Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Eventhandler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void Shape_MouseMove(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     // this event is only fired when moving over the shape itself.
     // moving over compartment entries or compartment headers are handled by ElementListCompartment_MouseMove()
     entryNowHoveringAbove.Type    = SelectedCompartmentPartType.Head;
     entryNowHoveringAbove.Element = null;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 ///    Call back to the source shape to drop the dragged item.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     sourceShape.DoMouseUp(sourceChild, e);
     e.Handled = true;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Set this mouse action as the active action on the
        /// diagram of the given shape, and activate its drag line
        /// centered on the shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chainFromPoint">The point to begin the mouse action</param>
        /// <param name="clientView">The active DiagramClientView</param>
        /// <param name="emulateDrag">true if this should emulate a drag, meaning
        /// that the mouse up acts like a click.</param>
        public void ChainMouseAction(PointD chainFromPoint, DiagramClientView clientView, bool emulateDrag)
            DiagramView activeView = Diagram.ActiveDiagramView;

            if (activeView != null)
                // Move on to the selection action
                clientView.ActiveMouseAction = this;

                // Now emulate a mouse click in the middle of the added constraint. The click
                // actions provide a starting point for the connect action, so a mouse move
                // provides a drag line.
                Point emulateClickPoint = clientView.WorldToDevice(chainFromPoint);
                DiagramMouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = new DiagramMouseEventArgs(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, 0), clientView);
                Click(new DiagramPointEventArgs(emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, PointRelativeTo.Client, clientView));

                // An extra move lets us chain when the mouse is not on the design surface,
                // such as when we are being activated via the task list.

                myEmulateDrag = emulateDrag;
                ORMDiagram.SelectToolboxItem(activeView, ResourceStrings.ToolboxRoleConnectorItemId);
        public override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            DiagramItem diagramItem     = e.HitDiagramItem;
            Column      referenceColumn = ResolveColumn(diagramItem);

            if (referenceColumn != null)
                // See if we're dragging other columns
                DiagramItemCollection selection = e.DiagramClientView.Selection.TopLevelItems;
                Table    table           = referenceColumn.Table;
                int      count           = selection.Count;
                Column[] selectedColumns = new Column[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    Column column = ResolveColumn(selection[i]);
                    if (null == column ||
                        (column != referenceColumn && column.Table != table))
                    selectedColumns[i] = column;
                myDragSourceColumns = selectedColumns;
                myDragSourceShape   = (ColumnElementListCompartment)diagramItem.Shape;
                myDragSourceColumns = null;
                myDragSourceShape   = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Set this mouse action as the active action on the
        /// diagram of the given shape.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachToShape">The shape the constraint is being attached to.</param>
        /// <param name="constraint">The constraint being connected.</param>
        /// <param name="clientView">The active DiagramClientView</param>
        public void ChainMouseAction(FactTypeShape attachToShape, UniquenessConstraint constraint, DiagramClientView clientView)
            DiagramView activeView = Diagram.ActiveDiagramView;

            if (activeView != null)
                // Move on to the selection action
                clientView.ActiveMouseAction = this;

                // Now emulate a mouse click in the middle of the added constraint. The click
                // actions provide a starting point for the connect action, so a mouse move
                // provides a drag line.
                Point emulateClickPoint = clientView.WorldToDevice(attachToShape.GetAbsoluteConstraintAttachPoint(constraint, FactSetConstraint.GetLink(constraint, attachToShape.AssociatedFactType)));
                DiagramMouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = new DiagramMouseEventArgs(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, 0), clientView);
                Click(new DiagramPointEventArgs(emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, PointRelativeTo.Client, clientView));

                // An extra move lets us chain when the mouse is not on the design surface,
                // such as when we are being activated via the task list.

                ORMDiagram.SelectToolboxItem(activeView, ResourceStrings.ToolboxInternalUniquenessConstraintItemId);
                FactTypeShape.ActiveInternalUniquenessConstraintConnectAction = this;
 /// <summary>
 /// Test for a double click if a commit is expected to signal the
 /// OnClicked to forward the click to the base ConnectAction and
 /// complete the operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">DiagramMouseEventArgs</param>
 protected override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     if (myPendingOnClickedAction == OnClickedAction.CheckForCommit && e.Clicks == 2 && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
         myPendingOnClickedAction = OnClickedAction.Commit;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Remember which item the mouse was dragged from.
        /// We don't create an Action immediately, as this would inhibit the
        /// inline text editing feature. Instead, we just remember the details
        /// and will create an Action when/if the mouse moves off this list item.
        /// </summary>
        private void Compartment_MouseDown(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            Compartment compartment = (Compartment)sender;
            var         compartmentElementToDrag = GetCompartmentElementToDrag(compartment, e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements);

