protected override void FillWindow(Rect inRect)

            //First we draw the header
            Text.Font = GameFont.Medium;
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, 300f, 300f), "ManufacturingPlant".Translate());
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

            //This float is used to set the padding at the bottom of the window.
            float bottomPaddingHeight = 50f;

            //The mainRect is the rectangle which contains the listbox
            Rect mainRect = new Rect(0f, bottomPaddingHeight, inRect.width, inRect.height - bottomPaddingHeight - 50f);

            //We initialise the entry and button sizes according to the main rect, which is sized depending on the window size. This lets the window be resized easily without (hoepfully) creating too many problems.
            this.lineEntrySize = new Vector2(mainRect.width - 16f, 100f);
            this.interactButtonSize = new Vector2(100f, this.lineEntrySize.y / 2 - 14f);

            //We begin the group to tell the system that the following elements are grouped together.

            //This float is the height of the entry with a small margin added to it.
            float entryHeightWithMargin = this.lineEntrySize.y + 8f;

            //This float is the height of the entire list with all included entries and margins. This is used for the rect which houses all the entries, even though we wont see all of them at once.
            float height = (float)assemblyLines.Count * entryHeightWithMargin;

            //This rect is used inside the scroll view, and is moved up and down to show the entries.
            Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, mainRect.width - 16f, height);

            //This is the rect on the screen to be used for the ScrollView
            Rect outRect = new Rect(mainRect.AtZero());

            //This function starts the scrolling view, and uses the scrollPosition variable to record where in the scrollview we are looking
            Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this.scrollPosition, viewRect);

            //This float is the current y position in the scrollview, we use this for drawing each entry under each other.
            float currentY = 0f;

            //We first check to see if there are any entries. If no, then give a small message
            if (assemblyLines.Count == 0)
                Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, currentY, this.lineEntrySize.x, this.lineEntrySize.y);
                Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
                Widgets.Label(rect2, "NoAssemblyLines".Translate());

                //If there are entries, then we draw the entry for each element in the list, calling our Draw...() function.
                foreach (AssemblyLine line in assemblyLines)
                    line.OnGUI(currentY, this.lineEntrySize, this.interactButtonSize, this);
                    //Increment the current y position for the next entry to be drawn
                    currentY += entryHeightWithMargin;
            //Must remember to end the view once it has been drawn.
            //Likewise, remember to end the group

            //This draws the button in the bottom right corner of the window. It uses the same size as the Close button
            Rect lineManagerButRect = new Rect(inRect.width - this.lineManagerButtonSize.x, inRect.height - this.lineManagerButtonSize.y, this.lineManagerButtonSize.x, this.lineManagerButtonSize.y);
            if (Widgets.TextButton(lineManagerButRect, "ConstructNewAssemblyLine".Translate()))
                if (MPmanager.manager.CanAddAssemblyLine)
                    string costString = "";
                    if (Game.GodMode && AssemblyLine.Settings.instaBuild)
                        costString = "Nothing".Translate();
                        foreach (var item in AssemblyLine.Settings.BuildingCost)
                            costString += string.Format("{1} {0}\n", item.thing.label, item.amount);
                    Find.LayerStack.Add(new Dialog_Confirm("BuildNewAssemblyLineDialog".Translate(costString, TicksToTime.GetTime((float)AssemblyLine.ConstructionTicksRequired)), delegate
                        MPmanager.manager.AddNewAssemblyLine((Game.GodMode && AssemblyLine.Settings.instaBuild));
                    Dialog_Message m = new Dialog_Message("MaximumAssemblyLines".Translate());
            public MyForm()
                //ClientSize = new Eto.Drawing.Size(400, 300);
                Title = "Eto.Forms";
                Width = 400;
                var md = new Model("id", new ModelProperties(ModelEnergyProperties.Default, ModelRadianceProperties.Default));

                var panel = new DynamicLayout();

