Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a XML node that contains information about a web node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">A XML node containing the data to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="nodes">A <see cref="DictionaryValue"/> containing the collection of
        /// configuration nodes.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <paramref name="nodes"/> is used to store the nodes that is parsed by this class.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Parse(XmlNode node, DictionaryValue nodes) {
            XmlNode xml_web_node;
            DictionaryValue<ContentGroupNode> content_groups;

            if (GetNode<ContentGroupNode>(NohrosConfiguration.kContentGroupsNodeName
                    ,out xml_web_node
                    ,out content_groups)) {

                DictionaryValue<RepositoryNode> repositories =
                    (DictionaryValue <RepositoryNode>)nodes[NohrosConfiguration.kRepositoryNodeTree];

                foreach (XmlNode n in xml_web_node.ChildNodes) {
                    if (string.Compare(n.Name, "group", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
                        string name;
                        if (!GetAttributeValue(n, "name", out name))
                            Thrower.ThrowConfigurationException("[Parse   Nohros.Configuration.WebNode]",
                                string.Format(StringResources.Config_MissingAt, "name",

                        ContentGroupNode content_group = new ContentGroupNode(name);
                        content_group.Parse(n, repositories);
                            (content_group.BuildType == BuildType.Release) ?
                                "release" : "build", content_group.MimeType)] = content_group;
        public InventoryError  AddItem(string label, DateTime expirationDate, InventoryItemType itemType)
            lock (m_lock)
                if (!InventoryItem.ValidLabelStatic(label))
                    return(new InventoryError(Severity.Error, ErrorCode.EmptyLabelError, null));

                InventoryItem item = new InventoryItem(label, expirationDate, itemType);
                if (m_inventory.ContainsKey(label))
                    return(new InventoryError(Severity.Error, ErrorCode.ItemWithLabelExistsError, new string[] { label }));

                DictionaryValue value = new DictionaryValue(item, false);
                m_inventory.Add(item.Label, value);

                if (item.Expired())
                    value.ExpirationReported = true;
                    SendNotification(new NotificationMessage(item, new InventoryError(Severity.Error, ErrorCode.ExpiredItemWarning, new string[] { label })));

                return(new InventoryError(Severity.Info, ErrorCode.Success, null));
Beispiel #3
        public void DictForCacheNotKept()
            var loop1 = new Dictionary <object, object>()
                { "a", 10 }
            var loop2 = new Dictionary <object, object>()
                { "a", 20 }
            var loopdict = new ObjectValue(new Dictionary <object, object>[] { loop1, loop2 });

            var dictEval = new Tuple <IExpression, IExpression>[] {
                new Tuple <IExpression, IExpression>(new StringValue("hi"), new VariableValue("a"))
            var dict   = new DictionaryValue(dictEval);
            var lookup = new IndexerRefExpression(dict, new StringValue("hi"));

            var statement1    = new ExpressionStatement(lookup);
            var exprStatement = new ListOfStatementsExpression(new IStatement[] { statement1 });

            var forLoop = new FunctionExpression("for", loopdict, exprStatement);

            var c = new RootContext();
            var r = forLoop.Evaluate(c);

            Assert.AreEqual(20, r, "for loop with nothing in it");
        private static object ToRawValue(LogEventPropertyValue logEventValue)
            // Special-case a few types of LogEventPropertyValue that allow us to maintain better type fidelity.
            // For everything else take the default string rendering as the data.
            ScalarValue scalarValue = logEventValue as ScalarValue;

            if (scalarValue != null)

            SequenceValue sequenceValue = logEventValue as SequenceValue;

            if (sequenceValue != null)
                object[] arrayResult = sequenceValue.Elements.Select(e => ToRawScalar(e)).ToArray();
                if (arrayResult.Length == sequenceValue.Elements.Count)
                    // All values extracted successfully, it is a flat array of scalars

            StructureValue structureValue = logEventValue as StructureValue;

            if (structureValue != null)
                IDictionary <string, object> structureResult = new Dictionary <string, object>(structureValue.Properties.Count);
                foreach (var property in structureValue.Properties)
                    structureResult[property.Name] = ToRawScalar(property.Value);

                if (structureResult.Count == structureValue.Properties.Count)
                    if (structureValue.TypeTag != null)
                        structureResult["$type"] = structureValue.TypeTag;


            DictionaryValue dictionaryValue = logEventValue as DictionaryValue;

            if (dictionaryValue != null)
                IDictionary <string, object> dictionaryResult = dictionaryValue.Elements
                                                                .Where(kvPair => kvPair.Key.Value is string)
                                                                .ToDictionary(kvPair => (string)kvPair.Key.Value, kvPair => ToRawScalar(kvPair.Value));
                if (dictionaryResult.Count == dictionaryValue.Elements.Count)

            // Fall back to string rendering of the value
        public void It_Should_Dereference_A_Nested_Dictionary()

