Beispiel #1
 public void SetNames()
     using (var helper = new DbHelper.Exam())
         var type = helper.GetExamType(Convert.ToInt32(cmbExamType.SelectedValue));
         if (type != null)
             txtName.Text            = type.Name;
             txtWeight.Text          = type.Weight == null ? "" : type.Weight.ToString();
             ddlWeight.SelectedIndex = (type.IsPercent) ? 0 : 1;
             CKEditor1.Text          = type.Notice;
Beispiel #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var user = Page.User as CustomPrincipal;

            if (user != null)
                using (var helper = new DbHelper.Exam())
                    var list = helper.ListExamTypes(user.SchoolId);
                    DataList1.DataSource = list;
Beispiel #3
        void SaveExamType()
            if (Page.IsValid)
                var user = Page.User as CustomPrincipal;
                if (user != null)
                        var ispercent = ddlWeight.SelectedIndex == 0;
                        var eType     = new Academic.DbEntities.Exams.ExamType()
                            Id = ExamTypeId
                            Name = txtName.Text
                            Description = txtDescription.Text
                            IsPercent = ispercent
                            SchoolId = user.SchoolId
                            Notice = CKEditor1.Text

                        if (txtFullmarks.Text != "")
                            eType.FullMarks = Convert.ToInt32(txtFullmarks.Text);
                        if (txtPassmarks.Text != "")
                            eType.PassMarks = Convert.ToInt32(txtPassmarks.Text);

                        eType.Weight = (float)Convert.ToDecimal(txtWeight.Text);

                        using (var helper = new DbHelper.Exam())
                            var saved = helper.AddOrUpdateExamType(eType);
                            if (saved != null)
                    catch { }
Beispiel #4
 private void LoadExams()
     using (var helper = new DbHelper.Exam())
         var acaId  = Convert.ToInt32(cmbAcademicYear.SelectedValue == "" ? "0" : cmbAcademicYear.SelectedValue);
         var sessId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue == "" ? "0" : cmbSession.SelectedValue);
         var exams  = helper.GetExamList(SchoolId, acaId, sessId);
         foreach (var exam in exams)
             ItemsOfListUc item =
             item.SetFields(exam.Id, exam.Name, exam.ExamType.Name, exam.ResultDate, exam.UpdatedDate
                            , exam.Weight ?? 0, exam.NoticeContent);
Beispiel #5
        public void SetExams(int schoolId, int acaId, int sesId, string combinedName, bool completed)
            if (completed)
                btnNewExam.Visible = false;
            else if (Manager)
                btnNewExam.Visible     = true;
                btnNewExam.NavigateUrl = "~/Views/Exam/Exam/CreateExam.aspx?aId=" + acaId + "&sId=" + sesId;
            using (var helper = new DbHelper.Exam())
                var exams = helper.GetExamList(schoolId, acaId, sesId);
                dlistExam.DataSource = exams;

            //both name combined
            lblAcaSesName.Text = combinedName;
Beispiel #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                var eoc = Request.QueryString["eocId"];
                if (eoc != null)
                        hidExamOfClassId.Value = eoc;
                        using (var ehelper = new DbHelper.Exam())
                            using (var shelper = new DbHelper.Subject())
                                using (var bhelper = new DbHelper.Batch())
                                    var examClass = ehelper.GetExamOfClass(ExamOfClassId);

                                    if (examClass != null)
                                        //UI title and other controls
                                        lblExamName.Text  = examClass.Exam.Name;
                                        lblClassName.Text = examClass.RunningClass.ProgramBatch.NameFromBatch;

                                        //Courses in this exam
                                        var lst = shelper.ListExamCourses(examClass.Id);
                                        var i   = 1;
                                        foreach (var es in lst)
                                            pnlSubjects.Controls.Add(new HyperLink()
                                                Text = i + ". " + es.SubjectClass.SubjectStructure.Subject.FullName + "<br/>"
                                                CssClass = "margin-top-bottom-little"

