/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public DotNetUniversalPlugAndPlayManager()
            Provider = new DefaultProvider();

            var configurationStorage = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IConfigurationStorage>().Singleton;
            configurationStorage.ConfigurationChanged += ConfigurationStorage_ConfigurationChanged;
        public void TestSlidingExpiration()
            if (!SupportsSlidingExpiration)
                Assert.Ignore("Provider does not support sliding expiration settings");

            const int    expirySeconds = 3;
            const string key           = "keyTestSlidingExpiration";
            var          obj           = new SomeObject {
                Id = 2

            var props = GetPropertiesForExpiration(Cfg.Environment.CacheDefaultExpiration, expirySeconds.ToString());

            props["cache.use_sliding_expiration"] = "true";
            var cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("TestObjectExpiration", props);

            cache.Put(key, obj);
            // Wait up to 1 sec before expiration
            Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expirySeconds - 1));
            Assert.That(cache.Get(key), Is.Not.Null, "Missing entry for key");

            // Wait up to 1 sec before expiration again
            Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expirySeconds - 1));
            Assert.That(cache.Get(key), Is.Not.Null, "Missing entry for key after get and wait less than expiration");

            // Wait expiration
            Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(expirySeconds + 1));

            // Check it expired
            Assert.That(cache.Get(key), Is.Null, "Unexpected entry for key after expiration");
        public void TestExpiration()
            var cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("foo", null) as SysCacheRegion;

            Assert.That(cache, Is.Not.Null, "pre-configured foo cache not found");
            Assert.That(RelativeExpirationField.GetValue(cache), Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(500)), "Unexpected expiration value for foo region");

            // In the case of SysCache2, due to the SQL notification callbacks which may be set up for each configured region,
            // the build provider handles a global region cache and guarantees uniqueness of yielded cache region per region name
            // for the whole application.
            cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("noExplicitExpiration1", null) as SysCacheRegion;
            Assert.That(RelativeExpirationField.GetValue(cache), Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300)),
                        "Unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration1 region");
            Assert.That(UseSlidingExpirationField.GetValue(cache), Is.True, "Unexpected sliding value for noExplicitExpiration1 region");

            cache = DefaultProvider
                    .BuildCache("noExplicitExpiration2", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "expiration", "100" }
            }) as SysCacheRegion;
            Assert.That(RelativeExpirationField.GetValue(cache), Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100)),
                        "Unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration2 region with default expiration");

            cache = DefaultProvider
                    .BuildCache("noExplicitExpiration3", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { Cfg.Environment.CacheDefaultExpiration, "50" }
            }) as SysCacheRegion;
            Assert.That(RelativeExpirationField.GetValue(cache), Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(50)),
                        "Unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration3 region with cache.default_expiration");
        protected CacheBase GetDefaultCache()
            var cache = (CacheBase)DefaultProvider.BuildCache(DefaultRegion, GetDefaultProperties());

            Assert.That(cache, Is.Not.Null, "No default cache returned");
Beispiel #5
        public void TestExpiration()
            var cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("foo", null) as RedisCache;

            Assert.That(cache, Is.Not.Null, "pre-configured foo cache not found");

            var strategy = cache.RegionStrategy;

            Assert.That(strategy, Is.Not.Null, "strategy was not set for the pre-configured foo cache");
            Assert.That(strategy, Is.TypeOf <DefaultRegionStrategy>(), "unexpected strategy type for foo region");
            Assert.That(strategy.Expiration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(500)), "unexpected expiration value for foo region");

            cache = (RedisCache)DefaultProvider.BuildCache("noExplicitExpiration", null);
            Assert.That(cache.RegionStrategy.Expiration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300)),
                        "unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration region");
            Assert.That(cache.RegionStrategy.UseSlidingExpiration, Is.True, "unexpected sliding value for noExplicitExpiration region");

            cache = (RedisCache)DefaultProvider
                    .BuildCache("noExplicitExpiration", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "expiration", "100" }
            Assert.That(cache.RegionStrategy.Expiration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100)),
                        "unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration region with default expiration");

            cache = (RedisCache)DefaultProvider
                    .BuildCache("noExplicitExpiration", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { Cfg.Environment.CacheDefaultExpiration, "50" }
            Assert.That(cache.RegionStrategy.Expiration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(50)),
                        "unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration region with cache.default_expiration");
        public void TestExpiration()
            var cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("foo", null) as CoreDistributedCache;

