Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>Main method of mention detection.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Main method of mention detection.
        /// Extract all NP, PRP or NE, and filter out by manually written patterns.
        /// </remarks>
        public override IList <IList <Mention> > FindMentions(Annotation doc, Dictionaries dict, Properties props)
            IList <IList <Mention> >       predictedMentions  = new List <IList <Mention> >();
            ICollection <string>           neStrings          = Generics.NewHashSet();
            IList <ICollection <IntPair> > mentionSpanSetList = Generics.NewArrayList();
            IList <ICoreMap> sentences = doc.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation));

            foreach (ICoreMap s in sentences)
                IList <Mention> mentions = new List <Mention>();
                ICollection <IntPair> mentionSpanSet     = Generics.NewHashSet();
                ICollection <IntPair> namedEntitySpanSet = Generics.NewHashSet();
                ExtractPremarkedEntityMentions(s, mentions, mentionSpanSet, namedEntitySpanSet);
                HybridCorefMentionFinder.ExtractNamedEntityMentions(s, mentions, mentionSpanSet, namedEntitySpanSet);
                ExtractNPorPRPFromDependency(s, mentions, mentionSpanSet, namedEntitySpanSet);
                AddNamedEntityStrings(s, neStrings, namedEntitySpanSet);
            //    extractNamedEntityModifiers(sentences, mentionSpanSetList, predictedMentions, neStrings);
            for (int i = 0; i < sentences.Count; i++)
                FindHead(sentences[i], predictedMentions[i]);
            // mention selection based on document-wise info
            RemoveSpuriousMentions(doc, predictedMentions, dict, CorefProperties.RemoveNestedMentions(props), lang);
            // if this is for MD training, skip classification
            if (!CorefProperties.IsMentionDetectionTraining(props))
                mdClassifier.ClassifyMentions(predictedMentions, dict, props);
Beispiel #2
        public override Task Initialize()
            var fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(_directoryPath, "*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            foreach (var fileName in fileNames)
                var dictionary = CreateJsonLocalizationDictionary(fileName);
                if (Dictionaries.ContainsKey(dictionary.CultureInfo.Name))
                    throw new AbpInitializationException(SourceName + " source contains more than one dictionary for the culture: " + dictionary.CultureInfo.Name);

                Dictionaries[dictionary.CultureInfo.Name] = dictionary;

                if (fileName.EndsWith(SourceName + ".json"))
                    if (DefaultDictionary != null)
                        throw new AbpInitializationException("Only one default localization dictionary can be for source: " + SourceName);

                    DefaultDictionary = dictionary;

        public IDictionary <TracerFormula, double> GetDistribution(double?startTime, double?endTime)
            var    rawResult = new Dictionary <TracerFormula, double>();
            double total     = 0;

            if (!startTime.HasValue || !endTime.HasValue)
            foreach (var entry in Points)
                double value = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Times.Count; i++)
                    if (Times[i] < startTime || Times[i] > endTime)
                    value += entry.Value[i];
                total += value;
                rawResult.Add(entry.Key, value);
            if (total == 0)
            return(Dictionaries.Scale(rawResult, 1 / total));
    public void ExistingBoard()
        GameBoard board = new GameBoard(new char[4, 4]
            { 'y', 'o', 'x', 'f' },
            { 'y', 'o', 'x', 'u' },
            { 'r', 'b', 'a', 'n' },
            { 'v', 'e', 'd', 'd' }

        // Load the Alphabet
        Alphabet alphabet = Alphabets.Load("en-us");

        // Load the Dictionary
        Dictionary dict = Dictionaries.Load("english-words");

        BoardSolution sol      = BoardConstructor.Solve(alphabet, dict, board);
        string        solboard = sol.SolvedBoard.ToString();
        int           words    = sol.SolutionWords.Count;

        Assert.InRange(words, 1, int.MaxValue);
        Assert.Equal(24, solboard.Length);
        Assert.Equal(4, sol.SolvedBoard.Size);
        Assert.Equal("en-us", sol.AlphabetId);
        Assert.Equal("english-words", sol.DictionaryId);
        public override Task Initialize()
            var resourceNames = _assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();

            foreach (var resourceName in resourceNames)
                if (resourceName.StartsWith(_rootNamespace))
                    using (var stream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                        var xmlString = Abp.Localization.Dictionaries.Utf8Helper.ReadStringFromStream(stream);

