Beispiel #1
		void GetCallInfo_v17_r73740_normal(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			var nameInfo = DecryptFieldName(info.field.Name.String);
			Extract_v17_r73740(creatorInfo, nameInfo, out uint arg, out uint table, out bool isCallvirt);
			uint token = (arg ^ creatorInfo.magic) | table;

			calledMethod = module.ResolveToken((int)token) as IMethod;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #2
		void GetCallInfo_v17_r73740_native(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			var nameInfo = DecryptFieldName(info.field.Name.String);
			Extract_v17_r73740(creatorInfo, nameInfo, out uint arg, out uint table, out bool isCallvirt);
			if (x86emu == null)
				x86emu = new X86Emulator(fileData);
			uint token = x86emu.Emulate((uint)creatorInfo.nativeMethod.RVA, arg) | table;

			calledMethod = module.ResolveToken((int)token) as IMethod;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #3
		void GetCallInfo_v18_r75367(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode, Func<ProxyCreatorInfo, uint, uint> getRid) {
			var sig = module.ReadBlob(info.field.MDToken.Raw);
			int len = sig.Length;
			uint magic = (uint)((sig[len - 2] << 24) | (sig[len - 3] << 16) | (sig[len - 5] << 8) | sig[len - 6]);
			uint rid = getRid(creatorInfo, magic);
			int token = (sig[len - 7] << 24) | (int)rid;
			uint table = (uint)token >> 24;
			if (table != 6 && table != 0x0A && table != 0x2B)
				throw new ApplicationException("Invalid method token");
			calledMethod = module.ResolveToken(token) as IMethod;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, info.field);
Beispiel #4
		void GetCallInfo_v14_r58857(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			int offs = creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt ? 1 : 0;
			var nameInfo = DecryptFieldName(info.field.Name.String);

			uint token = BitConverter.ToUInt32(nameInfo, offs) ^ creatorInfo.magic;
			uint table = token >> 24;
			if (table != 6 && table != 0x0A && table != 0x2B)
				throw new ApplicationException("Invalid method token");

			calledMethod = module.ResolveToken(token) as IMethod;

			bool isCallvirt = false;
			if (creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt && nameInfo[0] == '\r')
				isCallvirt = true;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #5
		void GetCallInfo_v10_r42915(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(;

			bool isCallvirt = false;
			if (creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt)
				isCallvirt = reader.ReadBoolean();

			var asmRef = ReadAssemblyNameReference(reader);
			// If < 1.0 r42919, then high byte is 06, else it's cleared.
			uint token = (reader.ReadUInt32() & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0x06000000;
			if (reader.BaseStream.Position != reader.BaseStream.Length)
				throw new ApplicationException("Extra data");

			if (asmRef.FullName == ourAsm)
				calledMethod = module.ResolveToken(token) as IMethod;
				calledMethod = CreateMethodReference(asmRef, token);

			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #6
		void GetCallInfo_v10_r48717(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			bool isNew = creatorInfo.version == ConfuserVersion.v14_r58802;

			int offs = creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt ? 2 : 1;
			if (isNew)
			int callvirtOffs = isNew ? 0 : 1;

			// This is an obfuscator bug. Field names are stored in the #Strings heap,
			// and strings in that heap are UTF8 zero terminated strings, but Confuser
			// can generate names with zeros in them. This was fixed in 1.4 58857.
			if (offs + 2 > info.field.Name.String.Length) {
				calledMethod = null;
				callOpcode = OpCodes.Call;

			uint token = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(info.field.Name.String.ToCharArray(), offs, 2), 0) ^ creatorInfo.magic;
			uint table = token >> 24;
			if (table != 0 && table != 6 && table != 0x0A && table != 0x2B)
				throw new ApplicationException("Invalid method token");

			// 1.3 r55346 now correctly uses method reference tokens and finally fixed the old
			// bug of using methoddef tokens to reference external methods.
			if (isNew || info.field.Name.String[0] == (char)1 || table != 0x06)
				calledMethod = module.ResolveToken(token) as IMethod;
			else {
				var asmRef = module.ResolveAssemblyRef((uint)info.field.Name.String[0] - 2 + 1);
				calledMethod = CreateMethodReference(asmRef, token);

