Beispiel #1
        //Button Open Preview
        private void Button_OpenPreview(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string   FilePath    = null;
            string   Source      = null;
            double   PercResults = 0;
            Encoding encoding    = Encoding.Default;

            //Return IDText Parent
            string MyIDTextParent = DesignUtils.ReturnCurrentFileIDText();

            //Get Encoding
            encoding = DesignUtils.GetEncodingIDText(MyIDTextParent);

            //Get the Current File
            FilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StorageTextToolbox/CurrentFile.txt";
            Source   = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath);
            string inputText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Source, encoding);

            //Get File Path
            FilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StorageTextToolbox/Infos/" + MyIDText + ".txt";
            Source   = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath, encoding);

            //Check if all Parameters are in the File
            string[] searchWords = { "Search Words" + Utils.DefaultSeparator() };
            PercResults = Utils.FindWordsInString(Source, searchWords, false);

            //Case it is found
            if (PercResults == 1)
                //Split the Line
                string[] MyArray = Strings.Split(Source, Utils.DefaultSeparator());

                //Fill in the Variables
                string MyArgument = MyArray[0];
                string MyValue    = MyArray[1];

                //'Convert' Array to String
                string[] SearchWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(MyValue, false);

                //Find Words in String
                PercResults = Utils.FindWordsInString(inputText, SearchWords, false);

                //Display Result
                MessageBox.Show($"Percentage: {PercResults.ToString("P", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}", "Count Words in String");
                //Delete Argument in case it is null
                MyArgument = "Search Words";
                DesignUtils.DeleteTextFileRowArgument(FilePath, MyArgument, encoding);

                //Error Message
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all arguments", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        //Run Extraction
        private void RunExtraction(string Label)
            string Source    = null;
            string inputText = null;

            //Read Data from IDTextFile

            //string FilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/StorageTextToolbox/CurrentFile.txt";
            string FilePath = DicArgumentsParent["FileName"];

            if (File.Exists(FilePath) == true)
                //Source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath);

                //Get Data from the Text File
                inputText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath, encoding);

                //Display Result
                this.DisplaySource.Text = inputText;

                //Add Dummy last line to InputText
                inputText += Environment.NewLine;

            #region Variable Declarations

            string[] begWords            = null;
            string[] endWords            = null;
            string   regexParameterText  = null;
            string   ArrayText           = null;
            string[] anchorText          = null;
            string[] anchorWords         = null;
            string   anchorTextParamText = null;
            string[] OutputResults       = null;

            int LinesAbove = 0;
            int LinesBelow = 0;
            int NumLines   = 0;

            string MyOccurenceParameter = null;
            int    MyOccurencePosition  = 0;

            string FilePathforPreview = null;
            string TextResult         = null;

            string[] inputArray = null;


            #region Run Extraction
            switch (Label)
                #region Extract Text Between Two Anchor Words
            case "Extract Text Between Two Anchor Words":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary

                //Beg Words
                ArrayText = DicArguments["Beg Words"];
                begWords  = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                //End Words
                if (DicArguments.ContainsKey("End Words") == true)
                    ArrayText = DicArguments["End Words"];

                    //DicArguments.TryGetValue("End Words", out ArrayText);
                    endWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);
                    //Null Array
                    endWords = null;

                //Regex Parameter
                regexParameterText = DicArguments["Regex Parameter"];

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = CallExtractions.CallExtractTextBetweenTwoAnchorWords(inputText, begWords, endWords, regexParameterText, false, false);



                #region Extract All Lines Below Anchor Words
            case "Extract All Lines Below Anchor Words":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary
                anchorTextParamText = DicArguments["Anchor Words Parameter"];
                ArrayText           = DicArguments["Anchor Words"];

                //Split the Items
                anchorText = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = CallExtractions.CallExtractAllLinesBelowAnchorText(inputText, anchorText, anchorTextParamText, false, false);


                #region Extract Text Above Anchor Words
            case "Extract Text Above Anchor Words":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary
                anchorTextParamText = DicArguments["Anchor Words Parameter"];
                ArrayText           = DicArguments["Anchor Words"];
                //Split the Items
                anchorWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                LinesAbove = Convert.ToInt32(DicArguments["Lines Above"]);
                NumLines   = Convert.ToInt32(DicArguments["Number of Lines"]);