                                        //students in the exam
                                        i = 1;
                                        var stds = bhelper.ListStudentsOfProgramBatch(examClass.RunningClass.ProgramBatch.Id);
                                        foreach (var s in stds)
                                            pnlStudents.Controls.Add(new HiddenField()
                                                Value = s.UserId.ToString()
                                            pnlStudents.Controls.Add(new Label()
                                                Text = i + ". "
                                            pnlStudents.Controls.Add(new Image()
                                                ImageUrl = s.ImageUrl
                                                Width = 40
                                                Height = 40
                                                BorderColor = Color.LightSlateGray
                                                BorderWidth = 1
                                                BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid
                                                //CssClass = "margin-top-bottom-little"
                                            pnlStudents.Controls.Add(new HyperLink()
                                                Text = "&nbsp;&nbsp; " + s.CRN + "     " + s.Name + "<br/>"
                                                CssClass = "margin-top-bottom-little"
                    catch { }
Beispiel #7
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                    var eId = Request.QueryString["eId"];
                    if (eId != null)
                        using (var helper = new DbHelper.Exam())
                            hidExamId.Value = eId;
                            var examId = ExamId;
                            var exam   = helper.GetExam(examId);

                            if (exam.ExamTypeId != null)
                                lblName.Text = exam.ExamType.Name;
                                //noticeDiv.InnerText = exam.Notice;
                                lblWeight.Text = exam.ExamType.Weight.ToString() + ((exam.IsPercent ?? false) ? " %" : " Marks");
                                if (exam.NoticeContent == "")
                                    exam.NoticeContent = exam.ExamType.Notice;
                                lblName.Text   = exam.Name;
                                lblWeight.Text = exam.Weight.ToString() + ((exam.IsPercent ?? false) ? " %" : " Marks");
                            //noticeDiv.InnerText = Server.HtmlDecode(exam.Notice);

                            var notice = exam.NoticeContent;

                            notice = notice.Replace("@Start_Date",
                                                    exam.StartDate == null ? "_ _ _" : exam.StartDate.Value.ToShortDateString());
                            notice = notice.Replace("@Result_Date",
                                                    exam.ResultDate == null ? "_ _ _" : exam.ResultDate.Value.ToShortDateString());
                            notice = notice.Replace("@Name", exam.Name);
                            notice = notice.Replace("@Weight",
                                                    exam.Weight == null ? "_ _ _" : exam.Weight + (exam.IsPercent ?? false ? " %" : " Marks"));

                            Literal1.Text = notice;
                            //Label1.Text = exam.Notice;
                            lblResultDate.Text = exam.ResultDate == null
                                ? ""
                                : exam.ResultDate.Value.ToShortDateString();

                            lblStartDate.Text = exam.StartDate == null
                                ? ""
                                : exam.StartDate.Value.ToShortDateString();

                            //exam classes
                            var classes = helper.ListExamClasses(examId);
                            var progs   = classes.GroupBy(x => x.RunningClass.Year.Program).OrderBy(y => y.Key.Name);
                            foreach (var p in progs)
                                var label1 = new Label()
                                    Text = "<div style=\"text-align: left;\">● " +
                                           p.Key.Name + "</div>"

                                var years = p.GroupBy(x => x.RunningClass.Year).OrderBy(y => y.Key.Position);
                                foreach (var y in years)
                                    var label2 = new HyperLink()
                                        Text       = " &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; " + y.Key.Name
                                        , CssClass = "link"
                                        , Font     = { Underline = false }

                                    foreach (var s in y)
                                        if (s.RunningClass.SubYearId != null)
                                            label2.Text += " , " + s.RunningClass.SubYear.Name;

                                        label2.Text += (s.RunningClass == null
                                            ? ""
                                            : "&nbsp;&nbsp; | " + s.RunningClass.ProgramBatch.NameFromBatch)
                                                       + "<br/>";

                                        label2.NavigateUrl = "~/Views/Exam/Exam/ExamClass.aspx?eocId=" + s.Id;
                catch { }
Beispiel #8
        protected void btnSaveExam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var user = User as CustomPrincipal;

