Beispiel #1
        internal void SendPacket(int numBytes, IPEndPoint target, int numMessages, out bool connectionReset)
            connectionReset = false;

            // simulate loss
            float loss = m_configuration.m_loss;

            if (loss > 0.0f)
                if ((float)NetRandom.Instance.NextDouble() < loss)
                    LogVerbose("Sending packet " + numBytes + " bytes - SIMULATED LOST!");
                    return;                     // packet "lost"

            m_statistics.PacketSent(numBytes, numMessages);

            // simulate latency
            float m = m_configuration.m_minimumOneWayLatency;
            float r = m_configuration.m_randomOneWayLatency;

            if (m == 0.0f && r == 0.0f)
                // no latency simulation
                // LogVerbose("Sending packet " + numBytes + " bytes");
                bool wasSent = ActuallySendPacket(m_sendBuffer, numBytes, target, out connectionReset);
                // TODO: handle wasSent == false?

            int num = 1;

            if (m_configuration.m_duplicates > 0.0f && NetRandom.Instance.NextSingle() < m_configuration.m_duplicates)

            float delay = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                delay = m_configuration.m_minimumOneWayLatency + (NetRandom.Instance.NextSingle() * m_configuration.m_randomOneWayLatency);

                // Enqueue delayed packet
                DelayedPacket p = new DelayedPacket();
                p.Target = target;
                p.Data   = new byte[numBytes];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(m_sendBuffer, 0, p.Data, 0, numBytes);
                p.DelayedUntil = NetTime.Now + delay;


            // LogVerbose("Sending packet " + numBytes + " bytes - delayed " + NetTime.ToReadable(delay));
Beispiel #2
        public void NetworkReceivedPacket(ArraySegment <byte> data)
            if (data.Array == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");

            if (DebugSettings.Instance.EnableNetworkSimulation)
                var reader = new PacketReader(data);
                reader.ReadUInt16(); // skip magic number (we don't want to error check it here, we'll let the error get caught in the normal way)
                var header = (MessageTypes)reader.ReadByte();

                //Check if we should discard this packet to fake packet loss
                if (!IsReliable(header))
                    var lossRoll = _rnd.NextDouble();
                    if (lossRoll < DebugSettings.Instance.PacketLoss)

                var delay = _rnd.Next(DebugSettings.Instance.MinimumLatency, DebugSettings.Instance.MaximumLatency);
                var simulatedArrivalTime = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(delay);

                var dataCopy = new byte[data.Count];
                Array.Copy(data.Array, data.Offset, dataCopy, 0, data.Count);

                var packet = new DelayedPacket {
                    SimulatedReceiptTime = simulatedArrivalTime,
                    Data = new ArraySegment <byte>(dataCopy)

                Interlocked.Increment(ref _delayedCount);
                if (IsOrdered(header))
                    lock (_delayedOrderedPackets)
                    lock (_delayedUnorderedPackets)
            internal void SendPacket(int numBytes, IPEndPoint target, int numMessages, out bool connectionReset)
                connectionReset = false;

                // simulate loss
                float loss = m_configuration.m_loss;
                if (loss > 0.0f)
                    if ((float)NetRandom.Instance.NextDouble() < loss)
                        LogVerbose("Sending packet " + numBytes + " bytes - SIMULATED LOST!");
                        return; // packet "lost"

                m_statistics.PacketSent(numBytes, numMessages);

                // simulate latency
                float m = m_configuration.m_minimumOneWayLatency;
                float r = m_configuration.m_randomOneWayLatency;
                if (m == 0.0f && r == 0.0f)
                    // no latency simulation
                    // LogVerbose("Sending packet " + numBytes + " bytes");
                    bool wasSent = ActuallySendPacket(m_sendBuffer, numBytes, target, out connectionReset);
                    // TODO: handle wasSent == false?

                int num = 1;
                if (m_configuration.m_duplicates > 0.0f && NetRandom.Instance.NextSingle() < m_configuration.m_duplicates)

                float delay = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    delay = m_configuration.m_minimumOneWayLatency + (NetRandom.Instance.NextSingle() * m_configuration.m_randomOneWayLatency);

                    // Enqueue delayed packet
                    DelayedPacket p = new DelayedPacket();
                    p.Target = target;
                    p.Data = new byte[numBytes];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(m_sendBuffer, 0, p.Data, 0, numBytes);
                    p.DelayedUntil = NetTime.Now + delay;


                // LogVerbose("Sending packet " + numBytes + " bytes - delayed " + NetTime.ToReadable(delay));
Beispiel #4
        partial void DelayPacket(UdpEndPoint ep, byte[] data, int length)
            DelayedPacket packet = new DelayedPacket();

            packet.Data     = delayedBuffers.Count > 0 ? delayedBuffers.Dequeue() : new byte[Config.MtuMax * 2];
            packet.EndPoint = ep;
            packet.Length   = length;
            packet.Time     = GetCurrentTime() + (uint)random.Next(Config.SimulatedPingMin, Config.SimulatedPingMax);

            // copy entire buffer into packets data buffer
            Array.Copy(data, 0, packet.Data, 0, data.Length);

            // put on delay queue
partial         void DelayPacket(UdpEndPoint ep, byte[] data, int length)
            uint pingMin = (uint) Config.SimulatedPingMin;
            uint pingMax = (uint) Config.SimulatedPingMax;
            uint delay =  pingMin + (uint) ((pingMax - pingMin) * Config.NoiseFunction());

            DelayedPacket packet = new DelayedPacket();
            packet.Data = delayedBuffers.Count > 0 ? delayedBuffers.Dequeue() : new byte[Config.PacketSize * 2];
            packet.EndPoint = ep;
            packet.Length = length;
            packet.Time = GetCurrentTime() + delay;

