Beispiel #1
        public async Task Expect_Delete_Article_With_Tags()
            var createCmd = new Create.Command(new Create.ArticleData()
                Title       = "Test article dsergiu77",
                Description = "Description of the test article",
                Body        = "Body of the test article",
                TagList     = new string[] { "tag1", "tag2" }

            var article = await ArticleHelpers.CreateArticle(this, createCmd);

            var dbArticleWithTags = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(
                db => db.Articles.Include(a => a.ArticleTags)
                .Where(d => d.Slug == article.Slug).SingleOrDefaultAsync()

            var deleteCmd = new Delete.Command(article.Slug);

            var dbContext = GetDbContext();

            var articleDeleteHandler = new Delete.QueryHandler(dbContext);
            await articleDeleteHandler.Handle(deleteCmd, new System.Threading.CancellationToken());

            var dbArticle = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(db => db.Articles.Where(d => d.Slug == deleteCmd.Slug).SingleOrDefaultAsync());

Beispiel #2
        public async Task Expect_Delete_Article()
            var createCmd = new Create.Command()
                Article = new Create.ArticleData()
                    Title       = "Test article dsergiu77",
                    Description = "Description of the test article",
                    Body        = "Body of the test article",

            var article = await ArticleHelpers.CreateArticle(this, createCmd);

            var slug = article.Slug;

            var deleteCmd = new Delete.Command(slug);

            var dbContext = GetDbContext();

            var articleDeleteHandler = new Delete.QueryHandler(dbContext);
            await articleDeleteHandler.Handle(deleteCmd, new System.Threading.CancellationToken());

            var dbArticle = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(db => db.Articles.Where(d => d.Slug == deleteCmd.Slug).SingleOrDefaultAsync());

Beispiel #3
        public async Task DeleteTest_ValidData_ExpectSuccess()
            var createCmd = new Create.Command()
                Category = new Create.CategoryData()
                    ParentCategory = 0,
                    Name           = "TestCategory",
                    Description    = "This is a test Category"

            var article = await CategoryHelpers.CreateCategory(this, createCmd);

            var CategoryId = article.CategoryId;

            var deleteCmd = new Delete.Command(CategoryId);

            var dbContext = GetDbContext();

            var categoryDeleteHandler = new Delete.QueryHandler(dbContext);
            await categoryDeleteHandler.Handle(deleteCmd, new System.Threading.CancellationToken());

            var dbArticle = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(db => db.Categories.Where(d => d.CategoryId == deleteCmd.CategoryId).SingleOrDefaultAsync());

Beispiel #4
        public async Task Delete_Project_Inexistent_ShouldReturn_RestException()
            var mockedContext = new EletronicPartsCatalogContextMock().GetMockedContextWithData();
            var sut           = new Delete.QueryHandler(mockedContext);
            var message       = new Delete.Command("slug");

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <RestException>(() => sut.Handle(message, CancellationToken.None));
Beispiel #5
        public async Task Delete_Favorite_Inexistent_ShouldReturn_RestException()
            var mockedContext            = new EletronicPartsCatalogContextMock().GetMockedContextWithData();
            var mockedCurrentUserAcessor = new Mock <ICurrentUserAccessor>();

            mockedCurrentUserAcessor.Setup(mcua => mcua.GetCurrentUsername()).Returns("test");
            var sut     = new Delete.QueryHandler(mockedContext, mockedCurrentUserAcessor.Object);
            var message = new Delete.Command("slug");

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <RestException>(() => sut.Handle(message, CancellationToken.None));
Beispiel #6
        public async Task Expect_Delete_Article_With_Comments()
            var createArticleCmd = new Create.Command()
                Article = new Create.ArticleData()
                    Title       = "Test article dsergiu77",
                    Description = "Description of the test article",
                    Body        = "Body of the test article",

            var article = await ArticleHelpers.CreateArticle(this, createArticleCmd);

            var dbArticle = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(
                db => db.Articles.Include(a => a.ArticleTags)
                .Where(d => d.Slug == article.Slug).SingleOrDefaultAsync()

            var articleId = dbArticle.ArticleId;
            var slug      = dbArticle.Slug;

            // create article comment
            var createCommentCmd = new Codebase.Features.Comments.Create.Command()
                Comment = new Codebase.Features.Comments.Create.CommentData()
                    Body = "article comment"
                Slug = slug

            var comment = await CommentHelpers.CreateComment(this, createCommentCmd, UserHelpers.DefaultUserName);

            // delete article with comment
            var deleteCmd = new Delete.Command(slug);

            var dbContext = GetDbContext();

            var articleDeleteHandler = new Delete.QueryHandler(dbContext);
            await articleDeleteHandler.Handle(deleteCmd, new System.Threading.CancellationToken());

            var deleted = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(db => db.Articles.Where(d => d.Slug == deleteCmd.Slug).SingleOrDefaultAsync());

Beispiel #7
        public async Task DeleteTest_ValidData_ExpectSuccess()
            //create a test Article
            var articleCmd = new Conduit.Features.Articles.Create.Command()
                Article = new Conduit.Features.Articles.Create.ArticleData()
                    Title       = "Test article dsergiu77",
                    Description = "Description of the test article",
                    Body        = "Body of the test article",
                    TagList     = new string[] { "tag1", "tag2" }

            //save it
            var article = await Articles.ArticleHelpers.CreateArticle(this, articleCmd);

            //create a test category
            var categoryCmd = new Conduit.Features.Categories.Create.Command()
                Category = new Conduit.Features.Categories.Create.CategoryData()
                    ParentCategory = 0,
                    Name           = "TestCategory",
                    Description    = "This is a test Category"

            //save it
            var createdCategory = await Categories.CategoryHelpers.CreateCategory(this, categoryCmd);

            //assign the article to the category
            var createCmd = new Create.Command()
                articleCategory = new Domain.ArticleCategory()
                    ArticleCategoryId = 0,
                    ArticleId         = 1,
                    CategoryId        = 1,
                    CreatedAt         = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedAt         = DateTime.Now

            //save the assignment
            var createdArticleCategory = await ArticleCategoryHelpers.CreateArticleCategory(this, createCmd);

            var articleCategoryId = createdArticleCategory.ArticleCategoryId;

            //delete created article
            var deleteCmd = new Delete.Command(articleCategoryId);

            var dbContext = GetDbContext();

            var categoryDeleteHandler = new Delete.QueryHandler(dbContext);
            await categoryDeleteHandler.Handle(deleteCmd, new System.Threading.CancellationToken());

            var dbArticle = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(db => db.ArticleCategories.Where(d => d.ArticleCategoryId == deleteCmd.ArticleCategoryId).SingleOrDefaultAsync());