            // Arrange
            var dict3 = new Dictionary<String, IExpressionConstant>
                {"str", new StringValue("Dict 3")},
            DictionaryValue dictValue3 = new DictionaryValue(dict3);

            var dict2 = new Dictionary<String, IExpressionConstant>
                {"dict3", dictValue3}
            DictionaryValue dictValue2 = new DictionaryValue(dict2);

            var dict = new Dictionary<String, IExpressionConstant>
                {"dict2", dictValue2}        
            DictionaryValue dictValue = new DictionaryValue(dict);

            ITemplateContext ctx = new TemplateContext()
                .DefineLocalVariable("dict1", dictValue);
            // Act
            var result = RenderingHelper.RenderTemplate("Result : {{dict1.dict2.dict3.str}}->{% if dict1.dict2.dict3.str == \"Dict 2\" %}Dict2{% elseif dict1.dict2.dict3.str == \"Dict 3\" %}Dict3{%endif%}", ctx);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("Result : Dict 3->Dict3"));
 private static void WriteDictionaryValue(string key, DictionaryValue dictionaryValue, IDictionary <string, string> properties)
     foreach (var eventProperty in dictionaryValue.Elements)
         WriteValue(key + "." + eventProperty.Key.Value, eventProperty.Value, properties);
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Configuration"/> class
 /// that is empty.
 /// </summary>
 public Configuration()
     properties_   = new DictionaryValue();
     repositories_ = new RepositoriesNode();
     providers_    = new ProvidersNode();
     xml_elements_ = new XmlElementsNode();
Beispiel #8
        async Task IDictionaryRepository.Append(string key, byte[] value)
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
                var valueObj = new DictionaryValue {
                    Key = key, Value = value

                var dictionaryKey = await Context.DictionaryKeys.SingleOrDefaultAsync(dk => dk.Key == key).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (dictionaryKey == null)
                    await Context.DictionaryKeys.AddAsync(new DictionaryKey { Key = key, DictionaryValues = new List <DictionaryValue>()
                                                                              } })

                    await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

                await Context.DictionaryValues.AddAsync(valueObj)

                dictionaryKey.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                await Context.SaveChangesAsync()

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the
 /// <see cref="AbstractConfigurationBuilder{T}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 protected AbstractConfigurationBuilder()
     properties_   = new DictionaryValue();
     repositories_ = new RepositoriesNode();
     providers_    = new ProvidersNode();
     xml_elements_ = new XmlElementsNode();
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert from <see cref="PropertyBag"/> to <see cref="DictionaryValue"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyBag"><see cref="PropertyBag"/> to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>Converted <see cref="DictionaryValue"/>.</returns>
        public static DictionaryValue AsDictionaryValue(this PropertyBag propertyBag)
            var dictionaryValue = new DictionaryValue();

            propertyBag.Values.ForEach(kvp => dictionaryValue.Object.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
Beispiel #11
    public static void FormatDictionaryValue(LogEvent logEvent, TextWriter builder, DictionaryValue value, string propertyName)
        ColorCodeContext.WriteOverridden(builder, logEvent, ColorCode.Value, "{");

        var isFirst = true;

        foreach (var element in value.Elements)
            if (!isFirst)
                ColorCodeContext.WriteOverridden(builder, logEvent, ColorCode.Value, ", ");

            isFirst = false;

            ColorCodeContext.WriteOverridden(builder, logEvent, ColorCode.Value, "[");

            using (ColorCodeContext.StartOverridden(builder, logEvent, ColorCode.StringValue))
                Format(logEvent, element.Key, builder, null, propertyName);

            ColorCodeContext.WriteOverridden(builder, logEvent, ColorCode.Value, "]=");

            Format(logEvent, element.Value, builder, null, propertyName);

        ColorCodeContext.WriteOverridden(builder, logEvent, ColorCode.Value, "}");
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert from <see cref="DictionaryValue"/> to <see cref="PropertyBag"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionaryValue"><see cref="DictionaryValue"/> to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>Converted <see cref="PropertyBag"/>.</returns>
        public static PropertyBag AsPropertyBag(this DictionaryValue dictionaryValue)
            var propertyBag = new PropertyBag();

            dictionaryValue.Object.ForEach(kvp => propertyBag.Values.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
        public void CreateEntityWithPropertiesShouldSupportAzureTableTypesForDictionary()
            var messageTemplate = "{Dictionary}";

            var dict1 = new DictionaryValue(new List <KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue> > {
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d1k1"), new ScalarValue("d1k1v1")),
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d1k2"), new ScalarValue("d1k2v2")),
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d1k3"), new ScalarValue("d1k3v3")),

            var dict2 = new DictionaryValue(new List <KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue> > {
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d2k1"), new ScalarValue("d2k1v1")),
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d2k2"), new ScalarValue("d2k2v2")),
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d2k3"), new ScalarValue("d2k3v3")),

            var dict0 = new DictionaryValue(new List <KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue> > {
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d1"), dict1),
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d2"), dict2),
                new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(new ScalarValue("d0"), new ScalarValue(0))

            var properties = new List <LogEventProperty> {
                new LogEventProperty("Dictionary", dict0)

            var template = new MessageTemplateParser().Parse(messageTemplate);

            var logEvent = new Events.LogEvent(DateTime.Now, LogEventLevel.Information, null, template, properties);

            var entity = AzureTableStorageEntityFactory.CreateEntityWithProperties(logEvent, null, null, new PropertiesKeyGenerator());

