public void AddDeptFunc(List <FuncList> lfunc, string deptid)//,string strCardType)
                conn  = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection();
                trans = conn.BeginTransaction();
                SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.Text, "delete from tbDeptFunc where cnnDeptID = " + deptid);// +" and cnvcCardType='"+strCardType+"'");
                for (int i = 0; i < lfunc.Count; i++)
                    //string strFuncCode = lfunc[i];
                    FuncList fl   = lfunc[i] as FuncList;
                    DeptFunc func = new DeptFunc();
                    func.cnnDeptID    = Convert.ToInt32(deptid);
                    func.cnvcFuncCode = fl.cnvcFuncCode; //strFuncCode;
                    func.cnvcCardType = fl.cnvcCardType; //strCardType;
                    EntityMapping.Create(func, trans);

            catch (BusinessException bex) //业务异常
                throw new BusinessException(bex.Type, bex.Message);
            catch (SqlException sex)   //数据库异常
                throw new BusinessException("数据库异常", sex.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)                 //其他异常
                throw new BusinessException("其它异常", ex.Message);
        private void treeView1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            foreach (TreeNode tnParent in treeView2.Nodes)
                tnParent.Checked = false;
            string strdeptsql = "";
            string stropersql = "";

            switch (Login.constApp.strCardType)
            case "l6":
                strdeptsql = "select * from tbDeptFunc where cnnDeptID={0} and cnvcCardType in('l6','l6l8')";
                stropersql = "select * from tbOperFunc where cnnOperID={0} and cnvcCardType in('l6','l6l8')";

            case "l8":
                strdeptsql = "select * from tbDeptFunc where cnnDeptID={0} and cnvcCardType in('l8','l6l8')";
                stropersql = "select * from tbOperFunc where cnnOperID={0} and cnvcCardType in('l8','l6l8')";

            case "l6l8":
                strdeptsql = "select * from tbDeptFunc where cnnDeptID={0} and cnvcCardType in('l6','l8','l6l8')";
                stropersql = "select * from tbOperFunc where cnnOperID={0} and cnvcCardType in('l6','l8','l6l8')";
            if (e.Node.Name.StartsWith("dept-"))
                string    deptid = e.Node.Name.Substring("dept-".Length);
                DataTable dt     = Helper.Query(string.Format(strdeptsql, deptid));//("select * from tbDeptFunc where cnnDeptID=" + deptid+" and cnvcCardType='"+Login.constApp.strCardType+"'");
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    DeptFunc   df  = new DeptFunc(dr);
                    TreeNode[] tns = treeView2.Nodes.Find(df.cnvcFuncCode, true);
                    if (tns.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < tns.Length; i++)
                            tns[i].Checked = true;
            if (e.Node.Name.StartsWith("oper-"))
                string    operid = e.Node.Name.Substring("oper-".Length);
                DataTable dt     = Helper.Query(string.Format(stropersql, operid));//("select * from tbOperFunc where cnnOperID=" + operid + " and cnvcCardType='" + Login.constApp.strCardType + "'");
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    OperFunc   of  = new OperFunc(dr);
                    TreeNode[] tns = treeView2.Nodes.Find(of.cnvcFuncCode, true);

                    if (tns.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < tns.Length; i++)
                            tns[i].Checked = true;