            // copy entire buffer into packets data buffer
            Array.Copy(data, 0, packet.Data, 0, data.Length);

            // put on delay queue
        partial void DelayPacket(UdpEndPoint ep, byte[] data, int length)
            uint pingMin = (uint)Config.SimulatedPingMin;
            uint pingMax = (uint)Config.SimulatedPingMax;
            uint delay   = pingMin + (uint)((pingMax - pingMin) * Config.NoiseFunction());

            DelayedPacket packet = new DelayedPacket();

            packet.Data     = delayedBuffers.Count > 0 ? delayedBuffers.Dequeue() : new byte[Config.PacketSize * 2];
            packet.EndPoint = ep;
            packet.Length   = length;
            packet.Time     = GetCurrentTime() + delay;

            // copy entire buffer into packets data buffer
            Array.Copy(data, 0, packet.Data, 0, data.Length);

            // put on delay queue
Beispiel #7
        partial void RecvDelayedPackets()
            while (delayedPackets.Count > 0 && GetCurrentTime() >= delayedPackets.Peek().Time)
                DelayedPacket packet = delayedPackets.Dequeue();
                UdpStream     stream = GetReadStream();

                // copy data into streams buffer
                Array.Copy(packet.Data, 0, stream.Data, 0, packet.Data.Length);

                // clear packet data
                Array.Clear(packet.Data, 0, packet.Data.Length);

                // receive packet
                RecvNetworkPacket(packet.EndPoint, stream, packet.Length);

                // put packet data buffer back in pool
Beispiel #8
        public int ExecuteSend(NetBase netBase, NetBuffer buffer, NetConnection connection, IPEndPoint remoteEP)
            int len = buffer.LengthBytes;

            if (connection != null)
                NetConnectionConfiguration config = connection.Configuration;

                if (config.LossChance > 0.0f && NetRandom.Default.Chance(config.LossChance))
                    //m_log.Debug("(simulating loss of sent packet)");

                if (config.LagDelayChance > 0.0f && NetRandom.Default.Chance(config.LagDelayChance))
                    float delayAmount = config.LagDelayMinimum + (NetRandom.Default.NextFloat() * config.LagDelayVariance);

                    DelayedPacket pk = new DelayedPacket();
                    pk.Data = new byte[len];
                    Array.Copy(buffer.Data, pk.Data, buffer.LengthBytes);
                    pk.DelayAmount  = delayAmount;
                    pk.DelayedUntil = NetTime.Now + delayAmount;
                    pk.RemoteEP     = remoteEP;

                    //m_log.Debug("(queueing packet for " + (int)(pk.DelayAmount * 1000.0f) + " ms)");


                int bytesSent = netBase.m_socket.SendTo(buffer.Data, 0, len, SocketFlags.None, remoteEP);
                m_log.Verbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Sent {0} bytes to {1}", bytesSent, remoteEP));

                if (connection != null)
                    NetConnectionConfiguration config = connection.Configuration;
                    if (NetRandom.Default.Chance(config.DuplicatedPacketChance))
                        m_log.Debug("(simulating send packet duplication)");
                        netBase.m_socket.SendTo(buffer.Data, 0, buffer.LengthBytes, SocketFlags.None, remoteEP);

            catch (SocketException sex)
                if (sex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset ||
                    sex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionRefused ||
                    sex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionAborted)
                    m_log.Warning("Remote socket forcefully closed: " + sex.SocketErrorCode);
                    if (connection != null)
                        connection.Disconnect("Socket forcefully closed: " + sex.SocketErrorCode);

                m_log.Warning("Execute SocketException: " + sex.SocketErrorCode);
		public int ExecuteSend(NetBase netBase, NetBuffer buffer, NetConnection connection, IPEndPoint remoteEP)
			int len = buffer.LengthBytes;
			if (connection != null)
				NetConnectionConfiguration config = connection.Configuration;

				if (config.LossChance > 0.0f && NetRandom.Default.Chance(config.LossChance))
					//m_log.Debug("(simulating loss of sent packet)");
					return len;
				if (config.LagDelayChance > 0.0f && NetRandom.Default.Chance(config.LagDelayChance))
					float delayAmount = config.LagDelayMinimum + (NetRandom.Default.NextFloat() * config.LagDelayVariance);

					DelayedPacket pk = new DelayedPacket();
					pk.Data = new byte[len];
					Array.Copy(buffer.Data, pk.Data, buffer.LengthBytes);
					pk.DelayAmount = delayAmount;
					pk.DelayedUntil = NetTime.Now + delayAmount;
					pk.RemoteEP = remoteEP;

					//m_log.Debug("(queueing packet for " + (int)(pk.DelayAmount * 1000.0f) + " ms)");

					return len;

				int bytesSent = netBase.m_socket.SendTo(buffer.Data, 0, len, SocketFlags.None, remoteEP);
				m_log.Verbose(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Sent {0} bytes to {1}", bytesSent, remoteEP));

				if (connection != null)
					NetConnectionConfiguration config = connection.Configuration;
					if (NetRandom.Default.Chance(config.DuplicatedPacketChance))
						m_log.Debug("(simulating send packet duplication)");
						netBase.m_socket.SendTo(buffer.Data, 0, buffer.LengthBytes, SocketFlags.None, remoteEP);

				return bytesSent;
			catch (SocketException sex)
				if (sex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset ||
					sex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionRefused ||
					sex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionAborted)
					m_log.Warning("Remote socket forcefully closed: " + sex.SocketErrorCode);
					if (connection != null)
						connection.Disconnect("Socket forcefully closed: " + sex.SocketErrorCode);
					return 0;

				m_log.Warning("Execute SocketException: " + sex.SocketErrorCode);
				return 0;