Beispiel #1
        public void RemoveTableDescription(Table table, DbObjectType objectType)
        => RunSql($@"EXEC sys.sp_dropextendedproperty 
					@name = N'MS_Description',
					@level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = @schema,
					@level1type = N'{objectType}', @level1name = @table"                    ,
                  new SqlParameter("@schema", table.SchemaName),
                  new SqlParameter("@table", table.TableName));
 public ResourceAccessSecurityAssert(ObjectName resourceName, DbObjectType resourceType, Privileges privileges)
     ResourceName = resourceName;
     ResourceType = resourceType;
     Privileges = privileges;
     Arguments = new InvokeArgument[0];
        public static IDbObject GetObject(this IQueryContext context, DbObjectType objType, ObjectName objName, AccessType accessType)
            // First handle the special cases of cursors and variable, that can be declared
            //  in a query context
            // If they are declared in the context, the user owns them and we don't need
            //  to verify the ownership
            if (objType == DbObjectType.Cursor)
                var obj = context.FindCursor(objName.Name);
                if (obj != null)
            else if (objType == DbObjectType.Variable)
                var obj = context.FindVariable(objName.Name);
                if (obj != null)

            // TODO: throw a specialized exception
            if (!context.UserCanAccessObject(objType, objName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            return(context.Session().GetObject(objType, objName, accessType));
 public DataDefinitionObject(DataDefinitionType defType, DbObjectType objType,
                             DdlConfiguration conf = null)
     _definitionType = defType;
     _objectType     = objType;
     _configuration  = conf;
Beispiel #5
        public virtual bool DropObject(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
            //if (!Session.User.CanDrop(objectType, objectName))
            //	throw new MissingPrivilegesException(Session.User.Name, objectName, Privileges.Drop);

            return(Session.Transaction.DropObject(objectType, objectName));
Beispiel #6
        private Privileges QueryGroupPrivileges(string groupName, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName,
                                                bool withOption, bool withPublic)
            var grantTable = QueryContext.GetTable(SystemSchema.GroupGrantsTable);

            return(QueryPrivileges(QueryContext, grantTable, groupName, objectType, objectName, withOption, withPublic));
Beispiel #7
 public View(string name, string owner, DbConnector db, bool isMaterialized, DbObjectType DbObjectTypeName) : base(name, owner, db, DbObjectTypeName)
     Columns = new List <Column>();
     IsMaterialized = isMaterialized;
            public DbObjectKey(object catalog, object schema, object name, DbObjectType objectType)
                if (catalog != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(catalog))
                    _catalog = catalog.ToString();
                    _catalog = null;

                if (schema != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(schema))
                    _schema = schema.ToString();
                    _schema = null;

                if (name != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(name))
                    _name = name.ToString();
                    _name = null;

                _objectType = objectType;
                Debug.Assert(_catalog != null || _schema != null || _name != null, "This is going to look like an empty one, just ue the default constructor");
            public DbObjectKey(object catalog, object schema, object name, DbObjectType objectType)
                if (catalog != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(catalog))
                    _catalog = catalog.ToString();
                    _catalog = null;

                if (schema != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(schema))
                    _schema = schema.ToString();
                    _schema = null;

                if (name != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(name))
                    _name = name.ToString();
                    _name = null;

                _objectType = objectType;
                Debug.Assert(_catalog != null || _schema != null || _name != null, "This is going to look like an empty one, just ue the default constructor");
        private IEnumerable <ISearchTarget> CreateObjectBasedSearchTarget(DbObject[] dbObjects, ILookup <long, DbColumn> dbColumnsByTableId)
            var list = new List <ISearchTarget>();

            foreach (var dbObject in dbObjects)
                var simplifiedType = DbObjectType.Parse(dbObject.Type);

                if (simplifiedType.Category == DbSimplifiedType.Constraint)
                    list.Add(new ConstraintSearchTarget(dbObject));
                else if (simplifiedType.Category == DbSimplifiedType.Table)
                    list.Add(new TableSearchTarget(dbObject, dbColumnsByTableId[dbObject.ObjectId].ToArray()));
                else if (simplifiedType.Category == DbSimplifiedType.Other)
                    list.Add(new OtherSearchTarget(dbObject));
                    list.Add(new ObjectSearchTarget(dbObject));