            Assert.That(cache, Is.Not.Null, "pre-configured foo cache not found");
            Assert.That(cache.Expiration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(500)), "Unexpected expiration value for foo region");

            cache = (CoreDistributedCache)DefaultProvider.BuildCache("noExplicitExpiration", null);
            Assert.That(cache.Expiration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300)),
                        "Unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration region");
            Assert.That(cache.UseSlidingExpiration, Is.True, "Unexpected sliding value for noExplicitExpiration region");

            cache = (CoreDistributedCache)DefaultProvider
                    .BuildCache("noExplicitExpiration", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "expiration", "100" }
            Assert.That(cache.Expiration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100)),
                        "Unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration region with default expiration");

            cache = (CoreDistributedCache)DefaultProvider
                                new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { Cfg.Environment.CacheDefaultExpiration, "50" }
            Assert.That(cache.Expiration, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(50)),
                        "Unexpected expiration value for noExplicitExpiration region with cache.default_expiration");
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public FlightSimulatorXPresenter()
            Provider          = new DefaultProvider();
            _FlightSimulatorX = Factory.Singleton.Resolve <IFlightSimulatorX>();

            Factory.Singleton.Resolve <IConfigurationStorage>().Singleton.ConfigurationChanged += ConfigurationStorage_ConfigurationChanged;
        protected ICache GetCacheForExpiration(string cacheRegion, string expirationSetting, int expirySeconds)
            var props = GetPropertiesForExpiration(expirationSetting, expirySeconds.ToString());
            var cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache(cacheRegion, props);

        public void TestPriorityOutOfRange()
            var props = GetDefaultProperties();

            props["priority"] = 7.ToString();
            Assert.That(() => DefaultProvider.BuildCache("TestPriorityOutOfRange", props),
                        Throws.TypeOf <IndexOutOfRangeException>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public DotNetUniversalPlugAndPlayManager()
            Provider = new DefaultProvider();

            var configurationStorage = Factory.Singleton.Resolve <IConfigurationStorage>().Singleton;

            configurationStorage.ConfigurationChanged += ConfigurationStorage_ConfigurationChanged;
        public void TestNoExpiration()
            var props = GetDefaultProperties();

            props["expiration"] = "0";
            Assert.Throws <CacheException>(() => DefaultProvider.BuildCache(DefaultRegion, props),
                                           "default region strategy should not allow to have no expiration");
Beispiel #12
        public static void PrintMessages()
            var proxy   = DefaultProvider.GetDefaultRepository();
            var csvText = proxy.GetCsvMessages();

            Console.WriteLine("CSV response");
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public FlightSimulatorPresenter()
            Provider          = new DefaultProvider();
            _FlightSimulatorX = Factory.Resolve <IFlightSimulator>();
            _Clock            = Factory.Resolve <IClock>();

            Factory.ResolveSingleton <IConfigurationStorage>().ConfigurationChanged += ConfigurationStorage_ConfigurationChanged;
            Factory.ResolveSingleton <IFeedManager>().FeedsChanged += FeedManager_FeedsChanged;
Beispiel #14
 protected virtual void OnWindowManagerCheckToggled(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (window_manager_check.Active)
     WindowManager = window_manager_check.Active = DefaultProvider.IsWindowManager;
     window_manager_check.Sensitive = !window_manager_check.Active;
        private RedisCache GetDefaultRedisCache(Dictionary <string, string> properties = null)
            var props = GetDefaultProperties();

            foreach (var property in properties ?? new Dictionary <string, string>())
                props[property.Key] = property.Value;
            return((RedisCache)DefaultProvider.BuildCache(DefaultRegion, props));
        private RedisCache GetFastRedisCache(Dictionary <string, string> properties = null)
            var props = GetDefaultProperties();

            foreach (var property in properties ?? new Dictionary <string, string>())
                props[property.Key] = property.Value;
            props["strategy"] = typeof(FastRegionStrategy).AssemblyQualifiedName;
            return((RedisCache)DefaultProvider.BuildCache(DefaultRegion, props));
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public StandingDataManager()
            Lock        = new object();
            Provider    = new DefaultProvider();
            RouteStatus = Strings.NotLoaded;

            var configurationStorage = Factory.ResolveSingleton <IConfigurationStorage>();

