public MudrockSpikeshell() : base()
            Id           = 4397;
            Model        = 7836;
            AttackSpeed  = 2000;
            Name         = "Mudrock Spikeshell";
            Flags1       = 0x010080010;
            Level        = RandomLevel(37, 38);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = Level * 2;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.95f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 32);
            Block        = Level + 20;

            NpcFlags       = 0;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            BoundingRadius = 0.42500000f;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType  = 1; BaseMana = 0;
            Family    = 21;
            Speed     = 3.2f;
            WalkSpeed = 3.2f;
            RunSpeed  = 6.2f;
            Size      = 1.15f;
            Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1372, 37);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TurtleDrops.MudrockSpikeshell, 100f) };
 public AnturFallow() : base()
     Name   = "Antur Fallow";
     Id     = 6775;
     Model  = 5506;
     Level  = RandomLevel(3, 3);
     Flags1 = 0x08400066;
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.66 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 0;
     Block          = 0;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Str            = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = 110;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 1.077550f;
     CombatReach    = 0.400f;
     Speed          = 3.5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3.5f;
     RunSpeed       = 6.5f;
     Size           = 1.250000f;
     Faction        = Factions.Horde;
     AIEngine       = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7428, InventoryTypes.OneHand, 0, 1, 13, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     NpcType = 7;
     Unk3    = 1;
Beispiel #3
 public KorinFel() : base()
     Id             = 2772;
     Level          = RandomLevel(35);
     Name           = "Korin Fel";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N, I am Korin Fel.";
     Model          = 4046;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.236f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Flags1   = 0x08480046;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Horde;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(1600, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 10, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.AdvancedDrops, 100f) };
Beispiel #4
        public SnappingCrustacean() : base()
            Name         = "Snapping Crustacean";
            Id           = 4822;
            Model        = 1001;
            Level        = RandomLevel(23, 24);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = 0;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.75f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = 3189;
            Block        = Level * 2;
            Family       = 8;
            SetDamage(1f + 2.5f * Level, 1f + 3.0 * Level);
            ManaType = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            AttackSpeed    = 2000;
            BoundingRadius = 1.15f;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            Size           = 1.15f;
            Elite          = 1;
            Speed          = 3.6f;
            WalkSpeed      = 3.6f;
            RunSpeed       = 6.6f;
            Faction        = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine       = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            Flags1         = 010;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 2022, 23);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrabDrops.SnappingCrustacean, 100f) };
Beispiel #5
 public TargetDummy() : base()
     Id             = 2673;
     Name           = "Target Dummy";
     Model          = 1555;
     Level          = RandomLevel(16);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.28f;
     CombatReach    = 5f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 800;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 2.0f;
     Speed     = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed  = 5.9f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x0103102;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
     AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.TargetDummy, 100f) };
Beispiel #6
 public ApothecaryDithers() : base()
     Model          = 10552;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.383000f;
     Name           = "Apothecary Dithers";
     Flags1         = 0400006;
     Id             = 11057;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 5f;
     RunSpeed       = 8f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Level          = RandomLevel(58);
     NpcType        = (int)NpcTypes.Undead;
     BaseHitPoints  = 2226;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Vendor;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     SetDamage(60, 77);
     NpcText00 = "Greetings $N, I am Apothecary Dithers.";
     BaseMana  = 5461;
     Sells     = new Item[] { new ArcaneQuickener() };
     Faction   = Factions.Undercity;
     AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f) };
     Equip(new Item(7465, InventoryTypes.OneHand, 14, 1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0), new Item(23323, InventoryTypes.HeldInHand, 0, 1, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0));
Beispiel #7
 public CharysYserian() : base()
     Model          = 1480;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.208000f;
     Name           = "Charys Yserian";
     Flags1         = 08480046;
     Id             = 1307;
     Guild          = "Arcane Trinkets Vendor";
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 5f;
     RunSpeed       = 8f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Level          = RandomLevel(50);
     NpcType        = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     BaseHitPoints  = 2025;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Vendor;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     SetDamage(54, 70);
     NpcText00 = "Greetings $N, I am Charys Yserian.";
     BaseMana  = 0;
     Sells     = new Item[] { new DemonicFigurine()
                              , new ArcaneDust()
                              , new ArcanePowder()
                              , new WildBerries()
                              , new WildRoot()
                              , new WildThornroot()
                              , new ScentedCandle()
                              , new HolyCandle()
                              , new SacredCandle()
                              , new Ankh()
                              , new RuneOfTeleportation()
                              , new RuneOfPortals()
                              , new SymbolOfDivinity()
                              , new MapleSeed()
                              , new StranglethornSeed()
                              , new AshwoodSeed()
                              , new HornbeamSeed()
                              , new IronwoodSeed()
                              , new LesserManaPotion()
                              , new BlurredAxe()
                              , new CallousAxe()
                              , new MarauderAxe()
                              , new WizardsBelt()
                              , new NightwindBelt()
                              , new DreamersBelt()
                              , new InfernalStone()
                              , new HealingPotion() };
     Faction  = Factions.Stormwind;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f) };
        public CoralshellLurker() : base()
            Id           = 6352;
            Model        = 10947;
            AttackSpeed  = 2000;
            Name         = "Coralshell Lurker";
            Level        = RandomLevel(53, 54);
            Flags1       = 0x010080010;
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = Level * 2;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.95f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 32);
            Block        = Level + 20;