Beispiel #11
        public override bool HasPrivileges(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, Privileges privileges)
            if (IsSecureAccess)
                return true;

            return base.HasPrivileges(objectType, objectName, privileges);
Beispiel #12
 public static void AddObjectManager <TManager>(this IScope scope, DbObjectType objectType)
     where TManager : class, IDbObjectManager
     scope.Register <IDbObjectManager, TManager>(objectType);
     scope.Register <IDbObjectManager, TManager>();
     scope.Register <TManager>();
        //public void RevokeAllGrantsOn(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName) {
        //	using (var query = Session.CreateQuery()) {
        //		var grantTable = query.Access.GetMutableTable(SystemSchema.GrantsTableName);

        //		var privBitCol = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(0);
        //		var objectTypeColumn = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(1);
        //		var objectNameColumn = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(2);
        //		var granteeCol = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(3);
        //		var grantOptionCol = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(4);
        //		var granterCol = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(5);

        //		// All that match the given object
        //		var t1 = grantTable.SimpleSelect(query, objectTypeColumn, SqlExpressionType.Equal,
        //			SqlExpression.Constant(Field.Integer((int) objectType)));

        //		// All that match the given parameter
        //		t1 = t1.SimpleSelect(query, objectNameColumn, SqlExpressionType.Equal,
        //			SqlExpression.Constant(Field.String(objectName.FullName)));

        //		// Remove these rows from the table
        //		grantTable.Delete(t1);
        //	}

        public Grant[] GetGrantsOn(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
            using (var query = Session.CreateQuery()) {
                var grantTable = query.Access().GetMutableTable(SystemSchema.GrantsTableName);

                var objectTypeColumn = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(1);
                var objectNameColumn = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(2);

                // All that match the given object
                var t1 = grantTable.SimpleSelect(query, objectTypeColumn, SqlExpressionType.Equal,

                // All that match the given parameter
                t1 = t1.SimpleSelect(query, objectNameColumn, SqlExpressionType.Equal,

                var list = new List <Grant>();

                foreach (var row in t1)
                    var priv        = (Privileges)((SqlNumber)row.GetValue(0).Value).ToInt32();
                    var grantee     = row.GetValue(3);
                    var grantOption = row.GetValue(4);
                    var granter     = row.GetValue(5);

                    list.Add(new Grant(priv, objectName, objectType, grantee, granter, grantOption));

Beispiel #14
 public ResourceAccessSecurityAssert(ObjectName resourceName, DbObjectType resourceType, Privileges privileges)
     ResourceName = resourceName;
     ResourceType = resourceType;
     Privileges   = privileges;
     Arguments    = new InvokeArgument[0];
Beispiel #15
        private Privileges QueryUserPrivileges(string userName, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName,
                                               bool withOption, bool withPublic)
            // The system grants table.
            var grantTable = QueryContext.GetTable(SystemSchema.UserGrantsTableName);

            return(QueryPrivileges(QueryContext, grantTable, userName, objectType, objectName, withOption, withPublic));
Beispiel #16
 public GrantQuery(DbObjectType objType, ObjectName objName, string userName, int flags)
     : this()
     this.objType = objType;
     this.objName = objName;
     this.userName = userName;
     this.flags = flags;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new event with the given object name and type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectName">The <see cref="ObjectName"/> that uniquely identify the
        /// object created.</param>
        /// <param name="objectType">The <see cref="DbObjectType"/> of the object created.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// If the given <paramref name="objectName"/> parameter passed is <c>null</c>.
        /// </exception>
        public ObjectCreatedEvent(ObjectName objectName, DbObjectType objectType)
            if (objectName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("objectName");