            _DatabaseFileName = Path.Combine(configurationStorage.Folder, "StandingData.sqb");
            _StateFileName    = Path.Combine(configurationStorage.Folder, "FlightNumberCoverage.csv");
Beispiel #18
        public static IAclProvider Deny(string resource, string verb, params string[] subjects)
            List <AccessRule> acls = new List <AccessRule>();

            resource = resource.ToLower();
            verb     = verb.ToLower();
            foreach (string subject in subjects)
                acls.Add(new Deny(resource, verb, subject.ToLower()));
        protected async override Task <int> ExecuteInternalAsync()
            string defaultProvider = DefaultProvider.Value();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultProvider) && UseDefault.HasValue())
                defaultProvider = Settings.DefaultProvider;
            await CreateManifestAsync(defaultProvider, DefaultDestination.Value(), Settings, DefaultProvider.LongName, CancellationToken.None);

Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource"></param>
        /// <param name="subjects"></param>
        /// <returns><see cref="true"/> if the <paramref name="subjects"/> specified have at least one rule that allow them to do something within the resource hierarchy</returns>
        public static bool CanBrowse(string resource, params string[] subjects)
            resource = resource.ToLower();
            foreach (AccessRule acl in DefaultProvider.GetAcls(resource, "*"))
                if (acl.Type == AccessRules.Allow)

Beispiel #21
        private ILibraryInstallationState SetDefaultProviderIfNeeded(LibraryInstallationState desiredState)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultProvider))
                DefaultProvider = desiredState.ProviderId;
                desiredState.IsUsingDefaultProvider = true;
            else if (DefaultProvider.Equals(desiredState.ProviderId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                desiredState.IsUsingDefaultProvider = true;

Beispiel #22
        public void TestBadRelativeExpiration([ValueSource(nameof(ExpirationSettingNames))] string expirationSetting)
            if (!SupportsDefaultExpiration)
                Assert.Ignore("Provider does not support default expiration settings");

            var props = GetPropertiesForExpiration(expirationSetting, "foobar");

                () => DefaultProvider.BuildCache("TestBadRelativeExpiration", props),
                Throws.ArgumentException.Or.TypeOf <FormatException>(),
        public void TestMaxAllowedVersion()
            var cache    = (RedisCache)GetDefaultCache();
            var strategy = (DefaultRegionStrategy)cache.RegionStrategy;
            var version  = strategy.CurrentVersion;

            var props = GetDefaultProperties();

            props.Add("cache.region_strategy.default.max_allowed_version", version.ToString());
            cache    = (RedisCache)DefaultProvider.BuildCache(DefaultRegion, props);
            strategy = (DefaultRegionStrategy)cache.RegionStrategy;


            Assert.That(strategy.CurrentVersion, Is.EqualTo(1L), "the version was not reset to 1");
Beispiel #24
        public void TestRegions()
            const string key    = "keyTestRegions";
            var          props  = GetDefaultProperties();
            var          cache1 = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("TestRegions1", props);
            var          cache2 = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("TestRegions2", props);
            const string s1     = "test1";
            const string s2     = "test2";

            cache1.Put(key, s1);
            cache2.Put(key, s2);
            var get1 = cache1.Get(key);
            var get2 = cache2.Get(key);

            Assert.That(get1, Is.EqualTo(s1), "Unexpected value in cache1");
            Assert.That(get2, Is.EqualTo(s2), "Unexpected value in cache2");
Beispiel #25
        public async Task TestRegionsAsync()
            const string key    = "keyTestRegions";
            var          props  = GetDefaultProperties();
            var          cache1 = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("TestRegions1", props);
            var          cache2 = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("TestRegions2", props);
            const string s1     = "test1";
            const string s2     = "test2";

            await(cache1.PutAsync(key, s1, CancellationToken.None));
            await(cache2.PutAsync(key, s2, CancellationToken.None));
            var get1 = await(cache1.GetAsync(key, CancellationToken.None));
            var get2 = await(cache2.GetAsync(key, CancellationToken.None));

            Assert.That(get1, Is.EqualTo(s1), "Unexpected value in cache1");
            Assert.That(get2, Is.EqualTo(s2), "Unexpected value in cache2");
Beispiel #26
        public static void SendDefaultMessage()
            var proxy   = DefaultProvider.GetDefaultRepository();
            var csvText = proxy.GetCsvMessages();

            var command = "/stock=APPL.US quote is $93.42 per share";
            var result  = proxy.AddMessage(command);

