protected virtual void Die() { CancelAllActionsAndCommands(); IAction dieAct = new DieAction(this); AddAction(dieAct); }
void Start() { attack = DataManager.Instance.weaponattack; hp = DataManager.Instance.bodyhp; amor = DataManager.Instance.legamor + DataManager.Instance.bodyamor; speed = DataManager.Instance.legspeed; lange = DataManager.Instance.weaponlange; //다리 정보 찾아서 생성 for (int i = 0; i < DataManager.Instance.legPartsArr.Length; i++) { if (DataManager.Instance.legPartsArr[i].name == legname) { legObj = Instantiate(DataManager.Instance.legPartsArr[i], transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); } } //몸체 정보 찾아서 생성 for (int i = 0; i < DataManager.Instance.bodyPartsArr.Length; i++) { if (DataManager.Instance.bodyPartsArr[i].name == bodyname) { bodyObj = Instantiate(DataManager.Instance.bodyPartsArr[i], legObj.GetComponent <LegParts>().bodyPos.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); } } //무기 정보 찾아서 생성 for (int i = 0; i < DataManager.Instance.weaponPartsArr.Length; i++) { if (DataManager.Instance.weaponPartsArr[i].name == weaponname) { weaponObj = Instantiate(DataManager.Instance.weaponPartsArr[i], bodyObj.GetComponent <BodyParts>().weaponPos.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); } } transform.forward = PhotonManager.Instance.hostingResultList[0].Result.Anchor.transform.position - transform.position; if (actnum == PhotonManager.Instance.myOrder) { isMine.SetActive(true); } barrel = weaponObj.GetComponent <WeaponParts>().ReturnTransform(); legObj.GetComponent <LegParts>().OnDepthMateiral(); bodyObj.GetComponent <BodyParts>().OnDepthMateiral(); weaponObj.GetComponent <WeaponParts>().OnDepthMateiral(); //죽엇을때 모습을위함 메소드가 들어 있음 bodyAction = bodyObj.GetComponent <DieAction>(); weaponAction = weaponObj.GetComponent <DieAction>(); if (PhotonManager.Instance.myOrder == actnum) { PhotonManager.Instance.myHp = hp; PhotonManager.Instance.myAmor = amor; PhotonManager.Instance.myDmg = attack; DataManager.Instance.ResetmyTime(); DataManager.Instance.GameStart(true);//내로봇이 생성되면 게임이 사작된것이다 //if(PhotonManager.Instance.isMaster==true) //{ // DataManager.Instance.ChangeControlable(true); //} } }
IEnumerator InitActions() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01f)); IdleInitAction = new IdleAction(this, "Idle", NV, mr, colliders, Ani); AttackAction = new NormalAttack(this, new string[] { "劈砍1", "劈砍3" }, 0.44f, NV, Ani); BackAction = new TakeBack(this, "", NV, transform); InjuredAction = new InjuredAction(this, "GetHit", 1, NV, Ani); RunAction = new RunAction(this, "Run", NV, Ani); DieAction = new DieAction(this, "Die", mr, NV, transform, colliders, Ani, 0.2f); }
public void TakeDamage(int damage) { _currentHealth -= damage; if (damage > 0) { TakeDamageAction?.Invoke(damage); } if (_currentHealth <= 0) { DieAction?.Invoke(); } }
public override void Awake() { base.Awake(); IdleInitAction = new IdleAction(this, "Idle", NV, mr, colliders, Ani); AttackAction = new NormalAttack(this, new string[] { "attack1", "attack2" }, 0.44f, NV, Ani); BackAction = new TakeBack(this, "", NV, transform); InjuredAction = new InjuredAction(this, "GetHit", 1, NV, Ani); RunAction = new RunAction(this, "Run", NV, Ani); DieAction = new DieAction(this, "Die", mr, NV, transform, colliders, Ani, 0.2f); //技能节点初始化(skill1Action是AI中需要cd和weight控制的技能,而skill1Action是根据相应的触发条件触发的) skill1Action = new SYSkillAction(this, "skill1", 0.7f, 0.7f, NV, 10, Ani); skill2Action = new JumpAction(this, "skill2", 1.4f, 3f, NV, 3, Ani, 1.65f); //将通过冷却和权值的技能添加到总技能列表中(所以仅将skill1Action进行CD和Weight的封装并添加,而skill2Action在update中根据条件来单独控制技能的触发) SkillList.Add(new SkillCDAndWeight_New(skill1Action, 10, 20)); }
private void BuildDieState(State inTargetState, NpcController inNpcController, NpcDataHolder inNpcData) { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1- Setup Actions // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var dieAction = new DieAction(inNpcController); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2- Define State // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inTargetState.Define(, new Action[] { dieAction }, null ); }
