public async Task GetBookingsAsync_WhenNoData()
            // Create test data before the call

            // Make the call
            DefaultBookingService service = new DefaultBookingService(_context);
            var result = await service.GetBookingsAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            // Validate the result
            Assert.Equal(0, Enumerable.Count <Booking>(result));
        public async Task GetBookingsAsync_WhenHasData()
            // Create test data before the call
            var bookings = BookingEntity.GenerateTestData();


            // Make the call
            DefaultBookingService service = new DefaultBookingService(_context);
            var result = await service.GetBookingsAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            // Validate the result
            Assert.Equal(bookings.Length, Enumerable.Count <Booking>(result));