            NpcFlags       = 0;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            BoundingRadius = 0.52500000f;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType  = 1; BaseMana = 0;
            Family    = 21;
            Speed     = 3.3f;
            WalkSpeed = 3.3f;
            RunSpeed  = 6.3f;
            Size      = 1.5f;
            Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 2163, 53);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TurtleDrops.CoralshellLurker, 100f) };
Beispiel #9
 public CaptainNials() : base()
     Id             = 2700;
     Level          = RandomLevel(41);
     Name           = "Captain Nials";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N, I am Captain Nials.";
     Model          = 4147;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.208f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Flags1   = 0x08480046;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Stormwind;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7483, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 7, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0), new Item(18690, (InventoryTypes)14, 4, 6, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.HighDrops, 100f) };
        public StolidSnapjaw() : base()
            Id           = 13599;
            Model        = 6368;
            AttackSpeed  = 2000;
            Name         = "Stolid Snapjaw";
            Level        = RandomLevel(46, 47);
            Flags1       = 0x010080010;
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = Level * 2;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.95f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 32);
            Block        = Level + 20;

            NpcFlags       = 0;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            BoundingRadius = 0.25600f;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType  = 1; BaseMana = 0;
            Family    = 21;
            Speed     = 3.7f;
            WalkSpeed = 3.7f;
            RunSpeed  = 6.7f;
            Size      = 0.733f;
            Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1670, 46);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TurtleDrops.StolidSnapjaw, 100f) };
        public AkumaiFisher() : base()
            Id           = 4824;
            Model        = 1244;
            AttackSpeed  = 2000;
            Name         = "Aku'mai Fisher";
            Flags1       = 0x010080010;
            Level        = RandomLevel(23, 24);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = Level * 3;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.95f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 39);
            Block        = Level + 30;

            NpcFlags       = 0;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            BoundingRadius = 0.35500000f;
            SetDamage(1f + 3.7f * Level, 1f + 4.0 * Level);
            ManaType  = 1; BaseMana = 0;
            Family    = 21;
            Elite     = 1;
            Speed     = 3.6f;
            WalkSpeed = 3.6f;
            RunSpeed  = 6.6f;
            Size      = 1.5f;
            Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1660, 23);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TurtleDrops.AkumaiFisher, 100f) };
        public SteeljawSnapper() : base()
            Id           = 14123;
            Model        = 7114;
            AttackSpeed  = 2000;
            Name         = "Steeljaw Snapper";
            Flags1       = 0x010080010;
            Level        = RandomLevel(42, 43);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = Level * 2;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.95f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 32);
            Block        = Level + 20;