public override ActionResult GetActionResult(BoardState aBoardState) { Debug.Log( + " DieAction.GetActionResult"); BoardState simBoardState = aBoardState; switch (GetFightResult(aBoardState,, this.attackerId, this.deathType)) { case FightResultEnum.DEFENDER_DIES: Debug.Log( + " DieAction.GetActionResult defender dies"); return(new ActionResult(this, ApplyAction(simBoardState))); case FightResultEnum.ATTACKER_DIES: Debug.Log( + " DieAction.GetActionResult attacker dies"); DieAction attackerDieAction = new DieAction(this.attackerId,, GetReciprocalDeathType()); return(new ActionResult(attackerDieAction, attackerDieAction.ApplyAction(simBoardState))); case FightResultEnum.TIE: Debug.Log( + " DieAction.GetActionResult tie"); return(new ActionResult(this, null)); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public override ActionResult GetActionResult(BoardState aBoardState) { Debug.Log( + " MoveAction.GetActionResult"); BoardState simBoardState = aBoardState; EntityState simEntityState = simBoardState.GetEntityById(; Vector2Int startPos = simEntityState.pos; Vector2Int endPos = startPos + this.direction; if (!simEntityState.mobData.HasValue) { Debug.Log( + " MoveAction.GetActionResult is not a mob RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, null)); } if (!simBoardState.DoesFloorExist(endPos, { Debug.Log( + " MoveAction.GetActionResult couldnt find floor (pre-sweep) RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, null)); } Dictionary <Vector2Int, BoardCell> affectedBoardSlice = simBoardState.GetBoardCellSlice(endPos, simEntityState.size); // getting a list of entities inside the new position HashSet <int> affectedEntityIdSet = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (BoardCell affectedBoardCell in affectedBoardSlice.Values) { int?affectedEntityId = affectedBoardCell.GetEntityId(simEntityState.isFront); if (affectedEntityId.HasValue && affectedEntityId.Value != { affectedEntityIdSet.Add(affectedEntityId.Value); } } ActionResult? deathActionResult = null; List <ActionResult> requiredActionResultList = new List <ActionResult>(); // for each entity thats gonna get affected by this action foreach (int affectedEntityId in affectedEntityIdSet) { // flag thats true if all entities i encounter can be moved out of the way somehow bool foundValidActionForAffectedEntity = false; foreach (EntityActionEnum requiredActionEnum in this.priorityList) { EntityAction requiredAction; // for each possible action that nextEntity can perform switch (requiredActionEnum) { case EntityActionEnum.MOVE: throw new NotImplementedException(); case EntityActionEnum.FALL: throw new NotImplementedException(); case EntityActionEnum.DIE: requiredAction = new DieAction(affectedEntityId,, DeathTypeEnum.BUMP); break; case EntityActionEnum.PUSH: Vector2Int pushDirection = new Vector2Int(this.direction.x, 0); requiredAction = new PushAction(affectedEntityId,, pushDirection); break; case EntityActionEnum.TURN: throw new NotImplementedException(); case EntityActionEnum.WAIT: throw new NotImplementedException(); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } // simulate that action and get result Debug.Log( + " --- UP STACK to " + affectedEntityId + "---"); ActionResult requiredActionResult = requiredAction.GetActionResult(simBoardState); Debug.Log( + " --- DOWN STACK from " + affectedEntityId + " ---"); // if nextAction was valid if (requiredActionResult.boardState.HasValue) { simBoardState = requiredActionResult.boardState.Value; // if the action is one perscribed for me by the thing i encountered if ( == { if (requiredActionResult.entityAction.entityActionEnum == EntityActionEnum.DIE) { deathActionResult = requiredActionResult; } } else { Debug.Assert( == affectedEntityId); requiredActionResultList.Add(requiredActionResult); } foundValidActionForAffectedEntity = true; } else { Debug.Log( + " MoveAction.GetActionResult failed to do " + requiredAction.GetType() + " on " + affectedEntityId); } } if (!foundValidActionForAffectedEntity) { Debug.Log( + " MoveAction.GetActionResult exhausted possible actions on " + affectedEntityId + " RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, null)); } if (deathActionResult.HasValue) { requiredActionResultList.Clear(); Debug.Log( + " MoveAction.GetActionResult had only one viable move causing self-death"); return(deathActionResult.Value); } } // another floor check if (!simBoardState.DoesFloorExist(endPos, { Debug.Log( + " MoveAction.GetActionResult couldnt find floor (post-sweep) RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, null)); } simBoardState = ApplyAction(simBoardState); Debug.Log( + " MoveAction.GetActionResult returned a valid result RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, simBoardState, requiredActionResultList)); }
