Beispiel #1
        void ReadPng()
            for (int i = 0; i < PNGID.Length; i++)
                Assert(PNGID[i] == Inp.ReadByte());
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            while (true)
                int  len       = GetInt(Inp);
                uint chunktype = GetUInt(Inp);
                Assert(len >= 0);
                if (chunktype == IHDR) // header
                    Width  = GetInt(Inp);
                    Height = GetInt(Inp);

                    BitDepth          = Inp.ReadByte();
                    ColorType         = Inp.ReadByte();
                    CompressionMethod = Inp.ReadByte();
                    FilterMethod      = Inp.ReadByte();
                    InterlaceMethod   = Inp.ReadByte();
                else if (chunktype == IDAT) // the image data
                    Util.Copy(Inp, Idat, len, buffer);
                else if (chunktype == tRNS) // transparency information
                    switch (ColorType)
                    case 0:
                        if (len >= 2)
                            len -= 2;
                            int gray = GetWord(Inp);
                            if (BitDepth == 16)
                                TransRedGray = gray;
                                Additional.Put(DictName.Mask, "[ " + gray + " " + gray + " ]");

                    case 2:
                        if (len >= 6)
                            len -= 6;
                            int red   = GetWord(Inp);
                            int green = GetWord(Inp);
                            int blue  = GetWord(Inp);
                            if (BitDepth == 16)
                                TransRedGray = red;
                                TransGreen   = green;
                                TransBlue    = blue;
                                Additional.Put(DictName.Mask, "[ " + red + " " + red + " " + green + " " + green + " " + blue + " " + blue + " ]");

                    case 3:
                        if (len > 0)
                            Trans = new byte[len];
                            for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k)
                                Trans[k] = ( byte )Inp.ReadByte();
                            len = 0;
                    Util.Skip(Inp, len);
                else if (chunktype == PLTE) // contains the palette; list of colors.
                    if (ColorType == 3)
                        DictArray colorspace = new DictArray();
                        colorspace.Add(len / 3 - 1);
                        ColorTable = new byte[len];
                        int ix = 0; while ((len--) > 0)
                            ColorTable[ix++] = ( byte )Inp.ReadByte();
                        colorspace.Add(new PdfByteStr(ColorTable));
                        Additional.Put(DictName.ColorSpace, colorspace);
                        Util.Skip(Inp, len);
                else if (chunktype == pHYs) // Currently nothing is done with this info.
                    int dx   = GetInt(Inp);
                    int dy   = GetInt(Inp);
                    int unit = Inp.ReadByte();
                    if (unit == 1)
                        DpiX = ( int )(( float )dx * 0.0254f + 0.5f);
                        DpiY = ( int )(( float )dy * 0.0254f + 0.5f);
                        if (dy != 0)
                            XYRatio = ( float )dx / ( float )dy;
                else if (chunktype == cHRM) // gives the chromaticity coordinates of the display primaries and white point.
                    xW      = ( float )GetInt(Inp) / 100000f;
                    yW      = ( float )GetInt(Inp) / 100000f;
                    xR      = ( float )GetInt(Inp) / 100000f;
                    yR      = ( float )GetInt(Inp) / 100000f;
                    xG      = ( float )GetInt(Inp) / 100000f;
                    yG      = ( float )GetInt(Inp) / 100000f;
                    xB      = ( float )GetInt(Inp) / 100000f;
                    yB      = ( float )GetInt(Inp) / 100000f;
                    HasCHRM = !(Math.Abs(xW) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(yW) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(xR) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(yR) < 0.0001f ||
                                Math.Abs(xG) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(yG) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(xB) < 0.0001f || Math.Abs(yB) < 0.0001f);
                else if (chunktype == sRGB) // indicates that the standard sRGB color space is used.
                    int ri = Inp.ReadByte();
                    Intent  = Intents[ri];
                    Gamma   = 2.2f;
                    xW      = 0.3127f; yW = 0.329f; xR = 0.64f; yR = 0.33f;
                    xG      = 0.3f;    yG = 0.6f;   xB = 0.15f; yB = 0.06f;
                    HasCHRM = true;
                else if (chunktype == gAMA)
                    int gm = GetInt(Inp);
                    if (gm != 0)
                        Gamma = 100000f / ( float )gm;
                        if (!HasCHRM)
                            xW      = 0.3127f; yW = 0.329f; xR = 0.64f; yR = 0.33f;
                            xG      = 0.3f;    yG = 0.6f;   xB = 0.15f; yB = 0.06f;
                            HasCHRM = true;
                else if (chunktype == iCCP)
                    // Console.WriteLine( "iCCP chunk found" );
                        len -= 1;
                    } while (Inp.ReadByte() != 0);
                    Inp.ReadByte(); len -= 1;
                    byte[] icc = new byte[len];
                    Util.ReadN(Inp, icc, 0, len);
                    icc  = Util.Inflate(icc);
                    ICCP = ICC_Profile.GetInstance(icc);
                else if (chunktype == IEND)
                    Util.Skip(Inp, len);
                Util.Skip(Inp, 4);
Beispiel #2
        //public void AddZClassType(ZClassType ztype)
        //    if (ztype.SharpType.IsGenericType)
        //    {
        //        ImportGenericZTypes.Add(ztype.ZName, ztype);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        ImportNormalZTypes.Add(ztype.ZName, ztype);
        //    }

        //public void AddZEnum(ZEnumType zenum)
        //    ZEnumList.Add(zenum);

        //public void AddDim(ZDimType dimType)
        //    //ImportDimTypes.Add(dimType.ZName, dimType);
        //    ImportDims.Add(dimType);

        public void AddNameWord(WordInfo word)