                        var dictionary = CreateXmlLocalizationDictionary(xmlString);
                        if (Dictionaries.ContainsKey(dictionary.CultureInfo.Name))
                            throw new AbpInitializationException(SourceName + " source contains more than one dictionary for the culture: " + dictionary.CultureInfo.Name);

                        Dictionaries[dictionary.CultureInfo.Name] = dictionary;

                        if (resourceName.EndsWith(SourceName + ".xml"))
                            if (DefaultDictionary != null)
                                throw new AbpInitializationException("Only one default localization dictionary can be for source: " + SourceName);

                            DefaultDictionary = dictionary;

Beispiel #6
 public FilterRecordsForm()
     clbTypesOptions.DataSource    = Dictionaries.GetDictionaries().Where(x => x.DictionaryTypeId == 1).ToList();
     clbTypesOptions.DisplayMember = "StringValue";
     clbTypesOptions.ValueMember   = "EnumValue";
Beispiel #7
        public static void TranslateForm(WinForms.Form form, string dictName,
                                         WinForms.ToolTip toolTip = null, params WinForms.ContextMenuStrip[] contextMenus)
            Dict dict;

            if (form != null && Dictionaries.TryGetValue(dictName, out dict))
                Dictionary <string, ControlInfo> controlInfoDict = GetControlInfoDict(dict);

                // перевод заголовка формы
                ControlInfo controlInfo;
                if (controlInfoDict.TryGetValue("this", out controlInfo) && controlInfo.Text != null)
                    form.Text = controlInfo.Text;

                // перевод элементов управления
                TranslateWinControls(form.Controls, toolTip, controlInfoDict);

                // перевод контекстных меню
                if (contextMenus != null)
                    TranslateWinControls(contextMenus, null, controlInfoDict);
Beispiel #8
        public void MergeHeaders_MergeUniqueKeys_ReturnsExpectedunion()
            var dict1 = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "one", "1" }, { "two", "2" }
            var dict2 = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "three", "3" }, { "four", "4" }
            var dict3 = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "five", 5 }, { "six", 6 }

            var ret = Dictionaries.MergeHeaders(dict1, dict2, dict3);

            Assert.That(6, Is.EqualTo(ret.Count));
            Assert.That(ret["one"], Is.EqualTo("1"));
            Assert.That(ret["two"], Is.EqualTo("2"));
            Assert.That(ret["three"], Is.EqualTo("3"));
            Assert.That(ret["four"], Is.EqualTo("4"));
            Assert.That(ret["five"], Is.EqualTo(5));
            Assert.That(ret["six"], Is.EqualTo(6));
Beispiel #9
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public static void DoTraining(Properties props)
            Dictionaries dictionaries = new Dictionaries(props);

            wordCountsFile = trainingPath + "train/word_counts.ser";
            CorefProperties.SetInput(props, CorefProperties.Dataset.Train);
            Preprocess(props, dictionaries, true);
            CorefProperties.SetInput(props, CorefProperties.Dataset.Dev);
            Preprocess(props, dictionaries, false);
            dictionaries = null;
            PairwiseModel classificationModel = PairwiseModel.NewBuilder(ClassificationModel, MetaFeatureExtractor.NewBuilder().Build()).Build();
            PairwiseModel rankingModel        = PairwiseModel.NewBuilder(RankingModel, MetaFeatureExtractor.NewBuilder().Build()).Build();
            PairwiseModel anaphoricityModel   = PairwiseModel.NewBuilder(AnaphoricityModel, MetaFeatureExtractor.AnaphoricityMFE()).TrainingExamples(5000000).Build();

            PairwiseModelTrainer.TrainClassification(classificationModel, false);
            PairwiseModelTrainer.TrainClassification(anaphoricityModel, true);
            PairwiseModelTrainer.Test(classificationModel, predictionsName, false);
            PairwiseModelTrainer.Test(rankingModel, predictionsName, false);
            PairwiseModelTrainer.Test(anaphoricityModel, predictionsName, true);
            new Clusterer().DoTraining(ClusteringModelName);
        public override void Initialize(string sourceName)
            var fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(_directoryPath, "*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            foreach (var fileName in fileNames)
                var dictionary = CreateJsonLocalizationDictionary(fileName);
                if (Dictionaries.ContainsKey(dictionary.CultureInfo.Name))
                    throw new SharePlatformInitializationException(sourceName + " 源包含多个区域性字典: " + dictionary.CultureInfo.Name);