            ObjectName = objectName;
            ObjectType = objectType;
Beispiel #18
 public IDbFirst Where(DbObjectType dbObjectType)
     if (dbObjectType != DbObjectType.All)
         this.TableInfoList = this.TableInfoList.Where(it => it.DbObjectType == dbObjectType).ToList();
Beispiel #19
        public void UpdateTableDescription(Table table, string description, DbObjectType objectType)
        => RunSql($@"EXEC sp_updateextendedproperty
				@name = N'MS_Description', @value = @desc,
				@level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = @schema,
				@level1type = N'{objectType}',  @level1name = @table"                ,
                  new SqlParameter("@schema", table.SchemaName),
                  new SqlParameter("@table", table.TableName),
                  new SqlParameter("@desc", description));
        private static Privileges QueryPrivileges(IQuery queryContext, ITable grantTable, string grantee,
                                                  DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, bool withOption, bool withPublic)
            var objectCol      = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(1);
            var paramCol       = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(2);
            var granteeCol     = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(3);
            var grantOptionCol = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(4);
            var granterCol     = grantTable.GetResolvedColumnName(5);

            ITable t1 = grantTable;

            // All that match the given object parameter
            // It's most likely this will reduce the search by the most so we do
            // it first.
            t1 = t1.SimpleSelect(queryContext, paramCol, SqlExpressionType.Equal,

            // The next is a single exhaustive select through the remaining records.
            // It finds all grants that match either public or the grantee is the
            // user or role, and that match the object type.

            // Expression: ("grantee_col" = grantee OR "grantee_col" = 'public')
            var granteeCheck = SqlExpression.Equal(SqlExpression.Reference(granteeCol),

            if (withPublic)
                granteeCheck = SqlExpression.Or(granteeCheck, SqlExpression.Equal(SqlExpression.Reference(granteeCol),

            // Expression: ("object_col" = object AND
            //              ("grantee_col" = grantee OR "grantee_col" = 'public'))
            // All that match the given grantee or public and given object
            var expr = SqlExpression.And(SqlExpression.Equal(SqlExpression.Reference(objectCol),
                                                             SqlExpression.Constant(Field.BigInt((int)objectType))), granteeCheck);

            // Are we only searching for grant options?
            if (withOption)
                var grantOptionCheck = SqlExpression.Equal(SqlExpression.Reference(grantOptionCol),
                expr = SqlExpression.And(expr, grantOptionCheck);

            t1 = t1.ExhaustiveSelect(queryContext, expr);

            // For each grant, merge with the resultant priv object
            Privileges privs = Privileges.None;

            foreach (var row in t1)
                var priv = (int)row.GetValue(0).AsBigInt();
                privs |= (Privileges)priv;

Beispiel #21
        public void AddName(DbObjectType objectType, string name)
            if (names.ContainsKey(objectType))
                throw new Exception("Yous can't add an objectType multiple times");

            names.Add(objectType, name);
Beispiel #22
        public string GetObjectName(DbObjectType objectType)
            if (!names.ContainsKey(objectType))
                throw new Exception("Yous should provide a value for all DbObjectType");

Beispiel #23
        public override bool HasGrantOption(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, Privileges privileges)
            if (IsSecureAccess)