            dragStartElement  = compartmentElementToDrag;
            compartmentBounds = e.HitDiagramItem.Shape.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 ///    When the mouse moves away from the initial list item, but still inside the compartment,
 ///    create an Action to supervise the cursor and handle subsequent mouse events.
 ///    Transfer the details of the initial mouse position to the Action.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void Compartment_MouseMove(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     if (dragStartElement != null && dragStartElement != e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements.OfType <ModelAttribute>().FirstOrDefault())
         e.DiagramClientView.ActiveMouseAction = new CompartmentDragMouseAction <ClassShape>(dragStartElement, this, compartmentBounds);
         dragStartElement = null;
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Call back to the source shape to drop the dragged item.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     //sourceShape.DoMouseUp(sourceChild, e);
     DragDropHelper.DoMouseUpForShape <TElement>(sourceChild, e);
     e.Handled = true;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// A context menu has been requested at the specified position. Translate the
        /// position to a device coordinates and show the context menu
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void OnContextMenuRequested(DiagramMouseEventArgs mouseArgs)
            DiagramClientView clientView = mouseArgs.DiagramClientView;

            if (clientView != null)
                Point pt = clientView.PointToScreen(clientView.WorldToDevice(mouseArgs.MousePosition));
                this.ShowContextMenu(ContextMenuId, pt);
            /// <summary>
            /// Call back to the source shape to drop the dragged item.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="e"></param>
            protected override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
                e.Handled = true;
                Column column = ResolveColumn(e.HitDiagramItem);

                if (null != column)
                    Table.CustomReorderColumns(mySourceColumns, column);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the Action when the user releases the mouse.
        /// If we are still on the same compartment but in a different list item,
        /// move the starting item to the position of the current one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dragFrom"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        internal static void DoMouseUpForShape <TElement>(ModelElement dragFrom, DiagramMouseEventArgs e) where TElement : ModelElement
            // Original or "from" item:
            TElement dragFromElement = dragFrom as TElement;
            // Current or "to" item:
            TElement dragToElement = e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements.OfType <TElement>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (dragFromElement != null && dragToElement != null)
                // Find the common parent model element, and the relationship links:
                ElementLink parentToLink   = GetEmbeddingLink(dragToElement);
                ElementLink parentFromLink = GetEmbeddingLink(dragFromElement);
                if (parentToLink != parentFromLink && parentFromLink != null && parentToLink != null)
                    // Get the static relationship and role (= end of relationship):
                    DomainRelationshipInfo relationshipFrom = parentFromLink.GetDomainRelationship();
                    DomainRoleInfo         parentFromRole   = relationshipFrom.DomainRoles[0];
                    // Get the node in which the element is embedded, usually the element displayed in the shape:
                    ModelElement parentFrom = parentFromLink.LinkedElements[0];

                    // Same again for the target:
                    DomainRelationshipInfo relationshipTo = parentToLink.GetDomainRelationship();
                    DomainRoleInfo         parentToRole   = relationshipTo.DomainRoles[0];
                    ModelElement           parentTo       = parentToLink.LinkedElements[0];

                    // Mouse went down and up in same parent and same compartment:
                    if (parentTo == parentFrom && relationshipTo == relationshipFrom)
                        // Find index of target position:
                        int newIndex     = 0;
                        var elementLinks = parentToRole.GetElementLinks(parentTo);
                        foreach (ElementLink link in elementLinks)
                            if (link == parentToLink)

                        if (newIndex < elementLinks.Count)
                            using (Transaction t = parentFrom.Store.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Move list item"))
                                parentFromLink.MoveToIndex(parentFromRole, newIndex);
Beispiel #13
		/// <summary>
		/// If we've reached the dragging state, then
		/// chaing to the toolbox action.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && CurrentMouseActionState == DraggingState)
				DiagramClientView clientView = e.DiagramClientView;
				// Stop this mouse action