public override ActionResult GetActionResult(BoardState aBoardState) { // Debug.Log( + " FallAction.GetActionResult"); BoardState simBoardState = aBoardState; EntityState simEntityState = simBoardState.GetEntityById(; Vector2Int startPos = simEntityState.pos; Vector2Int endPos = startPos + this.direction; if (!simEntityState.mobData.HasValue) { // Debug.Log( + " FallAction.ApplyAction done on non-mob entity RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, null)); } if (!simEntityState.mobData.Value.canFall) { // Debug.Log( + "FallAction.ApplyAction done on non fallable entity RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, null)); } Dictionary <Vector2Int, BoardCell> affectedBoardSlice = simBoardState.GetBoardCellSlice(endPos, simEntityState.size); // Getting a list of entities inside the new position HashSet <int> affectedEntityIdSet = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (BoardCell affectedBoardCell in affectedBoardSlice.Values) { int?affectedEntityId = affectedBoardCell.GetEntityId(simEntityState.isFront); if (affectedEntityId.HasValue && affectedEntityId.Value != { affectedEntityIdSet.Add(affectedEntityId.Value); } } ActionResult? deathActionResult = null; List <ActionResult> requiredActionResultList = new List <ActionResult>(); // for each entity thats gonna get affected by this action foreach (int affectedEntityId in affectedEntityIdSet) { // flag thats true if all entities i encounter can be moved out of the way somehow bool foundValidActionForAffectedEntity = false; foreach (EntityActionEnum requiredActionEnum in this.priorityList) { EntityAction requiredAction; // for each possible action that nextEntity can perform switch (requiredActionEnum) { case EntityActionEnum.MOVE: throw new NotImplementedException(); case EntityActionEnum.FALL: throw new NotImplementedException(); case EntityActionEnum.DIE: requiredAction = new DieAction(affectedEntityId,, DeathTypeEnum.SQUISHED); break; case EntityActionEnum.PUSH: throw new NotImplementedException(); case EntityActionEnum.TURN: throw new NotImplementedException(); case EntityActionEnum.WAIT: throw new NotImplementedException(); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } // Debug.Log("--- UP STACK to " + affectedEntityId + "---"); ActionResult requiredActionResult = requiredAction.GetActionResult(simBoardState); // Debug.Log("--- DOWN STACK from " + affectedEntityId + " ---"); if (requiredActionResult.boardState.HasValue) { simBoardState = requiredActionResult.boardState.Value; if ( == { if (requiredActionResult.entityAction.entityActionEnum == EntityActionEnum.DIE) { deathActionResult = requiredActionResult; } } else { Debug.Assert( == affectedEntityId); requiredActionResultList.Add(requiredActionResult); } foundValidActionForAffectedEntity = true; } else { // Debug.Log( + " FallAction.GetActionResult failed to do " + requiredAction + " on " + affectedEntityId); } } if (!foundValidActionForAffectedEntity) { // Debug.Log( + " FallAction.GetActionResult exhausted possible actions on " + affectedEntityId + " RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, null)); } if (deathActionResult.HasValue) { // Debug.Log( + " FallAction.GetActionResult had only one viable move causing self-death RETURNING"); return(deathActionResult.Value); } } simBoardState = ApplyAction(simBoardState); // Debug.Log( + " FallAction.GetActionResult returned a valid result RETURNING"); return(new ActionResult(this, simBoardState, requiredActionResultList)); }
///////////////////////////////////////////// public void RegisterDieAction(DieAction call) { dieAction += call; }