bool TryConvertEnumerable(object value, Destructuring destructuring, Type valueType, out LogEventPropertyValue result)
            if (value is IEnumerable enumerable)
                // Only dictionaries with 'scalar' keys are permitted, as
                // more complex keys may not serialize to unique values for
                // representation in sinks. This check strengthens the expectation
                // that resulting dictionary is representable in JSON as well
                // as richer formats (e.g. XML, .NET type-aware...).
                // Only actual dictionaries are supported, as arbitrary types
                // can implement multiple IDictionary interfaces and thus introduce
                // multiple different interpretations.
                if (TryGetDictionary(value, valueType, out var dictionary))
                    result = new DictionaryValue(MapToDictionaryElements(dictionary, destructuring));
                    return true;

                    IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>> MapToDictionaryElements(IDictionary dictionaryEntries, Destructuring destructure)
                        var count = 0;
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dictionaryEntries)
                            if (++count > _maximumCollectionCount)
                                yield break;

                            var pair = new KeyValuePair<ScalarValue, LogEventPropertyValue>(
                                (ScalarValue)_depthLimiter.CreatePropertyValue(entry.Key, destructure),
                                _depthLimiter.CreatePropertyValue(entry.Value, destructure));

                            if (pair.Key.Value != null)
                                yield return pair;

                result = new SequenceValue(MapToSequenceElements(enumerable, destructuring));
                return true;

                IEnumerable<LogEventPropertyValue> MapToSequenceElements(IEnumerable sequence, Destructuring destructure)
                    var count = 0;
                    foreach (var element in sequence)
                        if (++count > _maximumCollectionCount)
                            yield break;

                        yield return _depthLimiter.CreatePropertyValue(element, destructure);

            result = null;
            return false;
        TemplatePropertyValue CreatePropertyValue(object value, Destructuring destructuring, int depth)
            if (value == null)
                return(new ScalarValue(null));

            if (destructuring == Destructuring.Stringify)
                return(new ScalarValue(value.ToString()));

            var valueType = value.GetType();
            var limiter   = new DepthLimiter(depth, _maximumDestructuringDepth, this);

            foreach (var scalarConversionPolicy in _scalarConversionPolicies)
                ScalarValue converted;
                if (scalarConversionPolicy.TryConvertToScalar(value, limiter, out converted))

            if (destructuring == Destructuring.Destructure)
                foreach (var destructuringPolicy in _destructuringPolicies)
                    TemplatePropertyValue result;
                    if (destructuringPolicy.TryDestructure(value, limiter, out result))

            var enumerable = value as IEnumerable;

            if (enumerable != null)
                // Only dictionaries with 'scalar' keys are permitted, as
                // more complex keys may not serialize to unique values for
                // representation in sinks. This check strengthens the expectation
                // that resulting dictionary is representable in JSON as well
                // as richer formats (e.g. XML, .NET type-aware...).
                // Only actual dictionaries are supported, as arbitrary types
                // can implement multiple IDictionary interfaces and thus introduce
                // multiple different interpretations.
                if (IsValueTypeDictionary(valueType))
                    Func <object, object> getKey;
                    Func <object, object> getValue;
                    PropertyInfo keyProperty = null;
                    getKey = o => (keyProperty ?? (keyProperty = o.GetType().GetProperty("Key"))).GetValue(o, null);
                    PropertyInfo valueProperty = null;
                    getValue = o => (valueProperty ?? (valueProperty = o.GetType().GetProperty("Value"))).GetValue(o, null);
                    PropertyInfo keyProperty = null;
                    getKey = o => (keyProperty ?? (keyProperty = o.GetType().GetRuntimeProperty("Key"))).GetValue(o);
                    PropertyInfo valueProperty = null;
                    getValue = o => (valueProperty ?? (valueProperty = o.GetType().GetRuntimeProperty("Value"))).GetValue(o);

