Beispiel #1
        private string GenerateScripts()
            string tablePluralName    = (this.Name.EndsWith("y") ? $"{this.Name.TrimEnd('y')}ies" : $"{this.Name}s");
            string tableTypeName      = $"[{this.Owner}].[tt_{this.Name}]";
            string selectProcName     = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_Select_{this.Name}]";
            string selectAllProcName  = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_SelectAll_{tablePluralName}]";
            string insertProcName     = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_Insert_{this.Name}]";
            string updateProcName     = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_Update_{this.Name}]";
            string hardDeleteProcName = null;
            string softDeleteProcName = null;

            StringBuilder scriptBuilder     = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder dropScriptBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            var tableType = new TableType()
                TableTypeName        = tableTypeName,
                AllColumnAndTypeList = this.allColumnAndTypeList
            }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.KeyColumnCategory) && this.KeyColumnCategory.Equals("primary"))
                var selectProc = new SelectProc()
                    FullTableName        = this.fullTableName,
                    SelectProcName       = selectProcName,
                    AllColumnList        = this.allColumnList,
                    keyColumnAndTypeList = this.keyColumnAndTypeList,
                    WhereClause          = this.whereClause
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                    ProcName = selectProcName
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

                var selectAllProc = new SelectAllProc()
                    FullTableName         = this.fullTableName,
                    SelectAllProcName     = selectAllProcName,
                    AllColumnList         = this.allColumnList,
                    DeleteFlagWhereClause = this.deleteFlagWhereClause
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                    ProcName = selectAllProcName
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

                var updateProc = new UpdateProc()
                    TableName        = this.Name,
                    FullTableName    = this.fullTableName,
                    UpdateProcName   = updateProcName,
                    UpdateColumnList = this.updateColumnList,
                    OnClause         = this.onClause
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                    ProcName = updateProcName
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

                if (idNameColumnList != null)
                    var selectIdNamePairsProcName = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_Select_{this.Name}_IdNamePairs]";
                    var selectIdNamePairsProc     = new SelectIdNamePairsProc()
                        FullTableName             = this.fullTableName,
                        SelectIdNamePairsProcName = selectIdNamePairsProcName,
                        IdNameColumnList          = this.idNameColumnList,
                        DeleteFlagWhereClause     = this.deleteFlagWhereClause
                    }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                    dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                        ProcName = selectIdNamePairsProcName
                    }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

            var insertProc = new InsertProc()
                TableName              = this.Name,
                FullTableName          = this.fullTableName,
                InsertProcName         = insertProcName,
                InsertIntoColumnList   = this.insertIntoColumnList,
                InsertSelectColumnList = this.insertSelectColumnList,
                IdentityColumn         = this.IdentityColumn,
                HasCreatedDateColumn   = this.hasCreatedDateColumn,
                IsKeyColumnGuidColumn  = (this.keyColumn != null && this.keyColumn.Type.Equals("uniqueidentifier"))
            }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

            dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                ProcName = insertProcName
            }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

            if (this.softDeleteStatement != null)
                softDeleteProcName = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_Delete_{this.Name}]";
                var deleteProc = new DeleteProc()
                    DeleteProcName       = softDeleteProcName,
                    keyColumnAndTypeList = this.keyColumnAndTypeList,
                    DeleteStatement      = this.softDeleteStatement
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                    ProcName = softDeleteProcName
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

                hardDeleteProcName = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_HardDelete_{this.Name}]";
                hardDeleteProcName = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_Delete_{this.Name}]";

            if (this.hardDeleteStatement != null)
                var deleteProc = new DeleteProc()
                    DeleteProcName       = hardDeleteProcName,
                    keyColumnAndTypeList = this.keyColumnAndTypeList,
                    DeleteStatement      = this.hardDeleteStatement
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                    ProcName = hardDeleteProcName
                }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