            return(base.HasGrantOption(objectType, objectName, privileges));
Beispiel #24
        public void RemoveColumnDescription(TableColumn tableColumn, DbObjectType objectType)
        => RunSql($@"EXEC sys.sp_dropextendedproperty 
				@name = N'MS_Description',
				@level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = @schema,
				@level1type = N'{objectType}', @level1name = @table,
				@level2type = N'Column', @level2name = @column"                ,
                  new SqlParameter("@schema", tableColumn.SchemaName),
                  new SqlParameter("@table", tableColumn.TableName),
                  new SqlParameter("@column", tableColumn.ColumnName));
 private Privileges QueryUserPrivileges(string userName, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName,
                                        bool withOption, bool withPublic)
     using (var query = Session.CreateQuery()) {
         // The system grants table.
         var grantTable = query.Access().GetTable(SystemSchema.GrantsTableName);
         return(QueryPrivileges(query, grantTable, userName, objectType, objectName, withOption, withPublic));
        private void UpdateUserGrants(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, string granter, string grantee,
                                      Privileges privileges, bool withOption)
            using (var query = Session.CreateQuery()) {
                var grantTable = query.Access().GetMutableTable(SystemSchema.GrantsTableName);

                UpdateGrants(query, grantTable, objectType, objectName, granter, grantee, privileges, withOption);
Beispiel #27
        }                                            //used for recording DBModel change scripts in the database

        public DbModelObjectBase(DbModel dbModel, string schema, DbObjectType objectType, HashedObject entityModelObject = null)
            DbModel    = dbModel;
            Schema     = GlobalName = schema;
            ObjectType = objectType;
            if (DbModel != null && entityModelObject != null)
                DbModel.RegisterDbObject(entityModelObject, this);
Beispiel #28
        private void UpdateUserGrants(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, string granter, string grantee, Privileges privileges, bool withOption)
            var grantTable = QueryContext.GetMutableTable(SystemSchema.UserGrantsTableName);

            try {
                UpdateGrants(QueryContext, grantTable, objectType, objectName, granter, grantee, privileges, withOption);
            } finally {
                ClearUserGrantsCache(grantee, objectType, objectName, withOption, true);
Beispiel #29
        public ObjectCreatedEvent(IEventSource source, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName) : base(source)
            if (ObjectName.IsNullOrEmpty(objectName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objectName));

            ObjectType = objectType;
            ObjectName = objectName;
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new event with the given object name and type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectName">The <see cref="ObjectName"/> that uniquely identify the
        /// object created.</param>
        /// <param name="objectType">The <see cref="DbObjectType"/> of the object created.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// If the given <paramref name="objectName"/> parameter passed is <c>null</c>.
        /// </exception>
        public ObjectCreatedEvent(ObjectName objectName, DbObjectType objectType)
            if (objectName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("objectName");

            ObjectName = objectName;
            ObjectType = objectType;
Beispiel #31
        public static async Task <IDbObject> GetObjectAsync(this IContext context, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
            var manager = context.GetObjectManager(objectType);

            if (manager == null)

            return(await manager.GetObjectAsync(objectName));
Beispiel #32
        public bool HasGrantOption(string granter, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, Privileges privileges)
            if (User.IsSystemUserName(granter))

            var privs = GetPrivileges(granter, objectType, objectName, true);

            return((privs & privileges) != 0);
Beispiel #33
        public static async Task <bool> ObjectExistsAsync(this IContext context, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
            var manager = context.GetObjectManager(objectType);

            if (manager == null)

            return(await manager.ObjectExistsAsync(objectName));
        public static IDbObject GetObject(this ITransaction transaction, DbObjectType objType, ObjectName objName)
            var manager = transaction.GetObjectManager(objType);

            if (manager == null)

Beispiel #35
        public void GrantOn(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, string grantee, Privileges privileges, bool withOption = false)
            try {
                var granter = Session.User.Name;

                var grant = new Grant(privileges, objectName, objectType, grantee, granter, withOption);
            } finally {
                PrivilegesCache.Remove(new GrantCacheKey(grantee, objectType, objectName.FullName, withOption, false));
Beispiel #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new grant for an user on the given
        /// object, including the privileges of the grant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="privileges">The access privileges granted to the user on the
        /// given object.</param>
        /// <param name="objectName">The fully qualified name of the object on which
        /// to grant the given access privileges to the user.</param>
        /// <param name="objectType">The <see cref="DbObjectType">type of the object</see>.</param>
        /// <param name="granterName">The name of the user that granted.</param>
        /// <param name="withOption"></param>
        public Grant(Privileges privileges, ObjectName objectName, DbObjectType objectType, string granterName, bool withOption)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(granterName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("granterName");
            if (objectName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("objectName");