            if (result.Status)
                Console.WriteLine("Message sent successfully!");
                Console.WriteLine("Message sent with errors: " + result.OutputMessage);
Beispiel #27
        static AclManager()
            Providers = new Dictionary <string, IAclProvider>();
            AclConfigurationSection configSection = (AclConfigurationSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("nacl");
            if (configSection != null)
                foreach (ProviderElement provider in configSection.Providers)
                    IAclProvider securityProvider = provider.Provider;
                    Providers.Add(provider.Name, securityProvider);
                    if (provider.Name == configSection.DefaultProviderName)
                        DefaultProvider = securityProvider;
                foreach (Ace ace in configSection.Rights)
                    AccessRule privilege = null;
                    switch (ace.Type)
                    case AccessRules.Allow:
                        privilege = new Allow(ace.Resource, ace.Verb, ace.Subject);

                    case AccessRules.Deny:
                        privilege = new Deny(ace.Resource, ace.Verb, ace.Subject);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ace.TargetProvider))
            DefaultProvider = new MemoryProvider();
Beispiel #28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Localization ======================================================
            //I18N i18n = I18N.Load("lt");
            // Does return prevent from finally block ============================
            //    Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"This is a try catch block.");
            //    return;
            //    Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"And this is a FINALLY block");
            //    Console.Read();
            // WebServices =======================================================
            WebService ws = new WebService();
            var        dp = new DefaultProvider(ws);

            var ats = Console.ReadLine()?.ToLower() == "t";

            if (!dp.TestAlive(ats))
                Console.Out.WriteLine("<cxml1.0>\r\n  <status>error</status>\r\n  <message type=\"error\">Couldn't connect</message>\r\n</cxml1.0>");

            string xmlEmployee = $"<cxml1.0>\n" +
                                 $"    <header>\n" +
                                 $"        <language>LT</language>\n" +
                                 $"        <function>GET_Employee</function>\n" +
                                 $"        <params>\n" +
                                 $"            <id>{Console.ReadLine()}</id>\n" +
                                 $"        </params>\n" +
                                 $"    </header>\n" +


        public void TestAppendHashcodeToKey()
            Assert.That(CoreDistributedCacheProvider.AppendHashcodeToKey, Is.True, "Default is not true");

            var cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("foo", null) as CoreDistributedCache;

            Assert.That(cache.AppendHashcodeToKey, Is.True, "First built cache not correctly set");

            CoreDistributedCacheProvider.AppendHashcodeToKey = false;
                cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("foo", null) as CoreDistributedCache;
                Assert.That(cache.AppendHashcodeToKey, Is.False, "Second built cache not correctly set");
                CoreDistributedCacheProvider.AppendHashcodeToKey = true;
Beispiel #30
        public void TestRemove144()
            string key   = "keyTestRemove144";
            string value = "value";

            //memcached 1.4+ drops support for expiration time specified for Delete operations
            //therefore if you install memcached 1.4.4 this test will fail unless corresponding fix is implemented in MemCacheClient.cs
            //the test will fail because Remove won't actually delete the item from the cache!
            //the error you will see in the log is: "Error deleting key: nunit@key1.  Server response: CLIENT_ERROR bad command line format.  Usage: delete <key> [noreply]"

            //Now, Memcached.ClientLibrary incorrectly divides expiration time for Delete operation by 1000
            //(for Add and Set operations the expiration time is calculated correctly)
            //that's why we need to set expiration to 20000, otherwise it will be treated as 20ms which is too small to be sent to server (the minimum value is 1 second)
            var props = GetDefaultProperties();

            props["expiration"] = "20000";

            //disabling lingering delete will cause the item to get immediately deleted
            //this parameter is NEW and the code to make it work is part of the proposed fix
            props.Add("lingering_delete_disabled", "true");

            var cache = DefaultProvider.BuildCache("TestRemove144", props);

            Assert.That(cache, Is.Not.Null, "no cache returned");

            // add the item
            cache.Put(key, value);

            // make sure it's there
            var item = cache.Get(key);

            Assert.That(item, Is.Not.Null, "item just added is not there");

            // remove it

            // make sure it's not there
            item = cache.Get(key);
            Assert.That(item, Is.Null, "item still exists in cache");
        public void TestClearWithMultipleClientsAndNoPubSub()
            const string key   = "keyTestClear";
            const string value = "valueClear";

            var props = GetDefaultProperties();

            props.Add("cache.region_strategy.default.use_pubsub", "false");

            var cache     = (RedisCache)DefaultProvider.BuildCache(DefaultRegion, props);
            var strategy  = (DefaultRegionStrategy)cache.RegionStrategy;
            var cache2    = (RedisCache)DefaultProvider.BuildCache(DefaultRegion, props);
            var strategy2 = (DefaultRegionStrategy)cache2.RegionStrategy;

            // add the item
            cache.Put(key, value);