				// Chain to other action
				ORMDiagram diagram = (ORMDiagram)clientView.Diagram;
				diagram.RoleConnectAction.ChainMouseAction(this.MouseDownPoint, clientView, true);
Beispiel #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Calls back to parent's implementation of <see cref="IHandleSubFieldMouseMove.OnSubFieldMouseMove"/>.
		/// </summary>
		public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			DiagramItem diagramItem = e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem;
			if (diagramItem != null && diagramItem.Field != null)
				IHandleSubFieldMouseMove handlerShape = diagramItem.Shape as IHandleSubFieldMouseMove;
				if (handlerShape != null)
					handlerShape.OnSubFieldMouseMove(diagramItem.Field, diagramItem.SubField, e);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// If we've reached the dragging state, then
        /// chaing to the toolbox action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && CurrentMouseActionState == DraggingState)
                DiagramClientView clientView = e.DiagramClientView;
                // Stop this mouse action

                // Chain to other action
                ORMDiagram diagram = (ORMDiagram)clientView.Diagram;
                diagram.RoleConnectAction.ChainMouseAction(this.MouseDownPoint, clientView, true);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        ///    Called by the Action when the user releases the mouse.
        ///    If we are still on the same compartment but in a different list item,
        ///    move the starting item to the position of the current one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dragFrom"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void DoMouseUp(ModelElement dragFrom, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            // Original or "from" item:
#pragma warning disable IDE0019 // Use pattern matching
            ModelAttribute dragFromElement = dragFrom as ModelAttribute;
#pragma warning restore IDE0019 // Use pattern matching

            // Current or "to" item:
            ModelAttribute dragToElement = e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements.OfType <ModelAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (dragFromElement != null && dragToElement != null)
                // Find the common parent model element, and the relationship links:
                ElementLink parentToLink   = GetEmbeddingLink(dragToElement);
                ElementLink parentFromLink = GetEmbeddingLink(dragFromElement);

                if (parentToLink != parentFromLink && parentFromLink != null && parentToLink != null)
                    // Get the static relationship and role (= end of relationship):
                    DomainRelationshipInfo relationshipFrom = parentFromLink.GetDomainRelationship();
                    DomainRoleInfo         parentFromRole   = relationshipFrom.DomainRoles[0];

                    // Get the node in which the element is embedded, usually the element displayed in the shape:
#pragma warning disable IDE0019 // Use pattern matching
                    ModelClass parentFrom = parentFromLink.LinkedElements[0] as ModelClass;
#pragma warning restore IDE0019 // Use pattern matching

                    // Same again for the target:
                    DomainRelationshipInfo relationshipTo = parentToLink.GetDomainRelationship();
                    DomainRoleInfo         parentToRole   = relationshipTo.DomainRoles[0];

                    // Mouse went down and up in same parent and same compartment:
                    if (parentFrom != null && parentToLink.LinkedElements[0] is ModelClass parentTo && parentTo == parentFrom && relationshipTo == relationshipFrom)
                        // Find index of target position:
                        int newIndex = parentToRole.GetElementLinks(parentTo).IndexOf(parentToLink);

                        if (newIndex >= 0)
                            using (Transaction t = parentFrom.Store.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Move list item"))
                                parentFromLink.MoveToIndex(parentFromRole, newIndex);
                                // HACK
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// When the mouse moves away from the initial list item, but still inside the compartment,
        /// create an Action to supervise the cursor and handle subsequent mouse events.
        /// Transfer the details of the initial mouse position to the Action.
        /// </summary>
        private void Compartment_MouseMove(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            if (dragStartElement != null)
                Compartment compartment = (Compartment)sender;
                var         compartmentElementToDrag = GetCompartmentElementToDrag(compartment, e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements);

                if (dragStartElement != compartmentElementToDrag)
                    e.DiagramClientView.ActiveMouseAction = CreateCompartmentDragMouseAction(compartment, dragStartElement);
                    dragStartElement = null;
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls back to parent's implementation of <see cref="IHandleSubFieldMouseMove.OnSubFieldMouseMove"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            DiagramItem diagramItem = e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem;

            if (diagramItem != null && diagramItem.Field != null)
                IHandleSubFieldMouseMove handlerShape = diagramItem.Shape as IHandleSubFieldMouseMove;
                if (handlerShape != null)
                    handlerShape.OnSubFieldMouseMove(diagramItem.Field, diagramItem.SubField, e);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Eventhandler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void ElementListCompartment_MouseMove(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            entryNowHoveringAbove.Type    = SelectedCompartmentPartType.None;
            entryNowHoveringAbove.Element = null;