                var ltn        = new LightingAbridged("lnt", 12, "Always On");
                var ltn2       = new LightingAbridged("lnt", 15, "Always On");
                var dlightCtrl = new DaylightingControl(new List <double>()
                    0.5, 0.1, 0.5
                }, offAtMinimum: true);
                var ppl             = new PeopleAbridged("ppl", 0.1, "Always On", "Always On", latentFraction: new Autocalculate());
                var RoomPropertybtn = new Button()
                    Text = "2 Rooms Property"
                var rm1 = new Room($"Room1_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new List <Face>(), new RoomPropertiesAbridged(new RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged("aaa", lighting: ltn)), "name1", multiplier: 1, story: "11");
                var rm2 = new Room($"Room2_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new List <Face>(), new RoomPropertiesAbridged(new RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged("bbb", lighting: ltn2, people: ppl, daylightingControl: dlightCtrl)), "name2", multiplier: 2, story: "22");

                rm2.UserData = new { RhinoLayer = "layer 01", Color = "Red" };
                rm2          = rm2.DuplicateRoom();

                var rms = new List <Room>()
                    rm1, rm2

                RoomPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_RoomProperty(md.Properties, rms);
                    //dialog.SetSensorPositionPicker(() => { return new List<double>(); });
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)
                        rms = dialog_rc;

                var RoomPropertybtn2 = new Button()
                    Text = "1 Room Property"

                RoomPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) =>
                    //md.Properties.Energy?.Hvacs = null;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_RoomProperty(md.Properties, new List <Room>()
                    //dialog.SetSensorPositionPicker(() => { return new List<double>(); });
                    dialog.SetInternalMassPicker(() => 22);
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        rm2 = dialog_rc.FirstOrDefault();

                var facePropertybtn = new Button()
                    Text = "2 Faces Property"
                var face  = new Face($"faceId_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), FaceType.Floor, new Ground(), new FacePropertiesAbridged(new FaceEnergyPropertiesAbridged("aa"), new FaceRadiancePropertiesAbridged("bb", "cc")));
                var face2 = new Face($"Face_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), FaceType.Wall, new Outdoors(), new FacePropertiesAbridged(new FaceEnergyPropertiesAbridged("Generic Exterior Wall")), "Face name");

                facePropertybtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_FaceProperty(md.Properties, new List <Face>()
                        face, face2
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)

                var facePropertybtn2 = new Button()
                    Text = "1 Face Property"

                facePropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_FaceProperty(md.Properties, new List <Face>()
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)

                var aptPropertybtn = new Button()
                    Text = "1 Apt Property"
                var apt  = new Aperture($"aptId_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new Outdoors(), new AperturePropertiesAbridged(new ApertureEnergyPropertiesAbridged("aa"), new ApertureRadiancePropertiesAbridged("bb", "cc")));
                var apt2 = new Aperture($"Aperture_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new Outdoors(), new AperturePropertiesAbridged(new ApertureEnergyPropertiesAbridged("Generic Exterior Wall")), "apt name", isOperable: true);

                aptPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ApertureProperty(md.Properties, new List <Aperture>()
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        apt2 = dialog_rc.First();
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)
                var aptPropertybtn2 = new Button()
                    Text = "2 Apts Property"

                aptPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ApertureProperty(md.Properties, new List <Aperture>()
                        apt, apt2
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)

                var doorPropertybtn = new Button()
                    Text = "1 Door Property"
                var door = new Door($"aptId_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new Outdoors(), new DoorPropertiesAbridged());

                doorPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_DoorProperty(md.Properties, new List <Door>()
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)

                var shdPropertybtn = new Button()
                    Text = "1 Shade Property"
                var shd  = new Shade($"shdId_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new ShadePropertiesAbridged(new ShadeEnergyPropertiesAbridged("aa"), new ShadeRadiancePropertiesAbridged("bb", "cc")));
                var shd2 = new Shade($"Shade_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new ShadePropertiesAbridged(new ShadeEnergyPropertiesAbridged("Generic Exterior Wall")), "shd name", isDetached: true);

                shdPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ShadeProperty(md.Properties, new List <Shade>()
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        shd2 = dialog_rc.FirstOrDefault();
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)
                var shdPropertybtn2 = new Button()
                    Text = "2 Shade Property"

                shdPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ShadeProperty(md.Properties, new List <Shade>()
                        shd, shd2
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)

                var view = new HoneybeeSchema.View("id", new List <double>()
                    1, 1, 1
                }, new List <double>()
                    2, 2, 2
                }, new List <double>()
                    0, 0, 1
                }, viewType: ViewType.c);
                var view2 = new HoneybeeSchema.View("id2", new List <double>()
                    1, 1, 1
                }, new List <double>()
                    2, 2, 2
                }, new List <double>()
                    0, 0, 1
                }, hSize: 120, vSize: 120);

                var viewPropertybtn = new Button()
                    Text = "1 view Property"

                viewPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ViewProperty(new List <HoneybeeSchema.View>()
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)
                var viewPropertybtn2 = new Button()
                    Text = "2 view Property"

                viewPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ViewProperty(new List <HoneybeeSchema.View>()
                        view, view2
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)

                var sensorGrid  = new SensorGrid("id", new List <Sensor>());
                var sensorGrid2 = new SensorGrid("id2", new List <Sensor>(), groupIdentifier: "sdfd");

                var sensorGridPropertybtn = new Button()
                    Text = "1 sensor grid Property"

                sensorGridPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SensorGridProperty(new List <SensorGrid>()
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)
                var sensorGridPropertybtn2 = new Button()
                    Text = "2 sensor grid Property"

                sensorGridPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SensorGridProperty(new List <SensorGrid>()
                        sensorGrid, sensorGrid2
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in dialog_rc)

                var Messagebtn = new Button()
                    Text = "message text"

                Messagebtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var energyProp = new HoneybeeSchema.RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged();
                    Dialog_Message.Show(this, energyProp.ToJson());

                var cSetbtn = new Button()
                    Text = "ConstructionSet"

                cSetbtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var cSet   = new HoneybeeSchema.ConstructionSetAbridged(identifier: Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ConstructionSet(ref lib, cSet);
                    var rs     = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (rs != null)
                        Dialog_Message.Show(this, rs.ToJson());

                var pTypebtn = new Button()
                    Text = "ProgramType"

                pTypebtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var pType  = new HoneybeeSchema.ProgramTypeAbridged(identifier: Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    var lib    = md.Properties;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ProgramType(ref lib, pType);

                var pTypeMngbtn = new Button()
                    Text = "ProgramTypeManager"

                pTypeMngbtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib       = md.Properties;
                    var dialog    = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ProgramTypeManager(ref lib);
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);

                var schbtn = new Button()
                    Text = "ScheduleRulesetManager"

                schbtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib       = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var dialog    = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ScheduleRulesetManager(ref lib);
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);

                var conbtn = new Button()
                    Text = "ConstructionManager"

                conbtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ConstructionManager(ref lib);

                var cSetManager = new Button()
                    Text = "ConstructionSet Manager"

                cSetManager.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var dialog = new Dialog_ConstructionSetManager(ref lib);

                var simuParam = new Button()
                    Text = "Simulation Parameter"

                simuParam.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var sP     = new SimulationParameter();
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SimulationParameter(sP);

                var modelManager = new Button()
                    Text = "Model Resource"

                modelManager.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ModelResources(md);

                var materialBtn = new Button()
                    Text = "Material Manager"

                materialBtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib          = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var dialog       = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_MaterialManager(ref lib);
                    var newMaterials = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (newMaterials != null)

                var modifierBtn = new Button()
                    Text = "Modifier Manager"

                modifierBtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Radiance;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ModifierManager(ref lib);

                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)

                var modifierSetMngBtn = new Button()
                    Text = "ModifierSet Manager"

                modifierSetMngBtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Radiance;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ModifierSetManager(ref lib);