            Privileges = privileges;
            ObjectName = objectName;
            ObjectType = objectType;
            GranterName = granterName;
            WithOption = withOption;
Beispiel #37
 public DbObjectChange(DbModelObjectBase oldObject, DbModelObjectBase newObject,
     DbObjectChangeType? changeType = null, string notes = null)
     var obj = newObject ?? oldObject;
       Util.Check(obj != null, "Fatal error in DbModelChange constructor: oldObject and newObject are both null.");
       ObjectType = obj.ObjectType;
       OldObject = oldObject;
       NewObject = newObject;
       Notes = notes;
       if(changeType == null)
     ChangeType = newObject == null ? DbObjectChangeType.Drop : (oldObject == null ? DbObjectChangeType.Add : DbObjectChangeType.Modify);
     ChangeType = changeType.Value;
Beispiel #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new grant for the given user on the given
        /// object, including the privileges of the grant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">The name of the user holding the grant.</param>
        /// <param name="privileges">The access privileges granted to the user on the
        /// given object.</param>
        /// <param name="objectName">The fully qualified name of the object on which
        /// to grant the given access privileges to the user.</param>
        /// <param name="objectType">The <see cref="DbObjectType">type of the object</see>.</param>
        /// <param name="granterName">The name of the user that granted.</param>
        public UserGrant(string userName, Privileges privileges, ObjectName objectName, DbObjectType objectType, string granterName)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("userName");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(granterName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("granterName");
            if (objectName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("objectName");

            UserName = userName;
            Privileges = privileges;
            ObjectName = objectName;
            ObjectType = objectType;
            GranterName = granterName;
        public static bool DropObject(this IQueryContext context, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
            if (objectType == DbObjectType.Variable &&
                context.DropVariable(objectName.Name)) {
                return true;
            if (objectType == DbObjectType.Cursor &&
                context.DropCursor(objectName.Name)) {
                return true;

            if (!context.UserCanDropObject(objectType, objectName))
                throw new MissingPrivilegesException(context.UserName(), objectName, Privileges.Drop);

            context.Session().DropObject(objectType, objectName);
            return true;
Beispiel #40
        public virtual bool HasPrivileges(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, Privileges privileges)

            if (Session.Access().UserHasPrivilege(Name, objectType, objectName, privileges))
                return true;

            var obj = Session.Access().GetObject(objectType, objectName);
            if (obj != null &&
                String.Equals(Name, obj.ObjectInfo.Owner))
                return true;

            if (objectName.Parent != null)
                return HasPrivileges(DbObjectType.Schema, objectName.Parent, privileges);

            return false;
 public static IDbUpgradeScript NewDbModelChangeScript(this IDbUpgradeBatch batch, 
     DbObjectChangeType changeType,  DbObjectType objectType,
     string fullObjectName,
     string sql, int executionOrder, int subOrder, int duration, Exception exception)
     var session = EntityHelper.GetSession(batch);
       var ent = session.NewEntity<IDbUpgradeScript>();
       ent.Batch = batch;
       ent.ObjectType = objectType;
       ent.FullObjectName = fullObjectName;
       ent.ExecutionOrder = executionOrder;
       ent.SubOrder = subOrder;
       ent.Sql = sql;
       ent.Duration = duration;
       if(exception != null)
     ent.Errors = exception.ToLogString();
       return ent;
Beispiel #42
        static public string GetObjectCreate(MySqlConnector conn, DbObjectType type, string objectName, bool ifNotExists)
            string resultColumn = "";
            switch (type)
                case DbObjectType.PROCEDURE:
                    resultColumn = "Create Procedure";
                case DbObjectType.FUNCTION:
                    resultColumn = "Create Function";
                case DbObjectType.EVENT:
                    resultColumn = "Create Event";
                case DbObjectType.VIEW:
                    resultColumn = "Create View";
                case DbObjectType.TABLE:
                    resultColumn = "Create Table";