            NpcFlags       = 0;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            BoundingRadius = 0.45500f;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType  = 1; BaseMana = 0;
            Family    = 21;
            Speed     = 2.9f;
            WalkSpeed = 2.9f;
            RunSpeed  = 5.9f;
            Size      = 1.3f;
            Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 1470, 42);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TurtleDrops.SteeljawSnapper, 100f) };
        public SparkleshellTortoise() : base()
            Id           = 4142;
            Model        = 5052;
            AttackSpeed  = 2000;
            Name         = "Sparkleshell Tortoise";
            Flags1       = 0x010080010;
            Level        = RandomLevel(30, 31);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = Level * 2;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.95f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 32);
            Block        = Level + 20;

            NpcFlags       = 0;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            BoundingRadius = 0.3500000f;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType  = 1; BaseMana = 0;
            Family    = 21;
            Speed     = 3.1f;
            WalkSpeed = 3.1f;
            RunSpeed  = 6.1f;
            Size      = 1.3f;
            Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 989, 30);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TurtleDrops.SparkleshellTortoise, 100f) };
        public SaltwaterSnapjaw() : base()
            Id           = 2505;
            Model        = 5027;
            AttackSpeed  = 2000;
            Name         = "Saltwater Snapjaw";
            Flags1       = 0x010080010;
            Level        = RandomLevel(49, 50);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = Level * 2;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.95f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 32);
            Block        = Level + 20;

            NpcFlags       = 0;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            BoundingRadius = 0.3500000f;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType  = 1; BaseMana = 0;
            Family    = 21;
            Speed     = 3.2f;
            WalkSpeed = 3.2f;
            RunSpeed  = 6.2f;
            Size      = 1.5f;
            Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 2035, 49);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TurtleDrops.SaltwaterSnapjaw, 100f) };
 public Elysa() : base()
     Id             = 2317;
     Level          = RandomLevel(25);
     Name           = "Elysa";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N, I am Elysa.";
     Model          = 1361;
     AttackSpeed    = 1500;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.208f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog | (int)NpcActions.SpiritHealer;
     Flags1   = 0x080066;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Friend;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.MediumDrops, 100f) };
Beispiel #16
 public WretchedZombie() : base()
     Name  = "Wretched Zombie";
     Id    = 1502;
     Model = 10979;
     Level = RandomLevel(1, 2);
     SetDamage(2f, 4f);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 1;
     CombatReach    = 1;
     Armor          = 25;
     Block          = 1;
     ResistArcane   = 1;
     ResistFire     = 1;
     ResistFrost    = 1;
     ResistHoly     = 1;
     ResistNature   = 1;
     ResistShadow   = 1;
     BaseHitPoints  = 31;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 5f;
     RunSpeed       = 8f;
     Faction        = Factions.NoFaction;
     AIEngine       = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     NpcType        = (int)NpcTypes.Undead;
     Loots          = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                           , new BaseTreasure(ZombiesLoot.WretchedZombie, 100f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 31, 1);
 public VoggahDeathgrip() : base()
     Id             = 13817;
     Level          = RandomLevel(61);
     Name           = "Voggah Deathgrip";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N.";
     Model          = 13852;
     AttackSpeed    = 1260;
     CombatReach    = 1.15f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.85f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog | (int)NpcActions.SpiritHealer;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Ogrimmar;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.IncredibleDrops, 100f) };
 public CarlinRedpath() : base()
     Id             = 11063;
     Level          = RandomLevel(58);
     Name           = "Carlin Redpath";
     Guild          = "The Argent Dawn";
     NpcText00      = "We have all been witness to terrible tragedies, but we must not let them drag us to despair.$B$BInstead, hold those memories close so that one day, we might find a reckoning.";
     Model          = 10476;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.306f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 30;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 70;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Flags1   = 0x080006;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.ArgentDawn;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(7483, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 7, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0), new Item(1706, (InventoryTypes)14, 4, 6, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.IncredibleDrops, 100f) };