                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);
                    if (dialog_rc != null)

                var modifierSetBtn = new Button()
                    Text = "ModifierSet Editor"

                modifierSetBtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dup    = new ModifierSetAbridged("NewModifierSet");
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Radiance;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ModifierSet(ref lib, dup);

                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);

                var shwMngBtn = new Button()
                    Text = "SHW Manager"

                shwMngBtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SHWManager(ref lib);

                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);

                var shwBtn = new Button()
                    Text = "SHW Editor"

                shwBtn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dialog    = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SHW();
                    var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this);

                var outputs = new Button()
                    Text = "EPOutputs"

                outputs.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var epoutput = new SimulationOutput();
                    var dialog   = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_EPOutputs(epoutput);

                var opsHVACs = new Button()
                    Text = "OpenStudioHVACs"

                opsHVACs.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_OpsHVACs(ref lib);

                var HVACManager = new Button()
                    Text = "HVACsManager"

                HVACManager.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib    = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_HVACManager(ref lib);

                var cSetSel_btn = new Button()
                    Text = "CSetSelector"

                cSetSel_btn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib        = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var cSetSel    = new Dialog_ConstructionSetManager(ref lib, true);
                    var cSetSel_rc = cSetSel.ShowModal(Config.Owner);
                    if (cSetSel_rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in md.Properties.Energy.ConstructionSets)

                var cIntSetSel_btn = new Button()
                    Text = "ConstructionSet Interior"
                var cInt = new InteriorSet();

                cIntSetSel_btn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib        = md.Properties.Energy;
                    var cSetSel    = new Dialog_ConstructionSet_Interior(ref lib, cInt);
                    var cSetSel_rc = cSetSel.ShowModal(Config.Owner);
                    if (cSetSel_rc != null)
                        cInt = cSetSel_rc;

                var mIntSetSel_btn = new Button()
                    Text = "ModifierSet Interior"
                var mInt = new InteriorSet();

                mIntSetSel_btn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var lib        = md.Properties.Radiance;
                    var cSetSel    = new Dialog_ModifierSet_Interior(ref lib, mInt);
                    var cSetSel_rc = cSetSel.ShowModal(Config.Owner);
                    if (cSetSel_rc != null)
                        mInt = cSetSel_rc;

                var matchRooms_btn = new Button()
                    Text = "MatchRooms"

                matchRooms_btn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var source = new Room("id", new List <Face>(), new RoomPropertiesAbridged(energy: new RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged("my construction")), displayName: "SourceName");
                    var target = new Room("id", new List <Face>(), new RoomPropertiesAbridged());
                    var dia    = new Dialog_MatchRoomProperties(source, new List <Room>()
                    var rc = dia.ShowModal(Config.Owner);
                    if (rc != null)
                        foreach (var item in rc)

                var lockedUnits = new Dictionary <Honeybee.UI.Units.UnitType, System.Enum>()
                    { Honeybee.UI.Units.UnitType.Length, Units.LengthUnit.Millimeter }
                var unit_btn = new Button()
                    Text = "Unit setting"

                unit_btn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dia = new Dialog_UnitSetting(lockedUnits);

                var legend_btn = new Button()
                    Text = "Legend"

                legend_btn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dia = new Dialog_Legend(null);

                var errors_btn = new Button()
                    Text = "Errors"
                //var validationReport = new ValidationReport()
                //var path = @"D:\Dev\Pollination\rhino-plugin\error.json";
                //var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);
                var report = new ValidationReport("1.1.0", "1.2.0", false, "Error");

                errors_btn.Click += (s, e) =>
                    var dia = Dialog_Error.Instance;

                panel.AddSeparateRow(RoomPropertybtn, RoomPropertybtn2, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(facePropertybtn, facePropertybtn2, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(aptPropertybtn, aptPropertybtn2, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(doorPropertybtn, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(shdPropertybtn, shdPropertybtn2, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(viewPropertybtn, viewPropertybtn2, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(sensorGridPropertybtn, sensorGridPropertybtn2, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(conbtn, cSetbtn, cIntSetSel_btn, cSetManager, cSetSel_btn, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(pTypebtn, pTypeMngbtn, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(modifierBtn, modifierSetMngBtn, modifierBtn, mIntSetSel_btn, null);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(shwMngBtn, shwBtn);
                panel.AddSeparateRow(unit_btn, legend_btn);
                Content = panel;
Beispiel #3
        public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect)

