Beispiel #1
     * Pre:
     * Post: Returns the list of judges scheduled for the audition
     * @param refresh is an optional parameter to force a refresh of the list of judges
     * @returns the list of judges
    public List <Judge> GetEventJudges(int auditionId, bool refresh)
        if (scheduledJudges == null || refresh)
            scheduledJudges = DbInterfaceScheduling.GetAuditionJudges(auditionId);

Beispiel #2
     * Pre:
     * Post: Returns the list of judge room assignments scheduled for the audition
     * @param refresh is an optional parameter to force a refresh of the list of assignments
     * @returns the list of judge room assignments
    public List <JudgeRoomAssignment> GetEventJudgeRoomAssignments(int auditionId, bool refresh)
        if (judgeRooms == null || refresh)
            judgeRooms = DbInterfaceScheduling.GetAuditionJudgeRoomAssignments(auditionId);

Beispiel #3
     * Pre:
     * Post: Returns the list of theory test rooms for the audition
     * @param refresh is an optional parameter to force a refresh of the list of rooms
     * @returns the list of rooms
    public List <Tuple <string, string> > GetTheoryRooms(int auditionId, bool refresh)
        if (theoryRooms == null || refresh)
            theoryRooms = DbInterfaceScheduling.GetAuditionTheoryRooms(auditionId);

Beispiel #4
     * Pre:
     * Post: Returns the list of judges for the audition's district
     * @param refresh is an optional parameter to force a refresh of the list of judges
     * @returns the list of judges
    public List <Judge> GetAvailableJudges(int auditionId, bool refresh)
        if (availableJudges == null || refresh)
            availableJudges = DbInterfaceScheduling.GetJudgesAvailableForAudition(auditionId);

Beispiel #5
     * Pre:
     * Post: Returns the list of rooms for the audition
     * @param refresh is an optional parameter to force a refresh of the list of rooms
     * @returns the list of rooms
    public List <string> GetRooms(int auditionId, bool refresh)
        if (rooms == null || refresh)
            rooms = DbInterfaceScheduling.GetAuditionRooms(auditionId);

Beispiel #6
  * Pre:
  * Post: Commit the updated schedule and show a message saying it has been commited
 protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (DbInterfaceScheduling.DeleteSchedule(Convert.ToInt32(lblAuditionId.Text)))
         showSuccessMessage("The schedule was successfully deleted");
         showErrorMessage("The schedule could not be deletec");
Beispiel #7
     * Pre:
     * Post: Save the new times to the temporary schedule table
    private bool SaveTimes()
        bool success = true;

        foreach (int judgeId in JudgeSlots.Keys)
            foreach (AuditionSlot slot in JudgeSlots[judgeId])
                success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.UpdateTempAuditionTimes(slot.AuditionId, slot.StartTime, judgeId);

Beispiel #8
         * Save the updates to the schedule order
        protected void btnSaveOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable schedule = (DataTable)Session[scheduleData];

            if (DbInterfaceScheduling.UpdateScheduleOrder(schedule, Convert.ToInt32(lblAuditionId.Text)))
                showSuccessMessage("The schedule order was successfully saved.");
                showErrorMessage("The schedule order could not be saved.");

Beispiel #9
     * Pre:
     * Post: The scheduling data is updated in the database for the input audition id
    public bool Save(int auditionId)
        bool success = true;

        // Delete items in delete lists
        foreach (string room in roomsToRemove)
            success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.DeleteRoom(auditionId, room);
        foreach (Tuple <string, string> theoryRoom in theoryRoomsToRemove)
            success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.DeleteTheoryRoom(auditionId, theoryRoom.Item1, theoryRoom.Item2);
        foreach (Judge judge in scheduledJudgesToRemove)
            success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.DeleteJudge(auditionId,;
        foreach (JudgeRoomAssignment assignment in judgeRoomsToRemove)
            foreach (Tuple <int, string> time in assignment.times)
                success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.DeleteJudgeTime(auditionId,, time.Item1);

