Beispiel #1
        private void btnGenerateRandomKeys_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //reset all values
            ee  = 0;
            d   = 0;
            phi = 0;
            n   = 0;
            q   = 0;
            p   = 0;
            //generate random keys
            //1- build p and q

                p = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GetRandomPrimeNumber();
                q = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GetRandomPrimeNumber();
            } while (p == q);
            //2- build n and build phi
            n = p * q;

            //3- build phi
            phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1);

            //4- build e
                ee = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.RandomIntegerBelowBigger(1, phi);
            } while (DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GCD(ee, phi) != 1);

            //5- build d
            d = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.modInverse(ee, phi);
            //put all results
            TextBoxKeyE.Text = ee.ToString();
            TextBoxKeyN.Text = n.ToString();
            TextBoxKeyD.Text = d.ToString();
Beispiel #2
        private void btnEncrypte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //reset result of encryption for each new encryption
            if (TextBoxKeyResult.Text != string.Empty)
                TextBoxKeyResult.Text = string.Empty;

            //before doing Encrypte we have to :
            //1- make sure Message is not empty
            //2- the key e and the key n and d are not empty
            if (TextBoxMessage.Text == string.Empty)
                MessageBox.Show("Please Provide the Message first!", "Missing Info!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            else if ((TextBoxKeyE.Text == string.Empty || TextBoxKeyE.Text == "0") || (TextBoxKeyN.Text == "0" || TextBoxKeyN.Text == string.Empty) || (TextBoxKeyD.Text == "0" || TextBoxKeyD.Text == string.Empty))
                MessageBox.Show("Please Provide The Key N and The Key E with D or Generate Randomly to Encrypte", "Missing Info!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            //else if e and n and message is provided we will encrypte the message and show the result if they are vaild
                ee = BigInteger.Parse(TextBoxKeyE.Text);
                d  = BigInteger.Parse(TextBoxKeyD.Text);
                n  = BigInteger.Parse(TextBoxKeyN.Text);

                richTextBox1.Text = string.Empty;
                List <string>         DivdedUserTextSeven     = TextOperationServices.SplitInParts(TextBoxMessage.Text, 7).ToList();
                List <byte[]>         bytesOfEachWord         = TextOperationServices.GetASCIICode(DivdedUserTextSeven);
                List <List <int> >    BinaryNumbers           = TextOperationServices.GetListOfBinary(bytesOfEachWord);
                List <List <string> > FullBinaryNumber        = TextOperationServices.GetListOfFullBinary(BinaryNumbers);
                List <string>         FullMergedBinaryNumbers = TextOperationServices.GetFullBinaryNumberMerged(FullBinaryNumber);
                List <BigInteger>     FullDecimalOpenText     = TextOperationServices.GetFullTextNumber(FullMergedBinaryNumbers);

                //showing the full representation of open text in numeric form
                for (int i = 0; i < FullDecimalOpenText.Count; i++)
                    //to avoid confustion of many spaces
                    if (i == FullDecimalOpenText.Count)
                        richTextBox1.Text = richTextBox1.Text + FullDecimalOpenText[i].ToString();
                    else if (i == 0)
                        richTextBox1.Text = richTextBox1.Text + FullDecimalOpenText[i].ToString();

                        richTextBox1.Text = richTextBox1.Text + " " + FullDecimalOpenText[i].ToString();

                //build the cipher blocks
                List <BigInteger> CipherBlocks = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GetCipherListText(FullDecimalOpenText, ee, n);

                //showing the full representation of Cipher Text
                for (int i = 0; i < CipherBlocks.Count; i++)
                    //to avoid confustion of many spaces
                    if (i == CipherBlocks.Count)
                        TextBoxKeyResult.Text = TextBoxKeyResult.Text + CipherBlocks[i].ToString();
                    else if (i == 0)
                        TextBoxKeyResult.Text = TextBoxKeyResult.Text + CipherBlocks[i].ToString();

                        TextBoxKeyResult.Text = TextBoxKeyResult.Text + " " + CipherBlocks[i].ToString();
Beispiel #3
        private void btnDecrypte_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //making sure  message is availbe
            //the message should be numbers
            //the 3 keys should be provided
            if (TextBoxMessageToDecrypte.Text == string.Empty)
                MessageBox.Show("Please Provide the Numeric Cipher Message to be Decrypted", "Missing Info!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                //ELSE if text provided we will check if it is only numbers or not
                if (TextBoxMessageToDecrypte.Text.Any(Char.IsLetter))
                    MessageBox.Show("To Decrypte A message you need to provide the Numeric Cipher Numbers!", "Wrong Input!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                //else if text is only numbers
                //                we will have string
                //this string will accept only letters
                //when it reaches space it will be added to list
                //and repedately:) until length of the message
                    if ((TextBoxKeyE.Text == "0" || TextBoxKeyE.Text == string.Empty) || (TextBoxKeyN.Text == "0" || TextBoxKeyN.Text == string.Empty) || (TextBoxKeyN.Text == "0" || TextBoxKeyN.Text == string.Empty))
                        MessageBox.Show("Provide the Key e and n with d to build d or generate Random Keys!!", "Missing Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    //RESEt when user want another decryption
                    CurrentUserCipherWord     = string.Empty;
                    CipherToDecrypted         = new List <BigInteger>();
                    TextBoxDecryptedText.Text = string.Empty;
                    richTextBox3.Text         = string.Empty;

                    //then assign E to text and n to text and build d
                    //then do decryption process
                    ee = BigInteger.Parse(TextBoxKeyE.Text);
                    n  = BigInteger.Parse(TextBoxKeyN.Text);
                    d  = BigInteger.Parse(TextBoxKeyD.Text);

                        for (int i = 0; i < TextBoxMessageToDecrypte.Text.Length; i++)
                            if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(TextBoxMessageToDecrypte.Text[i]))
                                CurrentUserCipherWord = CurrentUserCipherWord + TextBoxMessageToDecrypte.Text[i];
                            else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(TextBoxMessageToDecrypte.Text[i]) && CurrentUserCipherWord != " " && i != TextBoxMessageToDecrypte.TextLength)
                                CurrentUserCipherWord = string.Empty;
                        //to add last element if it is not space
                    catch (System.FormatException w)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please Provide the Start of Cipher without space and end of cipher without space", "Wrong Input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    //decrypte :)
                    List <BigInteger> OTDecryptedBlocks = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GetOTDecrypted(CipherToDecrypted, d, n);

                    //show result
                    for (int i = 0; i < OTDecryptedBlocks.Count; i++)
                        TextBoxDecryptedText.Text = TextBoxDecryptedText.Text + " " + OTDecryptedBlocks[i];

                    //show result back to text form
                    List <string>         FullBinaryMergedN = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GetFullMergedBinaryNumber(OTDecryptedBlocks);
                    List <List <string> > FullBinary7Blocks = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GetBinaryOfEachFullBinaryBlock(FullBinaryMergedN);
                    List <List <byte> >   FullAsciiCode     = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GetASCIIlaterFromBin(FullBinary7Blocks);
                    string finalList = DecryptionAndEncryptionServices.GetWordFromASCII(FullAsciiCode);
                    richTextBox3.Text = finalList;