public void Draw() { if (!_isVisible) { return; } _Styles.Init(); _area = _process.relativeArea.SetWidth(_IcoSize * 6 + _IcosDistance * 5 + _HPadding * 2) .SetHeight(_HeaderHeight + _IcoSize + _VPadding * 2); _area = _area.SetX(_process.relativeArea.xMax - _area.width - _Margin).Shift(0, _Margin, 0, 0); _area.x = (int)_area.x; _area.y = (int)_area.y; // Background DeGUI.DrawColoredSquare(_area,; using (new DeGUI.ColorScope( GUI.Box(_area.Expand(1), "",; // Header Rect headerR = _area.SetHeight(_HeaderHeight); GUI.Label(headerR, string.Format("{0} nodes selected", _process.selection.selectedNodes.Count), _Styles.headerLabel); // Align buttons for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Rect icoR = new Rect(_area.x + _HPadding + (_IcoSize + _IcosDistance) * i, _area.y + _VPadding + _HeaderHeight, _IcoSize, _IcoSize); if (GUI.Button(icoR, IndexToIcon(i), _Styles.btIco) && Event.current.button == 0) { AlignSelectedNodes(IndexToGroupAlignment(i)); } } }
override public void OnInspectorGUI() { Undo.RecordObject(_src, "DeAudioCollection"); DeGUI.BeginGUI(); GUILayout.Space(4); serializedObject.Update(); _dataList.DoLayoutList(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
void DrawRuntimeSourceBar(Color color, float percentage, float?markerPercentage = null, float?truePercentage = null, Color?trueColor = null) { int totLines = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.CeilToInt(percentage)); // Volume can go beyond 1, so add more lines Rect lineRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0, 2 * totLines + totLines - 1, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); lineRect.x += 15; lineRect.y -= 1; lineRect.width -= 15; Color guiOrColor = GUI.color; for (int i = 0; i < totLines; ++i) { Rect r = new Rect(lineRect.x, lineRect.y + (2 * i + i), lineRect.width, 2); float p = percentage <= 1 ? percentage : i < totLines - 1 ? 1 : percentage % 1; GUI.color =; GUI.Box(r, "",; if (p <= 0) { continue; } r.width *= p; GUI.color = color; GUI.Box(r, "",; if (i == 0 && truePercentage != null) { // True bar float truePerc = (float)truePercentage; p = lineRect.width * truePerc; r = new Rect(lineRect.x, lineRect.y, p, 2); GUI.color = trueColor == null ? : (Color)trueColor; GUI.Box(r, "",; if (!Mathf.Approximately(truePerc, percentage) && truePerc > 0 && truePerc < 1) { // Black divider r = new Rect(lineRect.x + (p < 2 ? 0 : p - 2), r.y, 2, r.height); DeGUI.DrawColoredSquare(r,; } if (markerPercentage != null) { // Marker p = lineRect.width * (float)markerPercentage; r = new Rect(lineRect.x + (p < 2 ? 0 : p - 2), r.y, 2, r.height); DeGUI.DrawColoredSquare(r, Color.white); } } } GUI.color = guiOrColor; GUILayout.Space(2); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { Undo.RecordObject(_src, "DeAudioManager"); DeGUI.BeginGUI(); GUILayout.Label("v" + DeAudioManager.Version, EditorStyles.miniLabel.MarginBottom(0)); if (Application.isPlaying) { DrawRuntime(); } else { DrawDefault(); } }
public static void Draw(NodeProcessDebug debug, Rect processArea) { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) { return; } const int bgPadding = 6; const int dist = 2; _LabelsTxts[0] = "<b><color=#ff0000>NodeProcess DEBUG</color></b>"; _LabelsTxts[1] = string.Format( "<b>Panning Avrg <color=#4290f5>FPS</color> (Layout/Repaint/Layout+Repaint):</b> <color=#ffd845>{0:N2}</color> / <color=#ffd845>{1:N2}</color> / <color=#ffd845>{2:N2}</color>", debug.panningData.avrgFps_Layout, debug.panningData.avrgFps_Repaint, debug.panningData.avrgFps_LayoutAndRepaint ); _LabelsTxts[2] = string.Format( "<b>Panning Avrg <color=#4290f5>MS</color> (Layout/Repaint/Layout+Repaint):</b> <color=#ffd845>{0:N2}</color> / <color=#ffd845>{1:N2}</color> / <color=#ffd845>{2:N2}</color>", debug.panningData.avrgDrawTime_Layout, debug.panningData.avrgDrawTime_Repaint, debug.panningData.avrgDrawTime_LayoutAndRepaint ); Rect bgR = new Rect(processArea.x, processArea.y, 0, bgPadding * 2); for (int i = 0; i < _LabelsTxts.Length; ++i) { Vector2 labelSize = Styles.fpsLabel.CalcSize(new GUIContent(_LabelsTxts[i])); _LabelsRects[i] = new Rect(bgR.x + bgPadding, bgR.yMax - bgPadding, labelSize.x, labelSize.y); if (bgR.width < labelSize.x + bgPadding * 2) { bgR.width = labelSize.x + bgPadding * 2; } if (i > 0) { bgR.height += dist; } bgR.height += labelSize.y; } DeGUI.DrawColoredSquare(bgR, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.8f)); for (int i = 0; i < _LabelsTxts.Length; ++i) { GUI.Label(_LabelsRects[i], _LabelsTxts[i], Styles.fpsLabel); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { Undo.RecordObject(src, "ContinueScreen"); DeGUI.BeginGUI(); GUILayout.Label("Settings", DeGUI.styles.label.bold); DeGUILayout.Toolbar("Center Position", new DeSkinColor(0.5f, 0.1f)); using (new DeGUILayout.ToolbarScope(new DeSkinColor(0.5f, 0.1f), DeGUI.styles.toolbar.def)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Save", DeGUI.styles.button.tool)) { src.CenterSnapshot = GetSnapshot(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(src); } if (GUILayout.Button("Apply", DeGUI.styles.button.tool)) { SetSnapshot(src.CenterSnapshot); } } GUILayout.Space(4); DeGUILayout.Toolbar("Side Position", new DeSkinColor(0.5f, 0.1f)); using (new DeGUILayout.ToolbarScope(new DeSkinColor(0.5f, 0.1f), DeGUI.styles.toolbar.def)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Save", DeGUI.styles.button.tool)) { src.SideSnapshot = GetSnapshot(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(src); } if (GUILayout.Button("Apply", DeGUI.styles.button.tool)) { SetSnapshot(src.SideSnapshot); } } GUILayout.Label("References", DeGUI.styles.label.bold); src.Bg = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Bg", src.Bg, typeof(Button), true) as Button; src.BtContinue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("BT Continue", src.BtContinue, typeof(Button), true) as Button; src.BtRetry = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("BT Retry", src.BtRetry, typeof(Button), true) as Button; src.IcoContinue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Ico Continue", src.IcoContinue, typeof(RectTransform), true) as RectTransform; }
/// <summary> /// Returns TRUE if its actually previewing animations /// </summary> public static bool PreviewGUI(DOTweenAnimation src) { if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { return(false); } Styles.Init(); bool isPreviewing = _AnimationToTween.Count > 0; bool isPreviewingThis = isPreviewing && _AnimationToTween.ContainsKey(src); // Preview in editor GUI.backgroundColor = isPreviewing ? new DeSkinColor(new Color(0.49f, 0.8f, 0.86f), new Color(0.15f, 0.26f, 0.35f)) : new DeSkinColor(Color.white, new Color(0.13f, 0.13f, 0.13f)); GUILayout.BeginVertical(Styles.previewBox); DeGUI.ResetGUIColors(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Preview Mode - Experimental", Styles.previewLabel); _previewOnlyIfSetToAutoPlay = DeGUILayout.ToggleButton( _previewOnlyIfSetToAutoPlay, new GUIContent("AutoPlay only", "If toggled only previews animations that have AutoPlay turned ON"), Styles.btOption ); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(1); // Preview - Play GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup( isPreviewingThis || src.animationType == DOTweenAnimation.AnimationType.None || !src.isActive || _previewOnlyIfSetToAutoPlay && !src.autoPlay ); if (GUILayout.Button("► Play", Styles.btPreview)) { if (!isPreviewing) { StartupGlobalPreview(); } AddAnimationToGlobalPreview(src); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(isPreviewing); if (GUILayout.Button("► Play All <i>on GameObject</i>", Styles.btPreview)) { if (!isPreviewing) { StartupGlobalPreview(); } DOTweenAnimation[] anims = src.gameObject.GetComponents <DOTweenAnimation>(); foreach (DOTweenAnimation anim in anims) { AddAnimationToGlobalPreview(anim); } } if (GUILayout.Button("► Play All <i>in Scene</i>", Styles.btPreview)) { if (!isPreviewing) { StartupGlobalPreview(); } DOTweenAnimation[] anims = Object.FindObjectsOfType <DOTweenAnimation>(); foreach (DOTweenAnimation anim in anims) { AddAnimationToGlobalPreview(anim); } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Preview - Stop GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!isPreviewingThis); if (GUILayout.Button("■ Stop", Styles.btPreview)) { if (_AnimationToTween.ContainsKey(src)) { StopPreview(_AnimationToTween[src].tween); } } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!isPreviewing); if (GUILayout.Button("■ Stop All <i>on GameObject</i>", Styles.btPreview)) { StopPreview(src.gameObject); } if (GUILayout.Button("■ Stop All <i>in Scene</i>", Styles.btPreview)) { StopAllPreviews(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (isPreviewing) { int playingTweens = 0; int completedTweens = 0; int pausedTweens = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <DOTweenAnimation, TweenInfo> kvp in _AnimationToTween) { Tween t = kvp.Value.tween; if (t.IsPlaying()) { playingTweens++; } else if (t.IsComplete()) { completedTweens++; } else { pausedTweens++; } } GUILayout.Label("Playing Tweens: " + playingTweens, Styles.previewStatusLabel); GUILayout.Label("Completed Tweens: " + completedTweens, Styles.previewStatusLabel); // GUILayout.Label("Paused Tweens: " + playingTweens); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); return(isPreviewing); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DeGUI.BeginGUI(ABSAnimationInspector.colors, ABSAnimationInspector.styles); }
