Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// get group object of Company
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Model.Groups GetCompanyGroup()
            string    strSql    = "SELECT * FROM dbo.Groups WHERE CompanyID IS NOT NULL AND OrganizationType='Company'";
            DataTable dtCompany = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(strSql);

            LPWeb.Model.Groups groupCompany = null;
            if (null != dtCompany && dtCompany.Rows.Count > 0)
                groupCompany = new Model.Groups();
                if (dtCompany.Rows[0]["GroupId"].ToString() != "")
                    groupCompany.GroupId = int.Parse(dtCompany.Rows[0]["GroupId"].ToString());
                groupCompany.GroupName = dtCompany.Rows[0]["GroupId"].ToString();
                if (dtCompany.Rows[0]["Enabled"].ToString() != "")
                    if ((dtCompany.Rows[0]["Enabled"].ToString() == "1") || (dtCompany.Rows[0]["Enabled"].ToString().ToLower() == "true"))
                        groupCompany.Enabled = true;
                        groupCompany.Enabled = false;
                groupCompany.OrganizationType = dtCompany.Rows[0]["OrganizationType"].ToString();
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get proformedby user of loan activity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strWhere"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetProformedBy(string strWhere)
            string strSql = "SELECT DISTINCT LA.FileId, LA.UserId, U.FirstName, U.LastName, ISNULL(U.FirstName, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(U.LastName, '') AS PerformedBy FROM LoanActivities LA INNER JOIN Users U ON LA.UserId=U.UserId WHERE 1=1 {0} ORDER BY U.FirstName";

            strSql = string.Format(strSql, strWhere);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// get related contacts
        /// neo 2011-03-15
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ContactId"></param>
        /// <param name="iStartIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="iEndIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetRelatedContacts(int ContactId, int iStartIndex, int iEndIndex)
            string sSql = "select 'To' as Direction, a.ToContactId as RelContactID, a.RelTypeId, c.RelToName as Relationship, b.LastName +', '+ b.FirstName + case when b.MiddleName is null then '' when b.MiddleName='' then '' else ' '+ b.MiddleName end as ContactName "
                          + "from Contact_Relationship as a "
                          + "inner join Contacts as b on a.ToContactId = b.ContactId "
                          + "inner join RelationshipRoles as c on a.RelTypeId = c.RelTypeId "
                          + "where a.FromContactId = " + ContactId + " "
                          + "union "
                          + "select 'From' as Direction, a.FromContactId as RelContactID, a.RelTypeId, c.RelFromName as Relationship, b.LastName +', '+ b.FirstName + case when b.MiddleName is null then '' when b.MiddleName='' then '' else ' '+ b.MiddleName end as ContactName "
                          + "from Contact_Relationship as a "
                          + "inner join Contacts as b on a.FromContactId = b.ContactId "
                          + "inner join RelationshipRoles as c on a.RelTypeId = c.RelTypeId "
                          + "where a.ToContactId = " + ContactId;

            SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand("lpsp_ExecSqlByPager");

            SqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@OrderByField", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "Direction, RelContactID");
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@AscOrDesc", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "asc");
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@Fields", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "*");
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@DbTable", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "(" + sSql + ") as t");
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@Where", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "");
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@StartIndex", SqlDbType.Int, iStartIndex);
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@EndIndex", SqlDbType.Int, iEndIndex);

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// get email template
        /// neo 2010-11-17
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sWhere"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetEmailTemplateBase(string sWhere)
            string sSql = "select * from Template_Email where 1=1 " + sWhere + " order by [Name]";

            //sSql += " ORDER BY Name";
Beispiel #5
        public DataTable GetCompanyLoanPointFieldsInfo()
            string sSQL = @"select cp.*,pd.Label from dbo.CompanyLoanPointFields  cp 
            left join dbo.PointFieldDesc pd on pd.PointFieldId=cp.PointFieldId";

Beispiel #6
        protected void bind()
            DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable("select top 20 ro.SerUserID,count(ro.SerUserID)as counts,su.RealName ,su.Phone from  Reward_Order  ro join ServerUser su on ro.SerUserID=su.SerUserID and ro.SerUserID is not null and OrderState=3  group by  ro.SerUserID ,su.RealName,su.Phone order by counts desc", CommandType.Text);

            binding.DataSource = dt;
        protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sSql2 = "select * from (" + this.sDbTable + ") as m where 1=1" + this.sWhere;

            this.ReportData = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2);