            if (this.fkColumns.Count > 0 && this.hasIdColumn)
                foreach (var c in this.fkColumns)
                    var procName = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_Select_{this.Name}Ids_By_{c.ReferencingColumnName}]";
                    var proc     = new SelectPKColumnByFKColumnProc()
                        FullTableName = this.fullTableName,
                        ProcName      = procName,
                        VariablesList = $"@{c.ReferencingColumnName} {c.Type}",
                        ColumnList    = string.Join(",", this.keyColumnList),
                        WhereClause   = $"[{c.Name}] = @{c.ReferencingColumnName}" + (this.deleteFlagWhereClause == null ? "" : $" AND {this.deleteFlagWhereClause}")
                    }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                    dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                        ProcName = procName
                    }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

                    procName = $"[{this.Owner}].[usp_Select_{tablePluralName}_By_{c.ReferencingColumnName}]";
                    proc     = new SelectPKColumnByFKColumnProc()
                        FullTableName = this.fullTableName,
                        ProcName      = procName,
                        VariablesList = $"@{c.ReferencingColumnName} {c.Type}",
                        ColumnList    = this.allColumnList,
                        WhereClause   = $"[{c.Name}] = @{c.ReferencingColumnName}" + (this.deleteFlagWhereClause == null ? "" : $" AND {this.deleteFlagWhereClause}")
                    }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

                    dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropProc()
                        ProcName = procName
                    }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

            dropScriptBuilder.Append(new DropType()
                TableName = this.Name, TypeName = tableTypeName
            }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n'));

            scriptBuilder.Insert(0, dropScriptBuilder.ToString());
            var script = scriptBuilder.ToString();

            var solutionRootFolder = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "../../../");

            var dbProjectPath = Path.Combine(solutionRootFolder, "DatabaseScriptsGenerator/DatabaseScriptsGenerator.csproj");
            var dbScriptPath  = Path.Combine(solutionRootFolder, $"DatabaseScriptsGenerator/Tables/{this.Name}.sql");

            CommonFunctions.WriteFileToProject("Content", dbScriptPath, dbProjectPath, script);

            var entity = new Entity()
                TableName = this.Name,
                Columns   = allColumns
            }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

            var apiProjectPath = Path.Combine(solutionRootFolder, "AddAppAPI/AddAppAPI.csproj");

            var entityPath = Path.Combine(solutionRootFolder, $"AddAppAPI/Models/{this.Name}.cs");

            CommonFunctions.WriteFileToProject("Compile", entityPath, apiProjectPath, entity);

            var lowerCaseTableName = this.Name[0].ToString().ToLower() + this.Name.Substring(1);
            var entityController   = new EntityController()
                EntityName                      = this.Name,
                PluralEntityName                = tablePluralName,
                LowerCaseEntityName             = lowerCaseTableName,
                PluralEntityVariableName        = lowerCaseTableName.EndsWith("y") ? (lowerCaseTableName.TrimEnd('y') + "ies") : (lowerCaseTableName + "s"),
                KeyColumnType                   = this.keyColumn.DotNetType,
                KeyColumnCategory               = this.KeyColumnCategory,
                HasNameColumn                   = this.nameColumns.Count > 0,
                KeyColumns                      = this.primaryOrUniqueKeyColumns,
                KeyColumnAndDotNetTypeList      = this.keyColumnAndDotNetTypeList,
                KeyColumnDotNetVariableNameList = this.keyColumnDotNetVariableNameList,
                FkColumns   = this.fkColumns,
                HasIdColumn = this.hasIdColumn
            }.TransformText().TrimStart('\r', '\n');

            var entityControllerPath = Path.Combine(solutionRootFolder, $"AddAppAPI/Controllers/{this.Name}Controller.cs");

            CommonFunctions.WriteFileToProject("Compile", entityControllerPath, apiProjectPath, entityController);