// Methods public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DeGUI.BeginGUI(colors, styles); }
static void LoopToggle(Rect r, DeAudioClipData value) { value.loop = DeGUI.ToggleButton(r, value.loop, "Loop"); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { DeAudioClipDataModeAttribute options = drawMode == null ? _DefDrawMode : drawMode; EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); DeGUI.BeginGUI(); int orIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; float lineH = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; float btW = 22; float btLoopW = 44; float groupW = 78; Rect clipRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width - groupW - 4, lineH); Rect groupIdRect = new Rect(position.x + (position.width - groupW), clipRect.y, groupW, lineH); Rect volumeRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y + lineH + 1, position.width - btW * 2 - 4, lineH); Rect btPlayRect = new Rect(position.x + (position.width - btW * 2), volumeRect.y - 1, btW, lineH); Rect btStopRect = new Rect(position.x + (position.width - btW), volumeRect.y - 1, btW, lineH); Rect pitchRect = new Rect(position.x, volumeRect.y + lineH, position.width - btLoopW - 4, lineH); Rect btLoopRect = new Rect(position.x + (position.width - btLoopW), pitchRect.y + 1, btLoopW, lineH - 2); switch (options.mode) { case DeAudioClipGUIMode.ClipOnly: case DeAudioClipGUIMode.FullNoGroup: clipRect.width = position.width; break; case DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactPreviewOnly: clipRect.width = position.width - btW * 2 - 4; btPlayRect.y = btStopRect.y = position.y; break; case DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactWithGroupAndPreview: clipRect.width -= btW * 2 + 2; groupIdRect.x -= btW * 2 + 2; btPlayRect.y = btStopRect.y = position.y; break; case DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeAndLoopsWithPreview: volumeRect.width -= btW * 2 + 8; btLoopRect.x -= btW * 2 + 7; btLoopRect.y = volumeRect.y + 1; break; } // Clip SerializedProperty clip = property.FindPropertyRelative("clip"); using (new DeGUI.ColorScope(clip.objectReferenceValue == null ? Color.yellow : Color.white)) { EditorGUI.PropertyField(clipRect, clip, label); } if (options.mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.ClipOnly) { if (options.mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.CompactPreviewOnly && options.mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.FullNoGroup) { // Group using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!options.allowGroupChange)) { EditorGUI.PropertyField(groupIdRect, property.FindPropertyRelative("groupId"), new GUIContent("")); } } // Volume bool hasVolume = options.mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full || options.mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeWithPreview || options.mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeAndLoopsWithPreview; if (hasVolume) { SerializedProperty volumeProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("volume"); float prevVolume = volumeProp.floatValue; EditorGUI.Slider(volumeRect, volumeProp, 0, 1, "└ Volume"); if (Math.Abs(volumeProp.floatValue - prevVolume) > float.Epsilon) { AdjustVolume(property, volumeProp.floatValue); } } if (options.mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full) { // Pitch SerializedProperty pitchProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("pitch"); float prevPitch = pitchProp.floatValue; EditorGUI.Slider(pitchRect, pitchProp, 0, 3, "└ Pitch"); if (Math.Abs(pitchProp.floatValue - prevPitch) > float.Epsilon) { AdjustPitch(property, pitchProp.floatValue); } } if (options.mode != DeAudioClipGUIMode.Compact) { // Controls if (GUI.Button(btPlayRect, "►", DeGUI.styles.button.tool)) { Play(property); } if (GUI.Button(btStopRect, "■", DeGUI.styles.button.tool)) { Stop(property); } } if (options.mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.Full || options.mode == DeAudioClipGUIMode.VolumeAndLoopsWithPreview) { // Loop SerializedProperty loopProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("loop"); loopProp.boolValue = DeGUI.ToggleButton(btLoopRect, loopProp.boolValue, "Loop", DeGUI.styles.button.bBlankBorderCompact); } } EditorGUI.indentLevel = orIndent; EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }