Beispiel #1
        private void toolStripButton1_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var deglycoDBGenerator = new DeglycoDataBrowser.Form1 {
                MdiParent = this

Beispiel #2
        // Database generator side button
        private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var deglycoDBGenerator = new DeglycoDataBrowser.Form1 {
                MdiParent = this

            richTextBox1.Text = "Database searching of intact glycopeptide analyses are benefited by" +
                                " using an informed search space (Khatri et al. (2017) Anal. Bioanal. " +
                                "Chem.). We use a filtered database consisting of proteins with validated" +
                                " deglycosylated sites (N à D at NxS/T) to search intact glycopeptides. " +
                                "‘Database Generator’ is designed to take as input the ‘parsimony_peptides’ " +
                                "file from a ‘Protein Hoard’ performed within the Coon OMSSA Proteomic Software " +
                                "Suite (COMPASS, Wenger et al. (2011) Proteomics) and the corresponding Uniprot " +
                                "FASTA file. The program will generate as output an annotated peptides file and " +
                                "a FASTA file consisting of only proteins for which sites of deglycosylation were " +
                                "found. An example file can be found within '..GlycoTools/Example Data/Database " +