            string sql = string.Format(@"SHOW CREATE {0} {1}", type.ToString(), objectName);

            using (DataReaderBase reader = conn.ExecuteReader(sql))
                while (reader.Read())
                    string create = StringFromDb(reader[resultColumn]);

                    if (ifNotExists && create != null && create.StartsWith(@"CREATE TABLE"))
                        create = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS" + create.Substring(@"CREATE TABLE".Length);

                    return create;
            return null;
        public static IDbObject GetObject(this IQueryContext context, DbObjectType objType, ObjectName objName, AccessType accessType)
            // First handle the special cases of cursors and variable, that can be declared
            //  in a query context
            // If they are declared in the context, the user owns them and we don't need
            //  to verify the ownership
            if (objType == DbObjectType.Cursor) {
                var obj = context.FindCursor(objName.Name);
                if (obj != null)
                    return obj;
            } else if (objType == DbObjectType.Variable) {
                var obj = context.FindVariable(objName.Name);
                if (obj != null)
                    return obj;

            // TODO: throw a specialized exception
            if (!context.UserCanAccessObject(objType, objName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            return context.Session().GetObject(objType, objName, accessType);
Beispiel #44
            public IObjectManager ResolveForType(DbObjectType objType)
                if (objType == DbObjectType.Schema)
                    return transaction.schemaManager;
                if (objType == DbObjectType.Table)
                    return transaction.tableManager;
                if (objType == DbObjectType.Sequence)
                    return transaction.sequenceManager;
                if (objType == DbObjectType.Variable)
                    return transaction.variableManager;
                if (objType == DbObjectType.View)
                    return transaction.viewManager;
                if (objType == DbObjectType.Trigger)
                    return transaction.triggerManager;

                return null;
 public static void DropObject(this ISession session, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
     session.Transaction.DropObject(objectType, objectName);
        public static ObjectName ResolveObjectName(this ITransaction transaction, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
            var manager = transaction.GetObjectManager(objectType);
            if (manager == null)
                return objectName;

            return manager.ResolveName(objectName, transaction.IgnoreIdentifiersCase());
 internal static IObjectManager GetObjectManager(this ITransaction transaction, DbObjectType objectType)
     return transaction.Context.ResolveService<IObjectManager>(objectType);
        public static IDbObject GetObject(this ITransaction transaction, DbObjectType objType, ObjectName objName)
            var manager = transaction.GetObjectManager(objType);
            if (manager == null)
                return null;

            return manager.GetObject(objName);
        public static bool RealObjectExists(this ITransaction transaction, DbObjectType objType, ObjectName objName)
            var manager = transaction.GetObjectManager(objType);
            if (manager == null)
                return false;

            return manager.RealObjectExists(objName);
Beispiel #50
 public DbModelObjectBase(DbModel dbModel, string schema, DbObjectType objectType, HashedObject entityModelObject = null)
     DbModel = dbModel;
       Schema = GlobalName = schema;
       ObjectType = objectType;
       if (DbModel != null && entityModelObject != null)
     DbModel.RegisterDbObject(entityModelObject, this);
        // internal for testing
        internal void CreateEntitySets(
            IEnumerable<TableDetailsRow> tableDetailsRows,
            EntityRegister entityRegister,
            IList<EntitySet> entitySetsForReadOnlyEntityTypes,
            DbObjectType objectType)
            Debug.Assert(tableDetailsRows != null, "tableDetailsRows != null");
            Debug.Assert(entityRegister != null, "entityRegister != null");
            Debug.Assert(entitySetsForReadOnlyEntityTypes != null, "entitySetsForReadOnlyEntityTypes != null");
                objectType == DbObjectType.Table || objectType == DbObjectType.View,
                "Unexpected object type - only tables and views are supported");