			bool isCallvirt = false;
			if (creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt && info.field.Name.String[callvirtOffs] == '\r')
				isCallvirt = true;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #7
		void GetCallInfo_v18_r75367_native(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) =>
			GetCallInfo_v18_r75367(info, creatorInfo, out calledMethod, out callOpcode, (creatorInfo2, magic) => {
				if (x86emu == null)
					x86emu = new X86Emulator(fileData);
				return x86emu.Emulate((uint)creatorInfo2.nativeMethod.RVA, magic);
Beispiel #8
		void GetCallInfo_v18_r75367_normal(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) =>
			GetCallInfo_v18_r75367(info, creatorInfo, out calledMethod, out callOpcode, (creatorInfo2, magic) => creatorInfo2.magic ^ magic);
		void GetCallInfo_v18_r75367(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode, Func<ProxyCreatorInfo, uint, uint> getRid) {
			var sig = module.ReadBlob(info.field.MDToken.Raw);
			int len = sig.Length;
			uint magic = (uint)((sig[len - 2] << 24) | (sig[len - 3] << 16) | (sig[len - 5] << 8) | sig[len - 6]);
			uint rid = getRid(creatorInfo, magic);
			int token = (sig[len - 7] << 24) | (int)rid;
			uint table = (uint)token >> 24;
			if (table != 6 && table != 0x0A && table != 0x2B)
				throw new ApplicationException("Invalid method token");
			calledMethod = module.ResolveToken(token) as IMethod;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, info.field);
Beispiel #10
		void GetCallInfo_v18_r75367_normal(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			GetCallInfo_v18_r75367(info, creatorInfo, out calledMethod, out callOpcode, (creatorInfo2, magic) => creatorInfo2.magic ^ magic);
Beispiel #11
		void GetCallInfo_v18_r75367_native(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			GetCallInfo_v18_r75367(info, creatorInfo, out calledMethod, out callOpcode, (creatorInfo2, magic) => {
				if (x86emu == null)
					x86emu = new x86Emulator(fileData);
				return x86emu.Emulate((uint)creatorInfo2.nativeMethod.RVA, magic);
Beispiel #12
		void GetCallInfo_v17_r73740_native(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			var nameInfo = DecryptFieldName(info.field.Name.String);
			uint arg, table;
			bool isCallvirt;
			Extract_v17_r73740(creatorInfo, nameInfo, out arg, out table, out isCallvirt);
			if (x86emu == null)
				x86emu = new x86Emulator(fileData);
			uint token = x86emu.Emulate((uint)creatorInfo.nativeMethod.RVA, arg) | table;

			calledMethod = module.ResolveToken((int)token) as IMethod;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #13
		void GetCallInfo_v17_r73740_normal(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			var nameInfo = DecryptFieldName(info.field.Name.String);
			uint arg, table;
			bool isCallvirt;
			Extract_v17_r73740(creatorInfo, nameInfo, out arg, out table, out isCallvirt);
			uint token = (arg ^ creatorInfo.magic) | table;

			calledMethod = module.ResolveToken((int)token) as IMethod;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #14
		void GetCallInfo_v14_r58857(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			int offs = creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt ? 1 : 0;
			var nameInfo = DecryptFieldName(info.field.Name.String);

			uint token = BitConverter.ToUInt32(nameInfo, offs) ^ creatorInfo.magic;
			uint table = token >> 24;
			if (table != 6 && table != 0x0A && table != 0x2B)
				throw new ApplicationException("Invalid method token");

			calledMethod = module.ResolveToken(token) as IMethod;

			bool isCallvirt = false;
			if (creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt && nameInfo[0] == '\r')
				isCallvirt = true;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #15
		void GetCallInfo_v10_r48717(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			bool isNew = creatorInfo.version == ConfuserVersion.v14_r58802;

			int offs = creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt ? 2 : 1;
			if (isNew)
			int callvirtOffs = isNew ? 0 : 1;

			// This is an obfuscator bug. Field names are stored in the #Strings heap,
			// and strings in that heap are UTF8 zero terminated strings, but Confuser
			// can generate names with zeros in them. This was fixed in 1.4 58857.
			if (offs + 2 > info.field.Name.String.Length) {
				calledMethod = null;
				callOpcode = OpCodes.Call;

			uint token = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(info.field.Name.String.ToCharArray(), offs, 2), 0) ^ creatorInfo.magic;
			uint table = token >> 24;
			if (table != 0 && table != 6 && table != 0x0A && table != 0x2B)
				throw new ApplicationException("Invalid method token");

			// 1.3 r55346 now correctly uses method reference tokens and finally fixed the old
			// bug of using methoddef tokens to reference external methods.
			if (isNew || info.field.Name.String[0] == (char)1 || table != 0x06)
				calledMethod = module.ResolveToken(token) as IMethod;
			else {
				var asmRef = module.ResolveAssemblyRef((uint)info.field.Name.String[0] - 2 + 1);
				calledMethod = CreateMethodReference(asmRef, token);

			bool isCallvirt = false;
			if (creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt && info.field.Name.String[callvirtOffs] == '\r')
				isCallvirt = true;
			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);
Beispiel #16
		void GetCallInfo_v10_r42915(DelegateInitInfo info, ProxyCreatorInfo creatorInfo, out IMethod calledMethod, out OpCode callOpcode) {
			var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(;

			bool isCallvirt = false;
			if (creatorInfo.proxyCreatorType == ProxyCreatorType.CallOrCallvirt)
				isCallvirt = reader.ReadBoolean();

			var asmRef = ReadAssemblyNameReference(reader);
			// If < 1.0 r42919, then high byte is 06, else it's cleared.
			uint token = (reader.ReadUInt32() & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0x06000000;
			if (reader.BaseStream.Position != reader.BaseStream.Length)
				throw new ApplicationException("Extra data");

			if (asmRef.FullName == ourAsm)
				calledMethod = module.ResolveToken(token) as IMethod;
				calledMethod = CreateMethodReference(asmRef, token);

			callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(creatorInfo, isCallvirt);