public void cdrNight()
            //string branch = TestContext.DataRow["Branch"].ToString();
            //string account = TestContext.DataRow["CustomerAcc"].ToString();
            //string transit = TestContext.DataRow["CustomerTransit"].ToString();
            string sequence = seq.ToString();
            //string action = TestContext.DataRow["Action"].ToString();

            // string branch = TestContext.DataRow["Date"].ToString();
            string branch  = "12345";
            string transit = TestContext.DataRow["Time"].ToString();
            string account = TestContext.DataRow["Sequence"].ToString();

            // string action = TestContext.DataRow["Classification"].ToString();

            Playback.PlaybackSettings.SendKeysAsScanCode = true;

            //if (branch.Length > 0 && account.Length == 0 && transit.Length == 0 && action.Equals("Open Branch"))
            //    this.UIMap.OpenBranchParams.UIItemEditText = branch; // assign branch transit text box value =12345
            //    this.UIMap.OpenBranch(); // call your recorded method

            Combined objCombinedClasses = new Combined();
            string   text = objCombinedClasses.PutCheck();

            if (text != branch)
                DefferedDeposit objDefferedDeposit = new DefferedDeposit();

                NightDeposit objNightDeposit = new NightDeposit();

                this.UIMap.OpenBranchParams.UIItemEditText = branch;           // assign branch transit text box value =12345
                this.UIMap.OpenBranch();                                       // call your recorded method

                this.UIMap.EnterAccandTransitParams.UIItemEditText  = account; //setting the values to account text box : values that you read from CSV file
                this.UIMap.EnterAccandTransitParams.UIItemEditText1 = transit; //setting the values to transit text box : values that you read from CSV file
                this.UIMap.EnterAccandTransit();                               // Call your method
                //if (action.Equals("Match Envelope"))
                //    string newTransit = transit.Insert(5, "-");
                //    this.UIMap.SelectandMatchDepositParams.UIItemListSelectedItemsAsString = newTransit;
                //    this.UIMap.SelectandMatchDeposit();
                //    Playback.Wait(1000);

                //    this.UIMap.SaveDepositParams.UIItemEditText = sequence;
                //    this.UIMap.SaveDeposit();
                //    Playback.Wait(2000);
                //else if (action.Equals("New Deposit"))
                this.UIMap.NewDepositParams.UIItemEditText2 = sequence;     //seq number is a static variable : which is incremented by the constructor every time codedui executes a new row

            else if (text == branch && account.Length > 0 && transit.Length > 0)
                this.UIMap.EnterAccandTransitParams.UIItemEditText  = account; //setting the values to account text box : values that you read from CSV file
                this.UIMap.EnterAccandTransitParams.UIItemEditText1 = transit; //setting the values to transit text box : values that you read from CSV file
                this.UIMap.EnterAccandTransit();                               // Call your method
                //if (action.Equals("Match Envelope"))
                //    string newTr  ansit = transit.Insert(5, "-");
                //    this.UIMap.SelectandMatchDepositParams.UIItemListSelectedItemsAsString = newTransit;
                //    this.UIMap.SelectandMatchDeposit();
                //    Playback.Wait(1000);

                //    this.UIMap.SaveDepositParams.UIItemEditText = sequence;
                //    this.UIMap.SaveDeposit();
                //    Playback.Wait(2000);
                //else if (action.Equals("New Deposit"))
                this.UIMap.NewDepositParams.UIItemEditText2 = sequence;     //seq number is a static variable : which is incremented by the constructor every time codedui executes a new row