            // make sure it's there
            var item = cache.Get(key);

            Assert.That(item, Is.Not.Null, "couldn't find item in cache");

            item = cache2.Get(key);
            Assert.That(item, Is.Not.Null, "couldn't find item in second cache");

            var version = strategy.CurrentVersion;

            // clear the cache

            Assert.That(strategy.CurrentVersion, Is.EqualTo(version + 1), "the version has not been updated");
            Assert.That(strategy2.CurrentVersion, Is.EqualTo(version), "the version should not be updated");

            // make sure we don't get an item
            item = cache.Get(key);
            Assert.That(item, Is.Null, "item still exists in cache after clear");

            item = cache2.Get(key);
            Assert.That(item, Is.Null, "item still exists in the second cache after clear");
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public PluginSettingsStorage()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
        #pragma warning restore 0067

        public MonoUniversalPlugAndPlayManager()
            Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 public BaseStationDatabaseStub()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public InstallerSettingsStorage()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public WebServer()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
     Port = ExternalPort = 80;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public BackgroundDataDownloader()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public WebSite()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public Plugin()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
     Status = PluginStrings.Disabled;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public ConnectionClientLogPresenter()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public MainPresenter()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public OptionsPresenter()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public ExternalIPAddressService()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public BaseStationAircraftList()
            Provider = new DefaultProvider();

            _PictureManager = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IAircraftPictureManager>().Singleton;
            _PictureDirectoryCache = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IAutoConfigPictureFolderCache>().Singleton.DirectoryCache;
            _PictureDirectoryCache.CacheChanged += PictureDirectoryCache_CacheChanged;

            _PictureLookupQueue.StartBackgroundThread(SearchForPicture, (ex) => { OnExceptionCaught(new EventArgs<Exception>(ex)); });
            _DatabaseLookupQueue.StartBackgroundThread(LoadAircraftDetails, (ex) => { OnExceptionCaught(new EventArgs<Exception>(ex)); });
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public StatisticsPresenter()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public Database()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
     _ConfigurationStorage = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IConfigurationStorage>().Singleton;
     _ConfigurationStorage.ConfigurationChanged += ConfigurationStorage_ConfigurationChanged;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public PluginManifestStorage()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public NewVersionChecker()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public PluginManager()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
     LoadedPlugins = new List<IPlugin>();
     IgnoredPlugins = new Dictionary<string, string>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public ConnectionLogger()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public RawMessageTranslator()
            Provider = new DefaultProvider();

            _StandingDataManager = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IStandingDataManager>().Singleton;
            _Statistics = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IStatistics>().Singleton;

            GlobalDecodeAirborneThresholdMilliseconds = 10000;
            GlobalDecodeFastSurfaceThresholdMilliseconds = 25000;
            GlobalDecodeSlowSurfaceThresholdMilliseconds = 50000;
            LocalDecodeMaxSpeedAirborne = 15.0;
            LocalDecodeMaxSpeedTransition = 5.0;
            LocalDecodeMaxSpeedSurface = 3.0;
            ReceiverRangeKilometres = 650;
            TrackingTimeoutSeconds = 600;
            AcceptIcaoInPI0Count = 1;
            AcceptIcaoInPI0Milliseconds = 1000;

            _CompactPositionReporting = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<ICompactPositionReporting>();

            _HeartbeatService = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IHeartbeatService>().Singleton;
            _HeartbeatService.SlowTick += Heartbeat_SlowTick;
 public LogDatabaseStub()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public StandingDataManager()
            Lock = new object();
            Provider = new DefaultProvider();
            RouteStatus = Strings.NotLoaded;

            var configurationStorage = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IConfigurationStorage>().Singleton;
            _DatabaseFileName = Path.Combine(configurationStorage.Folder, "StandingData.sqb");
            _StateFileName = Path.Combine(configurationStorage.Folder, "FlightNumberCoverage.csv");
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public SplashPresenter()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
Beispiel #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public Log()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public ConfigurationStorage()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public DirectoryCache()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();
     Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IHeartbeatService>().Singleton.SlowTick += HeartbeatService_SlowTick;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new object.
        /// </summary>
        public FlightSimulatorXPresenter()
            Provider = new DefaultProvider();
            _FlightSimulatorX = Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IFlightSimulatorX>();

            Factory.Singleton.Resolve<IConfigurationStorage>().Singleton.ConfigurationChanged += ConfigurationStorage_ConfigurationChanged;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new object.
 /// </summary>
 public Database()
     Provider = new DefaultProvider();