            //First we draw the header
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Medium;
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, 300f, 300f), "ManufacturingPlant".Translate());
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;

            //This float is used to set the padding at the bottom of the window.
            float bottomPaddingHeight = 50f;

            //The mainRect is the rectangle which contains the listbox
            Rect mainRect = new Rect(0f, bottomPaddingHeight, inRect.width, inRect.height - bottomPaddingHeight - 50f);

            //We initialise the entry and button sizes according to the main rect, which is sized depending on the window size. This lets the window be resized easily without (hoepfully) creating too many problems.
            this.lineEntrySize      = new Vector2(mainRect.width - 16f, 100f);
            this.interactButtonSize = new Vector2(100f, this.lineEntrySize.y / 2 - 14f);

            //We begin the group to tell the system that the following elements are grouped together.

            //This float is the height of the entry with a small margin added to it.
            float entryHeightWithMargin = this.lineEntrySize.y + 8f;

            //This float is the height of the entire list with all included entries and margins. This is used for the rect which houses all the entries, even though we wont see all of them at once.
            float height = (float)assemblyLines.Count * entryHeightWithMargin;

            //This rect is used inside the scroll view, and is moved up and down to show the entries.
            Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, mainRect.width - 16f, height);

            //This is the rect on the screen to be used for the ScrollView
            Rect outRect = new Rect(mainRect.AtZero());

            //This function starts the scrolling view, and uses the scrollPosition variable to record where in the scrollview we are looking
            Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this.scrollPosition, viewRect);

            //This float is the current y position in the scrollview, we use this for drawing each entry under each other.
            float currentY = 0f;

            //We first check to see if there are any entries. If no, then give a small message
            if (assemblyLines.Count == 0)
                Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, currentY, this.lineEntrySize.x, this.lineEntrySize.y);
                Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
                Widgets.Label(rect2, "NoAssemblyLines".Translate());

            //If there are entries, then we draw the entry for each element in the list, calling our Draw...() function.
                foreach (AssemblyLine line in assemblyLines)
                    line.OnGUI(currentY, this.lineEntrySize, this.interactButtonSize, this);
                    //Increment the current y position for the next entry to be drawn
                    currentY += entryHeightWithMargin;
            //Must remember to end the view once it has been drawn.
            //Likewise, remember to end the group

            //This draws the button in the bottom right corner of the window. It uses the same size as the Close button
            Rect lineManagerButRect = new Rect(inRect.width - this.lineManagerButtonSize.x, inRect.height - this.lineManagerButtonSize.y, this.lineManagerButtonSize.x, this.lineManagerButtonSize.y);

            if (Widgets.TextButton(lineManagerButRect, "ConstructNewAssemblyLine".Translate()))
                if (MPmanager.manager.CanAddAssemblyLine)
                    string costString = "";
                    if (Game.GodMode && AssemblyLine.Settings.instaBuild)
                        costString = "Nothing".Translate();
                        foreach (var item in AssemblyLine.Settings.BuildingCost)
                            costString += string.Format("{1} {0}\n", item.thing.label, item.amount);
                    Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_Confirm("BuildNewAssemblyLineDialog".Translate(costString, TicksToTime.GetTime((float)AssemblyLine.ConstructionTicksRequired)), delegate
                        MPmanager.manager.AddNewAssemblyLine((Game.GodMode && AssemblyLine.Settings.instaBuild));
                    Dialog_Message m = new Dialog_Message("MaximumAssemblyLines".Translate());