            foreach (object o in e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements)
                if (o is ModelElement)
                    entryNowHoveringAbove.Type    = SelectedCompartmentPartType.Element;
                    entryNowHoveringAbove.Element = (ModelElement)o;
Beispiel #20
 public override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     if (!e.Handled)
         //bool flag = DiagramClientView.IsModifierKeyDown(Keys.Control);
         //bool flag2 = DiagramClientView.IsModifierKeyDown(Keys.Shift);
         if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
             var shape = e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem.Shape as NodeShape;
             e.Handled = true;
Beispiel #21
 /// <summary>
 /// If we're emulating a drag (occurs when we're chained from RoleDragPendingAction),
 /// then complete the action on mouse up
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">DiagramMouseEventArgs</param>
 protected override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     if (myEmulateDrag && (mySourceObjectType != null || mySourceRole != null))
         myEmulateDrag = false;
         DiagramClientView clientView = e.DiagramClientView;
         if (CanComplete(clientView))
             // Establish the mouse down destinations
Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to find the role represented
        /// at the given diagram position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <returns>Hit role, or null</returns>
        private static RoleBase HitRole(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            RoleBase    retVal = null;
            DiagramItem item   = e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem;

            if (item != null)
                foreach (ModelElement element in item.RepresentedElements)
                    retVal = element as RoleBase;
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Translate mouse events into OnSubFieldMouseEnter/OnSubFieldMouseLeave events
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">DiagramMouseEventArgs</param>
 public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     if (HasSubFieldMouseEnterLeaveHover)
         Debug.Assert(e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem.SubField == null);                 // Should be in OnSubFieldMouseMove, not here
         ShapeSubField oldSubField = ActiveShapeSubField;
         if (oldSubField != null && !PendingShapeSubField.Token.SubFieldEquals(oldSubField))
             ShapeField oldShapeField = ActiveShapeField;
             ActiveShapeField    = null;
             ActiveShapeSubField = PendingShapeSubField.Token;
             OnSubFieldMouseLeave(oldShapeField, oldSubField, e);
 public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     Column[] sourceColumns;
     if (null != (sourceColumns = myDragSourceColumns))
         DiagramItem currentItem = e.HitDiagramItem;
         Column      targetColumn;
         ColumnElementListCompartment sourceShape = myDragSourceShape;
         if (currentItem.Shape != sourceShape)
             myDragSourceColumns = null;
             myDragSourceShape   = null;
         else if (null != (targetColumn = ResolveColumn(currentItem)) &&
                  -1 == (Array.IndexOf <Column>(sourceColumns, targetColumn)))
             myDragSourceColumns = null;
             myDragSourceShape   = null;
             e.DiagramClientView.ActiveMouseAction = new ColumnDragMouseAction(sourceShape, sourceColumns, targetColumn);
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the auto-generated cursor that looks like the currently
        /// selected toolbox item. Note that for reactivation cases,
        /// the reactivated mouse action (without the toolbox item) is
        /// only active for a very short time, so it doesn't matter
        /// that we can't get the toolbox cursort.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
            Cursor cursor = Cursors.No;
            ElementGroupPrototype prototype;
            DiagramClientView     clientView;
            Diagram         diagram;
            DiagramView     activeDiagramView;
            IToolboxService toolbox;
            ShapeElement    shape;

            if (null != (prototype = this.myPrototype) &&
                null != (clientView = e.DiagramClientView) &&
                null != (diagram = clientView.Diagram) &&
                null != (activeDiagramView = diagram.ActiveDiagramView) &&
                null != (toolbox = activeDiagramView.Toolbox) &&
                null != (shape = e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem.Shape) &&
                diagram.ElementOperations.CanMergeElementGroupPrototype(shape, prototype))
                cursor = Cursor.Current;
            this.myCursor = cursor;
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// If the current item is a role, then cache it as the
 /// last mouse mouse hit role
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     myLastMouseMoveRole = HitRole(e);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sanity check. This action may still be active outside the
 /// source shape with rapid clicks.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     e.Handled = false;
 protected override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     myLastTargetColumn = ResolveColumn(e.HitDiagramItem);
		/// <summary>
		/// Set this mouse action as the active action on the
		/// diagram of the given shape.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attachToShape">The shape the constraint is being attached to.</param>
		/// <param name="constraint">The constraint being connected.</param>
		/// <param name="clientView">The active DiagramClientView</param>
		public void ChainMouseAction(FactTypeShape attachToShape, UniquenessConstraint constraint, DiagramClientView clientView)
			DiagramView activeView = Diagram.ActiveDiagramView;
			if (activeView != null)
				// Move on to the selection action
				clientView.ActiveMouseAction = this;

