Beispiel #1
 private static void AddDefNodeToTree(List <InfoRow> defList, int parentId, DefectTreeNode parent)
     foreach (var t in defList)
         if (t.ParentId != parentId)
         var child = parent.AddChild(new InfoRow("", t.Description, t.ParentId,
                                                 t.CGrConstr, t.CountOfColumns));
         AddDefNodeToTree(defList, t.CGrConstr, child);
Beispiel #2
        private static DefectTreeNode BuildDefectTree()
                var defList = new List <InfoRow>();
                using (var connection = new SqliteConnection(ConnectionClass.NewDatabasePath))
                    /** 1) Построение дерева по типам конструкций*/
                    var command = connection.CreateCommand();
                    command.CommandText = string.Format("select TABLE_NAMES.C_GR_CONSTR, TABLE_NAMES.SYS_NAME, TABLE_NAMES.DESCRIPTION, " +
                                                        " TABLE_NAMES.PARENT_VIEW, PARENT_ID, S_GR_CONSTR.ITEM_TYPE from TABLE_NAMES\n" +
                                                        " left outer join S_GR_CONSTR on S_GR_CONSTR.C_GR_CONSTR=TABLE_NAMES.C_GR_CONSTR\n" +
                                                        " where TABLE_NAMES.PARENT_VIEW != -1 and TABLE_NAMES.C_GR_CONSTR in (select distinct C_GR_CONSTR from S_DEF4CONSTR where C_GR_CONSTR < 100000 " +
                                                        " and C_GR_CONSTR > 0\n" +
                                                        " union all\n" +
                                                        " select distinct PARENT_GROUP from S_GR_CONSTR where PARENT_GROUP < 100000 and PARENT_GROUP > 0)\n" +
                                                        " group by TABLE_NAMES.C_GR_CONSTR, TABLE_NAMES.SYS_NAME, TABLE_NAMES.DESCRIPTION, TABLE_NAMES.PARENT_VIEW, PARENT_ID, ITEM_TYPE");
                    command.CommandTimeout = 30;
                    command.CommandType    = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                    using (var datareader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        if (datareader.HasRows)
                            while (datareader.Read())
                                defList.Add(new InfoRow("", Convert.ToString(datareader["DESCRIPTION"]), Convert.ToInt32(datareader["PARENT_ID"]),
                                                        Convert.ToInt32(datareader["C_GR_CONSTR"]), datareader["ITEM_TYPE"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(datareader["ITEM_TYPE"]) : -100));

                    /** 2) Добавление дефектов к конструкциям */
                    command                = connection.CreateCommand();
                    command.CommandText    = "select C_GR_CONSTR, TEXT, PARENT_GROUP, ITEM_TYPE from S_GR_CONSTR where C_GR_CONSTR > 100000";
                    command.CommandTimeout = 30;
                    command.CommandType    = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                    using (var datareader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        if (datareader.HasRows)
                            while (datareader.Read())
                                defList.Add(new InfoRow("", Convert.ToString(datareader["TEXT"]), Convert.ToInt32(datareader["PARENT_GROUP"]),
                                                        Convert.ToInt32(datareader["C_GR_CONSTR"]), Convert.ToInt32(datareader["ITEM_TYPE"])));
                DefectTreeNode root     = null;
                var            parentId = -1;
                foreach (var row in defList)
                    if (row.CGrConstr != 10)
                    root     = new DefectTreeNode(new InfoRow("", row.Description, row.ParentId, row.CGrConstr, row.CountOfColumns));
                    parentId = row.CGrConstr;
                foreach (var t in defList)
                    if (t.ParentId != parentId)
                    if (root == null)
                    var child = root.AddChild(new InfoRow("", t.Description, t.ParentId,
                                                          t.CGrConstr, t.CountOfColumns));
                    AddDefNodeToTree(defList, t.CGrConstr, child);
            catch (Exception exception)
Beispiel #3
 public static DefectTreeNode GetDefectTree()
     return(_defectTreeNode ?? (_defectTreeNode = BuildDefectTree()));
        private List <Ais7IssoDefect> CreateDefectList(int cIsso)
                // Параметр который будем возвращать
                var defectsList = new List <Ais7IssoDefect>();
                using (var connection = new SqliteConnection(ConnectionClass.NewDatabasePath))
                    var command = connection.CreateCommand();
                    command.CommandText =
                        "select i_defect.c_isso, i_defect.n_def, i_defect.c_defect, i_defect.c_gr_constr, " +
                        "coalesce(ord, s_gr_constr.MAIN_CONSTR_ID) as ord, i_defect.n_constr,, " +
                        "i_defect.B, i_defect.B1, i_defect.D, i_defect.D1, i_defect.R, i_defect.R1, i_defect.G, i_defect.G1, " +
                        "i_defect.DATE as date_defect, i_defect.DATEF as date_end, i_def_mod.l_def, i_def_mod.w_def, s_defect.n_defect, n_rem, " +
                        "sn_unit_dime, v_rem, count(i_foto_def.n_def) as fotocount, s_gr_constr.MAIN_CONSTR_ID " +
                        "from i_defect " + "left outer join i_def_mod on  " + "i_def_mod.c_isso = i_defect.c_isso and  " +
                        "i_def_mod.n_def = i_defect.n_def and " +
                        " = (select max(date) from i_def_mod d2 where  " +
                        "d2.c_isso = i_defect.c_isso and  " + "d2.n_def = i_defect.n_def) " +
                        "left outer join s_defect on s_defect.c_defect = i_defect.c_defect " +
                        "left outer join s_rem on s_rem.c_rem = i_def_mod.c_rem " +
                        "left outer join s_unit_dimension on s_unit_dimension.c_unit_dimen = s_rem.ind_unit " +
                        "left outer join i_foto_def on i_foto_def.c_isso = i_defect.c_isso and i_foto_def.n_def = i_defect.n_def and " +
                        " = " +
                        "left outer join s_gr_constr on s_gr_constr.C_GR_CONSTR = i_defect.C_GR_CONSTR " +
                        $"where i_defect.c_isso = {cIsso} " +
                        "group by i_defect.c_isso, i_defect.n_def, i_defect.c_defect, i_defect.c_gr_constr, i_defect.n_constr,, " +
                        "i_defect.B, i_defect.B1, i_defect.D, i_defect.D1, i_defect.R, i_defect.R1, i_defect.G, i_defect.G1, " +
                        "i_defect.DATE, i_defect.DATEF, i_def_mod.l_def, n_rem, sn_unit_dime, v_rem, l_def, i_def_mod.w_def, n_defect, " +
                        "s_gr_constr.c_gr_constr, ord, s_gr_constr.MAIN_CONSTR_ID order by ord, i_defect.n_constr, i_defect.n_def";
                    command.CommandTimeout = 30;
                    command.CommandType    = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

