//public void ClickDeleteLink()
        //    Delete_Link.Click();

        /// <summary>
        /// delete the Passage
        /// </summary>
        public void ClickDeleteLink(bool isItemLinked)
            this.Parent.CurrentWindowHandle = Driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
            Report.Write("The current window is: '" + this.Parent.CurrentWindowHandle + "'.");

            IAlert alert     = Driver.SwitchTo().Alert();
            string expected1 = "Are you sure you wish to delete this passage?";
            string expected2 = "Warning: All 1 Items linked to passage will be deleted.";

            string actual = alert.Text;

            Report.Write("The alert text: '" + actual + "'.");

            if (isItemLinked)
                Assert.IsTrue(actual.Contains(expected2), "The delete confirmation pop-up does not contain the expected text: '" + expected1 + "'; actual text: '" + actual + "'.");
                Assert.IsTrue(actual.Contains(expected1), "The delete confirmation pop-up does not contain the expected text: '" + expected1 + "'; actual text: '" + actual + "'.");
            //switch to window
            DriverCommands.WaitToSwitchWindow(this.Parent.CurrentWindowHandle, 5);
            //wait for page to load after delete
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the item and Accept the Alert.
        /// </summary>
        public void DeleteItem()
            this.Parent.CurrentWindowHandle = Driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
            Report.Write("The current window is: '" + this.Parent.CurrentWindowHandle + "'.");

            Utilities.FocusOnMainContentArea(); //stop hover over menu

            AlertHandler alert = new AlertHandler();

            alert.VerifyText("Are you sure you wish to delete this item?");

            //switch to window
            DriverCommands.WaitToSwitchWindow(this.Parent.CurrentWindowHandle, 5);