            Assert.Equal(3 + properties.Count, entity.Properties.Count);
            Assert.Equal("[(\"d1\": [(\"d1k1\": \"d1k1v1\"), (\"d1k2\": \"d1k2v2\"), (\"d1k3\": \"d1k3v3\")]), (\"d2\": [(\"d2k1\": \"d2k1v1\"), (\"d2k2\": \"d2k2v2\"), (\"d2k3\": \"d2k3v3\")]), (\"d0\": 0)]", entity.Properties["Dictionary"].StringValue);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Add the value into the specified sub-tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <param name="expiration"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        private void Add(TKey key, TValue value, DateTime expiration, ref TTNode node, object parentLocker)
            if (node == null)
                lock (parentLocker)
                    if (node == null)
                        node = new TTNode(expiration);

            if (expiration < node.ExpirationTime)
                Add(key, value, expiration, ref node.lNode, node);
            else if (expiration > node.ExpirationTime)
                Add(key, value, expiration, ref node.rNode, node);
                lock (node)
                    // add the item in to the current node
                    Items[key] = new DictionaryValue()
                        treeNode = node, listNode = node.AddFirst(new KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>(key, value))
Beispiel #15
 public DictionaryValue(DictionaryValue other) : this(CNTKLibPINVOKE.new_DictionaryValue__SWIG_8(DictionaryValue.getCPtr(other)), true)
     if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Configuration"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public Configuration(IConfigurationBuilder <IConfiguration> builder)
     properties_   = builder.Properties;
     repositories_ = builder.Repositories;
     providers_    = builder.Providers;
     xml_elements_ = builder.XmlElements;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively gets the dynamic properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">
        /// A XML node containing the dynamic properties.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// The path to the node value.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the namespace of the property is not defined it will be assigned to
        /// the default namespace.
        /// </remarks>
        void GetProperties(XmlNode node, string path)
            if (node != null && node.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                foreach (XmlNode inner_node in node.ChildNodes)
                    if (inner_node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        if (inner_node.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                            GetProperties(inner_node, path + "." + inner_node.Name);
                            XmlAttributeCollection properties = inner_node.Attributes;
                            if (properties.Count == 0)

                            DictionaryValue keys = new DictionaryValue();
                            foreach (XmlAttribute property in properties)
                                keys.SetString(property.Name, property.Value);
                            properties_[path] = keys;
Beispiel #18
        public void Add()
            DictionaryValue  dict   = new DictionaryValue();
            CommonNodeParser common = new CommonNodeParser();

            dict.Add("common.providers.commondataprovider", new DataProviderNode("commondataprovider", "System.String"));
Beispiel #19
        public void Get()
            DictionaryValue dict  = FillDictionary();
            DictionaryValue dict2 = dict["common.providers"] as DictionaryValue;

            Assert.AreEqual(4, dict2.Size);
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the configuration data from the specified
 /// <see cref="Configuration"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration">
 /// A <see cref="Configuration"/> object that contains the
 /// configuration data to be copied.
 /// </param>
 public void CopyFrom(Configuration configuration)
     providers_    = configuration.providers_;
     repositories_ = configuration.repositories_;
     xml_elements_ = configuration.xml_elements_;
     log_level_    = configuration.log_level_;
     properties_   = configuration.properties_;
Beispiel #21
 public void Add(string key, DictionaryValue value)
     CNTKLibPINVOKE.CNTKDictionary_Add__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, key, DictionaryValue.getCPtr(value));
     if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
        bool TryConvertEnumerable(object value, Destructuring destructuring, Type valueType, out LogEventPropertyValue result)
            if (value is IEnumerable enumerable)
                // Only dictionaries with 'scalar' keys are permitted, as
                // more complex keys may not serialize to unique values for
                // representation in sinks. This check strengthens the expectation
                // that resulting dictionary is representable in JSON as well
                // as richer formats (e.g. XML, .NET type-aware...).
                // Only actual dictionaries are supported, as arbitrary types
                // can implement multiple IDictionary interfaces and thus introduce
                // multiple different interpretations.
                if (TryGetDictionary(value, valueType, out var dictionary))
                    result = new DictionaryValue(MapToDictionaryElements(dictionary, destructuring));
                    return true;