            foreach (var tableDetailsRowsForTable in SplitRows(tableDetailsRows))
                var firstRow = tableDetailsRowsForTable[0];

                bool needsDefiningQuery;
                var entityType = CreateEntityType(tableDetailsRowsForTable, out needsDefiningQuery);
                entityRegister.AddEntityType(firstRow.GetMostQualifiedTableName(), entityType);

                // skip EntitySet creation for invalid entity types. We still need the types themselves - they
                // will be written to the ssdl in comments for informational and debugging purposes.
                if (!MetadataItemHelper.IsInvalid(entityType))
                    var entitySet =
                            !firstRow.IsSchemaNull() ? firstRow.Schema : null,
                            firstRow.TableName != entityType.Name ? firstRow.TableName : null,
                                        objectType == DbObjectType.Table
                                            ? TablesTypeAttributeValue
                                            : ViewsTypeAttributeValue)

                    if (needsDefiningQuery)
Beispiel #52
 static public List<string> GetObjectList(MySqlConnector conn, DbObjectType type)
     string sql = null;
     switch (type)
         case DbObjectType.TABLE:
             sql = @"SHOW TABLES";
             sql = string.Format(@"SHOW {0} STATUS", type.ToString());
     List<string> lstResults = new List<string>();
     using (DataReaderBase reader = conn.ExecuteReader(sql))
         while (reader.Read())
             switch (type)
                 case DbObjectType.TABLE:
     return lstResults;
        public static bool ObjectExists(this ITransaction transaction, DbObjectType objType, ObjectName objName)
            var manager = transaction.Managers.ResolveForType(objType);
            if (manager == null)
                return false;

            return manager.ObjectExists(objName);
 public static ObjectName ResolveObjectName(this ISession session, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
     return session.Transaction.ResolveObjectName(objectType, objectName);
 public static bool ObjectExists(this ISession session, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
     return session.Transaction.ObjectExists(objectType, objectName);
        public static IDbObject GetObject(this ISession session, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, AccessType accessType)
            var obj = session.Transaction.GetObject(objectType, objectName);
            if (obj != null)
                session.Access(obj, accessType);

            return obj;
Beispiel #57
        public override bool HasGrantOption(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, Privileges privileges)
            if (IsSystem)
                return true;

            if (base.HasGrantOption(objectType, objectName, privileges))
                return true;

            var roles = Roles;
            if (roles == null || roles.Length == 0)
                return false;

            return roles.Any(role => role.HasGrantOption(objectType, objectName, privileges));
Beispiel #58
        public override bool HasPrivileges(DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName, Privileges privileges)
            if (IsSystem ||
                return true;

            if (base.HasPrivileges(objectType, objectName, privileges))
                return true;

            var roles = Roles;
            if (roles == null || roles.Length == 0)
                return false;

            return roles.Any(role => role.HasPrivileges(objectType, objectName, privileges));
 public static IDbObject GetObject(this ISession session, DbObjectType objectType, ObjectName objectName)
     return GetObject(session, objectType, objectName, AccessType.ReadWrite);
Beispiel #60
 public DbTableInfo(DbModel model, string schema, string tableName, EntityInfo entity, DbObjectType objectType = DbObjectType.Table)
     : base(model, schema, objectType, entity)
     TableName = tableName;
       Entity = entity; //might be null
       Kind = EntityKind.Table;
       if (Entity != null)
     Kind = Entity.Kind;
       else if (objectType == DbObjectType.View)
     Kind = EntityKind.View; // when loading from database
       FullName = model.Driver.GetFullName(Schema, tableName);
       base.GlobalName = DbModelHelper.GetGlobalName(Schema, TableName);