Beispiel #1
 public void SetVersion(string version)
     base.Version = version;
     DictionaryUtil.Add(Headers, "x-acs-version", version);
 public void AddPathParameters(string name, string value)
     DictionaryUtil.Add(PathParameters, name, value);
Beispiel #3
        private async Task RegisterApplicationInstance(GrpcConnection availableConnection, CancellationToken token)
            if (!DictionaryUtil.IsNull(RemoteDownstreamConfig.Agent.ApplicationId) && DictionaryUtil.IsNull(RemoteDownstreamConfig.Agent.ApplicationInstanceId))
                var instanceDiscoveryService =
                    new InstanceDiscoveryService.InstanceDiscoveryServiceClient(availableConnection.GrpcChannel);

                var agentUUID    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                var registerTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();

                var hostName = Dns.GetHostName();

                var osInfo = new OSInfo
                    Hostname  = hostName,
                    OsName    = PlatformInformation.GetOSName(),
                    ProcessNo = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id


                var applicationInstance = new ApplicationInstance
                    ApplicationId = RemoteDownstreamConfig.Agent.ApplicationId,
                    AgentUUID     = agentUUID,
                    RegisterTime  = registerTime,
                    Osinfo        = osInfo

                var retry = 0;
                var applicationInstanceId = 0;
                while (retry++ < 5 && DictionaryUtil.IsNull(applicationInstanceId))
                    var applicationInstanceMapping = await instanceDiscoveryService.registerInstanceAsync(applicationInstance);

                    applicationInstanceId = applicationInstanceMapping.ApplicationInstanceId;
                    if (!DictionaryUtil.IsNull(applicationInstanceId))

                    await Task.Delay(500, token);

                if (!DictionaryUtil.IsNull(applicationInstanceId))
                    RemoteDownstreamConfig.Agent.ApplicationInstanceId = applicationInstanceId;
                        $"Register application instance success. [applicationInstanceId] = {applicationInstanceId}");
                        "Register application instance fail. Server response null.");
 public void AddQueryParameters(string name, string value)
     DictionaryUtil.Add(queryParameters, name, value);
 public void AddBodyParameters(string name, string value)
     DictionaryUtil.Add(bodyParameters, name, value);
Beispiel #6
        public static HttpWebRequest GetWebRequest(HttpRequest request)
            var uri            = new Uri(request.Url);
            var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);

            httpWebRequest.Proxy     = request.WebProxy;
            httpWebRequest.Method    = request.Method.ToString();
            httpWebRequest.KeepAlive = true;

            httpWebRequest.Timeout = request.ConnectTimeout > 0
                ? request.ConnectTimeout
                : DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_In_MilliSeconds;

            httpWebRequest.ReadWriteTimeout =
                request.ReadTimeout > 0 ? request.ReadTimeout : DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_IN_MilliSeconds;

            if (request.IgnoreCertificate)
                httpWebRequest.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, cert, chains, sslPolicyError) => true;

            if (DictionaryUtil.Get(request.Headers, "Accept") != null)
                httpWebRequest.Accept = DictionaryUtil.Pop(request.Headers, "Accept");

            if (DictionaryUtil.Get(request.Headers, "Date") != null)
                var headerDate = DictionaryUtil.Pop(request.Headers, "Date");
                httpWebRequest.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(headerDate);

            foreach (var header in request.Headers)
                if (header.Key.Equals("Content-Length"))
                    httpWebRequest.ContentLength = long.Parse(header.Value);

                if (header.Key.Equals("Content-Type"))
                    httpWebRequest.ContentType = header.Value;

                if (header.Key.Equals("User-Agent"))
                    httpWebRequest.UserAgent = header.Value;

                httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value);

            if ((request.Method == MethodType.POST || request.Method == MethodType.PUT) && request.Content != null)
                using (var stream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())
                    stream.Write(request.Content, 0, request.Content.Length);

Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// <inheritdoc cref="DictionaryUtil.SortDictionary{Tkey, Tvalue}(IDictionary{Tkey, Tvalue}, bool)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TKey">键值对的键</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TValue">键值对的值</typeparam>
 /// <param name="dictionary">要排序的键值对</param>
 /// <param name="sortByValue">是否根据值进行排序<para>为true时按照Value排序,否则按照Key排序</para></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IList <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > Sort <TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary, bool sortByValue = true) where TValue : struct
     return(DictionaryUtil.SortDictionary <TKey, TValue>(dictionary, sortByValue));
Beispiel #8
        public virtual HttpResponse DoAction <T>(AcsRequest <T> request, bool autoRetry, int maxRetryNumber,
                                                 string regionId,
                                                 AlibabaCloudCredentials credentials, Signer signer, FormatType?format, List <Endpoint> endpoints)
            where T : AcsResponse
            var                httpStatusCode    = "";
            var                retryAttemptTimes = 0;
            ClientException    exception;
            RetryPolicyContext retryPolicyContext;

                    var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    FormatType?requestFormatType = request.AcceptFormat;
                    format = requestFormatType;

                    var domain = request.ProductDomain ??
                                 Endpoint.FindProductDomain(regionId, request.Product, endpoints);

                    if (null == domain)
                        throw new ClientException("SDK.InvalidRegionId", "Can not find endpoint to access.");

                    var userAgent = UserAgent.Resolve(request.GetSysUserAgentConfig(), userAgentConfig);
                    DictionaryUtil.Add(request.Headers, "User-Agent", userAgent);
                    DictionaryUtil.Add(request.Headers, "x-acs-version", request.Version);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.ActionName))
                        DictionaryUtil.Add(request.Headers, "x-acs-action", request.ActionName);
                    var httpRequest = request.SignRequest(signer, credentials, format, domain);
                    ResolveTimeout(httpRequest, request.Product, request.Version, request.ActionName);
                    ResolveProxy(httpRequest, request);
                    var response = GetResponse(httpRequest);

                    httpStatusCode = response.Status.ToString();
                    PrintHttpDebugMsg(request, response);
                    CommonLog.ExecuteTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                catch (ClientException ex)
                    retryPolicyContext = new RetryPolicyContext(ex, httpStatusCode, retryAttemptTimes, request.Product,
                                                                request.ActionName, RetryCondition.BlankStatus);

                    CommonLog.LogException(ex, ex.ErrorCode, ex.ErrorMessage);
                    exception = ex;

            } while ((retryPolicy.ShouldRetry(retryPolicyContext) & RetryCondition.NoRetry) != RetryCondition.NoRetry);

            if (exception != null)
                CommonLog.LogException(exception, exception.ErrorCode, exception.ErrorMessage);
                throw new ClientException(exception.ErrorCode, exception.ErrorMessage);

 public void Add(string key, object value)
     DictionaryUtil.Add(QueryParameters, key, value);
Beispiel #10
 public AcsRequest(String product)
     : base(null)
     DictionaryUtil.Add(Headers, "x-sdk-client", "Net/2.0.0");
     Product = product;
 public AcsRequest(string product) : base(null)
     DictionaryUtil.Add(Headers, "x-sdk-client", "Net/2.0.0");
     DictionaryUtil.Add(Headers, "x-sdk-invoke-type", "normal");
     Product = product;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Geography Information Retrieval (WHAT - REL - WHERE)
        /// Analyze input query to 3 different phases of What - Relation - Where
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputQuery">inputQuery</param>
        public async Task GIRQueryAnalyzerAsync(string inputQuery)
            string what         = string.Empty;     // What phrase
            string tempWhat     = string.Empty;     // Temporary value for What phrase
            string relation     = string.Empty;     // Relation word
            string tempRelation = string.Empty;     // Temporary value for Relation word

            string where = string.Empty;            // Where phrase
            string tempWhere  = string.Empty;       // Temporary value for Where phrase
            bool   isComplete = false;              // Indicate if the process is complete or not

            // Remove redundant white space between words in inputquery
            inputQuery = Regex.Replace(inputQuery, @"\s+", " ");

            // Create a list of tokens
            List <string> tokens       = StringUtil.StringTokenizer(inputQuery);
            int           sizeOfTokens = tokens.Count();

            // Load relation word dictionary
            List <string> wordDic = await DictionaryUtil.LoadRelationWordAsync();