                Dictionaries[dictionary.CultureInfo.Name] = dictionary;

                if (fileName.EndsWith(sourceName + ".json"))
                    if (DefaultDictionary != null)
                        throw new SharePlatformInitializationException("源只能有一个默认本地化词典: " + sourceName);

                    DefaultDictionary = dictionary;
Beispiel #11
        public Form1()


            utility.form1 = this;

            this.Icon       = Properties.Resources.jenicon;
            FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            rom.isStandaloneCradle = true;

            rom.form1 = this;

             * string ENUM_TEMPLATE = "public enum ENUMNAME {\n";
             * int enum_count = 10000;
             * for (int i = 0; i < enum_count; i++)
             *  {
             *  ENUM_TEMPLATE += "NAME = "+i+",\n";
             *  }
             * ENUM_TEMPLATE += "}";
             * File.WriteAllText("ENUM_TEMPLATE.txt", ENUM_TEMPLATE);*/
Beispiel #12
        public override void Initialize(string sourceName, ILocalizationConfiguration localizationConfiguration)
            string[] fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(_directoryPath, "*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            foreach (string fileName in fileNames)
                JsonLocalizationDictionary dictionary = CreateJsonLocalizationDictionary(fileName);
                string dicCultureInfoName             = dictionary.CultureInfo.Name;
                if (Dictionaries.ContainsKey(dicCultureInfoName))
                    throw new Exception(sourceName + " source contains more than one dictionary for the culture: " + dicCultureInfoName);

                Dictionaries[dicCultureInfoName] = dictionary;
                LanguageIcon languageIcon = LocalizationConsts.LanguageIcons.Where(p => dicCultureInfoName.StartsWith(p.CountryName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();
                    new LanguageInfo(dicCultureInfoName, dictionary.CultureInfo.NativeName, icon: languageIcon?.Icon, isDefault: CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name.Equals(dicCultureInfoName)));

                if (!fileName.EndsWith(sourceName + ".json"))
                if (DefaultDictionary != null)
                    throw new Exception("Only one default localization dictionary can be for source: " + sourceName);

                DefaultDictionary = dictionary;
Beispiel #13
        private void Reset()
                CurrentBrush = null;
                if (all != null)
                Dictionary <int, Brush> pyramids   = new Dictionary <int, Brush>();
                Dictionary <int, Brush> prisms     = new Dictionary <int, Brush>();
                Dictionary <int, Brush> antiprisms = new Dictionary <int, Brush>();
                Dictionary <int, Brush> cupolas    = new Dictionary <int, Brush>();
                Dictionary <int, Brush> rotund     = new Dictionary <int, Brush>();
                Dictionary <int, Brush> diminished = new Dictionary <int, Brush>();
                Dictionary <int, Brush> stella     = new Dictionary <int, Brush>();
                //Dictionary<int, Brush> all          = new Dictionary<int,Brush>();

                Dictionaries["pyramid"]    = pyramids;
                Dictionaries["prism"]      = prisms;
                Dictionaries["antiprism"]  = antiprisms;
                Dictionaries["cupola"]     = cupolas;
                Dictionaries["rotund"]     = rotund;
                Dictionaries["diminished"] = diminished;
                Dictionaries["stella"]     = stella;
                Dictionaries["all"]        = all;
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan for all dicitionaries (default resx files, without culture identification)
        /// </summary>
        private void ScanForDefaultDictionaries()

            var culturInfoList = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures).Where(c => c.Name.Length > 0);

            _resourceDirectory = SelectedProjectDirectory.GetDirectories("Resources").Single();
            var resxFiles = _resourceDirectory.GetFiles("*.resx");

            foreach (FileInfo resxFile in resxFiles)
                if (culturInfoList.Any(ci => resxFile.Name.EndsWith(ci.Name + ".resx")))

                Dictionaries.Add(resxFile.Name.Replace(".resx", String.Empty));

            if (Dictionaries.Any())
                string lastUsedDictionary = AppRegistry.GetValue(RegistryKeys.SelectedDictionary);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastUsedDictionary))
                    SelectedDictionary = Dictionaries.First();
                    SelectedDictionary = Dictionaries.First(dict => dict == lastUsedDictionary);
Beispiel #15
        public void ShouldReturnEntries(MultiDictionaryContext context)
            // given
            var multiDictionary = context.Create <int, string>();

            multiDictionary.Put(1, "A");
            multiDictionary.Put(1, "B");
            multiDictionary.Put(1, "C");
            multiDictionary.Put(2, "A");
            multiDictionary.PutAll(3, Lists.AsList("X", "Y", "Z"));