        // Update
        foreach (string room in rooms)
            success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.AddRoom(auditionId, room);
        foreach (Tuple <string, string> theoryRoom in theoryRooms)
            success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.AddTheoryRoom(auditionId, theoryRoom.Item1, theoryRoom.Item2);
        foreach (Judge judge in scheduledJudges)
            success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.AddJudge(auditionId,, GetScheduleOrder(judge));
        foreach (JudgeRoomAssignment assignment in judgeRooms)
            foreach (Tuple <int, string> time in assignment.times)
                success = success && DbInterfaceScheduling.AddJudgeTime(auditionId,, time.Item1,;

Beispiel #10
         * Pre:  audition must exist as the id of an audition in the system
         * Post: The existing data for the audition associated with the auditionId
         *       is loaded to the page.
         * @param auditionId is the id of the audition being edited
        private void LoadScheduleInformation(int auditionId)
            //load schedule table
            DataTable schedule = DbInterfaceScheduling.LoadScheduleForUpdate(auditionId);

            if (schedule != null && schedule.Rows.Count > 0)
                gvSchedule.DataSource = schedule;

                Session[scheduleData] = schedule;
                showErrorMessage("Error: The schedule could not be loaded.  Please make sure it has been created and saved.");
                Session[scheduleData] = null;
Beispiel #11
         * Pre:  audition must exist as the id of an audition in the system
         * Post: The existing data for the audition associated with the auditionId
         *       is loaded to the page.
         * @param auditionId is the id of the audition being edited
        private void LoadScheduleInformation(int auditionId)
            //load schedule table
            DataTable schedule = DbInterfaceScheduling.LoadScheduleForUpdate(auditionId);

            if (schedule != null && schedule.Rows.Count > 0)
                // Load each judge's available time and juge's that haven't had auditions assigned to them

                gvSchedule.DataSource = schedule;

                Session[scheduleData] = schedule;
                showErrorMessage("Error: The schedule could not be loaded.  Please make sure it has been created and saved.");
                Session[scheduleData] = null;
Beispiel #12
         * Pre:
         * Post: The scheduling routine is ran and the schedule is displayed
        protected void btnCreateSchedule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable schedule = DbInterfaceScheduling.CreateSchedule(Convert.ToInt32(lblAuditionId.Text), false);

            if (schedule != null && schedule.Rows.Count > 0)
                pnlViewSchedule.Visible   = true;
                pnlCreateSchedule.Visible = false;
                pnlMinusSchedule.Visible  = false;

                gvSchedule.DataSource = schedule;

                Session[scheduleData] = schedule;

                showSuccessMessage("The schedule has been successfully created.");
                showErrorMessage("Error: An error occurred while creating the schedule.  Please ensure that you have students assigned to the audition.");
                Session[scheduleData] = null;
Beispiel #13
         * Pre:  audition must exist as the id of an audition in the system
         * Post: The existing data for the audition associated with the auditionId
         *       is loaded to the page.
         * @param auditionId is the id of the audition being edited
        private void loadSchedule(int auditionId)
                DataTable table = DbInterfaceScheduling.ValidateEventJudges(auditionId);

                if (table != null && table.Rows.Count == 0) // No errors, give option to create schedule
                    pnlCreateSchedule.Visible = true;

                    Session[judgeValidation] = table;
                else if (table != null & table.Rows.Count > 0) // Display errors
                    pnlValidateSchedule.Visible = true;

                    gvJudgeValidation.DataSource = table;

                    Session[judgeValidation] = table;
                    upAuditionSearch.Visible = true;
                    showErrorMessage("Error: The event information could not be loaded.");
                    Session[judgeValidation] = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                showErrorMessage("Error: An error occurred while loading the event data.");

                Utility.LogError("BadgerSchedule", "loadSchedule", "auditionId: " + auditionId, "Message: " + e.Message + "   Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, -1);

            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "RefreshDatepickers", "refreshDatePickers()", true);