                    IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>> MapToDictionaryElements(IDictionary dictionaryEntries, Destructuring destructure)
                        var count = 0;
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionaryEntries)
                            if (++count > _maximumCollectionCount)
                                yield break;

                            var pair = new KeyValuePair<ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(
                                (ScalarValue)_depthLimiter.CreatePropertyValue(entry.Key, destructure),
                                _depthLimiter.CreatePropertyValue(entry.Value, destructure));

                            if (pair.Key.Value != null)
                                yield return pair;

                result = new SequenceValue(MapToSequenceElements(enumerable, destructuring));
                return true;

                IEnumerable<LogEventPropertyValue> MapToSequenceElements(IEnumerable sequence, Destructuring destructure)
                    var count = 0;
                    foreach (var element in sequence)
                        if (++count > _maximumCollectionCount)
                            yield break;

                        yield return _depthLimiter.CreatePropertyValue(element, destructure);

            result = null;
            return false;
 static DictionaryValue FillDictionary() {
     DictionaryValue dict = new DictionaryValue();
     CommonNodeParser common = new CommonNodeParser();
     dict.Add("common.providers.commondataprovider", new DataProviderNode("commondataprovider", "System.String"));
     dict.Add("common.providers.testdataprovider", new DataProviderNode("testdataprovider", "System.String"));
     dict.Add("common.providers.nohrosdataprovider", new DataProviderNode("nohrosdataprovider", "System.String"));
     dict.Add("common.providers.userdataprovider", new DataProviderNode("userdataprovider", "System.String"));
     return dict;
Beispiel #24
        public void Insert(DicValueModel model)
            var entity = new DictionaryValue();

            entity.DictionaryId = model.DicId;
            entity.Code         = model.Code;
            entity.Value        = model.Value;
Beispiel #25
        public List <GridColumn> GetSecondaryGridColumns()
            Allowances = DicValuesRepo.WithDetails(x => x.ValueType).Where(x => x.ValueType.ValueTypeFor == ValueTypeModules.AllowanceType).ToList();

            List <GridColumn> earningsColumns = new List <GridColumn>();

            earningsColumns.Add(new GridColumn {
                Field = "getBasicSalaries", HeaderText = "Basic Salary", TextAlign = TextAlign.Center, MinWidth = "40"
            for (int i = 0; i < Allowances.Count; i++)
                DictionaryValue allowance     = Allowances[i];
                string          camelCaseName = allowance.Value;
                camelCaseName = camelCaseName.Replace(" ", "");
                camelCaseName = char.ToLowerInvariant(camelCaseName[0]) + camelCaseName.Substring(1);

                earningsColumns.Add(new GridColumn()
                    Field = $"{camelCaseName}_Value", HeaderText = $"{Allowances[i].Value}", TextAlign = TextAlign.Center, MinWidth = "50"

            List <GridColumn> deductionsColumns = new List <GridColumn>()
                new GridColumn()
                    Field = "gosiValue", HeaderText = "GOSI", TextAlign = TextAlign.Center, MinWidth = "50"
                new GridColumn()
                    Field = "loansValue", HeaderText = "Loans", TextAlign = TextAlign.Center, MinWidth = "50"
                new GridColumn()
                    Field = "leavesValue", HeaderText = "Leaves", TextAlign = TextAlign.Center, MinWidth = "50"

            List <GridColumn> gridColumns = new List <GridColumn>()
                new GridColumn()
                    Field = "totalEmployees", HeaderText = "Total Employees", TextAlign = TextAlign.Center, MinWidth = "50"
                new GridColumn {
                    Field   = "", HeaderText = "Earnings", TextAlign = TextAlign.Center, MinWidth = "40",
                    Columns = earningsColumns
                new GridColumn {
                    Field   = "", HeaderText = "Deductions", TextAlign = TextAlign.Center, MinWidth = "40",
                    Columns = deductionsColumns

        public void DictionaryWithScalarKeyFormatsAsAnObject()
            var dict = new DictionaryValue(new Dictionary <ScalarValue, TemplatePropertyValue> {
                { new ScalarValue(12), new ScalarValue(345) }

            var f = Format(dict);