Beispiel #19
 public AlchemistArbington() : base()
     Model          = 10551;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.306000f;
     Name           = "Alchemist Arbington";
     Flags1         = 0480006;
     Id             = 11056;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 5f;
     RunSpeed       = 8f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Level          = RandomLevel(58);
     NpcType        = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     BaseHitPoints  = 2346;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Vendor;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     SetDamage(63, 82);
     NpcText00 = "Greetings $N, I am Alchemist Arbington.";
     BaseMana  = 5461;
     Sells     = new Item[] { new ArcaneQuickener() };
     Faction   = Factions.Stormwind;
     AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f) };
 public LeonidBarthalomewTheRevered() : base()
     Id             = 11036;
     Level          = RandomLevel(60);
     Name           = "Leonid Barthalomew the Revered";
     Guild          = "The Argent Dawn";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N, I am Leonid Barthalomew the Revered.";
     Model          = 10474;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.383f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 30;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 70;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Flags1   = 0x046;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.ArgentDawn;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(3797, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.IncredibleDrops, 100f) };
Beispiel #21
 public Thultazor() : base()
     Model          = 4564;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.372000f;
     Name           = "Thultazor";
     Flags1         = 08400046;
     Id             = 983;
     Guild          = "Arcane Goods Vendor";
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 5f;
     WalkSpeed      = 5f;
     RunSpeed       = 8f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Level          = RandomLevel(45);
     NpcType        = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     BaseHitPoints  = 1424;
     NpcFlags       = (int)NpcActions.Vendor;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     SetDamage(38, 49);
     NpcText00 = "Greetings $N, I am Thultazor.";
     BaseMana  = 0;
     Sells     = new Item[] { new DemonicFigurine()
                              , new ArcaneDust()
                              , new ArcanePowder()
                              , new WildBerries()
                              , new WildRoot()
                              , new WildThornroot()
                              , new ScentedCandle()
                              , new HolyCandle()
                              , new SacredCandle()
                              , new Ankh()
                              , new RuneOfTeleportation()
                              , new RuneOfPortals()
                              , new SymbolOfDivinity()
                              , new MapleSeed()
                              , new StranglethornSeed()
                              , new AshwoodSeed()
                              , new HornbeamSeed()
                              , new IronwoodSeed()
                              , new ImbuedVial()
                              , new EmptyVial()
                              , new LeadedVial()
                              , new SuperiorHealingPotion()
                              , new InfernalStone()
                              , new GreaterManaPotion()
                              , new SoulShard()
                              , new CrystalVial() };
     Faction  = Factions.Ogrimmar;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f) };
     Equip(new Item(7467, InventoryTypes.OneHand, 14, 2, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0));
 public GregorGreystone() : base()
     Id             = 10431;
     Level          = RandomLevel(55);
     Name           = "Gregor Greystone";
     Guild          = "The Argent Dawn";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N, I am Gregor Greystone.";
     Model          = 9792;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.306f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 30;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 70;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Flags1   = 0x080046;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.ArgentDawn;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(2466, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 5, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.AmazingDrops, 100f) };
Beispiel #23
        public TideCrawler() : base()
            Name         = "Tide Crawler";
            Id           = 2232;
            Model        = 979;
            Level        = RandomLevel(12, 14);
            ResistArcane = 0;
            ResistFire   = 0;
            ResistFrost  = 0;
            ResistHoly   = 0;
            ResistNature = 0;
            ResistShadow = 0;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 2.75f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = (int)(Level * 31.2);
            Block        = Level;
            Family       = 8;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType = 1;