            // Excel Columns
            NameValueCollection ExcelCollection = new NameValueCollection();

            ExcelCollection.Add("Branch", "BranchName");
            ExcelCollection.Add("Name", "FullName");
            ExcelCollection.Add("Progress", "Progress");
            ExcelCollection.Add("Running Total", "RunningTotal");
            ExcelCollection.Add("Low Total", "LowRange");
            ExcelCollection.Add("Medium Total", "MediumRange");
            ExcelCollection.Add("High Range", "HighRange");

            // sheet name
            string sSheetName = "User Production Goals";

            // 显示给用户的Xls文件名
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            string   sClientXlsFileName = "User_Production_Goals_Report-" + dt.ToString("MM_dd_yy") + ".xls";

            // export and download
            XlsExporter.DownloadXls(this, ReportData, sClientXlsFileName, sSheetName);
Beispiel #8
        public DataTable GetLoanNoteTypeInfoForAdd(int iContactID)
            string sSql = @"select (case [Status] when 'Prospect' then 'Opportunity' when 'Processing' then 'Active Loan' else [Status] end) as StatusName, (case [Status] when 'Prospect' then 'Opportunity' when 'Processing' then 'Active Loan' else [Status] + ' Loan' end + ' - ' + LienPosition + ' - ' + PropertyAddr + ' Note') as NoteTypeName,FileId as ContactId  from dbo.Loans where FileId in (                                     
                        select lc.FileId from dbo.[lpvw_GetLoanContactwRoles] lc inner join Loans l on lc.FileId=l.FileId where ContactId=" + iContactID + " and (RoleName='Borrower' or RoleName='CoBorrower')) and ([Status]='Prospect' or [Status]='Processing')";

Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取具有branc manager 权限的 User列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sWhere"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetBranchManagerSeletion()
            string sSql = @"SELECT Users.UserId, Users.Username,Users.LastName+', '+ Users.FirstName as FullName FROM 
 Users WHERE RoleID='2' order by LastName";

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get point folder id by region id/division id/branch id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sType"></param>
        /// <param name="iID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataTable GetPointFolderIDByRegion(string sType, int iID)
            DataTable dtRe = new DataTable();
            string    sSQL = "SELECT FolderId FROM PointFolders WHERE 1>0";// AND [Enabled]='true' ";

                switch (sType.ToLower())
                case "region":
                    sSQL += " AND BranchId IN(SELECT BranchId FROM Branches WHERE RegionID = " + iID.ToString() + ")";

                case "division":
                    sSQL += " AND BranchId IN(SELECT BranchId FROM Branches WHERE DivisionID = " + iID.ToString() + ")";

                case "branch":
                    sSQL += " AND BranchId =" + iID.ToString();

                case "company":
                    sSQL += "";
                sSQL += " ORDER BY FolderId";
                dtRe  = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSQL);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Beispiel #11
        public DataTable GetEmployment(int emplid)
            string querySql = "SELECT T1.CompanyName AS EmploymentName,"
                              + " T1.SelfEmployed,"
                              + " T1.Position,"
                              + " T1.StartMonth,"
                              + " T1.StartYear,"
                              + " T1.EndMonth,"
                              + " T1.EndYear,"
                              + " T2.Salary,"
                              + " T1.Phone,"
                              + " T1.YearsOnWork,"
                              + " T1.[Address] AS [Address],"
                              + " T1.City AS City,"
                              + " T1.[State] AS [State],"
                              + " T1.Zip AS Zip,"
                              + " T1.ContactBranchId,"
                              + " T1.BusinessType,"
                              + " T1.VerifyYourTaxes"
                              + " FROM ProspectEmployment AS T1"
                              + " LEFT JOIN ProspectIncome T2 ON T1.EmplId = T2.EmplId"
                              + " WHERE T1.Emplid = {0}";

            return(DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(string.Format(querySql, emplid)));
Beispiel #12
        public DataTable GetUserLoansViewPointFieldsHeadingInfo(int iUserID)
            string sSQL = @"select cpf.Heading,up.PointFieldId from UserLoansViewPointFields up 
                          left join CompanyLoanPointFields cpf on cpf.PointFieldId=up.PointFieldId where up.UserId=" + iUserID + "";

Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// get email log list for prospect
        /// neo 2011-04-28
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sDbTable"></param>
        /// <param name="iStartIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="iEndIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="strWhere"></param>
        /// <param name="orderName"></param>
        /// <param name="orderType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetProspectEmailLogListBase(string sDbTable, int iStartIndex, int iEndIndex, string strWhere, string orderName, int orderType)
            string sAscOrDesc = string.Empty;

            if (orderType == 0)
                sAscOrDesc = "asc";
                sAscOrDesc = "desc";

            SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand("lpsp_ExecSqlByPager");

            SqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@OrderByField", SqlDbType.NVarChar, orderName);
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@AscOrDesc", SqlDbType.VarChar, sAscOrDesc);
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@Fields", SqlDbType.NVarChar, "*");
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@DbTable", SqlDbType.NVarChar, sDbTable);
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@Where", SqlDbType.NVarChar, strWhere);
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@StartIndex", SqlDbType.Int, iStartIndex);
            DbHelperSQL.AddSqlParameter(SqlCmd, "@EndIndex", SqlDbType.Int, iEndIndex);

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// get loan officer list
        /// neo 2011-03-13
        /// ProspectDetailPopup.aspx, modified by peter on 2011-03-20
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iUserID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataTable GetLoanOfficerList(int iUserID)
            // get branch count
            //string sSql0 = "select count(1) from lpfn_GetUserBranches_UserList(" + iUserID + ")";
            //int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelperSQL.ExecuteScalar(sSql0));

            // all loan officer, modified by peter
            string sSql = "select a.UserID, a.FirstName +', '+ a.LastName as FullName "
                        + "from Users as a "
                        + "inner join GroupUsers as b on a.UserId = b.UserID "
                        + "inner join Groups as c on b.GroupID = c.GroupId "
                        + "where c.Enabled = 1 and a.UserEnabled=1 and a.RoleId = 3"
                        + " and (c.BranchId in (select * from lpfn_GetUserBranches_UserList(" + iUserID + ")))";
            sSql += "GROUP BY a.UserID, a.FirstName, a.LastName";

            // if belong to branch, get loan officer under same branch
            //if (iCount > 0)
            //    sSql += " and (c.BranchId in (select * from lpfn_GetUserBranches_UserList(" + iUserID + ")))";

            DataTable LoanOfficerList = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);

            DataRow NewLORow = LoanOfficerList.NewRow();
            NewLORow["UserID"] = 0;
            NewLORow["FullName"] = "-- select --";
            LoanOfficerList.Rows.InsertAt(NewLORow, 0);

            return LoanOfficerList;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取recipient role list
        /// neo 2010-12-08
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetRecipientRoleListBase()
            string sSql = "select ContactRoleId as RoleID, 'Contact' as RecipientType, Name as RecipientRole from ContactRoles "
                          + "union "
                          + "select RoleID, 'User' as RecipientType, Name as RecipientRole from Roles where RoleId not in (1,2)";

Beispiel #16
        public DataTable GetUserLoansViewPointFieldsInfo(int iUserID, int iFileID)
            string sSQL = @"select cpf.Heading,lf.CurrentValue from UserLoansViewPointFields up 
                            left join LoanPointFields lf on lf.PointFieldId=up.PointFieldId and FileId=" + iFileID;

            sSQL += " left join CompanyLoanPointFields cpf on cpf.PointFieldId=up.PointFieldId where up.UserId=" + iUserID + "";
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// get loan officer user info
        /// neo 2012-12-29
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iFileId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetLoanOfficerInfo(int iFileId)
            string sSql = @"select u.* from LoanTeam lt inner join Users u
	on lt.UserId=u.UserId inner join Roles r
	on lt.RoleId=r.RoleId and r.Name='Loan Officer' and lt.FileId ="     + iFileId;

Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// get rule with alert email template info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iRuleID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetRuleWithAlertEmailTpltInfo(int iRuleID)
            string sSql = @"SELECT a.*, b.Name AS AlertEmailTpltName, b.Enabled AS EmailTpltEnabled, 
                b.[Desc] AS EmailTpltDesc, b.FromUserRoles, b.FromEmailAddress, b.Content, b.Subject
                FROM Template_Rules a LEFT JOIN Template_Email b ON a.AlertEmailTemplId=b.TemplEmailId
                WHERE a.RuleId=" + iRuleID;