            Assert.Equal("{\"12\":345}", f);
Beispiel #27
        public bool AreNotEqual(DictionaryValue other)
            bool ret = CNTKLibPINVOKE.DictionaryValue_AreNotEqual(swigCPtr, DictionaryValue.getCPtr(other));

            if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Beispiel #28
        public static DictionaryValue Load(string filename)
            DictionaryValue ret = new DictionaryValue(CNTKLibPINVOKE.DictionaryValue_Load(filename), true);

            if (CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw CNTKLibPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the configured data from the specified
 /// <see cref="AbstractConfigurationBuilder{T}"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder">
 /// A <see cref="AbstractConfigurationBuilder{T}"/> object that contains the
 /// configuration data to be copied.
 /// </param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// A <see cref="AbstractConfigurationBuilder{T}"/> object configured with the
 /// data copied from <paramref name="builder"/>.
 /// </remarks>
 public IConfigurationBuilder <T> CopyFrom(
     AbstractConfigurationBuilder <T> builder)
     properties_   = builder.properties_;
     providers_    = builder.providers_;
     log_level_    = builder.log_level_;
     repositories_ = builder.repositories_;
     xml_elements_ = builder.xml_elements_;
Beispiel #30
        static JToken ConvertDictionaryValue(DictionaryValue dict)
            JObject obj = new JObject();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue> kvp in dict.Elements)
                string propname = kvp.Key.Value?.ToString() ?? "<<null>>";
                obj.Add(propname, ConvertPropertyValue(kvp.Value));
Beispiel #31
        private IDictionary <string, object> VisitDictionaryValue(DictionaryValue dictionary)
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            foreach (var element in dictionary.Elements)
                dic[element.Key.Value.ToString()] = this.Visit(element.Value);

Beispiel #32
        static DictionaryValue FillDictionary()
            DictionaryValue  dict   = new DictionaryValue();
            CommonNodeParser common = new CommonNodeParser();

            dict.Add("common.providers.commondataprovider", new DataProviderNode("commondataprovider", "System.String"));
            dict.Add("common.providers.testdataprovider", new DataProviderNode("testdataprovider", "System.String"));
            dict.Add("common.providers.nohrosdataprovider", new DataProviderNode("nohrosdataprovider", "System.String"));
            dict.Add("common.providers.userdataprovider", new DataProviderNode("userdataprovider", "System.String"));
Beispiel #33
        public void Add()
            DictionaryValue <StringValue> dict = new DictionaryValue <StringValue>();

            dict.Add("bu.x", new StringValue("x"));

            StringValue x = dict["bu.x"];

            Assert.AreEqual(x, "x");
        public void A_Dict_With_No_Value_Should_Have_Zero_Length()
            // Arrange
            DictionaryValue dictValue = new DictionaryValue(new Dictionary<String,Option<IExpressionConstant>>());
            var filter = new SizeFilter();

            // Act
            var result = filter.Apply(new TemplateContext(), dictValue).SuccessValue<NumericValue>();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result.Value, Is.EqualTo(0));

        public void It_Should_Allow_A_Variable_With_Index()
            // Arrange
            ITemplateContext ctx = new TemplateContext().WithAllFilters();
            DictionaryValue dict = new DictionaryValue(new Dictionary<String, IExpressionConstant> { { "foo", NumericValue.Create(33) } });
            ctx.DefineLocalVariable("bar", dict);
            var template = LiquidTemplate.Create("{{ 1 | plus:}}");

            // Act
            String result = template.Render(ctx);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("34"));
        public void It_Should_Dereference_A_Dictionary()

            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary<String, IExpressionConstant>
                {"string1", new StringValue("a string")},
                {"string2", NumericValue.Create(123)},
                {"string3", NumericValue.Create(456m)}
            DictionaryValue dictValue = new DictionaryValue(dict);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(dictValue.ValueAt("string1").Value, Is.EqualTo(dict["string1"].Value));
        public void Dictionaries()
            IDictionary<string, string> values1 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            IDictionary<string, string> same = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            IDictionary<string, string> longer = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            IDictionary<string, string> shorter = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            IDictionary<string, string> different1 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            IDictionary<string, string> different2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            IDictionary<string, string> different3 = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            values1.Add("a", "1");  values1.Add("b", ""); values1.Add("c", null);
            same.Add("a", "1");  same.Add("b", ""); same.Add("c", null);
            longer.Add("a", "1");  longer.Add("b", ""); longer.Add("c", null); longer.Add("d", "4");
            shorter.Add("a", "1");  shorter.Add("b", "");
            different1.Add("a", "1");  different1.Add("b", "2"); different1.Add("c", null);
            different2.Add("a", "1");  different2.Add("b", ""); different2.Add("c", "3");
            different3.Add("a", "1");  different3.Add("b", null); different3.Add("c", null);

            DictionaryValue value1 = new DictionaryValue();
            DictionaryValue value2 = new DictionaryValue();
            DictionaryValue value3 = new DictionaryValue();
            DictionaryValue value4 = new DictionaryValue();
            DictionaryValue value5 = new DictionaryValue();
            DictionaryValue value6 = new DictionaryValue();
            DictionaryValue value7 = new DictionaryValue();
            DictionaryValue value8 = new DictionaryValue();

            value1.Values = values1;
            value2.Values = same;
            value3.Values = longer;
            value4.Values = shorter;
            value5.Values = different1;
            value6.Values = different2;
            value7.Values = different3;
            value8.Values = null;