				// Now emulate a mouse click in the middle of the added constraint. The click
				// actions provide a starting point for the connect action, so a mouse move
				// provides a drag line.
				Point emulateClickPoint = clientView.WorldToDevice(attachToShape.GetAbsoluteConstraintAttachPoint(constraint));
				DiagramMouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = new DiagramMouseEventArgs(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, 0), clientView);
				Click(new DiagramPointEventArgs(emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, PointRelativeTo.Client, clientView));

				// An extra move lets us chain when the mouse is not on the design surface,
				// such as when we are being activated via the task list.

				ORMDiagram.SelectToolboxItem(activeView, ResourceStrings.ToolboxInternalUniquenessConstraintItemId);
				FactTypeShape.ActiveInternalUniquenessConstraintConnectAction = this;
Beispiel #30
		/// <summary>
		/// Set this mouse action as the active action on the
		/// diagram of the given shape, and activate its drag line
		/// centered on the shape.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="chainFromPoint">The point to begin the mouse action</param>
		/// <param name="clientView">The active DiagramClientView</param>
		/// <param name="emulateDrag">true if this should emulate a drag, meaning
		/// that the mouse up acts like a click.</param>
		public void ChainMouseAction(PointD chainFromPoint, DiagramClientView clientView, bool emulateDrag)
			DiagramView activeView = Diagram.ActiveDiagramView;
			if (activeView != null)
				// Move on to the selection action
				clientView.ActiveMouseAction = this;

				// Now emulate a mouse click in the middle of the added constraint. The click
				// actions provide a starting point for the connect action, so a mouse move
				// provides a drag line.
				Point emulateClickPoint = clientView.WorldToDevice(chainFromPoint);
				DiagramMouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = new DiagramMouseEventArgs(new MouseEventArgs(MouseButtons.Left, 1, emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, 0), clientView);
				Click(new DiagramPointEventArgs(emulateClickPoint.X, emulateClickPoint.Y, PointRelativeTo.Client, clientView));

				// An extra move lets us chain when the mouse is not on the design surface,
				// such as when we are being activated via the task list.

				myEmulateDrag = emulateDrag;
				ORMDiagram.SelectToolboxItem(activeView, ResourceStrings.ToolboxRoleConnectorItemId);
		/// <summary>
		/// Test for a double click if a commit is expected to signal the
		/// OnClicked to forward the click to the base ConnectAction and
		/// complete the operation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">DiagramMouseEventArgs</param>
		protected override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			if (myPendingOnClickedAction == OnClickedAction.CheckForCommit && e.Clicks == 2 && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
				myPendingOnClickedAction = OnClickedAction.Commit;
Beispiel #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Track information for OnDoubleClick
 /// </summary>
 protected override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     myAllowDoubleClick = e.Clicks == 2 && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left;
Beispiel #33
		/// <summary>
		/// If we're emulating a drag (occurs when we're chained from RoleDragPendingAction),
		/// then complete the action on mouse up
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">DiagramMouseEventArgs</param>
		protected override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			if (myEmulateDrag && (mySourceObjectType != null || mySourceRole != null))
				myEmulateDrag = false;
				DiagramClientView clientView = e.DiagramClientView;
				if (CanComplete(clientView))
					// Establish the mouse down destinations
		/// <summary>
		/// Translate mouse events into OnSubFieldMouseEnter/OnSubFieldMouseLeave events
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e">DiagramMouseEventArgs</param>
		public override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			if (HasSubFieldMouseEnterLeaveHover)
				Debug.Assert(e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem.SubField == null); // Should be in OnSubFieldMouseMove, not here
				ShapeSubField oldSubField = ActiveShapeSubField;
				if (oldSubField != null && !PendingShapeSubField.Token.SubFieldEquals(oldSubField))
					ShapeField oldShapeField = ActiveShapeField;
					ActiveShapeField = null;
					ActiveShapeSubField = PendingShapeSubField.Token;
					OnSubFieldMouseLeave(oldShapeField, oldSubField, e);
Beispiel #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Use the auto-generated cursor that looks like the currently
		/// selected toolbox item. Note that for reactivation cases,
		/// the reactivated mouse action (without the toolbox item) is
		/// only active for a very short time, so it doesn't matter
		/// that we can't get the toolbox cursort.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			Cursor cursor = Cursors.No;
			ElementGroupPrototype prototype;
			DiagramClientView clientView;
			Diagram diagram;
			DiagramView activeDiagramView;
			IToolboxService toolbox;
			ShapeElement shape;
			if (null != (prototype = this.myPrototype) &&
				null != (clientView = e.DiagramClientView) &&
				null != (diagram = clientView.Diagram) &&
				null != (activeDiagramView = diagram.ActiveDiagramView) &&
				null != (toolbox = activeDiagramView.Toolbox) &&
				null != (shape = e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem.Shape) &&
				diagram.ElementOperations.CanMergeElementGroupPrototype(shape, prototype))
				cursor = Cursor.Current;
			this.myCursor = cursor;
		/// <summary>
		/// Track the last hit diagram item
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			myLastMouseMoveItem = (DiagramItem)e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem.Clone();
Beispiel #37
		/// <summary>
		/// If the current item is a role, then cache it as the
		/// last mouse mouse hit role
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected override void OnMouseMove(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			myLastMouseMoveRole = HitRole(e);
Beispiel #38
		// The context menu handlers are on the DiagramDocView, but we took
		// the ToolWindow derivation path from ModelingWindowPane instead of
		// the ModelingDocView/DiagramDocView, so we need to duplicate the
		// context menu support from the DiagramDocView.

