public async Task <IActionResult> PaidWithCard(StripeChargeForm model)
                var             userId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
                ApplicationUser user   = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

                // Get Price
                ArtifactsPrices price;
                using (var context = new SiteDbContext())
                    price = context.ArtifactsPrices
                            .Where(r => r.Id == model.DealsId)
                            .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault();
                if (price == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Price error");

                // Create or Get Customers
                string stripeId = user.StripeId;
                if (stripeId == null)
                    var newCustomer = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions();
                    newCustomer.Email       = user.Email;
                    newCustomer.Description = $"{model.Name} ({user.UserName})";
                    newCustomer.SourceToken = model.Token;

                    var            customerService = new StripeCustomerService();
                    StripeCustomer stripeCustomer  = customerService.Create(newCustomer);
                    stripeId = stripeCustomer.Id;

                    // Update User
                    user.StripeId = stripeId;
                    await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user);

                // Charge
                var myCharge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions();

                myCharge.Amount      = (int)(price.Price * 100);
                myCharge.Currency    = "eur";
                myCharge.Description = "Le mythe des montagnes - Shop(Id: " + price.Id + ")";
                myCharge.CustomerId  = stripeId;

                var          chargeService = new StripeChargeService();
                StripeCharge stripeCharge  = chargeService.Create(myCharge);

                // Verify
                if (stripeCharge.Status == "succeeded")
                    using (var context = new SiteDbContext())
                        // Add Deal
                        Deals_statistics stats = new Deals_statistics()
                            UserId       = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier),
                            Date         = DateTime.Now,
                            Price        = (double)price.Price,
                            Nb_Artifacts = price.Artifacts,
                            PaymentType  = "Stripe",

                        //Add Artifact
                        Artifacts artifact = context.Artifacts
                                             .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier))
                                             .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault();

                        artifact.Number += (int)price.Artifacts;


                    // Set message
                    TempData["success"] = "Your payment has been successfully completed! You have received your artefacts.";
                    TempData["error"] = "Error during payment, check your card code. If the problem persists contact the support.";

                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ShopController.Finished), "Shop"));
                TempData["error"] = "Error during payment, check your card code. If the problem persists contact the support.";
                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ShopController.Finished), "Shop"));
        // POST: AjaxRedeemGift
        public IActionResult AjaxRedeemGift(string id)
                string jsonString = "[";
                using (var context = new SiteDbContext())
                    var now = DateTime.Now;

                    Gifts gift = context.Gifts
                                 .Where(r => r.Code.Replace("-", "") == id && r.Active == true)
                                 .Select(r => r).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (gift == null)
                        throw new InvalidCastException("Your code is incorrect or has already been used.");
                    if (!(now >= gift.Start && now <= gift.End))
                        throw new InvalidCastException("Your code has expired or is not active yet.");

                    if (!gift.SinglePerAccount)
                        gift.Active = false;

                    // SinglePerAccount
                    if (gift.SinglePerAccount)
                        var AccountAlreadyUseIt = context.Deals_statistics
                                                  .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier) && r.Code.Replace("-", "") == id)
                        if (AccountAlreadyUseIt > 0)
                            throw new InvalidCastException("The code already used by your account.");

                    Deals_statistics stats = new Deals_statistics()
                        UserId       = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier),
                        Date         = DateTime.Now,
                        Code         = gift.Code,
                        Price        = 0,
                        Nb_Artifacts = (int)gift.Artifacts,
                        PaymentType  = "Gift Code",

                    if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr")
                        jsonString += "{ \"Success\" : \"true\",\"Title\" : \"Bravo\",\"Msg\" : \"Vous venez de valider votre code cadeau, les bonus ont été ajoutés à votre compte !\" }";
                        jsonString += "{ \"Success\" : \"true\",\"Title\" : \"Bravo\",\"Msg\" : \"You just validate your gift code, the bonuses have been added to your account !\" }";

                    // Artifacts
                    if (gift.Artifacts != null)
                        if (gift.Artifacts > 0)
                            Artifacts artifact = context.Artifacts
                                                 .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier))
                                                 .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault();

                            artifact.Number += (int)gift.Artifacts;

                            if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr")
                                jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"Artefacts\", \"Text\":\"Vous obtenez " + gift.Artifacts + " artefats.\", \"Img\":\"/images/Game/artifact.svg\"}";
                                jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"Artifacts\", \"Text\":\"You obtain " + gift.Artifacts + " artifacts.\", \"Img\":\"/images/Game/artifact.svg\"}";