            Assert.That(value1 == value2);
            Assert.That(value1 != value3);
            Assert.That(value1 != value4);
            Assert.That(value1 != value5);
            Assert.That(value1 != value6);
            Assert.That(value1 != value7);
            Assert.That(value1 != value8);
        public void It_Should_Measure_The_Size_Of_A_Dictionary()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary<String, IExpressionConstant>
                {"string1", new StringValue("a string")},
                {"string2", NumericValue.Create(123)},
                {"string3", NumericValue.Create(456m)}
            DictionaryValue dictValue = new DictionaryValue(dict);
            SizeFilter sizeFilter = new SizeFilter();

            // Act
            var result = sizeFilter.Apply(new TemplateContext(), dictValue).SuccessValue<NumericValue>();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result.Value, Is.EqualTo(dict.Keys.Count()));

Beispiel #39
 private void Update()
     var idictionary = DataContext as IDictionary;
     if (idictionary != null)
         var index = 0;
         foreach (string key in idictionary.Keys)
             var dictionaryValue = new DictionaryValue { IDictionary = idictionary, Key = key };
             ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition());
             var dictionaryValueControl = new IDictionaryValueControl { DataContext = dictionaryValue };
             Grid.SetColumn(dictionaryValueControl, index);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a XML node that contains information about a content group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The XML node to parse.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ConfigurationErrosException">The <paramref name="node"/> is not a
        /// valid representation of a content group.</exception>
        public void Parse(XmlNode node, DictionaryValue<RepositoryNode> repositories) {
            string name = null, build = null, mime_type = null, path_ref = null;
            if (!(GetAttributeValue(node, kNameAttributeName, out name) &&
                    GetAttributeValue(node, kBuildAttributeName, out build) &&
                    GetAttributeValue(node, kMimeTypeAttributeName, out mime_type) &&
                    GetAttributeValue(node, kPathRefAttributeName, out path_ref)
                )) {
                            ,"a required attribute"
                            ,NohrosConfiguration.kContentGroupNodeTree + ".any"
                        ,"[Parse   Nohros.Configuration.ContentGroupNode]"

            // sanity check the build type
            if (build != "release" && build != "debug")
                Thrower.ThrowConfigurationException(string.Format(StringResources.Config_ArgOutOfRange, build, NohrosConfiguration.kContentGroupNodeTree + "." + name + "." + kBuildAttributeName), "[Parse   Nohros.Configuration.ContentGroupNode]");

            // resolve the base path
            RepositoryNode str;
            str = repositories[path_ref] as RepositoryNode;

            if (str == null)
                Thrower.ThrowConfigurationException(string.Format(StringResources.Config_ArgOutOfRange, path_ref, NohrosConfiguration.kContentGroupNodeTree + "." + name + "." + kPathRefAttributeName), "[Parse   Nohros.Configuration.ContentGroupNode]");

            build_type_ = (build == "release") ? BuildType.Release : BuildType.Debug;
            mime_type_ = mime_type;
            base_path_ = str.RelativePath;

            string file_name = null;
            foreach (XmlNode file_node in node.ChildNodes) {
                if (string.Compare(file_node.Name, "add", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) {
                    if (!GetAttributeValue(file_node, kFileNameAttributeName, out file_name)) {
                        Thrower.ThrowConfigurationException(string.Format(StringResources.Config_MissingAt, kFileNameAttributeName, Name), "[Parse   Nohros.Configuration.ContentGroupNode]");
        public void It_Should_Parse_A_Variable_And_A_Value(String liquid, String expected)
            // Arrange
            DictionaryValue dict = new DictionaryValue(new Dictionary<String, IExpressionConstant> { { "foo", NumericValue.Create(22) }, { "bar", NumericValue.Create(23) } });

            ITemplateContext ctx =
                new TemplateContext().WithAllFilters()
                    .DefineLocalVariable("bar", dict)
                    .DefineLocalVariable("foo", dict);
            //ArrayValue arr = new ArrayValue(new List<IExpressionConstant> { new NumericValue(33) });
            //ctx.DefineLocalVariable("bar", arr);
            var template = LiquidTemplate.Create(liquid);

            // Act
            String result = template.Render(ctx);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expected));
        public void It_Should_Render_A_Null_In_A_Dictionary()
            // Arrange     
            var subDictValue = new DictionaryValue(
                new Dictionary<string, IExpressionConstant>
                    {"abc", new StringValue("def")},
                    {"ghi", null}
            var dictValue = new DictionaryValue(
                new Dictionary<string, IExpressionConstant>
                    {"one", null},
                    {"two", subDictValue},

            // Act
            ITemplateContext ctx = new TemplateContext().DefineLocalVariable("dict1", dictValue);