            // when
            var entries = multiDictionary.Entries;

            // then
                Dictionaries.Entry(1, "A"),
                Dictionaries.Entry(1, "B"),
                Dictionaries.Entry(1, "C"),
                Dictionaries.Entry(2, "A"),
                Dictionaries.Entry(3, "X"),
                Dictionaries.Entry(3, "Y"),
                Dictionaries.Entry(3, "Z"));
Beispiel #16
        private static IEnumerable <ITestCaseData> ToStringTestCases()
            yield return(new TestCaseData("test")
                         .SetName("Should return string")

            yield return(new TestCaseData(null)
                         .SetName("Should generate toString of null object")

            yield return(new TestCaseData(new List <int?> {
                1, 2, null, 3
                         .SetName("Should generate toString of collection")
                         .Returns("[1, 2, null, 3]"));

            yield return(new TestCaseData(Lists.EmptyList <int>())
                         .SetName("Should generate toString of empty collection")

            yield return(new TestCaseData((object)new object[] { "A", "B", 3, 4 })
                         .SetName("Should generate toString of array")
                         .Returns("[A, B, 3, 4]"));

            yield return(new TestCaseData(Dictionaries.Create("A", 1, "B", 2, "C", 3))
                         .SetName("Should generate toString of dictionary")
                         .Returns("[(A, 1), (B, 2), (C, 3)]"));

            yield return(new TestCaseData(Dictionaries.Create(
                                              "A", Lists.AsList(Lists.AsList(1, 2, 3), Lists.AsList(4, 5, 6)),
                                              "B", Lists.AsList(Lists.AsList(1), Lists.AsList(2)),
                                              "C", Lists.AsList(Lists.EmptyList <int>(), null)))
                         .SetName("Should generate toString of complex dictionary")
                         .Returns("[(A, [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), (B, [[1], [2]]), (C, [[], null])]"));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceName"></param>
        public override void Initialize(string sourceName)
            var resourceNames = _assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();

            foreach (var resourceName in resourceNames)
                if (resourceName.StartsWith(_rootNamespace))
                    using (var stream = _assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                        var bytes     = stream.GetAllBytes();
                        var xmlString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 3, bytes.Length - 3); //Skipping byte order mark

                        var dictionary = CreateXmlLocalizationDictionary(xmlString);
                        if (Dictionaries.ContainsKey(dictionary.CultureInfo.Name))
                            throw new AbpInitializationException(sourceName + " source contains more than one dictionary for the culture: " + dictionary.CultureInfo.Name);

                        Dictionaries[dictionary.CultureInfo.Name] = dictionary;

                        if (resourceName.EndsWith(sourceName + ".xml"))
                            if (DefaultDictionary != null)
                                throw new AbpInitializationException("Only one default localization dictionary can be for source: " + sourceName);

                            DefaultDictionary = dictionary;
Beispiel #18
        internal FieldSet MakeImmutable()
            bool flag = false;

            using (IEnumerator <object> enumerator = this.fields.Values.GetEnumerator())
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    object         current = enumerator.Current;
                    IList <object> list    = current as IList <object>;
                    if (list != null && !list.IsReadOnly)
                        flag = true;
            if (flag)
                SortedList <IFieldDescriptorLite, object> sortedList = new SortedList <IFieldDescriptorLite, object>();
                using (IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <IFieldDescriptorLite, object> > enumerator2 = this.fields.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
                        KeyValuePair <IFieldDescriptorLite, object> current2 = enumerator2.Current;
                        IList <object> list2 = current2.Value as IList <object>;
                        sortedList[current2.Key] = ((list2 == null) ? current2.Value : Lists.AsReadOnly <object>(list2));
                this.fields = sortedList;
            this.fields = Dictionaries.AsReadOnly <IFieldDescriptorLite, object>(this.fields);
Beispiel #19
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            ExtendableMessageLite <TMessage, TBuilder> other = obj as ExtendableMessageLite <TMessage, TBuilder>;

            return(!ReferenceEquals(null, other) &&
                   Dictionaries.Equals(extensions.AllFields, other.extensions.AllFields));
        public override void Initialize(string sourceName)
            var fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, "*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            foreach (var fileName in fileNames)
                var dictionary = CreateJsonLocalizationDictionary(fileName);
                if (Dictionaries.ContainsKey(dictionary.CultureInfo.Name))
                    throw new StudioXInitializationException(sourceName + " source contains more than one dictionary for the culture: " + dictionary.CultureInfo.Name);