Beispiel #2
		* Tcl_CreateNamespace --
		*	Creates a new namespace with the given name. If there is no
		*	active namespace (i.e., the interpreter is being initialized),
		*	the global :: namespace is created and returned.
		* Results:
		*	Returns a reference to the new namespace if successful. If the
		*	namespace already exists or if another error occurs, this routine
		*	returns null, along with an error message in the interpreter's
		*	result object.
		* Side effects:
		*	If the name contains "::" qualifiers and a parent namespace does
		*	not already exist, it is automatically created. 
		internal static Namespace createNamespace(Interp interp, string name, DeleteProc deleteProc)
			Namespace ns, ancestor;
			Namespace parent;
			Namespace globalNs = getGlobalNamespace(interp);
			string simpleName;
			System.Text.StringBuilder buffer1, buffer2;
			// If there is no active namespace, the interpreter is being
			// initialized. 
			if ((globalNs == null) && (interp.varFrame == null))
				// Treat this namespace as the global namespace, and avoid
				// looking for a parent.
				parent = null;
				simpleName = "";
			else if (name.Length == 0)
				TclObject tobj = interp.getResult();
				// FIXME : is there a test case to check this error result?
				"can't create namespace \"\": only global namespace can have empty name");
				// FIXME : is there a test case to check this error result?
				interp.setResult("can't create namespace \"\": only global namespace can have empty name");
				return null;
				// Find the parent for the new namespace.
				// Java does not support passing an address so we pass
				// an array of size 1 and then assign arr[0] to the value
				Namespace[] parentArr = new Namespace[1];
				Namespace[] dummyArr = new Namespace[1];
				string[] simpleArr = new string[1];
				getNamespaceForQualName(interp, name, null, (TCL.VarFlag.CREATE_NS_IF_UNKNOWN | TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG), parentArr, dummyArr, dummyArr, simpleArr);
				// Get the values out of the arrays!
				parent = parentArr[0];
				simpleName = simpleArr[0];
				// If the unqualified name at the end is empty, there were trailing
				// "::"s after the namespace's name which we ignore. The new
				// namespace was already (recursively) created and is referenced
				// by parent.
				if (simpleName.Length == 0)
					return parent;
				// Check for a bad namespace name and make sure that the name
				// does not already exist in the parent namespace.
				if (parent.childTable[simpleName] != null)
					TclObject tobj = interp.getResult();
					// FIXME : is there a test case to check this error result?
					"can't create namespace \"" + name + "\": already exists");
					// FIXME : is there a test case to check this error result?
					interp.setResult("can't create namespace \"" + name + "\": already exists");
					return null;
			// Create the new namespace and root it in its parent. Increment the
			// count of namespaces created.
			ns = new Namespace(); = simpleName;
			ns.fullName = null; // set below
			//ns.clientData       = clientData;
			ns.deleteProc = deleteProc;
			ns.parent = parent;
			ns.childTable = new Hashtable();
			lock (nsMutex)
				ns.nsId = numNsCreated;
			ns.interp = interp;
			ns.flags = 0;
			ns.activationCount = 0;
			// FIXME : there was a problem with the refcount because
			// when the namespace was deleted the refocount was 0.
			// We avoid this by just using a refcount of 1 for now.
			// We can do ignore the refCount because GC will reclaim mem.
			//ns.refCount           = 0;
			ns.refCount = 1;
			ns.cmdTable = new Hashtable();
			ns.varTable = new Hashtable();
			ns.exportArray = null;
			ns.numExportPatterns = 0;
			ns.maxExportPatterns = 0;
			// Jacl does not use these tcl compiler specific members
			//ns.cmdRefEpoch        = 0;
			//ns.resolverEpoch      = 0;
			ns.resolver = null;
			if (parent != null)
				SupportClass.PutElement(parent.childTable, simpleName, ns);
			// Build the fully qualified name for this namespace.
			buffer1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
			buffer2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
			for (ancestor = ns; ancestor != null; ancestor = ancestor.parent)
				if (ancestor != globalNs)
				buffer2.Length = 0;
				buffer1.Length = 0;
			name = buffer2.ToString();
			ns.fullName = name;
			// Return a reference to the new namespace.
			return ns;