            // Load list of cities
            List <City> cityList = await LocationUtil.LoadCityAsync();

            // Load list of districts
            List <District> districtList = await LocationUtil.LoadAllDistrictAsync();

            // Check if the lists are load successfully
            if ((wordDic == null) &&
                (cityList == null) &&
                (districtList == null))

            what = StringUtil.ConcatTokens(tokens, 0, sizeOfTokens - 1);

            // Check every token in the list
            for (int n = 0; n < sizeOfTokens; n++)
                for (int i = n; i < sizeOfTokens; i++)
                    // Concate tokens to create a string with the original starting
                    // word is the first token, and this word is shift to left one index every n loop
                    // if relaton word is not found.
                    // New tokens is add to original token every i loop to check for valid relation word
                    tempRelation = StringUtil.ConcatTokens(tokens, n, i);

                    // Check if token string is matched with relation word in database
                    if (IsValidRelationWord(tempRelation, wordDic))
                        // If it matches, assign temporary What phrase value with
                        // the value of leading words before Relation word
                        tempWhat = inputQuery.Substring(0, inputQuery.IndexOf(tempRelation) - 1);

                        // Assign Where phrase value with the value of trailing
                        // words after Relation word
                        where = StringUtil.ConcatTokens(tokens, i + 1, sizeOfTokens - 1).Trim().ToLower();

                        // Check if Where phrase is matched with locaitons in database
                        // and handle Where phrase to locate exactly search locations
                        if (IsValidWherePhrase(where, cityList, districtList))
                            // Change status of isComplete varialbe
                            isComplete = true;
                            // If matches, assign Relation word is with the value
                            // of temporary relation
                            relation = tempRelation;
                            // Assign n value again to break the outside loop
                            n = sizeOfTokens;

                        // Assign Relation word with the value of temporary relation
                        // every i loop
                        relation = tempRelation;

            // Check if the process is completely finished
            if (!isComplete)
                // Handle query in case of input string is not well-formed
                // with Relation word and Where phrase is not found.
                // Auto check Where phrase with the first location value in input query,
                // if Where phrase is valid, auto assign Relation word with default value.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relation) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                    int i = 0;

                    // Take first location in input query string
                    // and handle Where phrase (if any) to locate exactly search locations
                    string firstLocation = TakeFirstLocationInQueryString(inputQuery, cityList, districtList);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstLocation))
                        i        = inputQuery.IndexOf(firstLocation.ToLower());
                        tempWhat = inputQuery.Substring(0, i);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempWhat))
                            where = firstLocation;
                            if (firstLocation.Length != inputQuery.Length)
                                tempWhat = inputQuery.Substring(firstLocation.Length).Trim().ToLower();
                            where = inputQuery.Substring(i).Trim().ToLower();
                        tempWhat = what;
                        relation = string.Empty;
                        where    = string.Empty;

            // Make sure What phrase have the value.
            // At the worst case if the input query is not well-formed,
            // assign What phrase with the input query
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempWhat))
                what = tempWhat.Trim().ToLower();

            // Check if What phrase is equal to Where phrase
            if (what.Equals(where))
                what = string.Empty;

            string a               = string.Format("[{0}][{1}][{2}]", what, relation, where);
            int    hospitalId      = this.HospitalID;
            string hospitalName    = this.HospitalName;
            int    cityId          = this.CityID;
            string cityName        = this.CityName;
            int    districtId      = this.DistrictID;
            string districtName    = this.DistrictName;
            int    specialityId    = this.SpecialityID;
            string speacialityName = this.SpecialityName;
            int    diseaseId       = this.DiseaseID;
            string diseaseName     = this.DiseaseName;

            this.WhatPhrase = what;
 public void WhenNullCollectionThenShouldThrowException()
     Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentNullException>(() => DictionaryUtil.ToDictionaryList <int, int>(null, ks => ks));
Beispiel #14
        public override void OnSuccess(WWW www)
            Dictionary <string, object> plist = Plist.readPlist(DESUtil.Decrypt(www.bytes, FileUtil.sKey)) as Dictionary <string, object>;