                Dictionaries[dictionary.CultureInfo.Name] = dictionary;

                if (fileName.EndsWith(sourceName + ".json"))
                    if (DefaultDictionary != null)
                        throw new StudioXInitializationException("Only one default localization dictionary can be for source: " + sourceName);

                    DefaultDictionary = dictionary;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the data from an Xrecord.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionaryName">Name of Named Objects Dictionary</param>
        /// <param name="xKey">Key of Xrecord</param>
        /// <returns>ResultBuffer with data or Null if nothing found.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Wrappers.XRecordException"/>
        public ResultBuffer GetXrecord(string dictionaryName, string xKey)
            ResultBuffer result = null;

                if (_document != null)
                    _document.StartTransaction(tr =>
                        Transaction t = tr.Transaction;
                        using (DBDictionary nod = Dictionaries.GetNamedObjectsDictionary(dictionaryName))
                            if (nod != null && nod.Contains(xKey))
                                ObjectId oid = nod.GetAt(xKey);
                                using (Xrecord xrec = t.GetObject <Xrecord>(oid, OpenMode.ForRead))
                                    result = xrec.Data;
            catch (XRecordHandlerException) { throw; }
            catch (Exception ex)
                string err_message = string.Format("Unexpected error occured while retrieving xRecord '{0}' from Named Objects Dictionary '{1}'.", xKey, dictionaryName);
                throw new XRecordHandlerException(dictionaryName, xKey, err_message, ex, ErrorCode.XrecordNotFound);

Beispiel #22
        public override void Initialize(string sourceName)
            var resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();

            foreach (var resourceName in resourceNames)
                if (resourceName.StartsWith(rootNamespace))
                    using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
                        var jsonString = Utf8Helper.ReadStringFromStream(stream);

                        var dictionary = CreateJsonLocalizationDictionary(jsonString);
                        if (Dictionaries.ContainsKey(dictionary.CultureInfo.Name))
                            throw new StudioXInitializationException(sourceName + " source contains more than one dictionary for the culture: " + dictionary.CultureInfo.Name);

                        Dictionaries[dictionary.CultureInfo.Name] = dictionary;

                        if (resourceName.EndsWith(sourceName + ".json"))
                            if (DefaultDictionary != null)
                                throw new StudioXInitializationException("Only one default localization dictionary can be for source: " + sourceName);

                            DefaultDictionary = dictionary;
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>Orders the antecedents for the given mention (m1)</summary>
        /// <param name="antecedentSentence"/>
        /// <param name="mySentence"/>
        /// <param name="orderedMentions"/>
        /// <param name="orderedMentionsBySentence"/>
        /// <param name="m1"/>
        /// <param name="m1Position"/>
        /// <param name="corefClusters"/>
        /// <param name="dict"/>
        /// <returns>An ordering of potential antecedents depending on same/different sentence, etc.</returns>
        public virtual IList <Mention> GetOrderedAntecedents(int antecedentSentence, int mySentence, IList <Mention> orderedMentions, IList <IList <Mention> > orderedMentionsBySentence, Mention m1, int m1Position, IDictionary <int, CorefCluster> corefClusters
                                                             , Dictionaries dict)
            IList <Mention> orderedAntecedents = new List <Mention>();

            // ordering antecedents
            if (antecedentSentence == mySentence)
                // same sentence
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(orderedAntecedents, orderedMentions.SubList(0, m1Position));
                if (flags.DoPronoun && m1.IsPronominal())
                    // TODO
                    orderedAntecedents = SortMentionsForPronoun(orderedAntecedents, m1);
                if (dict.relativePronouns.Contains(m1.SpanToString()))
                // previous sentence
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(orderedAntecedents, orderedMentionsBySentence[antecedentSentence]);
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes Xrecord with given key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionaryName">Name of Objects Dictionary.</param>
        /// <param name="xKey">Key of Xrecord to remove.</param>
        /// <returns>True if succeed, false if Xrecord does not exist.</returns>
        public bool RemoveDocumentXrecord(string dictionaryName, string xKey)
            bool   result      = false;
            string err_message = string.Empty;

                Common.UsingTransaction(_document, tr =>
                    Transaction t = tr.Transaction;
                    using (DBDictionary nod = Dictionaries.GetNamedObjectsDictionary(dictionaryName))
                        result = RemoveXrecord(nod, dictionaryName, xKey);
            catch (WriteEnablerException)
                throw new XRecordHandlerException(dictionaryName, xKey, "WriteEnabler countered an exception.", ErrorCode.Error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                err_message = string.Format("An unexpected error occured while removing Xrecord '{0}' from Named Objects Dictionary '{1}'", xKey, dictionaryName);
                throw new XRecordHandlerException(dictionaryName, xKey, err_message, ex);
Beispiel #25
        public static string EncodeBytes(byte[] payload, object key, JweAlgorithm alg, JweEncryption enc, JweCompression?compression = null, IDictionary <string, object> extraHeaders = null)
            if (payload == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("payload");
            IKeyManagement item               = JWT.KeyAlgorithms[alg];
            IJweAlgorithm  jweAlgorithm       = JWT.EncAlgorithms[enc];
            IDictionary <string, object> strs = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "alg", JWT.JweAlgorithms[alg] },
                { "enc", JWT.JweEncryptionMethods[enc] }

            Dictionaries.Append <string, object>(strs, extraHeaders);
            byte[][] numArray  = item.WrapNewKey(jweAlgorithm.KeySize, key, strs);
            byte[]   numArray1 = numArray[0];
            byte[]   numArray2 = numArray[1];
            if (compression.HasValue)
                strs["zip"] = JWT.JweCompressionMethods[compression.Value];
                payload     = JWT.CompressionAlgorithms[compression.Value].Compress(payload);
            byte[]   bytes     = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JWT.jsMapper.Serialize(strs));
            byte[]   bytes1    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Compact.Serialize(new byte[][] { bytes }));
            byte[][] numArray3 = jweAlgorithm.Encrypt(bytes1, payload, numArray1);
            return(Compact.Serialize(new byte[][] { bytes, numArray2, numArray3[0], numArray3[1], numArray3[2] }));
Beispiel #26
        public static string EncodeBytes(byte[] payload, object key, JwsAlgorithm algorithm, IDictionary <string, object> extraHeaders = null)
            if (payload == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("payload");
            if (extraHeaders == null)
                extraHeaders = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "typ", "JWT" }
            Dictionary <string, object> strs = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "alg", JWT.JwsAlgorithms[algorithm] }

            Dictionaries.Append <string, object>(strs, extraHeaders);
            byte[] bytes    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(strs));
            byte[] numArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Compact.Serialize(new byte[][] { bytes, payload }));
            //byte[] numArray1 = JWT.HashAlgorithms[algorithm].Sign(numArray, key);
            SHA512 sha1 = SHA512.Create();

            byte[] numArray1 = sha1.ComputeHash(numArray);
            //System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Cng  --
            return(Compact.Serialize(new byte[][] { bytes, payload, numArray1 }));
        /// <summary>Generate the training features from the CoNLL input file.</summary>
        /// <returns>Dataset of feature vectors</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private static GeneralDataset <string, string> GenerateFeatureVectors(Properties props)
            GeneralDataset <string, string> dataset = new Dataset <string, string>();
            Dictionaries  dict     = new Dictionaries(props);
            DocumentMaker docMaker = new DocumentMaker(props, dict);
            Document      document;

            while ((document = docMaker.NextDoc()) != null)
                IDictionary <int, CorefCluster> entities = document.goldCorefClusters;
                // Generate features for coreferent mentions with class label 1
                foreach (CorefCluster entity in entities.Values)
                    foreach (Mention mention in entity.GetCorefMentions())
                        // Ignore verbal mentions
                        if (mention.headWord.Tag().StartsWith("V"))
                        IndexedWord head = mention.enhancedDependency.GetNodeByIndexSafe(mention.headWord.Index());
                        if (head == null)
                        List <string> feats = mention.GetSingletonFeatures(dict);
                        dataset.Add(new BasicDatum <string, string>(feats, "1"));
                // Generate features for singletons with class label 0
                List <CoreLabel> gold_heads = new List <CoreLabel>();
                foreach (Mention gold_men in document.goldMentionsByID.Values)
                foreach (Mention predicted_men in document.predictedMentionsByID.Values)
                    SemanticGraph dep  = predicted_men.enhancedDependency;
                    IndexedWord   head = dep.GetNodeByIndexSafe(predicted_men.headWord.Index());
                    if (head == null || !dep.VertexSet().Contains(head))
                    // Ignore verbal mentions
                    if (predicted_men.headWord.Tag().StartsWith("V"))
                    // If the mention is in the gold set, it is not a singleton and thus ignore
                    if (gold_heads.Contains(predicted_men.headWord))
                    dataset.Add(new BasicDatum <string, string>(predicted_men.GetSingletonFeatures(dict), "0"));
Beispiel #28
    void FiveKWords()
        Dictionary dict = Dictionaries.Load("5kwords");

