Beispiel #1
         * Pre:  There must exist a contact with the input contact id
         * Post: The informatin of the contact with the input contact id is loaded to the page
         * @param contactId is the contact id of the contact to load
        private void loadContact(int contactId)
            Contact contact = new Contact(contactId);

            if ( != -1)
                Session[contactVar] = contact;

                //load contact data to form
                lblId.Text =;
                txtFirstNameSearch.Text = contact.firstName;
                txtLastNameSearch.Text  = contact.lastName;
                lblName.Text            = contact.firstName + " " + contact.middleInitial + " " + contact.lastName;
                lblDistrict.Text        = DbInterfaceStudent.GetStudentDistrict(contact.districtId);
                lblContactType.Text     = contact.contactTypeId;

                string mtnaId = DbInterfaceContact.GetMtnaId(;

                if (!mtnaId.Equals(""))
                    txtMtnaId.Text    = mtnaId;
                    txtMtnaId.Enabled = false;
                lblContactSearchError.Text    = "An error occurred during the search";
                lblContactSearchError.Visible = true;