            BaseMana       = 0;
            AttackSpeed    = 2000;
            BoundingRadius = 1.0f;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            Size           = 0.85f;
            Speed          = 2.9f;
            WalkSpeed      = 2.9f;
            RunSpeed       = 2.9f;
            Faction        = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine       = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            Flags1         = 0x080010;
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 301, 12);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(CrabDrops.TideCrawler, 100f) };
 public DawnwatcherSelgorm() : base()
     Id             = 4783;
     Level          = RandomLevel(25);
     Name           = "Dawnwatcher Selgorm";
     Guild          = "The Argent Dawn";
     Model          = 5226;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.306f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 30;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 70;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Flags1   = 0x08080046;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.ArgentDawn;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.MediumDrops, 100f) };
Beispiel #25
 public ArcheryTarget() : base()
     Id             = 5202;
     Name           = "Archery Target";
     Model          = 3020;
     Level          = RandomLevel(1);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     BoundingRadius = 0.66f;
     CombatReach    = 1.0f;
     BaseHitPoints  = 64;
     BaseMana       = 0;
     Str            = (int)(Level);
     Armor          = (int)(26.4f * Level);
     Block          = Level + 10;
     SetDamage(1.1f * Level, 1.45f * Level);
     Size      = 1.0f;
     Speed     = 2.9f;
     WalkSpeed = 2.9f;
     RunSpeed  = 5.9f;
     NpcFlags  = 0; Flags1 = 0x010032E;
     NpcType   = (int)NpcTypes.Mechanical;
     Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
     AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots     = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(EngineeringMechsDrops.ArcheryTarget, 100f) };
 public AzoreAldamort() : base()
     Id             = 11863;
     Level          = RandomLevel(60);
     Name           = "Azore Aldamort";
     Guild          = "The Argent Dawn";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N, I am Azore Aldamort.";
     Model          = 11794;
     AttackSpeed    = 1273;
     CombatReach    = 0.8f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.306f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 30;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 70;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Flags1   = 0x0480046;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.ArgentDawn;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.IncredibleDrops, 100f) };
Beispiel #27
 public KruegSkullsplitter() : base()
     Id             = 4544;
     Level          = RandomLevel(37);
     Name           = "Krueg Skullsplitter";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N, I am Krueg Skullsplitter.";
     Model          = 4204;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.372f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     Flags1   = 0x08400046;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.MagranClanCentaure;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(3385, (InventoryTypes)17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyC, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.HighDrops, 100f) };
 public HenchmanValik() : base()
     Id             = 2333;
     Level          = RandomLevel(30);
     Name           = "Henchman Valik";
     NpcText00      = "Greetings $N, I am Henchman Valik.";
     Model          = 3636;
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     CombatReach    = 1.5f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.306f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level);
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level, (1.1f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * Level);
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog | (int)NpcActions.SpiritHealer;
     Flags1   = 0x080046;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Horde;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Equip(new Item(24594, (InventoryTypes)13, 2, 14, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0));
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyB, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.AdvancedDrops, 100f) };
 public MasterEngineerZinfizzlex() : base()
     Id             = 13377;
     Level          = RandomLevel(60);
     Name           = "Master Engineer Zinfizzlex";
     Model          = 13439;
     AttackSpeed    = 1061;
     CombatReach    = 1.39f;
     BoundingRadius = 0.85f;
     Armor          = MobArmorHP.GetMobArmor(Level);
     Size           = 1.0f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 5f;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Elite          = 1;
     BaseHitPoints  = MobArmorHP.GetMobHP(Level) * 2;
     SetDamage((0.8f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * (Level * (Elite + 1f)), (1.2f * AttackSpeed / 1000f) * (Level * (Elite + 1f)));
     BaseMana = Level * 70;
     NpcFlags = (int)NpcActions.Dialog;
     NpcType  = (int)NpcTypes.Humanoid;
     Faction  = Factions.Ogrimmar;
     AIEngine = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyD, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(WorldDrops.IncredibleDrops, 100f)
                                     , new BaseTreasure(new Loot[] {
             new Loot(typeof(Runecloth), 24.6f)
         }, 100f) };
        public Ironback() : base()
            Id           = 8213;
            Model        = 7840;
            AttackSpeed  = 1300;
            Name         = "Ironback";
            Flags1       = 0x010080010;
            Level        = RandomLevel(51);
            ResistArcane = Level;
            ResistFire   = Level * 3;
            ResistFrost  = Level;
            ResistHoly   = Level;
            ResistNature = Level;
            ResistShadow = Level;
            Str          = (int)(Level * 3.95f);
            NpcType      = (int)NpcTypes.Beast;
            Armor        = 6060;
            Block        = Level + 30;

            NpcFlags       = 0;
            CombatReach    = 0.8f;
            BoundingRadius = 1.00000f;
            SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
            ManaType  = 1; BaseMana = 0;
            Family    = 21;
            Elite     = 4;
            Speed     = 3.9f;
            WalkSpeed = 3.9f;
            RunSpeed  = 6.9f;
            Size      = 1.0f;
            Faction   = Factions.NoFaction;
            AIEngine  = new DefensiveAnimalAI(this);
            BCAddon.Hp(this, 2980, 51);
            Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TurtleDrops.Ironback, 100f) };