            // Act
            var result = RenderingHelper.RenderTemplate("Result : {{ dict1 }}", ctx);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("Result : { \"one\" : null, \"two\" : { \"abc\" : \"def\", \"ghi\" : null } }"));

        public void It_Should_Recursively_Render_Dictionaries_in_Json()
            // Arrange     
            var subDictValue = new DictionaryValue(
                new Dictionary<string, IExpressionConstant>
                    {"abc", new StringValue("def")}
            var dictValue = new DictionaryValue(
                new Dictionary<string, IExpressionConstant>
                    {"one", NumericValue.Create(1)},
                    {"two", subDictValue},

            // Act
            ITemplateContext ctx = new TemplateContext().DefineLocalVariable("dict1", dictValue);

            // Act
            var result = RenderingHelper.RenderTemplate("Result : {{ dict1 }}", ctx);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("Result : { \"one\" : 1, \"two\" : { \"abc\" : \"def\" } }"));

        public void It_Should_Not_Quote_Numerics_In_Json_Dict()
            // Arrange
            var dictValue = new DictionaryValue(
                new Dictionary<string, IExpressionConstant>
                    {"one", NumericValue.Create(1)},
                    {"two", NumericValue.Create(2L)},
                    {"three", NumericValue.Create(3m)},
                    {"four", NumericValue.Create(new BigInteger(4))}


            // Act
            ITemplateContext ctx = new TemplateContext().DefineLocalVariable("dict1", dictValue);

            // Act
            var result = RenderingHelper.RenderTemplate("Result : {{ dict1 }}", ctx);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("Result : { \"one\" : 1, \"two\" : 2, \"three\" : 3.0, \"four\" : 4 }"));

        // SEE:
        public void It_Should_Cast_KV_Pairs_In_A_Dictionary_To_An_Array_Of_Arrays_with_Two_Elements()
            // Arrange
            var dictValue = new DictionaryValue(
                new Dictionary<string, IExpressionConstant>
                    {"one", new StringValue("ONE")},
                    {"two", new StringValue("TWO")},
                    {"three", new StringValue("THREE")},
                    {"four", new StringValue("FOUR")}


            // Act
            var result = ValueCaster.Cast<DictionaryValue, ArrayValue>(dictValue).SuccessValue<ArrayValue>();

            // Assert

            Assert.That(result.ArrValue.Count, Is.EqualTo(4));

        private LiquidExpressionResult DoLookup(ITemplateContext ctx, DictionaryValue dictionaryValue, IExpressionConstant indexProperty)

            String propertyNameString = ValueCaster.RenderAsString(indexProperty);
            if (propertyNameString.ToLower().Equals("size"))
                return LiquidExpressionResult.Success(NumericValue.Create(dictionaryValue.DictValue.Keys.Count()));

            return LiquidExpressionResult.Success(dictionaryValue.ValueAt(indexProperty.Value.ToString()));
 private LiquidExpressionResult Contains(DictionaryValue dictValue, IExpressionConstant expressionConstant)
     return LiquidExpressionResult.Success(new BooleanValue(dictValue.DictValue.Keys.Any(x => x.Equals(expressionConstant.Value))));
Beispiel #48
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Configuration"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public Configuration(IConfigurationBuilder<IConfiguration> builder) {
   properties_ = builder.Properties;
   repositories_ = builder.Repositories;
   providers_ = builder.Providers;
   xml_elements_ = builder.XmlElements;
Beispiel #49
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Configuration"/> class
 /// that is empty.
 /// </summary>
 public Configuration() {
   properties_ = new DictionaryValue();
   repositories_ = new RepositoriesNode();
   providers_ = new ProvidersNode();
   xml_elements_ = new XmlElementsNode();
Beispiel #50
    /// <summary>
    /// Recursively gets the dynamic properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="node">
    /// A XML node containing the dynamic properties.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="path">
    /// The path to the node value.
    /// </param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If the namespace of the property is not defined it will be assigned to
    /// the default namespace.
    /// </remarks>
    void GetProperties(XmlNode node, string path) {
      if (node != null && node.ChildNodes.Count > 0) {
        foreach (XmlNode inner_node in node.ChildNodes) {
          if (inner_node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) {
            if (inner_node.ChildNodes.Count > 0) {
              GetProperties(inner_node, path + "." + inner_node.Name);
            } else {
              XmlAttributeCollection properties = inner_node.Attributes;
              if (properties.Count == 0)