        Assert.Equal(5000, dict.Words.Count);
        DictionaryLookupInfo result = DictionaryLookupInfo.BuildLookupInfo(dict);
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes this FieldSet immutable, and returns it for convenience. Any
        /// mutable repeated fields are made immutable, as well as the map itself.
        /// </summary>
        internal FieldSet MakeImmutable()
            // First check if we have any repeated values
            bool hasRepeats = false;

            foreach (object value in fields.Values)
                IList <object> list = value as IList <object>;
                if (list != null && !list.IsReadOnly)
                    hasRepeats = true;

            if (hasRepeats)
                var tmp = new SortedList <IFieldDescriptorLite, object>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <IFieldDescriptorLite, object> entry in fields)
                    IList <object> list = entry.Value as IList <object>;
                    tmp[entry.Key] = list == null ? entry.Value : Lists.AsReadOnly(list);
                fields = tmp;

            fields = Dictionaries.AsReadOnly(fields);

        public List <Dictionaries> getDictionary()
            List <Dictionaries> dictionary = new List <Dictionaries>();
            Dictionaries        pengguna   = new Dictionaries();

            pengguna.Table_name = "Pengguna";
            pengguna.Dictionary.Add("id_pengguna", "int(11)");
            pengguna.Dictionary.Add("nama", "varchar(255)");
            pengguna.Dictionary.Add("username", "varchar(255)");
            pengguna.Dictionary.Add("email", "varchar(255)");
            pengguna.Dictionary.Add("user_type", "varchar(255)");
            pengguna.Dictionary.Add("password", "varchar(255)");


            Dictionaries kategori = new Dictionaries();

            kategori.Table_name = "Kategori";
            kategori.Dictionary.Add("id_kategori", "varchar(255)");
            kategori.Dictionary.Add("nama_kategori", "varchar(255)");


            Dictionaries detail_barang = new Dictionaries();

            detail_barang.Table_name = "Detail_Barang";
            detail_barang.Dictionary.Add("id_detail_barang", "int(11)");
            detail_barang.Dictionary.Add("id_barang", "varchar(255)");
            detail_barang.Dictionary.Add("nomor_seri_detail", "varchar(255)");
            detail_barang.Dictionary.Add("status_detail", "enum('ready','pending','defaced','reserved')");
            detail_barang.Dictionary.Add("keterangan_detail", "text");


            Dictionaries spesifikasi = new Dictionaries();

            spesifikasi.Table_name = "Spesifikasi";
            spesifikasi.Dictionary.Add("id_spesifikasi", "int(255)");
            spesifikasi.Dictionary.Add("xid_barang", "varchar(255)");
            spesifikasi.Dictionary.Add("rincian_spesifikasi", "text");


            Dictionaries barang = new Dictionaries();

            barang.Table_name = "Barang";
            barang.Dictionary.Add("id_barang", "varchar(255)");
            barang.Dictionary.Add("xid_kategori", "varchar(255)");
            barang.Dictionary.Add("xid_pengguna", "int(11)");
            barang.Dictionary.Add("nama_barang", "text");
            barang.Dictionary.Add("merk_barang", "text");
            barang.Dictionary.Add("harga_barang", "int(11)");
            barang.Dictionary.Add("stok_barang", "int(11)");
            barang.Dictionary.Add("image_barang", "int(11)");


Beispiel #31
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        dictionaries = new Dictionaries(HttpContext.Current);
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            dictionarySelector.DataSource = dictionaries.DictionaryNames();

        if (dictionarySelector.Items.Count == 0)
            addPanel.Visible = false;
            searchPanel.Visible = false;
            importPanel.Visible = false;
            dictionarySelector.Visible = false;
            messageLabel.Text = "No dictionaries imported.";
            addPanel.Visible = true;
            searchPanel.Visible = true;
            importPanel.Visible = true;