Beispiel #19
 public DataTable GetDisStartByInfo()
     DataTable dt;
     string sSql = @"SELECT  Distinct   dbo.Users.UserId, dbo.lpfn_GetUserName(dbo.Users.UserId) AS StartedByUser
                 FROM         dbo.LoanMarketing LEFT OUTER JOIN
                 dbo.Users ON dbo.LoanMarketing.StartedBy = dbo.Users.UserId order by StartedByUser";
     dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);
     return dt;
Beispiel #20
 public DataTable GetAllList(string OrgCode, int startIndex, int pageSize, string order)
         string strSql = string.Format("select a.Id,b.OrgShortName as OrganizationId,a.UserName,a.UserTel,a.ConsContent,a.Editor,a.CreateDate  FROM T_Contacts as a left join T_Organization as b on a.FK_OrganizationId = b.OrgCode  where a.FK_OrganizationId='{0}' {1}", OrgCode, order);
         return(DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(strSql, startIndex * pageSize, pageSize, "T_Contacts"));
     catch { throw; }
Beispiel #21
 public DataTable GetAllList(string sqlWhere, int startIndex, int pageSize, string order)
         string strSql = string.Format("select Id,PlacardTitle,PlacardContent,Publisher,ReleaseTime,NumClicks,DepName from T_Placard  where {0} {1}", sqlWhere, order);
         return(DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(strSql, startIndex * pageSize, pageSize, "T_Placard"));
     catch { throw; }
Beispiel #22
        public DataTable SearchSingleContact(string strWhere)
            string sSql = "SELECT * FROM ContactBranches";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strWhere))
                sSql += " WHERE  " + strWhere;
Beispiel #23
        public bool ExistIncome(int emplid)
            DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(string.Format(existSql, emplid));

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                return(Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()) == 1);
Beispiel #24
        public DataTable GetBranches(string con)
            string sql =
                "SELECT     Branches.Name, GroupUsers.UserID, Groups.DivisionID, Groups.RegionID, Groups.BranchID " +
                " FROM         GroupUsers INNER JOIN " +
                "Groups ON GroupUsers.GroupID = Groups.GroupId INNER JOIN " +
                "Branches ON Groups.BranchID = Branches.BranchId";

            return(DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sql + con));
Beispiel #25
        protected void bind()
            DataTable dtyoule     = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable("select SerUserID from ServerUser where SerUserID not in (select SerUserID from ServerUser_Education)", CommandType.Text);
            DataTable dtwanzheng  = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable("select * from ServerUser where SerUserID in (select SerUserID from ServerUser_Work where SerUserID in (select SerUserID from ServerUser_Post))", CommandType.Text);
            DataTable dtchengjiao = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable("select * from ServerUser where SerUserID in(select SerUserID from Reward_Order)", CommandType.Text);

            youke     = dtyoule.Rows.Count.ToString();
            wanzheng  = dtwanzheng.Rows.Count.ToString();
            chengjiao = dtchengjiao.Rows.Count.ToString();
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iUserID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetUserPointFieldInfo(int iUserID)
            string sSql = @"select a.PointFieldId, a.UserId, b.Heading, c.Label, c.DataType, 
case when c.DataType=2 then 'Numeric' when c.DataType=3 then 'Yes/No' when c.DataType=4 then 'Date' else 'String' end as DataTypeName 
from UserLoansViewPointFields as a 
left join CompanyLoanPointFields as b on a.PointFieldId = b.PointFieldId 
left join PointFieldDesc as c on a.PointFieldId = c.PointFieldId 
where a.UserId=" + iUserID;

Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 得到所有的Referra; 数据源
        /// Alex 2011-04-07
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetReferralContactInfo()
            DataTable dt   = new DataTable();
            string    sSql = @"SELECT  c1.ContactId, ISNULL(c1.Lastname,'')+ (CASE ISNULL(c1.Lastname,'') when '' then ' ' else ', ' end) +ISNULL(c1.Firstname,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(c1.Middlename,'') as Referral
                        FROM   dbo.Prospect left outer join dbo.Contacts c1 on c1.ContactId = dbo.Prospect.Referral
                        WHERE     (ISNULL(dbo.Prospect.Referral, '') <> '') order by Referral ";

            dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql);

Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// get items of branch filter for "All Loans" in dashboard home
        /// neo 2010-10-24
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iManagerID"></param>
        /// <param name="iRegionID"></param>
        /// <param name="iDivisionID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetBranchList_AllLoansBase(int iManagerID, int iRegionID, int iDivisionID)
            string sWhere1 = string.Empty;
            string sWhere2 = string.Empty;

            if (iRegionID != 0)
                sWhere1 += " and b.RegionID=" + iRegionID + " ";
                sWhere2 += " and RegionID=" + iRegionID + " ";

            if (iDivisionID != 0)
                sWhere1 += " and b.DivisionID=" + iDivisionID + " ";
                sWhere2 += " and DivisionID=" + iDivisionID + " ";

            string sSql = " SELECT [Name] ,[BranchId] FROM( "
                          + " select Name,  BranchId from Branches where Enabled=1 and exists( "
                          + "     select * from Groups as a inner join GroupUsers as b on a.GroupId = b.GroupID where OrganizationType='Company' "
                          + "     and b.UserID = " + iManagerID + ")" + sWhere2
                          + "union "
                          + "select b.Name, b.BranchId from BranchManagers as a left outer join Branches as b on a.BranchId = b.BranchId "
                          + "where b.Enabled=1 and BranchMgrId=" + iManagerID + sWhere1
                          + "union "
                          + "select  b.Name,b.BranchId from GroupUsers as a left outer join Branches as b on a.GroupID = b.GroupID "
                          + "where b.Enabled=1 and a.UserID=" + iManagerID + sWhere1
                          + "union "
                          + "select Name, BranchId from Branches where ((RegionID in ( "
                          + "    select b.RegionId from RegionExecutives as a left outer join Regions as b on a.RegionId = b.RegionId "
                          + "    where b.Enabled=1 and ExecutiveId=" + iManagerID + " "
                          + "    union "
                          + "    select b.RegionId from GroupUsers as a left outer join Regions as b on a.GroupID = b.GroupID "
                          + "    where b.Enabled=1 and a.UserID=" + iManagerID + " "
                          + ")) "
                          + "or (DivisionID in ( "
                          + "    select b.DivisionId from DivisionExecutives as a left outer join Divisions as b on a.DivisionId = b.DivisionId "
                          + "    where b.Enabled=1 and ExecutiveId=" + iManagerID + " "
                          + "    union "
                          + "    select b.DivisionId from GroupUsers as a left outer join Divisions as b on a.GroupID = b.GroupID "
                          + "    where b.Enabled=1 and a.UserID=" + iManagerID + " "
                          + "    union "
                          + "    select DivisionId from Divisions where RegionID in ( "
                          + "        select b.RegionId from RegionExecutives as a left outer join Regions as b on a.RegionId = b.RegionId "
                          + "        where b.Enabled=1 and ExecutiveId=" + iManagerID + " "
                          + "        union "
                          + "        select b.RegionId from GroupUsers as a left outer join Regions as b on a.GroupID = b.GroupID "
                          + "        where b.Enabled=1 and a.UserID=" + iManagerID + " "
                          + "    ) "
                          + ")))" + sWhere2
                          + "   ) tmptb order by Name ";

Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// get stage list of workflow tempalte (Template_Wfl_Stages)
        /// neo 2011-02-09
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iWorkflowTemplateID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetWflStageListBase(int iWorkflowTemplateID)
            string sSql = "select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY a.SequenceNumber) AS RowIndex, *, (select COUNT(1) from Template_Wfl_Tasks where WflStageId=a.WflStageId) as TaskCount "
                          + ", CASE ISNULL(a.CalculationMethod,0) WHEN 0 THEN c.CalculationMethod ELSE a.CalculationMethod END AS CalculationMethodCode"
                          + " from Template_Wfl_Stages as a "
                          + " inner join Template_Stages as b on a.TemplStageId = b.TemplStageId "
                          + " inner join Template_Workflow as c on a.WflTemplId = c.WflTemplId"
                          + " where a.WflTemplId=" + iWorkflowTemplateID;

        protected void bind()
            DataTable dtershi = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable("select * from Person where PerID  not in (select PerID from Person_Education) and PerID  not in (select PerID from Person_ExpectWork)and PerID  not in (select PerID from Person_Skill)  and PerID  not in (select PerID from Person_Project)  ", CommandType.Text);
            DataTable dtwushi = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable("select * from Person where PerID   in (select PerID from Person_Education) ", CommandType.Text);
            DataTable dtbashi = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable("select * from Person where PerID  in (select PerID from Person_Work where PerID  in (select PerID from Person_Education) )", CommandType.Text);
            DataTable dtyibai = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable("select PerID from Person where PerID  in (select PerID from Person_Skill where PerID in (select PerID from Person_Education) and PerID in (select PerID from Person_Work) ) ", CommandType.Text);

            ershi = dtershi.Rows.Count.ToString();
            wushi = dtwushi.Rows.Count.ToString();
            bashi = dtbashi.Rows.Count.ToString();
            yibai = dtyibai.Rows.Count.ToString();