              DictionaryValue keys = new DictionaryValue();
              foreach (XmlAttribute property in properties) {
                keys.SetString(property.Name, property.Value);
              properties_[path] = keys;
Beispiel #51
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the configuration data from the specified
 /// <see cref="Configuration"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration">
 /// A <see cref="Configuration"/> object that contains the
 /// configuration data to be copied.
 /// </param>
 public void CopyFrom(Configuration configuration) {
   providers_ = configuration.providers_;
   repositories_ = configuration.repositories_;
   xml_elements_ = configuration.xml_elements_;
   log_level_ = configuration.log_level_;
   properties_ = configuration.properties_;
Beispiel #52
        /// <summary>
        /// Convenience form of Get().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element to get.</param>
        /// <param name="out_value">When this method returns, contains the <see cref="Value"/> associated
        /// with the specified index if the index falls within the current list range; otherwise null</param>
        /// <returns>true if the index falls within the current list range; otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool GetDictionary(int index, out DictionaryValue out_value)
            IValue value;

            out_value = null;
            if (!Get(index, out value) || value.IsType(ValueType.Dictionary))
                return false;

            out_value = value as DictionaryValue;
            return true;
Beispiel #53
    /// <summary>
    /// Recursively build <see cref="Value"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="is_root">true to verify if the root is either an object or an array; otherwise, false.</param>
    /// <returns>An IDictionary&alt;string, string&gt; containing the parsed JSON string or a null reference
    /// if we don't have a valid JSON string.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Too much nesting.</exception>
    IValue BuildValue(bool is_root) {
      if (stack_depth_ > kStackLimit) {
        throw new InvalidOperationException(

      Token token = ParseToken();
      // The root token must be an array or an object.
      if (is_root && token.type != Token.TokenType.OBJECT_BEGIN && token.type != Token.TokenType.ARRAY_BEGIN)
        return null;

      IValue node;

      switch (token.type) {
        case Token.TokenType.END_OF_INPUT:
        case Token.TokenType.INVALID_TOKEN:
          return null;

        case Token.TokenType.NULL_TOKEN:
          node = Value.CreateNullValue();

        case Token.TokenType.BOOL_TRUE:
          node = Value.CreateBooleanValue(true);

        case Token.TokenType.BOOL_FALSE:
          node = Value.CreateBooleanValue(false);

        case Token.TokenType.NUMBER:
          node = DecodeNumber(token);

        case Token.TokenType.STRING:
          node = DecodeString(token);

        case Token.TokenType.ARRAY_BEGIN: {
            json_pos_ += token.length;
            token = ParseToken();

            node = new ListValue();
            while (token.type != Token.TokenType.ARRAY_END) {
              IValue array_node = BuildValue(false);
              if (array_node == null)
                return null;

              // After a list value, we expect a comma ot the end of the list.
              token = ParseToken();
              if (token.type == Token.TokenType.LIST_SEPARATOR) {
                json_pos_ += token.length;
                token = ParseToken();

                // Trailing commas are invalid according to the JSON RFC, but some
                // consumers need the parsing leniency, so handle accordingly.
                if (token.type == Token.TokenType.ARRAY_END) {
                  if (!allow_trailing_comma_) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                  // Trailing comma OK, stop parsing the Array.
              } else if (token.type != Token.TokenType.ARRAY_END) {
                // Unexpected value after list value. Bail out.
                return null;
            if (token.type != Token.TokenType.ARRAY_END) {
              return null;

        case Token.TokenType.OBJECT_BEGIN: {
            json_pos_ += token.length;
            token = ParseToken();

            node = new DictionaryValue();
            while (token.type != Token.TokenType.OBJECT_END) {
              if (token.type != Token.TokenType.STRING) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(

              IValue dict_key_value = DecodeString(token);
              if (dict_key_value == null)
                return null;

              // Converts the key into a string.
              string dict_key;
              bool success = dict_key_value.GetAsString(out dict_key);

              json_pos_ += token.length;
              token = ParseToken();
              if (token.type != Token.TokenType.OBJECT_PAIR_SEPARATOR)
                return null;

              json_pos_ += token.length;
              //token = ParseToken();

              IValue dict_value = BuildValue(false);
              if (dict_value == null)
                return null;

              (node as DictionaryValue)[dict_key] = dict_value;

              // After a key value pair, we expect a comma or the end of the object
              token = ParseToken();
              if (token.type == Token.TokenType.LIST_SEPARATOR) {
                json_pos_ += token.length;
                token = ParseToken();
                // Trailing commas are invalid according to the JSON RFC, but some
                // consumers need the parsing leniency, so handle accordingly.
                if (token.type == Token.TokenType.OBJECT_END) {
                  if (!allow_trailing_comma_) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                  // Trailing comma OK, stop parsing the object.
              } else if (token.type != Token.TokenType.OBJECT_END) {
                // Unexpected value after last object value. Bail out.
                return null;
            if (token.type != Token.TokenType.OBJECT_END)
              return null;


          // We got a token that's not a value.
          return null;
      json_pos_ += token.length;


      return node;
 public void Add() {
     DictionaryValue dict = new DictionaryValue();
     CommonNodeParser common = new CommonNodeParser();
     dict.Add("common.providers.commondataprovider", new DataProviderNode("commondataprovider", "System.String"));
 private static bool CheckIsEmpty(DictionaryValue val)
     return !val.DictValue.Any();