Beispiel #1
        // Routines
        bool ScanForInteractables()
            Collider[] castResults       = Physics.OverlapSphere(this.scanPosition, this.range);
            var        interactions      = new List <InteractionQuery>();
            bool       foundInteractions = false;

            // The scan event that will be sent
            var scanEvent = new DetectionEvent();

            scanEvent.sensor = this;

            if (castResults != null)
                foreach (var hit in castResults)
                    // Check whether it can be detected, depending on the scanmode
                    bool detected = Detect(hit.transform);
                    if (!detected)

                    // Check whether it is an interactable
                    var interactable = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Interactable>();
                    if (interactable == null)

                    // Scan it
                    interactable.gameObject.Dispatch <DetectionEvent>(scanEvent);

                    // Create a query object, filling with scanned data
                    var query = new InteractionQuery();
                   = scanEvent.scanData;
                    query.distance     = Vector3.Distance(root.position, hit.transform.position);
                    query.interactable = interactable;

                    // Now store the interaction

                    // Note that we have scanned something
                    foundInteractions = true;

            // Sort the interactions by the closest one
            interactions.Sort((a, b) => a.distance.CompareTo(b.distance));
            // Save the current interactions
            interactivesInRange = interactions.ToArray();

            // Now inform the agent of the current results
            var scanResult = new DetectionResultEvent();

            scanResult.hasFoundInteractions = foundInteractions;
            this.gameObject.Dispatch <DetectionResultEvent>(scanResult);
        private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider otherCollider)
            if (!Detecting)

            var suspiciousObject = otherCollider.gameObject.GetComponent <SuspiciousObject>();

            if (suspiciousObject == null)

            var guard = GetComponentInParent <Guard>();

            // Set up the target and origin for the raycast.
            // The raycast goes from the player to the guard because that works
            // and the other way around it doesn't. No clue why.
            var origin = suspiciousObject.gameObject.transform.position;

            // Subtracting the origin from the target will provide the direction
            // to shoot the raycast in.
            var target = transform.parent.position - origin;

            // Raycast from the origin towards the target.
            Physics.Raycast(origin, target, out var keyCastOut);

            // If nothing was hit, no action is required.
            if (keyCastOut.transform == null)

            // If the developer wants to debug the raycast of the trigger, we
            // make a visible ray and also give a log message.
            if (DrawRay)
                Debug.DrawRay(origin, target, RayColor, RayTime);
                Debug.Log($"Vision Raycast hit \"{}");

            // If something is hit, check if it's the guard.
            // If it is, alert the guard, if not do nothing.
            if (keyCastOut.transform.gameObject == guard.gameObject)

Beispiel #3
        public static void EventHandler(string script)
            var e = new DetectionEvent(script);

            switch (script)
            case BEFORE_DO_LISTEN_DETECTION:    BeforeListen(e); break;

            case AFTER_DO_LISTEN_DETECTION:         AfterListen(e); break;

            case BEFORE_DO_SPOT_DETECTION:          BeforeSpot(e); break;

            case AFTER_DO_SPOT_DETECTION:           AfterSpot(e); break;