            //var text = txtNotice.Text;
            //if (text.Contains("script"))
            //    return;

            if (Page.IsValid && user != null)
                var exam = new Academic.DbEntities.Exams.Exam();
                if (cmbExamType.SelectedValue == "0")
                    //then exam will be custom

                    exam.Id             = ExamId;
                    exam.AcademicYearId = AcademicYearId;
                    //exam.ExamCoordinatorId = Convert.ToInt32(cor)
                    exam.Name          = txtName.Text;
                    exam.Weight        = (float)Convert.ToDecimal(txtWeight.Text == "" ? "0" : txtWeight.Text);
                    exam.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    exam.NoticeContent = CKEditor1.Text;
                    exam.SchoolId      = user.SchoolId;
                    exam.CreatedBy     = user.Id;
                    exam.IsPercent     = (ddlWeight.SelectedIndex == 0) ? true : false;
                    exam.PublishNoticeToNoticeBoard = chkPublish.Checked;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtStartDate.Text))
                        exam.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtResultDate.Text))
                        exam.ResultDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtResultDate.Text);

                    if (SessionId > 0)
                        exam.SessionId = SessionId;
                    //not needed to insert examTypeId since its now custom
                    if (ExamTypeId == 0)
                        exam.ExamTypeId = null;
                    //if (ExamTypeId > 0)
                    //    exam.ExamTypeId = ExamTypeId;
                    if (ExamId > 0)
                        exam.Id = ExamId;
                    //then exam will be refrencing examType
                    exam.Id             = ExamId;
                    exam.AcademicYearId = AcademicYearId;
                    //exam.ExamCoordinatorId = Convert.ToInt32(cor)
                    //exam.Name = txtName.Text
                    //exam.Weight = (float)Convert.ToDecimal(txtWeight.Text == "" ? "0" : txtWeight.Text)
                    exam.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    exam.NoticeContent = CKEditor1.Text;
                    exam.SchoolId      = user.SchoolId;
                    exam.CreatedBy     = user.Id;
                    exam.PublishNoticeToNoticeBoard = chkPublish.Checked;

                    //IsPercent = (ddlWeight.SelectedIndex == 0) ? true : false

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtStartDate.Text))
                        exam.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtResultDate.Text))
                        exam.ResultDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtResultDate.Text);

                    if (SessionId > 0)
                        exam.SessionId = SessionId;
                    if (ExamTypeId > 0)
                        exam.ExamTypeId = ExamTypeId;
                    if (ExamId > 0)
                        exam.Id = ExamId;
                using (var helper = new DbHelper.Exam())
                    //uncomment this
                    //var saved = helper.AddOrUpdateExam(exam, user.Id, ProgramSelection1.GetData(),txtTitleOfNotice.Text);
                    //if (saved != null)
                    //    Response.Redirect("~/Views/Exam/Exam/ExamsList.aspx?aId=" + saved.AcademicYearId + "&sId=" +
                    //                      (saved.SessionId ?? 0));
                    //    lblError.Visible = true;
Beispiel #9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblError.Visible = false;
            if (!IsPostBack)
                //Page.ValidateRequestMode = ValidateRequestMode.Disabled;

                var aId = Request.QueryString["aId"];
                var sId = Request.QueryString["sId"];
                var eId = Request.QueryString["eId"];

                    if (aId != null)
                        if (sId != null)
                            SessionId = Convert.ToInt32(sId.ToString());
                        AcademicYearId = Convert.ToInt32(aId.ToString());
                    if (eId != null)
                        ExamTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(eId.ToString());

                var user = Page.User as CustomPrincipal;
                if (user != null)
                    hidSchoolId.Value = user.SchoolId.ToString();
                    using (var helper = new DbHelper.Exam())
                        var et = helper.ListExamTypes(user.SchoolId);

                        et.Insert(0, new Academic.DbEntities.Exams.ExamType()
                            Id = 0
                            Name = "Custom..."
                        cmbExamType.DataSource = et;

            //string parameter = Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"];
            //if (parameter == "visible")
            //    //pnlCoordinator.Visible = true;
            //else if (parameter == "invisible")
            //    pnlCoordinator.Visible = false;