                    var commandParam = connection.CreateCommand();
                    commandParam.CommandText = "select i_defect.n_def, s_defparam.c_defparam, " +
                                               "   n_defparam, category, value, sn_unit_dime, min(s_defparamvalue.c_unit_dimen) c_unit_dimen " +
                                               "from i_def_descr left outer join i_def_mod on i_def_descr.c_isso = i_def_mod.c_isso and i_def_descr.n_def = " +
                                               "       i_def_mod.n_def and " +
                                               "     left outer join i_defect on i_def_mod.c_isso = i_defect.c_isso and i_def_mod.n_def = i_defect.n_def " +
                                               "     left outer join s_defparam on s_defparam.c_defparam = i_def_descr.c_defparam " +
                                               "     left outer join s_defparamvalue on s_defparamvalue.c_defect=i_defect.c_defect and " +
                                               "       s_defparamvalue.c_gr_constr = i_defect.c_gr_constr and " +
                                               "                                        s_defparamvalue.c_defparam = i_def_descr.c_defparam " +
                                               "     left outer join s_unit_dimension on s_defparamvalue.c_unit_dimen = s_unit_dimension.c_unit_dimen " +
                                               "where = (select max(date) from i_def_mod d2 where  " +
                                               "            d2.c_isso = i_defect.c_isso and  " +
                                               $"            d2.n_def = i_defect.n_def) and i_def_descr.c_isso = {cIsso}" +
                                               " group by i_defect.n_def, s_defparam.c_defparam, n_defparam, category, value, sn_unit_dime";
                    commandParam.CommandTimeout = 30;
                    commandParam.CommandType    = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
                    using (var datareader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        if (datareader.HasRows)
                            var indexDef = 1;
                            while (datareader.Read())
                                var issoDefect = new Ais7IssoDefect
                                    Ord      = indexDef,
                                    NDef     = Convert.ToInt16(datareader["N_DEF"]),
                                    HasPhoto = datareader["fotocount"] != DBNull.Value &&
                                               Convert.ToInt16(datareader["fotocount"]) > 0

                                var cGrConstr = Convert.ToInt32(datareader["C_GR_CONSTR"]);
                                issoDefect.IsDefCompleted = datareader["date_end"] != DBNull.Value;
                                issoDefect.MainConstrId   = Convert.ToInt32(datareader["MAIN_CONSTR_ID"]);
                                var cConstr = datareader["N_CONSTR"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt16(datareader["N_CONSTR"]) : -100;
                                var constr  = DefectTreeNode.GetConstrFullName(DefectTreeNode, cGrConstr, cConstr);
                                var lDef    = datareader["L_DEF"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToString(datareader["L_DEF"]) : "";
                                var mainC   = DefectTreeNode.GetConstrMainName(DefectTreeNode, cGrConstr, cConstr);
                                //issoDefect.Location = defTree.getConstrFullName(defTree, CGrConstr, c_constr);
                                issoDefect.Location   = mainC + (constr.Equals("") ? "" : ". " + constr) + (lDef.Equals("") ? "" : ". " + lDef);
                                issoDefect.NameConstr = DefectTreeNode.GetConstrMainName(DefectTreeNode, cGrConstr, cConstr);
                                var wDef = datareader["W_DEF"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToString(datareader["W_DEF"]) : "";
                                issoDefect.NDefect = Convert.ToString(datareader["N_DEFECT"]) + (!wDef.Equals("") ? ". " + wDef : "");
                                var b  = datareader["B"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt16(datareader["B"]) : 0;
                                var b1 = datareader["B1"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt16(datareader["B1"]) : 0;
                                var d  = datareader["D"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt16(datareader["D"]) : 0;
                                var d1 = datareader["D1"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt16(datareader["D1"]) : 0;
                                var r  = datareader["R"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt16(datareader["R"]) : 0;
                                var r1 = datareader["R1"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt16(datareader["R1"]) : 0;
                                var g  = Convert.ToInt16(datareader["G"]) == 1;
                                var g1 = Convert.ToInt16(datareader["G1"]) == 1;
                                issoDefect.Category =
                                    $"Б{(b == b1 ? Convert.ToString(b) : $"{b}/{b1}")}, Д{(d == d1 ? Convert.ToString(d) : $"{d}/{d1}")}, Р{(r == r1 ? Convert.ToString(r) : $"{r}/{r1}")}{(g ? (!g1 ? ", (Г)" : ", Г") : "")}";