static void Main(string[] args) { // Here is an example that uses a lambda expression to // determine if a value is within a specified range: DelRange rangeOK = (low, high, val) => (val >= low && val <= high); // After doing so, the lambda expression can be executed as shown here: if (rangeOK(10, 15, 3)) { Console.WriteLine("3 is within the range."); } else { Console.WriteLine("3 is not within the range."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Here is an example that uses a lambda expression to // determine if a value is within a specified range: DelRange rangeOK = (low, high, val) => (val >= low && val <= high); // After doing so, the lambda expression can be executed as shown here: if (rangeOK(10, 15, 3)) { Console.WriteLine("13 is within the range."); } else { Console.WriteLine("13 is not within the range."); } // TODO:... // Define a lambda expression which calculate the average of three values // And Define corresponding delegate } // end main()