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = CallExtractions.CallExtractTextAboveAnchorWords(inputText, anchorWords, anchorTextParamText, LinesAbove, NumLines, false, false);



                #region Extract Text Below Anchor Words
            case "Extract Text Below Anchor Words":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary
                anchorTextParamText = DicArguments["Anchor Words Parameter"];

                ArrayText = DicArguments["Anchor Words"];
                //Split the Items
                anchorWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                LinesBelow = Convert.ToInt32(DicArguments["Lines Below"]);
                NumLines   = Convert.ToInt32(DicArguments["Number of Lines"]);

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = CallExtractions.CallExtractTextBelowAnchorWords(inputText, anchorWords, anchorTextParamText, LinesBelow, NumLines, true, true);


                #region Extract Text Until White Space
            case "Extract Text Until White Space":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary
                ArrayText = DicArguments["Anchor Words"];
                //Split the Items
                anchorWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = CallExtractions.CallExtractAllCharactersUntilWhiteSpace(inputText, anchorWords, false, false);



                #region Extract Text Until Next Letter
            case "Extract Text Until Next Letter":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary
                ArrayText = DicArguments["Anchor Words"];
                //Split the Items
                anchorWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = CallExtractions.CallExtractAllCharactersUntilLetterCharacter(inputText, anchorWords, false);



                #region Remove Words
            case "Remove Words":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary
                ArrayText = DicArguments["Words"];

                //Split the Items
                anchorWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                //Occurence Parameter
                MyOccurenceParameter = DicArguments["Occurence Parameter"];

                //Occurence Position
                if (DicArguments.ContainsKey("Occurence Position") == true)
                    MyOccurencePosition = Convert.ToInt32(DicArguments["Occurence Position"]);

                //Run Extraction
                TextResult = Utils.RemoveWordsFromText(inputText, anchorWords, MyOccurenceParameter, MyOccurencePosition, false);

                //Display Result
                this.DisplayResult.Text = TextResult;

                //Hide Controls
                ResultsMatches_Label.Visible = false;
                ResultsMatches.Visible       = false;
                SelectResult_Label.Visible   = false;
                SelectResult.Visible         = false;


                #region Replace Words
            case "Replace Words":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary
                ArrayText = DicArguments["Search Words"];

                //Split the Items
                anchorWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                string ReplacedWords = DicArguments["Replaced Word"];

                //Occurence Parameter
                MyOccurenceParameter = DicArguments["Occurence Parameter"];

                //Occurence Position
                if (DicArguments.ContainsKey("Occurence Position") == true)
                    MyOccurencePosition = Convert.ToInt32(DicArguments["Occurence Position"]);

                //Run Extraction
                TextResult = Utils.ReplaceWordsFromText(inputText, anchorWords, ReplacedWords, MyOccurenceParameter, MyOccurencePosition, false);

                //Display Result
                this.DisplayResult.Text = TextResult;

                //Hide Controls
                ResultsMatches_Label.Visible = false;
                ResultsMatches.Visible       = false;
                SelectResult_Label.Visible   = false;
                SelectResult.Visible         = false;



                #region Split Text Uneven Blank Spaces
            case "Split text Uneven Blank Spaces":

                //Load Arguments from Dictionary
                FilePathforPreview = DicArguments["FileName"];
                inputText          = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePathforPreview, encoding);

                //Null Limit
                int nullLimit = Convert.ToInt32(DicArguments["Null Limit"]);

                //Suppress Null Values
                string SuppressNullValues  = DicArguments["Suppress Null Values"];
                bool   bSuppressNullValues = false;
                if (SuppressNullValues == "True")
                    bSuppressNullValues = true;
                else if (SuppressNullValues == "False")
                    bSuppressNullValues = false;

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = Utils.SplitTextBigSpaces(inputText, nullLimit, bSuppressNullValues, false);



                #region Remove Empty Rows
            case "Remove Empty Rows":

                FilePathforPreview = DicArguments["FileName"];
                inputText          = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePathforPreview, encoding);

                //Run Extraction
                TextResult = Utils.TextRemoveEmptyRows(inputText);

