private static void EvaluateCondition(MemberMetaInfo targetMember, Location attributeLocation, ConditionExpression conditions, IDiagnosticReporter reporter)
            switch (conditions.Condition)
            // Since all objects contain Equals(object), this is the least we call back into
            // TODO : Note we might still want to warn user about that a returning type doesn't contain a correct signature
            // For example : If we try to evaluate the member equals to true,
            // even if the member returns a type that is obvious that wouldn't evaluate with true, then it would still evaluate, but just to false
            case Condition.Equal:
            case Condition.NotEqual:

            // In these cases we need to check if either the return type implements IComparable or IComparable<T>
            // We might also want to warn about boxing issue if the given compared type is a valuetype and returning type only has IComparable though
            case Condition.GreaterThan:
            case Condition.GreaterThanOrEqual:
            case Condition.LessThan:
            case Condition.LessThanOrEqual: {
                // Valid compare types
                // Value Types : bool, char, byte, sbyte, ushort, short, int, uint, ulong, long, float, double
                // Ref Types : Types (but why), string (but why)

                // We currently consider 'null' to be not comparable, so there's this
                if (conditions.ComparedValue is null)
                    reporter.ReportDiagnostic(DiagnosticHelper.CompareValueInvalid(conditions, attributeLocation));

                // Valid implicit conversion for IComparable is matched with C# specification :
                // [Possible Improvement]
                // TODO : We also don't support even if IComparation<T>'s T is implicit convertible from the compared type
                // We only support when it's primitive is implicitly convertible (supported by C# specification) to another primitive type
                // So types that only return IComparable<long> would work well with int numbers
                // This can be done using a compilation extensions provided out of the box:

                var returnType   = targetMember.ReturnType !;
                var comparedType = conditions.ComparedValue.GetType();

                if (!returnType.Implements(typeof(IComparable)) || !returnType.Implements(typeof(IComparable <>)))
                    reporter.ReportDiagnostic(DiagnosticHelper.ReturnTypeNotComparable(targetMember, conditions.Condition, attributeLocation));
                if (!returnType.Implements(typeof(IComparable <>).MakeGenericType(comparedType)) ||
                    !returnType.GetInterfaces(typeof(IComparable <>)).Any(x => x.IsImplicitConvertibleFrom(comparedType)))
                    reporter.ReportDiagnostic(DiagnosticHelper.ReturnTypeInvalidComparable(targetMember, comparedType, attributeLocation));

            // Since all objects can be evaluated with is operator
            case Condition.IsTypeOf:
            case Condition.IsNotTypeOf: {
                if (!(conditions.ComparedValue is null) && conditions.ComparedValue.GetType() != typeof(Type))
                    reporter.ReportDiagnostic(DiagnosticHelper.CompareValueInvalid(conditions, attributeLocation, ", it should be only a kind of Type and none other"));

                reporter.ReportDiagnostic(DiagnosticHelper.InvalidCondition(conditions.Condition, attributeLocation));