/// <summary>
        /// This is an helper method to verify device class classification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deviceClass">The deviceClass<see cref="DeviceClass"/></param>
        /// <param name="human">If the device is used by a human (like  a browser)</param>
        /// <param name="mobile">If the device is mobile</param>
        /// <param name="normal">If its a normal consumer device.</param>
        /// <param name="misuse">If this user agent is a misuse like an hacker.</param>
        private void VerifyDeviceClass(DeviceClass deviceClass, bool human, bool mobile, bool normal, bool misuse)
            var userAgent = new UserAgent();

            userAgent.Set(UserAgent.DEVICE_CLASS, deviceClass.GetValue(), 1);
            UserAgentClassifier.IsHuman(userAgent).Should().Be(human, "For the DeviceClass " + deviceClass.ToString() + " the isHuman() should be correct");
            UserAgentClassifier.IsMobile(userAgent).Should().Be(mobile, "For the DeviceClass " + deviceClass.ToString() + " the isMobile() should be correct");
            UserAgentClassifier.IsNormalConsumerDevice(userAgent).Should().Be(normal, "For the DeviceClass " + deviceClass.ToString() + " the isNormalConsumerDevice() should be correct");
            UserAgentClassifier.IsDeliberateMisuse(userAgent).Should().Be(misuse, "For the DeviceClass " + deviceClass.ToString() + " the isDeliberateMisuse() should be correct");