                    // Xp
                    if (gift.Experiences != null)
                        if (gift.Experiences > 0)
                            Characters player = context.Characters
                                                .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier))
                                                .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault();

                            player.Xp += (int)gift.Experiences;

                            if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr")
                                jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"Expérience\", \"Text\":\"Vous obtenez " + gift.Experiences + " d'expériences\", \"Img\":\"/images/Game/gold.svg\"}";
                                jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"Experience\", \"Text\":\"You obtain " + gift.Experiences + " experiences.\", \"Img\":\"/images/Game/gold.svg\"}";

                    // Items
                    if (gift.Items != null)
                        IList <string> items = gift.Items.Split(',').ToList();
                        foreach (string item in items)
                            var itemExist = context.Items
                                            .Where(r => r.Id == Int32.Parse(item))
                                            .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (itemExist != null)
                                Inventory inventory = new Inventory()
                                    UserId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier),
                                    ItemId = Int32.Parse(item)

                                if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr")
                                    jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"" + itemExist.TitleFr + "\", \"Text\":\"Vous trouverez l'objet dans votre inventaire.\", \"Img\":\"/uploads/game/cards/items/" + itemExist.Id + ".fr.svg\"}";
                                    jsonString += ",{\"Title\":\"" + itemExist.TitleEn + "\", \"Text\":\"You will find the item in your inventory.\", \"Img\":\"/uploads/game/cards/items/" + itemExist.Id + ".en.svg\"}";



                jsonString += "]";
            catch (InvalidCastException e)
                string jsonString = "[{ \"Success\" : \"false\",\"Title\" : \"Error\",\"Msg\" : \"" + e.Message + "\" }]";
                if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "fr")
                    if (e.Message == "Your code has expired or is not active yet.")
                        jsonString = "[{ \"Success\" : \"false\",\"Title\" : \"Erreur\",\"Msg\" : \"Votre code a expiré ou n'est pas encore actif.\" }]";
                    else if (e.Message == "Your code is incorrect or has already been used.")
                        jsonString = "[{ \"Success\" : \"false\",\"Title\" : \"Erreur\",\"Msg\" : \"Votre code est incorrect ou a déjà été utilisé.\" }]";
                    else if (e.Message == "The code already used by your account.")
                        jsonString = "[{ \"Success\" : \"false\",\"Title\" : \"Erreur\",\"Msg\" : \"Le code à déjà utilisé par votre compte.\" }]";

        public IActionResult HiPaySuccess(string code)
                HttpResponseMessage resultHttp;
                using (var http = new HttpClient())
                    var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[]
                        new KeyValuePair <string, string>("site_id", "338486"),
                        new KeyValuePair <string, string>("product_id", "1486845"),
                        new KeyValuePair <string, string>("code[]", code)
                    resultHttp = http.PostAsync(@"", formContent).Result;

                // Read XML
                ExtendedXmlSerializer serializer = new ExtendedXmlSerializer();
                HIPAYRETURN           dataAPI    = serializer.Deserialize <HIPAYRETURN>(resultHttp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);

                if (dataAPI.status == "0" && dataAPI.status_description == "success")
                    using (var context = new SiteDbContext())
                        double doublePrice = -1.0;
                        double.TryParse(dataAPI.price, out doublePrice);
                        if (doublePrice == -1.0)
                            doublePrice = 0.0;

                        // Add Deal
                        Deals_statistics stats = new Deals_statistics()
                            UserId       = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier),
                            Code         = code + "(" + dataAPI.transaction_id + ")",
                            Date         = DateTime.Now,
                            Price        = doublePrice,
                            Nb_Artifacts = 16,
                            PaymentType  = "HiPay Mobile"

                        //Add Artifact
                        Artifacts artifact = context.Artifacts
                                             .Where(r => r.UserId == User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier))
                                             .Select(r => r).FirstOrDefault();

                        artifact.Number += (int)16;


                    TempData["success"] = "Your payment has been successfully completed! You have received your artefacts.";
                    TempData["error"] = "Code can already be used or invalid. If the problem contact the support.";

                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ShopController.Finished), "Shop"));
                TempData["error"] = "Error during payment, code can already be used. If the problem  contact the support.";
                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ShopController.Finished), "Shop"));