                //Display Result
                this.DisplayResult.Text = TextResult;

                //Hide Controls
                ResultsMatches_Label.Visible = false;
                ResultsMatches.Visible       = false;
                SelectResult_Label.Visible   = false;
                SelectResult.Visible         = false;



                #region Read Text File Encoding
            case "Read Text File Encoding":
            case "Text Application Scope":

                ////File Name
                //FilePath = DicArguments["FileName"];

                //string strEncoding = DicArguments["Encoding"];

                ////Run Extraction
                //TextResult = Utils.ReadTextFileEncoding(FilePath, strEncoding,false);

                ////Display Result
                //this.DisplayResult.Text = TextResult;

                //Remove TAG Source

                //Hide Controls
                ResultsMatches_Label.Visible = false;
                ResultsMatches.Visible       = false;
                SelectResult_Label.Visible   = false;
                SelectResult.Visible         = false;



                #region Extract Text until Blank Line
            case "Extract Text until Blank Line":

                //Anchor Words
                ArrayText   = DicArguments["Anchor Words"];
                anchorWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                //Anchor Words Parameter
                anchorTextParamText = DicArguments["Anchor Words Parameter"];

                string Direction = DicArguments["Direction"];

                string IncludeAnchorWordsParameter  = DicArguments["Include Anchor Words Parameter"];
                bool   bIncludeAnchorWordsParameter = false;

                if (IncludeAnchorWordsParameter == "True")
                    bIncludeAnchorWordsParameter = true;
                else if (IncludeAnchorWordsParameter == "False")
                    bIncludeAnchorWordsParameter = false;

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = CallExtractions.CallExtractTextUntilBlankLine(inputText, anchorWords, anchorTextParamText, Direction, bIncludeAnchorWordsParameter, false, false);



                #region Split Text New Lines
            case "Split Text New Lines":

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = Utils.SplitTextNewLine(inputText);



                #region Split Text By Blank Lines

            case "Split Text By Blank Lines":

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = Utils.SplitTextByBlankLines(inputText);



                #region Find Array Items
            case "Find Array Items":

                //File Path for Preview
                FilePath  = DicArguments["FileName"];
                inputText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath, encoding);

                //Input Array
                inputArray = Utils.SplitTextByBlankLines(inputText);

                //Anchor Words
                ArrayText = DicArguments["Filter Words"];
                string [] filterWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                //Anchor Words Parameter
                anchorTextParamText = DicArguments["Anchor Words Parameter"];

                //Run Extraction
                OutputResults = CallExtractions.CallFindArrayItems(inputArray, filterWords, anchorTextParamText, false);


                #region Match Item in Array
            case "Match Item in Array":

                //File Path for Preview
                FilePath  = DicArguments["FileName"];
                inputText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FilePath, encoding);

                //Input Array
                inputArray = Utils.SplitTextNewLine(inputText);

                ArrayText = DicArguments["SearchWord"];

                string[] searchWords = DesignUtils.ConvertStringToArray(ArrayText, false);

                bool isFound = Utils.MatchItemInArrayOfStrings(inputArray, searchWords, false);

                //Display Result
                this.DisplayResult.Text = isFound.ToString();

                //Hide Controls
                ResultsMatches_Label.Visible = false;
                ResultsMatches.Visible       = false;
                SelectResult_Label.Visible   = false;
                SelectResult.Visible         = false;



            #region Display Results
            if (OutputResults != null)
                //Get Results Counter
                int ResultsCounter = OutputResults.Length;

                //Case Items are found
                if (ResultsCounter > 0)
                    //Results Counter
                    this.ResultsMatches.Text = ResultsCounter.ToString();

                    //Load the ComboBox
                    for (int i = 0; i < ResultsCounter; i++)
                        //Add to the ComboBox
                        SelectResult.Items.Add(i + 1);

                        //Add to the Dic Results
                        DicResults.Add((i + 1), OutputResults[i]);

                    //Set Default value case item is found
                    this.SelectResult.SelectedItem = 1;
                //Case items are not found
                    this.ResultsMatches.Text = "0";

                    //Hide Select Result
                    SelectResult_Label.Visible = false;
                    SelectResult.Visible       = false;