                    // TODO: stop using LINQ
                    return(new DictionaryValue(enumerable
                                               .Cast <object>()
                                               .Where(o => o != null)
                                               .Select(o => new { Key = getKey(o), Value = getValue(o) })
                                               .Select(o => new KeyValuePair <ScalarValue, TemplatePropertyValue>(
                                                           key: (ScalarValue)limiter.CreatePropertyValue(o.Key, destructuring),
                                                           value: limiter.CreatePropertyValue(o.Value, destructuring))

                return(new SequenceValue(
                           enumerable.Cast <object>().Select(o => limiter.CreatePropertyValue(o, destructuring))));

            if (destructuring == Destructuring.Destructure)
                var type    = value.GetType();
                var typeTag = type.Name;
                if (typeTag.Length <= 0 || IsCompilerGeneratedType(type))
                    typeTag = null;
                if (typeTag.Length <= 0 || !char.IsLetter(typeTag[0]))
                    typeTag = null;
                return(new StructureValue(GetProperties(value, limiter), typeTag));

            return(new ScalarValue(value.ToString()));
        TemplatePropertyValue CreatePropertyValue(object value, Destructuring destructuring, int depth)
            if (value == null)
                return new ScalarValue(null);

            if (destructuring == Destructuring.Stringify)
                return new ScalarValue(value.ToString());

            var valueType = value.GetType();
            var limiter = new DepthLimiter(depth, _maximumDestructuringDepth, this);

            foreach (var scalarConversionPolicy in _scalarConversionPolicies)
                ScalarValue converted;
                if (scalarConversionPolicy.TryConvertToScalar(value, limiter, out converted))
                    return converted;

            if (destructuring == Destructuring.Destructure)
                foreach (var destructuringPolicy in _destructuringPolicies)
                    TemplatePropertyValue result;
                    if (destructuringPolicy.TryDestructure(value, limiter, out result))
                        return result;

            #region IEnumerable->SequenceValue|DictionaryValue

            var enumerable = value as IEnumerable;
            if (enumerable != null)
                // Only dictionaries with 'scalar' keys are permitted, as
                // more complex keys may not serialize to unique values for
                // representation in sinks. This check strengthens the expectation
                // that resulting dictionary is representable in JSON as well
                // as richer formats (e.g. XML, .NET type-aware...).
                // Only actual dictionaries are supported, as arbitrary types
                // can implement multiple IDictionary interfaces and thus introduce
                // multiple different interpretations.
                if (IsValueTypeDictionary(valueType))
                    Func<object, object> getKey;
                    Func<object, object> getValue;
            #if USE_REFLECTION_40
                    PropertyInfo keyProperty = null;
                    getKey = o => (keyProperty ?? (keyProperty = o.GetType().GetProperty("Key"))).GetValue(o, null);
                    PropertyInfo valueProperty = null;
                    getValue = o => (valueProperty ?? (valueProperty = o.GetType().GetProperty("Value"))).GetValue(o, null);
                    PropertyInfo keyProperty = null;
                    getKey = o => (keyProperty ?? (keyProperty = o.GetType().GetRuntimeProperty("Key"))).GetValue(o);
                    PropertyInfo valueProperty = null;
                    getValue = o => (valueProperty ?? (valueProperty = o.GetType().GetRuntimeProperty("Value"))).GetValue(o);

                    return new DictionaryValue(enumerable
                        .Where(o => o != null)
                        .Select(o => new { Key = getKey(o), Value = getValue(o) })
                        .Select(o => new KeyValuePair<ScalarValue, TemplatePropertyValue>(
                            key: (ScalarValue)limiter.CreatePropertyValue(o.Key, destructuring),
                            value: limiter.CreatePropertyValue(o.Value, destructuring))

                return new SequenceValue(
                    enumerable.Cast<object>().Select(o => limiter.CreatePropertyValue(o, destructuring)));


            if (destructuring == Destructuring.Destructure)
                var typeTag = value.GetType().Name;
                if (typeTag.Length <= 0 || !char.IsLetter(typeTag[0]))
                    typeTag = null;

                return new StructureValue(GetProperties(value, limiter), typeTag);

            return new ScalarValue(value.ToString());