
            var end   = new Station("Bishan");

            ISearchAlgorithm algorithm = new DijkstraSearch();
            var directionService       = new DirectionService(algorithm, new InputOption
                Start = start.StationName,
                End   = end.StationName
            var routeInfo = directionService.PrepareRouteInfoFrom(map);

            Assert.IsTrue(routeInfo.JourneyTitle.Contains(start.StationName), $"Was : {start.StationName}");
            Assert.IsTrue(routeInfo.StationsTraveled.Contains("4"), $"Was : {routeInfo.StationsTraveled}");
        public void PrepareRouteInfo_ShouldReturn_RoutePlan_For_TwoStations()
            _kovanStation.NearestToStart = _sengkangStation;

            var direction = new DirectionService(_algorithm.Object, new InputOption
                Start = _sengkangStation.StationName,
                End   = _kovanStation.StationName
            var routeInfo = direction.PrepareRouteInfoFrom(new Map());

        public object Get(Route route)
            var directionRequest = new DirectionRequest();

            directionRequest.Language    = "ru-RU";
            directionRequest.Origin      = new Location(route.Origination);
            directionRequest.Destination = new Location(route.Destination);
            directionRequest.Region      = "Беларусь";
            directionRequest.Sensor      = false;
            DirectionService service = new DirectionService();

            var response = service.GetResponse(directionRequest);

            return(new RouteResponse
                Route = response.Routes[0]
        public void Setup()
            _service            = new DirectionService();
            _roverPositionModel = new RoverPositionModel
                Direction = Direction.North,
                X         = 1,
                Y         = 1

            _directionService = new Dictionary <Direction, IRotateService>
                { Direction.North, new RotateNorthService() },
                { Direction.South, new RotateSouthService() },
                { Direction.West, new RotateWestService() },
                { Direction.East, new RotateEastService() }
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a series of driving routes from the origin, through each waypoint (in order),
        /// and to the destination. The first polyline corresponds to the route from the origin to the
        /// first waypoint, and the last polyline corresponds to the route from the last waypoint
        /// to the destination. If <paramref name="wayPoints"/> is empty, this is equivalent
        /// to <see cref="ComputeRoute(GeoCoordinates, GeoCoordinates)"/>. Will return null
        /// if no route is found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ApiAccessException">Thrown if underlying API (e.g. Google Maps) returns an error.</exception>
        /// <returns>A list of routes making up the journey from the origin through the waypoints to the destination. Returns
        /// null if no route is found.</returns>
        /// <param name="origin">Origin.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">Destination.</param>
        /// <param name="wayPoints">Way points.</param>
        static IEnumerable <GeoPolyline> ComputeRouteWithWaypoints(GeoCoordinates origin, GeoCoordinates destination,
                                                                   IEnumerable <GeoCoordinates> wayPoints)
            List <GeoCoordinates> allWaypoints = wayPoints.ToList();

            if (allWaypoints.Count == 0)
                var route = ComputeRoute(origin, destination);

                if (route == null)

                return(new List <GeoPolyline> {

            var request = new DirectionRequest
                Origin      = origin.ToGoogleLocation(),
                Destination = destination.ToGoogleLocation(),
                Waypoints   = allWaypoints.Select((pt) => (Location)pt.ToGoogleLocation()).ToList()

            var response = new DirectionService().GetResponse(request);

            if (response.ErrorMessage != null)
                throw new ApiAccessException("Google Directions API failed with: " + response.ErrorMessage);

            if (response.Routes.Length == 0)

                   .Select((leg) => leg.Steps)
                   .Select((stepArray) => GeoPolyline.Join(stepArray.Select((step) => step.Polyline.ToGeo()))));
Beispiel #29
        public PathRequestResponce GetBestPath(string destination, string travelMode)
            var request = new Google.Maps.Direction.DirectionRequest();

            string parsedOrigin      = GetExactParsedLocation(string.Join(", ", new string[] { "Universytetska street", CITY }));
            string parsedDestination = GetExactParsedLocation(string.Join(", ", new string[] { destination, CITY }));

            request.Origin      = new Google.Maps.Location(parsedOrigin);
            request.Destination = new Google.Maps.Location(parsedDestination);
            request.Mode        = ParseTravelMode(travelMode);
            request.Sensor      = false;
            request.Language    = "en";
            request.Region      = "UA";

            var response = new DirectionService().GetResponse(request);

            return(new PathRequestResponce
                PathInsructions = ParseRoute(response.Routes[0].Legs[0].Steps)
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes a driving route between two points. This may return null if
        /// a route could not be found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ApiAccessException">Thrown if underlying API (e.g. Google Maps) returns an error.</exception>
        /// <returns>The route.</returns>
        /// <param name="origin">Origin.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">Destination.</param>
        static GeoPolyline ComputeRoute(GeoCoordinates origin, GeoCoordinates destination)
            var request = new DirectionRequest
                Origin      = origin.ToGoogleLocation(),
                Destination = destination.ToGoogleLocation()

            var response = new DirectionService().GetResponse(request);

            if (response.ErrorMessage != null)
                throw new ApiAccessException("Google Directions API failed with: " + response.ErrorMessage);

            if (response.Routes.Length == 0)
                // This can happen if a route is not found.