            _sgAds = DictionaryUtil.GetDictionaryValue(plist, "Data", "SGAds");
            List <object> InterstitialAds  = DictionaryUtil.GetListValue(_sgAds, "InterstitialAds");
            Dictionary <string, object> v1 = InterstitialAds [0] as  Dictionary <string, object>;

            Debug.Log("InterstitialAdConfig   .....  OnSuccess");
            InterstitialAdLoader interstitialAdLoader = new InterstitialAdLoader(DictionaryUtil.GetStringValue(v1, "", IMAGE_URL), DictionaryUtil.GetStringValue(v1, "", APP_NAME), DictionaryUtil.GetStringValue(v1, "", APP_URL));

            isOn = true;
            Dictionary <string, object> BannerAds = DictionaryUtil.GetDictionaryValue(_sgAds, BANNER_ADS);

            iconsImageLoader = new SimpleZipDownloader(DictionaryUtil.GetStringValue(BannerAds, "", ICONS_URL), OnIconsLoad, false);
            _bannerInfos = DictionaryUtil.GetListValue(BannerAds, APPS_INFO);
Beispiel #15
 private void OnLayersListChanging()
     base.AllowReorder = false;
     this.layersAndItemsBeforeChanging = this.layers.Select <Layer, KeyValuePair <Layer, VerticalImageStrip.Item> >(l => new KeyValuePair <Layer, VerticalImageStrip.Item>(l, this.layerToItemMap[l])).ToArrayEx <KeyValuePair <Layer, VerticalImageStrip.Item> >();
     this.renderSlotsBeforeChanging    = DictionaryUtil.From <Layer, double>(this.layersAndItemsBeforeChanging.Select <KeyValuePair <Layer, VerticalImageStrip.Item>, Layer>(kv => kv.Key), this.layersAndItemsBeforeChanging.Select <KeyValuePair <Layer, VerticalImageStrip.Item>, double>(kv => kv.Value.RenderSlot.Value));
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-scanns all the media queries on demand
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
        public void Rescan()
            _methodInfos = new Dictionary <string, MethodInfo>();
            _queries     = new Dictionary <string, MediaQuery>();

            /*foreach (Type type in GlobalTypeDictionary.Instance.Values)
             * {
             *  if (typeof(MediaQueryBase).IsAssignableFrom(type) && typeof(MediaQueryBase) != type)
             *  {
             *      MediaQueryBase query = (MediaQueryBase)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
             *      _queries[query.Id] = query;
             *  }
             * }*/

            var queries = GuiReflector.GetMethodsInAllLoadedTypesDecoratedWith(typeof(MediaQueryAttribute));

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format(@"Found {0} media queries", queries.Count));

            foreach (var methodInfo in queries)
                if (null == methodInfo.ReturnParameter || methodInfo.ReturnType != typeof(bool))
                    throw new Exception(@"Method decorated with MediaQuery attribute should return a boolean value:
" + methodInfo);

                var p          = methodInfo.GetParameters();
                var parameters = new List <Type>();
                foreach (var parameterInfo in p)

                // get attribute
                var attributes = CoreReflector.GetMethodAttributes <MediaQueryAttribute>(methodInfo);
                if (attributes.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception(@"Cannot find MediaQuery attribute:
" + methodInfo);

                var attribute = attributes[0];

                 * If there is already an existing query with a same ID, allow overriding
                 * only if this is an editor override. This way we'll get all the editor overrides
                 * override the Play mode media queries.
                 * */
                if (_methodInfos.ContainsKey(attribute.Id) && !attribute.EditorOverride)

                _methodInfos[attribute.Id] = methodInfo;

                MediaQuery query;
                if (parameters.Count > 0)
                    var type = parameters[0];
                    query = (MediaQuery)NameValueBase.CreateProperty <MediaQuery>(attribute.Id, type);
                    //query.Value = type.
                    query = new MediaQuery
                        Name       = attribute.Id,
                        Parameters = parameters.ToArray()
                _queries[attribute.Id] = query;

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format(@"Number of queries after overrides: {0}", _queries.Keys.Count));

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format(@"Retrieved {0} media queries:
{1}", _queries.Count, DictionaryUtil <string, MediaQuery> .Format(_queries)));