		private void DesignerContextMenuRequested(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
Beispiel #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Helper function to find the role represented
		/// at the given diagram position.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		/// <returns>Hit role, or null</returns>
		private static RoleBase HitRole(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			RoleBase retVal = null;
			DiagramItem item = e.DiagramHitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem;
			if (item != null)
				foreach (ModelElement element in item.RepresentedElements)
					retVal = element as RoleBase;
			return retVal;
Beispiel #40
 /// <summary>
 ///    Remember which item the mouse was dragged from.
 ///    We don't create an Action immediately, as this would inhibit the
 ///    inline text editing feature. Instead, we just remember the details
 ///    and will create an Action when/if the mouse moves off this list item.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void Compartment_MouseDown(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     dragStartElement  = e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements.OfType <ModelAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
     compartmentBounds = e.HitDiagramItem.Shape.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
Beispiel #41
		/// <summary>
		/// A context menu has been requested at the specified position. Translate the
		/// position to a device coordinates and show the context menu
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void OnContextMenuRequested(DiagramMouseEventArgs mouseArgs)
			DiagramClientView clientView = mouseArgs.DiagramClientView;
			if (clientView != null)
				Point pt = clientView.PointToScreen(clientView.WorldToDevice(mouseArgs.MousePosition));
				this.ShowContextMenu(ContextMenuId, pt);
Beispiel #42
 /// <summary>
 ///    User has released the mouse button.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void Compartment_MouseUp(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e) => dragStartElement = null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Translate OnSubFieldMouseMove events into OnSubFieldMouseEnter and OnSubFieldMouseMove
		/// events
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void OnSubFieldMouseMove(ShapeField field, ShapeSubField subField, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			if (HasSubFieldMouseEnterLeaveHover)
				ShapeSubField oldSubField = ActiveShapeSubField;
				if (oldSubField != null)
					if (PendingShapeSubField.Token.SubFieldEquals(oldSubField))
						ActiveShapeSubField = subField;
						ActiveShapeField = field;
						OnSubFieldMouseEnter(field, subField, e);
					else if (!oldSubField.SubFieldEquals(subField))
						OnSubFieldMouseLeave(ActiveShapeField, oldSubField, e);
						ActiveShapeSubField = subField;
						ActiveShapeField = field;
						OnSubFieldMouseEnter(field, subField, e);
					ActiveShapeSubField = subField;
					ActiveShapeField = field;
					OnSubFieldMouseEnter(field, subField, e);
				e.Handled = true; // Must mark as handled, or the framework will forward this OnMouseMove
Beispiel #44
 /// <summary>
 ///    Forget the source item if mouse up occurs outside the compartment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 public override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
     dragStartElement = null;
Beispiel #45
		/// <summary>
		/// Track information for OnDoubleClick
		/// </summary>
		protected override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
			myAllowDoubleClick = e.Clicks == 2 && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left;