public void handleMendohlSpawn()
     foreach (string dialog in dialogList)
         if (SaveManager.currentSave != null)
             DialogScheduler.addDialog(dialog.Replace("[Player Name]",;
    public void handleShootSkeletonKing()
        string playerName = "[Player Name]";

        if (SaveManager.currentSave != null)
            playerName =;
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("Muahahahahaha", true);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("The world shall finally meet its dark end.", true);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("So long, " + playerName + ". Do try to enjoy your final moments. You've worked hard for this.", true);
        fpc.isDisappear = true;
        fpc.mendohl.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled = false;
    public void handleShootMendohl()
        string playerName = "[Player Name]";

        if (SaveManager.currentSave != null)
            playerName =;
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("You have done a brave thing, " + playerName + ".", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("It takes a wise and courageous soul to stand up to a being of his power.", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("Thanks to you, the underworld is finally safe from that two-faced trickster.", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("And I think I know exactly how to repay you.", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog(playerName + ", I think it's about time you go back to your own world.", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("What do you think?", false);
        isWaitingDisplayFinalScreen = true;
    public void handleMendohlSpawn()
        string playerName = "[Player Name]";

        if (SaveManager.currentSave != null)
            playerName =;

        DialogScheduler.addDialog("Malphos is weakened, but a being of his power can't be killed so easily..", true);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("NO! PLEASE!", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("You have no idea what you're doing.", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("I am the keeper of the underworld. I am the only one who can contain the creatures that lurk here.", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("If you slay me, unknown evils will be unleashed on the world.", false);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("LIES. You must not listen to him. Malphos protects the evil in this world, and he must be slain.", true);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("Take this golden shell. It has special properties and has the power to kill gods.", true);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("End this, " + playerName + ". Once and for all.", true);
        DialogScheduler.addDialog("Dewit.", true);
    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        PlayerController player = collision.GetComponentInParent <PlayerController>();

        if (player)
            int prefabIndex = 0;
            int dialogIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < ordering.Length; i++)
                if (ordering[i].Equals("dialog")) //add a dialog
                else //add a prefab
                    DialogScheduler.addPrefab(prefabs[prefabIndex], positions[prefabIndex]);