public void BitmaskFunctionalTest()
            // set up a source tag, put it in a dictionary (like in the FDA), and make the dictionary available to the derived tags class
            Dictionary <Guid, FDADataPointDefinitionStructure> srcTags = new Dictionary <Guid, FDADataPointDefinitionStructure>();
            FDADataPointDefinitionStructure srcTag = new FDADataPointDefinitionStructure()
                DPDUID      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                DPDSEnabled = true

            srcTags.Add(srcTag.DPDUID, srcTag);
            DerivedTag.Tags = srcTags;

            UInt32 expectedDerivedVal;

            // bitmask 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
            DerivedTag softTag = DerivedTag.Create(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "bitmask", srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":1");

            softTag.DPDSEnabled = true;
            foreach (UInt32 testVal in TestValues)
                // update the value in the source tag
                srcTag.LastRead = new FDADataPointDefinitionStructure.Datapoint(

                // check that the derived tag has the same timestamp and quality as the source tag
                Assert.AreEqual(srcTag.LastRead.Timestamp, softTag.LastRead.Timestamp);
                Assert.AreEqual(srcTag.LastRead.Quality, softTag.LastRead.Quality);

                // check that the value of the derived tag is correct
                expectedDerivedVal = testVal & 1;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDerivedVal, softTag.LastRead.Value);

            // bitmask 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 0000 0001
            softTag = DerivedTag.Create(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "bitmask", srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":49153");
            softTag.DPDSEnabled = true;
            foreach (UInt32 testVal in TestValues)
                // update the value in the source tag
                srcTag.LastRead = new FDADataPointDefinitionStructure.Datapoint(

                // check that the derived tag has the same timestamp and quality as the source tag
                Assert.AreEqual(softTag.LastRead.Timestamp, srcTag.LastRead.Timestamp);
                Assert.AreEqual(softTag.LastRead.Quality, srcTag.LastRead.Quality);

                // check that the value of the derived tag is correct
                expectedDerivedVal = testVal & 49153;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDerivedVal, softTag.LastRead.Value);

            // bitmask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
            softTag = DerivedTag.Create(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "bitmask", srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":4294967295");
            softTag.DPDSEnabled = true;
            foreach (UInt32 testVal in TestValues)
                // update the value in the source tag
                srcTag.LastRead = new FDADataPointDefinitionStructure.Datapoint(

                // check that the derived tag has the same timestamp and quality as the source tag
                Assert.AreEqual(srcTag.LastRead.Timestamp, softTag.LastRead.Timestamp);
                Assert.AreEqual(srcTag.LastRead.Quality, softTag.LastRead.Quality);

                // check that the value of the derived tag is correct
                expectedDerivedVal = testVal;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDerivedVal, softTag.LastRead.Value);

            // bitmask 0000 0000 0000 0000 1100 0000 0000 0001, source tag has bad quality
            softTag = DerivedTag.Create(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "bitmask", srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":49153");
            softTag.DPDSEnabled = true;
            FDADataPointDefinitionStructure.Datapoint lastRead_before_trigger;
            foreach (UInt32 testVal in TestValues)
                lastRead_before_trigger = softTag.LastRead;
                // update the value in the source tag
                srcTag.LastRead = new FDADataPointDefinitionStructure.Datapoint(
                    0,   // bad quality

                // derived tag should not have updated (LastRead datapoint should not have changed)
                Assert.AreSame(lastRead_before_trigger, softTag.LastRead);
        public void BitmaskArgumentValidityChecks()
            // set up a source tag, put it in a dictionary (like in the FDA), and make the dictionary available to the derived tags class
            Dictionary <Guid, FDADataPointDefinitionStructure> srcTags = new Dictionary <Guid, FDADataPointDefinitionStructure>();
            FDADataPointDefinitionStructure srcTag = new FDADataPointDefinitionStructure()
                DPDSEnabled = true,
                DPDUID      = Guid.NewGuid()

            srcTags.Add(srcTag.DPDUID, srcTag);
            DerivedTag.Tags = srcTags;

            // good arguments, should all produce a valid and enabled derived tag
            List <string> goodArgs = new List <string>
                srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":1",                    // 0000
                          srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":2",          // 0010
                          srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":4",          // 0100
                          srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":8",          // 1000
                          srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":12",         // 1100
                          srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":2147483648", // 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
                          srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":2147483649"  // 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001

            // bad arguments, should all produce an invalid and disabled derived tag
            List <string> badArgs = new List <string>
                null,                                     // null argument
                "",                                       // empty argument string
                Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),                // not enough args (1)

                "123456-789:0:2",                         // invalid SrcID
                Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ":0:2",       // SrcID not found

                srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":a",          // bit mask not a number
                srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":1.2",        // bit mask not an integer
                srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":4294967296", // bit mask too high
                srcTag.DPDUID.ToString() + ":-2"          // bit mask too low

            // check that bad softtag id is detected
            DerivedTag softTag = DerivedTag.Create("12345-678", "bitmask", goodArgs[0]);

            Assert.AreEqual(softTag.IsValid, false);
            Assert.AreEqual(softTag.DPDSEnabled, false);

            // check that bad arguments are detected
            foreach (string badArgString in badArgs)
                softTag = DerivedTag.Create(srcTag.DPDUID.ToString(), "bitmask", badArgString);
                Assert.AreEqual(softTag.IsValid, false);
                Assert.AreEqual(softTag.DPDSEnabled, false);

            // check that good arguments are determined to be valid
            foreach (string goodArgString in goodArgs)
                softTag = DerivedTag.Create(srcTag.DPDUID.ToString(), "bitmask", goodArgString);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, softTag.IsValid);